Read Age of Men Page 15

creatures were these monsters? How could he ever protect his son from such giant, horrid beasts?

  One of the creatures spotted Jack and let out a loud screech before it opened its wings setting them alight again. It flapped its fiery wings and ascended into flight, then swooped down towards the fleeing humans and grabbed one in each of its claws.

  Jack and Timmy screamed as the fiery demon flew off to the distant mountains with them and then the other monsters followed.



  Alicia and Bruce stepped out of the cabin; each wearing a backpack Bruce had made from animal skins. Alicia held onto the straps and gasped at the ocean in front of the cabin; it was more beautiful during the day than it was at night with the glistened waters shining like purple diamonds.

  A Cirrus cloud stretched for a few miles across the sky before disappearing like mist before the rising suns to the east. The thin, wispy strands of cloud were a brilliant white and light purple that reflected the ocean below like mirages of a dream.

  “We should get going.” Bruce said, “We have about another fourteen hours of daylight left.”

  “Fourteen hours?” Alicia asked confused.

  “Yes. It’s difficult to say precisely without a watch, but according to my calculations the days on this planet are 32 hours instead of 24. That’s probably also why I never realized how long I’ve been stuck here.”

  They started walking along the white beach towards the forest to the west and Alicia noticed a little pink crab scurrying across the sand before it disappeared into the breaking waves of the tranquil purple ocean. If it wasn’t for the fact that she was worried sick about her family, it would’ve made for the perfect walk on the beach – it was a warm morning with a cool, light breeze that plucked ever so slightly at her hair.

  “So tell me more about your husband and son.” Bruce said.

  “Jack’s the most wondrous man. He’s funny, smart and a bit on the peculiar side, but it’s his oddness and quirks that made me fall in love with him the first moment I saw him. And our son, Timmy, he’s just a ball of fun.”

  “How long have you been married?”

  “Just over eight years now.” Alicia said proudly.

  “You’ll have to excuse my prying. My wife always said I was a nosy person. I always just had to know what was going on in other people’s lives. She probably died of worry after I disappeared. We never spent more than a few hours apart from each other.”

  Bruce‘s mind got lost in memories of his wife and how happy they were. He never really noticed how much he had missed his wife until Alicia started talking about her family. Was she still alive, he wondered? If she’s still alive it could be possible that she too was transported to his planet just like Alicia… he just had to find her.

  “I miss her so much.” Bruce said softly, “Maybe she’s here? Anything is possible, right?”


  They walked in silence for the rest of the way across the beach; each one lost in memories of their loved ones and hopes of seeing them again. After about another five minutes’ walk, the beach surrendered to a group of grey boulders that looked liked balled up elephants hiding their heads in the sand and reminded her of elephants in cartoons from the 1930s. Though they couldn’t see it from where they were, Bruce knew that danger lurked beyond the boulders that would eventually give way to a field of thick, bushy plants.

  He turned to her as they reached the boulders and with great caution in his eyes and demeanor, he gestured for her to stop.

  “You’d better watch your step.” Bruce said, “The way forward gets dangerous from here on.”

  He climbed onto the first boulder and reached out to help Alicia, but she declined his sign of chivalry with a sincere smile.

  “I’ll manage.” She said.

  Alicia struggled onto the boulder and then the two of them climbed up two bigger boulders to get a better look at what awaited them. Alicia gasped at the sight of what lay before them; the boulders continued for about another twenty feet and then from thereon a field of frightening plants laid stretched out for about a hundred feet. The plants were enormous Venus Flytraps – each trap was about five feet wide and looked hungry to devour their flesh. The peaceful, yet frightening plants swayed back and forth in the light breeze with their open traps ready to slam shut at the slightest movement.

  “You want us to go through that?” Alicia gasped.

  “These plants keep my house and beach safe. They’re the least of your worries out there. There are more dangerous creatures beyond these plants. As long as you don’t touch one of them you’ll be fine.”

  “You’re kidding right?” Alicia pleaded, “Is there no other way around them?”

  “These plants border the entire beach. The only way to get to the other side is to go through them.”

  Bruce stared at her for a moment, smiled and then continued across the boulders. She hesitated at the thought of being eaten alive by a plant, sighed and then followed him. Was this man insane? He seemed insane and possibly could be. Perhaps the lack of human interactions made him crazy? No one in their right mind would suggest going through a field of giant carnivorous plants. As long as you don’t touch one of them… rantings of a mad man.

  They made their way across the boulders; using each one as a stepping stone while Alicia dreaded the plants that awaited them. When they reached the end of the collection of boulders, they stepped off the last boulder and stared at the field of seemingly dormant plants – peaceful and oblivious of their surroundings like any other plant, but it was evident that one wrong move could spell disaster amidst the alien plants.

  “Come on.” He whispered, “Keep your voice down. They can feel sound vibrations.”

  They can feel vibrations? Alicia knew for certain that Bruce was completely bonkers. He talked about the plants as if they were human, which were clear signs of delusion.

  Bruce motioned for her to follow him into the field of plants and though Alicia was hesitant, she finally followed him towards the carnivorous plants that were taller than they were and seemed unaware of their presence. Alicia glanced at an open trap as she walked by; it was an intense colour of red with spikes and fleshy green parts that bordered the rim. The red fleshy part of the trap released a sweet aroma to attract prey and smelled almost like honey mixed with yogurt – a smell that called out to Alicia.

  The giant trap next to her shifted a bit in the wind, but it was enough to freak Alicia out.

  “This one moved.” She whispered terrified.

  “Keep moving.” Bruce whispered back, “They can sense us, but if you don’t touch them they can’t find us.”

  That’s not comforting… Alicia thought, these plants can eat us at any moment. I don’t want to be eaten by a giant, alien plant on a strange world.

  Three more plants to their left shifted as if searching for the humans; making Alicia’s concerns grow. What would happen if they accidentally touched one of the plants?

  “One of these bastards came damn close to getting me the other day.” Bruce whispered, “Luckily, these old bones of mine are still strong enough to run for it. I made a run for it as they tried chomping down on me left and right, but I made it.”

  “These things give me the creeps.” Alicia whispered.

  She kept a watchful eye on the plants as they cautiously made their way through the maze of green devils; making zigzag movements around some of the plants – arching her back and moving her limbs with extreme caution.

  Bruce whispered back over his shoulder, ““These plants make you realize that you may just be at the bottom of the food chain out here.”

  His backpack nearly touched a trap as he contorted around a plant, but Alicia pulled him back just in time. Both of them stared at the plant which was only a few inches from his backpack.

  “Thanks.” Bruce whispered.

  They continued through the plants; walking as if stepping on broken glass… trying not to disturb any of the dormant plant

  “What other surprises await us?” Alicia whispered, “What’s on the other side of these plants? What are they protecting you from?”

  Alicia’s backpack slightly touched the rim of a trap to her left and instantaneously the trap chomped down on her backpack; pushing her down to the ground. Bruce spun around as she screamed while the plant was munching on the backpack like a wild beast. Alicia struggled to free herself from the backpack straps that finally snapped free and the plant devoured it as if it was the first meal it had in years.

  Her scream had informed the surrounding plants exactly where they were and the plants all started snapping wildly around them in hopes of getting a bite of whatever was lurking amongst them. One plant snapped at Alicia and missed her face by mere inches as Bruce grabbed her and pulled her to her feet. They had to make a run for it or the plants would get them and tear them to shreds.

  “Run!” Bruce insisted.

  Bruce grabbed her by the hand and they ran through the last few yards of snapping plants. To their left and to their right the giant plants snapped viciously; hoping to tear through the flesh of the humans. When they finally cleared the field of plants, they slowed down and Alicia looked back. Their traps were still snapping wildly hoping to catch them.

  “That was intense.” She said as she gasped for air.

  Slowly the plants quieted down again when they realized their meal was out of reach. Two of the plants at the edge of the field unearthed their roots and