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  Akira – The Energy Vampire

  Ashton Lumley

  Copyright 2014 by Ashton Lumley

  Feel free to donate towards my book, I have been working hard on it and have put many many hours in. I would love for this positive feedback.


  Chapter One: A Glimpse into My Future

  My name is Akïra, and this is only a part of my story.

  It was a dark cold night and I ran as fast as I could towards the burning town. I heard the cries and screeches of many people. Shit! Am I to late? Did I already fail my mission? No, if people are alive than surely Demetrius’s portal is open. I still had a chance at taking down the demonic, vampire-summoner, who destroyed my village. I knew that this would be a fierce battle and I have trained and fought over a long time to succeed, so why should I give up now? I let my senses brighten, allowing my energy to flow freely. I manipulated this energy towards my legs and I started sprinting at lightning speed towards the town. Before I knew it I was at the main gate. The gate was closed, but for a energy vampire like me, that wouldn't be a problem. I sunk my body towards the ground creating rifts of energy at the bottom of my feet. When I felt that the time was right, I launched upwards sending a blast of power from my body. Dust fluttered from the ground into the air and I lightly landed on top of the main gate.

  A full moon lit up the sky and the stars around it twinkled brightly. A few clouds were drifting around but for the most part it was a clear night. Thick smoke rose in the air from burning buildings and I could feel the terror from every person shudder inside me. It hurt and their pain soared through me with agony. I gritted my teeth, clenching onto my sword firmly. This sword is special to me, without it I would feel as if I was lost. It was created in my home village, before it got destroyed. A dark ruby blood-like gem lay in the center of the blade. The sword’s design was engraved with patterns of lighting, which encircled the metal it was crafted from. The blade radiates a deep blue pulse of electricity when my energy and its energy connects into a whole form. I stood firmly watching, as demons rampaged around the town with thrill; hunting every human in their presence.

  Humans are the only thing that drive demons to work for their masters. Most lessor demons feed off human blood, and suck energy through a humans fear. Most low level demons have little conscious. They are made from the souls of humans that did evil, and from humans that lost themselves while they were alive on earth as real beings. Little do most people know, that sending out signals of terror only help demons in finding them. I pity most humans, for they have the ability to do great things. With the power of their body, mind, spirit and energy, they can call upon a secret power that turns one from a 'human' into a more special being.

  I took a steady breath inwards, letting the thoughts and fears of others around me dissipate from my mind. My ears rang and my focus became on that of the energy around me. I let it flair inside, quickly connecting it towards my intuition. I searched for where these demons were coming from, where their source of empowerment arose. Once I pin-pointed the spot of their portal, I configured my destination. My mind quickly came back to its normal sensations and I heard a specific scream from a woman nearby. I felt her presence in an alley way a few buildings down. I surged energy into my legs and blasted off towards the cry. From the top of the gate I lunged, rooftop to rooftop, and I stopped as I got to the edge of a building above them. I peered downward to see what exactly I was going up against.

  Four demons moved towards the scared woman enthusiastically, allowing her terror give them more thrill as well as more energy. Their forms can be very different, depending on their demonic level, and the amount of power they retain. These demons were as normal as a demon could get; black ugly creatures, with long sharp nails that sunk into the ground. Small goop oozed out of their twisted, animal like bodies. Their eyes glazed red with passion for blood and their smiles revealed their fulfillment for fearful energy. One of their mouths hung open, showing small sharp teeth, like that of a shark’s. Saliva dripped from its mouth. It craved the taste for raw flesh and hot soaking blood.

  The lady didn’t know what to do. She was cornered in the ally way, with her back pushed against a wall. There in front of her she saw her end, her death. Her breath stood still and I could even feel the rapid pulses of her heart beat. I gathered up a feeling of peace in my mind, and sent it directly into her. The demons immediately sensed her feeling calmer and less panicked. This puzzled them and they glanced at each other in a state of confusion. I grinned, yelling out to the demons, “It's a time for your end, you disgusting beasts of destruction!” They looked up confused, as did the lady. I grabbed a hold of my blade that was strapped onto my back and slowly pulled it out, extending it towards the ugly creatures. Suddenly, they knew what I was here for, not only for their destruction, but for their master. Above eating, a demons sole purpose is to protect its master. And so the battle began..

  I leaped off the rooftop and plunged my energy towards the ground. I landed, standing in between the demons and the lady. Quickly, I surged a pulse of energy into my finger tip and touched the ladies head. She instantly blacked out. I caught her body, and laid her onto the ground. When I looked into her energy, I saw that she had peacefully been induced into a dream-like state. I did not need to worry about her distracting me from anything.

  One demon took its opportunity and launched at me, obviously I had been expecting this. I surged energy into my left hand and collapsed it into the demons head, making it explode. Black ooze blasted from the demon’s head and splattered onto the wall next to us. Its body lay numb on the ground, completely lifeless. The other demons rushed towards me, hoping that at least the three of them could do something to prevent me from proceeding further. One of them ran on the wall towards my right, and the other two came at me directly. The demon in the middle swiped its claw with a burst of energy. I shifted my body slightly to the left, allowing the demon to completely miss. I suddenly twirled my body around, smashing my foot into the creatures chest. The impact blasted the demon far. It collided into a wall causing it to crumble, the demon fell onto the ground after. It laid there breathing haggardly, its body completely immobilized. The last two demons ferociously rushed towards me, screeching loudly. This was a signal which meant they were calling out for the help of others. They launched at me and I rapidly slashed seven deadly strikes in a matter of seconds. The two demons fell towards the ground in chopped bits.

  I knew in less than a couple of minutes that a large amount of demons would be in this area so I had to act fast. I grabbed the woman’s body, thrusting her across my shoulder. I lowered down towards the ground and lunged into the air, landing on the roof towards my right. I started to flit quickly across building to building, hiding my energy as much as possible. If I let my power show, the higher ranked demons, as well as their Master, would easily sense where I was. I jumped from a rooftop onto a large stone wall that was a part of the town’s protection. I walked towards a guard post where there was cover and shelter for those who looked out for outside terror. I gently set the lady down, and bid her fair well. I walked away silently pondering..

  She should stay in a deep slumber for a couple hours which will allow her to awaken to a destroyed town, with dead people, and signs of inhuman animal-like torture. For all I know she could commit suicide from the pain and agony of what she has witnessed. She may take it into realization that there is more in this world, and that she should value her life, for she has been saved out of many helpless people. She may remember the man who appeared from the roof, whom had a big smirk on his face. The man with light green eyes and thick black hair that spiked lightly up. She may recall the deep scar which laid under his lef
t eye and looked like a bolt of lightning. She may be forever grateful, for this man saved her life.

  Little do most people know is that their town can be easily taken over by a single vampire. Vampires have magical abilities and all of them have some sort of secret power. For example, Demetrius. He is a vampire who can summon demons at will. As I am a vampire who can manipulate energy, which is why I am called an energy vampire. These tall defensive walls that towns build are basically useless, for no huge war between men occurs in this age of time. There are frustrations between occurring cities, but the biggest war people have to realize is right under their nose, and it is the vampires. My goal right now is to kill Demetrius. He and his vampire partner destroyed my village, my parents, and my life. I ended up killing Demetrius’s partner which turned me into a vampire. I learned that if a human kills a vampire, they actually become