Read Aideen Page 12

  For a second everything stopped and, in slow motion, a cloud of white smoke consumed Alec’s head and upper body, but when I realised what just happened, I admit I wet myself a tiny bit.

  I fell against the door frame as my laughter turned to wheezing. I crossed my legs to stop myself from having a full on accident and fanned my face when I felt like it was overheating.

  “Are you fucking kidding me!?” Alec shouted, then sputtered as the powder got in his mouth.

  “Don’t cuss!” Nico snapped.

  Alec rubbed powder out of his eyes then reached out and smacked the back of Nico’s head. “Look at me! Don’t tell me not to fucking cuss!”

  Nico bent his leg and tried to kick Alec with a backward strike. “If I didn’t have this baby on this table, I’d kick your ass!”

  Oh, God, please.

  I was going to have a heart attack from laughing. I watched through blurred eyes as Nico lifted Jax from his changing table and placed him into his playpen so he could take Alec on.

  “Stop,” I begged.

  “This is not funny, Aideen!” Alec bellowed at me. “I look like Tony from Scarface after he dove head first into a pile of cocaine.”

  That was it.

  I was done.

  I sunk down to the floor and cried with both laughter and pain from the horrendous stitch in my side.

  “She’s down!” Alec screeched and rushed over to me.

  I sputtered and coughed.

  “Is it the baby?” Alec asked in a panic as he kneeled next to me and placed his powdered hands on my stomach.

  “No,” I wheezed. “It’s you two. So... funny!”

  Alec hissed in disgust. “I thought you were hurt you bitch! Don’t scare me like that again.”

  I continued to laugh. “I love you so much.”

  Alec rolled his eyes. “Stop professing your love for me. I’m not having sex with you, get over it already.”

  I slapped at Alec’s chest and shoulders as tears of laughter streamed down my face.

  He was too much.

  I lay back on the floor and laughed.

  I couldn’t hear anything over my own laughter until footsteps vibrated on the floorboards under me. I opened my eyes and through the blur of my laughing tears I saw my one and only.

  “Kane,” I cackled.

  He tilted his head as he looked down at me. “Are you okay?” he asked with a smile on his face.

  “I’m perfect,” I said and wiped my tear-streaked face.

  He shook his head at me. “Babydoll, why are you on the floor crying with laughter? And what’s with all the powder?”

  I couldn’t form a sentence to answer his question so I pointed into Jax’s room. Kane turned his head and looked into the room and within seconds his eyes widened. “What... what the ever loving fuck happened in here?”

  “They happened!” I howled.

  I lifted my head and saw that Alec and Nico were tussling, and they were both covered in the baby powder now, not just Alec. They both stopped and began to stand up when they saw Kane. It was short lived as Alec muttered something to Nico that caused Nico to flip out and jump back on Alec who dropped like a ton of bricks when the weight of Nico’s body pressed down on him.

  Kane didn’t move a muscle; he simply shook his head and looked away from his brothers who were rolling around the white powdered floor like toddlers wrestling. His eyes refocused on me and he grinned. “You want a hand up?”

  “I don’t think I can stand, I’ve laughed myself into paralysis.”

  Kane snickered and reached down where he hooked his hands under my arms and pulled. One second I was on the floor, and the next I was upright and standing next to my love. I leaned against him and put my face in the crook of his neck.

  “You just missed the funniest thing I have ever seen in me entire life. I swear, Kane,” I panted. “It was amazin’. It all started with Nico changin’ a nappy, then Alec came in and boom, powder everywhere.”

  Kane vibrated with silent laughter as he hooked an arm around my waist to hold me upwards. “What happened to lead to them fighting like kids?”

  “Alec cursed when the powder went all over him and Nico called him out on it. Alec hit Nico, Nico hit Alec, then they started rolling around on the floor like they’re doin’ now.”

  Kane laughed and stepped away from me and into Jax’s bedroom. He put his foot on Nico’s head and it halted all movement from the pair of wannabe wrestlers.

  “I press down and it crushes your faces together, do you want to explain to your girls why you both have busted up faces when you go home?”

  Alec wheezed. “I can’t breathe! Get this fat bastard off of me right—”

  “It’s muscle!” Nico snapped and yanked on Alec’s hair.

  He literally reached up and pulled his brother’s hair.

  “Hey, enough!” Kane said on a laugh. “Both of you get up, you aren’t setting a good example for your nephew. He is watching everything you’re both doing right now.”

  Nico rolled off Alec and sat upright. He locked eyes with Jax who was lying down in his playpen in the corner of the room with his head turned in the direction of the brothers’ brawl.

  “You don’t mind me teaching Uncle Alec a lesson, do you, buddy?” Nico cooed.

  Jax screamed with delight at the attention and clapped his hands together making me laugh.

  “You little traitor!” Alec coughed as he continued to lie on the floor.

  I shook my head. “Are you okay, baby whisperer?”

  “No, I was just attacked,” Alec replied and shot daggers at Nico.

  “What did you just call him?” Kane asked me as he picked Jax up.

  Nico got to his feet and grumbled, “You don’t want to know.”

  I smiled and said to Kane, “I’ll tell you later.”

  He nodded his head and looked at his brothers, snorting.

  “You both look ridiculous.”

  Nico grunted. “This wouldn’t have happened if—”

  “If you hadn’t rushed me.” Alec cut Nico off.

  Nico stepped towards Alec, but Kane moved between them, holding Jax to his chest.

  “Stop it.”

  Alec rolled his eyes, but focused on the powder on his clothes. Nico did the same and headed out of the room and went straight to the bathroom. Alec went to the kitchen and when I heard the water running I chuckled.

  “When you’re both cleaned up, you can get back in here and clean this room.”

  Nico said nothing, but Alec complained which only caused Kane to grin.

  We walked into the kitchen when the door to our apartment opened again and in walked Ryder, Branna and Bronagh with Keela in tow. We all greeted them, but as soon as Nico entered the kitchen—less powdery—Bronagh focused solely on him.

  “You know the way Branna’s co-workers give me a scan every week for free when I pick her up on a Friday?”

  Nico nodded his head and continued to wipe the baby powder from his clothes and skin.

  “So I got the usual one today,” she explained, her smile still in place. “And I’m measurin’ at twenty-six weeks exactly.”

  “That’s great, babe, so we’re more than half way there?”

  Bronagh nodded her head, her smile practically splitting her face.

  “Why are you smiling at me like that?” Nico questioned.

  “The technician made a little discovery too… about the gender.”

  Nico gasped. “I thought we agreed not to find out.”

  “We did,” Bronagh nodded, “but she let it slip by mistake.”

  “You know the sex?” I asked.

  Bronagh nodded her head. “So does Branna, she was next to me when the woman said it by accident.”

  Nico nervously licked his lips. “Tell me then.”

  “Are you sure? If you don’t want to know then—”

  “Bronagh.” He cut her off. “Tell me.”


  I glared at her for the unnec
essary suspense and it caused her to laugh before she announced, “It’s a girl.”

  I screamed with delight and jumped up and down which got Jax excited. He began to jump and scream in Kane’s arms. Kane was frozen though, so were Alec and Ryder. They were all staring at Nico who was shockingly still.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I misheard you. I thought you said we were having a girl.”

  Bronagh blinked, taken aback by Nico’s lack of... expression. “We are havin’ a girl.”

  “You’re false,” Nico calmly said. “We’re having all boys.”

  Bronagh bit back a grin. “Is that so?”

  “Yeah, it is so,” Nico countered.

  “Well, honey, I don’t know what to tell you because it’s a baby girl in my belly... not a boy.”

  Nico paled and instantly turned to Kane. “I’ll swap you my kid when it’s born for Jax?”

  “Dominic!” Branna chastised.

  Kane stepped back and turned Jax away from his uncle’s wild eyes. “Not a chance.”

  Nico suddenly looked to the ceiling and shouted, “I asked for a boy, not a girl! This wasn’t part of the deal!”

  Branna looked at me, bemused. “Who is he talkin’ to?”

  I looked to the ceiling then back to Branna and smiled. “Jesus.”

  Branna snickered and playfully shook her head at Nico. “Good luck seeking counsel, but don’t get your hopes up... he never responds when I ask for help.”

  I don’t know why, but I looked at Ryder when Branna spoke and I saw the weight her words held over him. He looked troubled that she was talking to God about something... he looked like he wanted to be the one she spoke to instead.

  I let a small smile curve my lips.

  He wasn’t as disconnected as he wanted everyone to believe. He loved Branna, but for some strange reason he was fighting it, and I had no idea why.

  “Are you jokin’ right now?” Bronagh asked, her eyes welled with tears. “You better be because this isn’t funny.”

  Nico sighed. “Don’t get upset, it’s just a shock... I really thought we would just have boys.”

  “Why?” Bronagh asked.

  “Because Kane had a boy... it’s not fair if I don’t have one either.”

  Bronagh frowned. “Next time it might be a boy.”

  Nico placed his face in his hands. “What if she has sex really young? What if boys try it on with her in school like I did with you? Oh Christ, I need to sit down.”

  He pulled out a chair next to Ryder and sat down.

  “She’s not even born yet and you’re thinking about—”

  “We’ll have to teach Jax to follow her around and scare off boys,” Kane suggested.

  Alec nodded his head. “Good idea, an inside man will help.”

  “Will help what?”

  Ryder raised a brow. “Protecting a Slater girl from boys... what else?”

  I placed my hand on my chest. “That is bloody adorable.”

  Bronagh smiled down at Nico before moving closer to him, placing her hand on his head. It took a second, but he turned and kissed her growing belly before looking up at her.

  “A girl?”

  “A girl.”

  He inhaled and exhaled. “We can deal with a girl.”

  He sounded like he was trying to convince himself.

  “We could deal with twenty of them as long as we remain a team and don’t be outsmarted.”

  “Twenty?” Nico spluttered. “Never. No fucking way.”

  Bronagh laughed.

  I moved closer and gave her a long hug.

  “Congratulations, babe.”

  She squeezed me back. “You could be carryin’ a girl this time, too. You never know.”

  “Don’t you dare wish that upon us, Bronagh Murphy!” Kane almost snarled.

  I leaned down and kissed Nico’s head. “You will be a great daddy no matter what.”

  His lip twitched. “Thanks, Ado.”

  “Where is Dame?” I asked Bronagh. “Does he know?”

  She shook her head. “He is out lookin’ for a job. We’ll tell him later.”

  I nodded and moved over to Kane and Jax, taking Jax when he leaned towards me with outstretched arms. I took him into my arms, kissed his chubby cheeks and leaned against Kane’s side. I frowned when Big Phil entered my mind.

  I wanted to kick myself; I always thought about the disgusting son of a bitch when I felt thoroughly happy. It was a solid reminder that he remained out there and still wanted his vengeance. A part of me wanted him to attack and get it over with, while another part of me wanted to drag it out forever.

  The latter was wishful thinking, because I knew Big Phil was like a snake. He was waiting to strike us when we least expected it. That knowledge caused me to live in constant fear.

  I shook the thought away and looked to Ryder who was looking at Branna, but glanced away when she looked at him.

  “What are we goin’ to do about Branna and Ryder?” I murmured to Kane.

  He turned his head and looked at the pair in question before he looked back to me and sighed.

  “We can’t do anything, babydoll.” He frowned, his voice low. “They’ll come out of this stronger as a couple or they’ll break up and go their own ways.”

  That possibility made me feel sick.

  “Ryder and Branna will constantly be around one another even if they break up; their siblings are going to marry eventually, and they’ll share a niece or nephew.”

  Kane sighed. “Yeah, things will be tough if it comes to that.”

  Kane took Jax from me and walked over to Alec who instantly gave his nephew all his attention.

  I smiled and looked from my boys to Ryder and Branna once more. Branna coughed after drinking some water, so Ryder absentmindedly reached behind her and patted his hand between her shoulder blades to help her clear her throat, while he used his free hand to tap on the screen of his phone.

  “Maybe there is hope for them after all,” I murmured

  “Of course there is,” Bronagh’s voice said from behind me. “They belong together. Both of them just need a whack on the head in order to realise it.”

  I turned around and found Keela and Bronagh huddled together as they approached me, their voices low.

  “Enter Ash Wade.” Keela devilishly smirked.

  I blinked.

  “Who is Ash Wade?” I asked, keeping my voice low, too.

  “He is a new midwife that works the delivery suite with Branna,” Bronagh informed me, her grin so wide it made her look scary happy.

  I slowly nodded my head. “Okay, but how will Ash be the whack on the head Ryder and Branna both need to realise they’re meant for one another?” I questioned.

  Keela winked. “Let’s just say after Branna told me a gorgeous new male midwife has an identical monthly shift to hers, I got to thinkin’. What does a Slater brother hate more than anythin’ in this world when it comes to their women? What can’t they stand sniffin’ around what is theirs?”

  A light bulb went off in my head, and I smirked.

  “Other men.”

  “Exactly.” Bronagh beamed. “And what do women of Slater brothers love from other men?”

  I felt guilty when I said, “Attention.”

  “But why?” Keela pushed.

  I grinned. “Because attention from other men provokes our men to act like cavemen. We’re theirs and they have no problem declarin’ that to any man. Or woman.”

  “Not just a pretty face.” Bronagh winked. “We don’t need other men, but when they show us attention, we reap the benefits. I’m thinkin’ if Ash shows Branna some attention it might knock Ryder upside the head and ring alarm bells that he might actually lose her. Branna will see his reaction and boom, back to their old ways they will go.”

  I tilted my head to the side and said, “You do realise how bad the outcome could turn out to be, don’t you?”

  Bronagh shrugged. “I’ll have words with Ash, he’ll know the score and wil
l want to help. Everyone loves Branna and would do anythin’ for her.”

  I sighed. “What if this goes really bad and they both kill us for interferin’ in their relationship?”

  Keela shrugged. “It can’t go any worse than the way things are between them right now.”

  Are you sure about that?

  I gnawed on my inner cheek. “I suppose.”

  “Does that mean you’re in?” Bronagh asked, her eyebrows raised.

  Was I?

  I blinked. “What the hell, yeah, I’m in. I can’t let you both do this without me, something would definitely go arseways.”

  Bronagh thrust her hips and squealed. “This is goin’ to go perfectly,” she announced, then turned around and strolled away with Keela in tow.

  I lifted my hand and rubbed my neck, feeling very aware of the unsettling feeling that just took up residence in my stomach. I shook the feeling off and looked across the room to Ryder and Branna who were both on the opposite ends of the sofa, point blank ignoring each other.

  I nervously swallowed, and to myself, I quietly murmured, “What’s the worst that could happen?”

  A voice in the back of my head whispered one word.

  Don’t cry.

  I repeated the thought over and over as I sat in Aideen and Kane’s apartment and watched Bronagh interact with Dominic, his hand absentmindedly stroking her abdomen where their baby girl was growing.

  I gnawed on my inner cheek as I looked away from the happy couple, and focused on the plasma screen TV on the wall facing me. My eyes watched the program that was showing, but my brain had no clue what was happening because it was elsewhere. I straightened up and hoped I didn’t appear to be so out of sorts, but I wouldn’t have been surprised if I did because I felt dreadful.

  I was jealous.

  I was green with envy every time I looked at Kane and Aideen with sweet baby Jax, but my heart broke when I watched how Dominic interacted with Bronagh. She was my little sister. I was a whole decade older than her and she had surpassed me on the journey to motherhood.

  I had no doubt she would marry before me, too.

  I hated that I felt so bitter towards my own blood. I was beyond happy for them, but I hated them a little at the same time. Her and Dominic were solid. They suited each other so well, and their love, though sometimes extremely intense, was true and forever binding. The more I let myself think about them, the more depressed I felt when I looked at my own relationship.