Read Air Ship Boys : Or, the Quest of the Aztec Treasure Page 11



  The boys, in spite of their broken slumbers, all turned out promptlyat four o'clock the next morning. They found this hour thepleasantest of the day in this hot and dry region. The late moonwas just disappearing, and over the plains swept a breeze thathinted of snow on some mountain peak not far away. Not a soundbroke the stillness but the occasional cry of a skulking coyote.

  "Hear it, Elmer," said Alan, as the boys got busy in the baggagecar. "You want to look out for those fellows."

  "I ain't feared o' no cutes and I ain't feared of no Injun,"solemnly answered Elmer, "jist so dem rattlers gives me de go-by.Dat's all I ast."

  Buck's big wagon had arrived and was backed up to the car and now,by the light of a lantern hanging above the door, the work ofloading began.

  With their improved gas bag the boys had figured on a record flightwithout renewing the gas supply. They had hoped to be able to stayat least seventy-two hours in the air. But during a large part ofthis time they expected to drift without the engines, for they couldnot carry enough gasoline to last for more than twenty-four hours ofengine work. By their new calculations they had more than enoughgasoline, and according to Ned it seemed probable that the decreasedair pressure on the bag might extend the period of flight anothertwenty-four hours, or to four days.

  After that all would depend on the liquid hydrogen. The remarkablequalities of this unique product were to be tested for the firsttime in the history of ballooning. When the gas in the bag haddiminished by leakage through the valves and elsewhere so that itwas no longer sufficient to carry the car, the liquid hydrogen wasto be turned into gas which was to take the place of that lost. Nedhad left Washington with sixteen cubic feet of the liquid in eightdelicate Dewar bulbs, or casks. He figured that one-quarter of itwould be lost by evaporation, leaving twelve cubic feet. This seemsa small supply until one understands that the hydrogen increases involume 880 times as it returns into gas from the liquid form. Thetwelve cubic feet of liquid, therefore, would give them a littleover ten thousand cubic feet of new gas. And this, with the loss ofballast and provisions in three or four days, Ned calculated, wouldgive the balloon a new life of a day or so.

  Therefore, the secret plan was a direct journey to Elmer's camp, aflight of eighty-five miles, which would bring the Cibola near tothe foot of the mountains of mystery. After this camp had beenlocated and more gasoline taken aboard the boys were to head theircraft toward the Tunit Chas mountains. What would follow they couldnot foresee. With good luck they might be able to hover birdlikeover the peaks, canyons and plateaus for five days. With bad luckthey might have to come down sooner or fall. Then, if the Cibolafailed them, they would have to find their way to the treasuretemple and the ruined palace on foot in a rugged wilderness,infested with unfriendly Indians and reptiles, or struggle back, insome manner, if they could, to Elmer's relief station, and thus tocivilization.

  Should the worst happen and the balloon fail them, the boys might belost in a desolate region that is even now uncharted by thegovernment. The only resources they would have would be the Cibolaequipment and their own ability to take care of themselves. In anyevent, the knowledge that Elmer and Buck were in camp ready tosuccor them meant a good deal. And that was why the loading of theoverland outfit had so much interest for the boys.

  Of tins of provisions there were many: condensed foods--Germanerbswurst, or army rations of ground peas and meat; dried potatoes;eggs in powdered form; preserved and salt meats; hard tack; tea andcoffee; flour; and evaporated fruits. The water was alreadyarranged for and the wagon containing the casks was at Buck's adobehouse.

  On the floor of the wagon, packed in bunch grass, were the preciousgasoline casks. On top of all came the silk waterproof tent and thecamp equipage. Stowed under the seat was the box containing spareflags, a heliograph, part of a wireless telephone outfit (the otherpart was to be carried in the balloon) and compass. Two magazinerifles and ammunition were included in the outfit, and Elmer donnedfor the first time in his life a belt and holster to carry one ofthe magazine revolvers that Ned had bought on the day when he firsttold Alan what he had undertaken to do.

  By the time this work was done it was day. Then came breakfast,which Elmer insisted on preparing. He even demanded that he begiven time to make hot biscuits. These, with thick slices ofbroiled ham, the last of their oranges, and hot fragrant coffeeconstituted the last meal on the Placida.

  As the meal came to an end the clump, clump of horses' feet in thesand announced that Buck had arrived and that it was time forbreaking the "special car" camp. Alan and Elmer hastened to cleanup the little kitchen that had given the boys so many savory mealsand to pack up the remaining provisions, and Ned jumped off the carto see Buck.

  To the lad's surprise he found Gus, the tramp, just as dirty andjust as cheerful as ever, proudly mounted on one of the newlyarrived horses. Buck noticed the surprise in Ned's face andexplained:

  "The helper I thought I could get fell down on me. My boarder'sgoin' with us. I guess he'll do."

  "You understand you don't know where you're going," said Ned,approaching Gus as he rolled off his horse, "nor when you're comingback?"

  "I knows dat we ride and dat dere's chuck a-plenty," smiled Gus,"and whichever way it is," he added lowering his voice andchuckling, "can't be no worse dan Buck's place--fur me."

  "Do you want to go?"

  "Well, I ain't a settin' up nights a longin' to, but to oblige afriend, Mr. Buck, I allowed meself to be persuaded."

  "Well, we'll see," said Ned.

  Ned rather wanted to watch this young man. Something suggested thatthe tramp was too quick witted to be made a party to their plans.Ned didn't exactly know what harm the stranger could do them, but hedecided to talk it over with Alan. While Buck was hitching up thehorses Ned turned to go into the car.

  They were loading from the far side opposite the hydrogen cask andas Ned passed the corner of the car he almost ran into the stationagent. The agent, who was also the telegraph operator, had atelegram for Ned, which the boy took eagerly. Ned had sent amessage to Major Honeywell, telling of their safe arrival, and didnot doubt that this was some important afterthought of the Major's.The address ran: "Mr. Ned Napier, Private car Placida, Clarkeville,New Mexico." Tearing open the envelope Ned read:

  "Just learned Kansas City Comet has story mysterious trip forgovernment starting Clarkeville. Real object not known. Look outnot followed.

  "Baldwin Honeywell."

  With three jumps Ned was in the car and had pull Alan into thedrawing room portion. The telegram was read again and the two boyslooked at each other in astonishment.

  "How could they?" began Alan.

  "No matter how," answered Ned, almost out of breath. "They did andthat's enough. Now I know!"

  "Know what?"

  Ned pushed his chum to the side of the car and pointed outside whereBuck and his helper were at work.

  "Look at him," he exclaimed.

  "At Buck?"

  "No. At the tramp who won't wash his face, who has a gentleman'sunderclothes and who is so anxious to work for us!"

  "Well, I see him. But--"

  "Haven't you ever seen those sharp eyes before?"

  "You don't mean--?"

  "I do. If that isn't Bob Russell, the Comet reporter, I'm a goat."