Read Air Ship Boys : Or, the Quest of the Aztec Treasure Page 6



  When the Overland reached Kansas City at nine o'clock the nextmorning the air ship boys were just finishing an appetizingbreakfast of fruit, omelet, pancakes and coffee. The Placida, theirspecial car, came to a stop at the far end of the station trainshed, and, covered with dust as it was, and almost hidden amonghissing engines and baggage and express cars, there seemed littlereason for it to attract attention. Of course it was not ignored bythe railway officials. No sooner was the train at rest than thedepot master and the division superintendent were knocking at thedoor. They had special orders concerning the car, and immediatelywheels and brakes were being tested and ice and water were beingtaken aboard.

  The railway officials made a quick inspection of the car, asked ifanything was needed, and were soon gone. A few minutes after theyhad left a young man suddenly appeared, dodging among the cars. Hesprang on to the rear step of the Placida, but before he could enterthe car, the door of which had been left open by the departingofficials, the vigilant form of Elmer Grissom blocked his way.

  "Who's in charge here?" demanded the stranger. "I'm a reporter andwant to see him in a hurry."

  The railway officials had been admitted through the baggage portionof the car, but Elmer knew that this way was not open to everyone.He understood the need of secrecy, and politely forcing the reporterout of the door on to the platform he led him to the front of thecar.

  "If you'll give me yo' card," he then said with dignity, "I'll takeit in, sah."

  As he was about to do so, Ned and Alan emerged from the car for afew mouthfuls of fresh air.

  "Hey!" exclaimed the impatient young man, "I'd like to see the manin charge of this car. It's important and I'm in a hurry. I'm areporter for the Comet."

  The boys smiled.

  "We are in charge," answered Ned. "What can we do for you?"

  The reporter seemed taken somewhat aback at seeing two youngstersdirecting a special car. His bearing changed at once.

  "I've been sent to get a story about where you are going and whatyou are going to do," he said with a little more consideration;"that is, if you care to tell."

  Ned puckered up his lips and thought. He had met reporters beforeand he knew what a "story" meant.

  "I think we don't care to say," he replied in a moment. He did noteven care to say it was a secret. Even that admission, he knew,would be a basis for something that might interfere with his plans.

  "Our correspondent in Chicago says you left there last evening witha carload of new and powerful explosives."

  "Was such a story printed this morning?" asked Ned, eyeing thereporter closely.

  "I think not," said the reporter, "but we are an afternoon paper,you know. We have a report that you are on your way to Mare Island,California, and that you have a carload of explosives for the navy."

  "Was such a story printed this morning?" repeated Ned, smilingagain.

  "No, it wasn't. But it will be this afternoon," answered the youngman impatiently.

  "If such a report had been known in Chicago last night," replied Nedsharply, "it would have been in every newspaper in that city andthis city this morning. No correspondent sent you such a story.You are a poor guesser."

  The reporter was at least four years older than Ned and Alan.Therefore, he gave a little start of surprise. He had been trappedin a trick that he had often worked successfully on many an olderperson. For Bob Russell, easily the brightest and quickest-wittedreporter in his city, thus to be turned down by two "kids" wouldnever do. Without wasting time to deny Ned's charge, he tried abelligerent role.

  "Do you deny you have newly invented ammunition in that car?" heexclaimed brusquely.

  "I deny nothing and refuse to be put in the attitude of doing so,"calmly answered Ned. "Although it happens you are wrong again."

  The young man laughed and again changed his tactics.

  "Well, look here, boys, what's the use of getting mad about this?You're working on something, just as I'm working on a newspaper.You've got a good story somewhere about you and I'd like to have it.What's the matter with being good fellows and loosening up?"

  "Because it is purely a business matter in which the public would betoo much concerned if it knew what we were doing."

  "Well, whatever it is, it's good--I know that," replied the youngjournalist, laughing, "and I'm sorry I'm not in it with you--specialcar--flowers--traveling like railroad presidents. I'm on. But,say, when this thing breaks I'd like to be in on the yarn. I waslying. I never heard of you before the train pulled in. But youknow the railroad people are on. They told me you had a black casemarked 'Explosive.' That's all I know. Say, couldn't you tell methis--are you going through to the coast?"

  Ned relented a little.

  "Perhaps," he said smiling, "we might go to the coast."

  "You might?" interrupted the reporter eagerly.

  "Or we might stop in the mountains."

  The reporter looked perplexed.

  "Then you've got something to do with mining?" interrupted theimpulsive journalist, "and it isn't the navy yard. But you camefrom Washington! I know that, you see."

  "Yes," volunteered Ned, "but we might be from the HydrographicOffice."

  "Cloud breakers," quickly interrupted the reporter again. "How'sthat for a guess? Are you rain makers?"

  "What are they?" innocently asked Alan.

  The reporter saw he was wrong.

  "I give it up," he said shrugging his shoulders. "You are two wiselads."

  "Not wise," suggested Ned, "but attending strictly to our business."

  "Right you are," answered the reporter.

  "I've got to leave you to have a look through the train. Sorry I'mnot in on this. Where ever you're going, it looks good to me. Whenyou come back, don't forget me. Save the story for me, Bob Russellof the Comet."

  Handing his card to the boys with a cheery "So long!" he was gone.The boys felt a little relieved. They had done what they could toprotect the interests of their patrons and themselves by keepingtheir mission a strict secret. So far as Ned knew, the only personswho had knowledge of what they were doing and where they were goingwere his mother and sister, Alan's family, and Major Honeywell andSenor Oje. Not even Elmer Grissom's parents knew where he wasbound--it was sufficient for them to know that he was with Ned. Ofcourse the railway people knew where the car was to stop. Beyondthese it was necessary for no one else to know what was beingdone--not even the manufacturers who made the balloon, the engine andtheir precious gas. But what the young air navigators desired andwhat Bob Russell wanted were two different things.