Read Alec Page 10

  I glanced behind me to look at Alec who was glancing around.

  "You make the place look even smaller," I muttered.

  Alec chuckled. "It's fine, it is small but we can use that to our advantage."

  I turned to face him. "Explain."

  Alec grinned. "We will be in close quarters so getting to know each other and becoming comfortable with each other will be a breeze. That's what you want, right?"

  I eyed him sceptically. "Uh-huh."

  Alec had a ghost of smile on his face that broke into a wide grin when Storm came up beside him and brushed his head against his thigh. Alec reached down and rubbed behind Storm's ears then he bent forward and gave him a few strong pats on the stomach. I folded my arms across my chest and glared.

  "Bloody traitor," I muttered lowly to myself.

  I cleared my throat. "Okay, so I don't know what time me ma will be here at but this place needs to be spotless before she gets here."

  Alec stood up, glanced around the apartment and looked at me. "It is spotless."

  I scoffed. "There is dog food and water on the floor behind you."

  Alec shrugged. "Okay, apart from the dog food and water on the floor, everything else is spotless."

  I scratched my neck. "I don't think so, I have to hoover, wash down the kitchen counters, and bathroom, then straightened up my bedroom-"

  "Hold up. You mother checks your bedroom when she comes over? How old are you thirteen or twenty-three?"

  I groaned. "It sounds bad I know, but just havin' everything clean and tidy will make her visit less painful. Trust me."

  Alec regarded me with a wary look but eventually complied. "Okay, what can I do to help make this visit from the she-devil less painful?"

  He was going to help me?

  That was a nice and unexpected surprise.

  "You can rinse the dealf that Aideen left on the draining board next to the sink this mornin'. I don’t like them sitting there all day, dust and such will gather on them. Get on that while I sort out me bedroom and the bathroom, okay"

  Alec held his hand out to me, his fist tightly closed and said, "On it, boss."

  It took a second for me to realise that he wanted me to fist bump him and when I eventually did ball my own hand into a fist and touched my knuckles against his, he audibly awed.

  "Your fist is the size of a toddler's, that's probably the cutest thing I have ever seen in my entire-"

  "I'll punch you in the face with my toddler sized fist if your finish that sentence, playboy."

  Alec bit his lower lip then proceeded to salute me. "Aye, Captain."

  I rolled my eyes. "Just rinse off the dealf like a good little lad."

  I brushed by him and smiled when I heard his dramatic gasp. "Little lad? I'm big all over, baby!"

  "Yeah, I noticed how big your feet were," I called back down the hallway as I neared my bedroom.

  "They are average size for a man my size!" Alec bellowed. "Besides, you know what they say about men with big feet, right?"

  "Yeah, they wear big socks."

  "Smartass!" Alec shouted making me laugh as I closed my bedroom door.

  I shook my head still lightly laughing as I moved around my bedroom five minutes later. I opened my bedroom windows, stripped the sheets from my bed along with my pillowcases and put them into the wash basket in the corner of my room. I got fresh linens from my wardrobe and put them on my bed. When that task was don, I got the hoover from my wardrobe - yes, items besides clothing were stored in my wardrobe because my apartment was so small I had no hot press for storage - and hoovered my entire room.

  I opened my bedroom door and hoovered the hallway then inside the bathroom and back out into the hallway until the cord belonging to the hoover halted my movements as I neared the kitchen entrance. I went back to my room and unplugged it from the socket on my bedroom wall and brought it out to the hallway. I left it there so I could bring it into the kitchen and sitting room when I was finished cleaning the bathroom.

  I was about to ask Alec how he was getting on with the dealf when I heard him singing. The fucker was not only good looking, but he could sing and sing really well. His choice of song caused my eyes to roll though.

  "Sex bomb, sex bomb, I'm a sex bomb-"

  "You’re a sex bomb!" I corrected the lyric cutting him off as I went into the bathroom.

  Things were silent then and I didn't notice he entered the bathroom until I looked up into the mirror and saw him behind me.

  "Did you just call me a sex bomb?" Alec asked his gaze locked on mine through the mirror.

  I would have laughed at him if his gaze wasn’t so intense.

  "I was correctin' the lyrics," I said then blew out a breath. "You aren't goin' to jump me, are you?"

  Alec cocked an eyebrow. "I'm sorry did you say jump me or fuck me?"

  I gasped. "Alec Slater, don't be so crude!"

  Alec's pretty smile stretched across his face. "Did you just chastise me, little kitten?"

  I narrowed my eyes. "I did, and I'll kick your arse if you keep up that dirty talkin'."

  "I'll keep the dirty talking up as well as something else up if you don't stop being so damn innocent."

  I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What makes you think I'm innocent?"

  Alec deadpanned. "You just yelled at me for being crude."

  I rolled my head on my shoulders feeling frustrated. "Just because I don't like you bein' crude doesn't mean I'm innocent."

  "Prove it," Alec challenged.

  I raised my brows. "How?"

  Alec pumped his eyebrows at me and said, "Surprise me."

  I cracked my knuckles. "Stop tryin' to bait me into doin' somethin' sexual with you. I'm not havin' sex with you now or ever."

  Alec stepped closer to me molding the front of his body into the back of mine and covered my hands on the bathroom counter with his. He kept eye contact with me through the mirror as he did this then he lowered his mouth down to my ear and lightly blew on it making me shiver.

  His breath on my ear caused my eyes to drift shut as shudders shot throughout my body.

  "I told you I will fuck you kitten and trust me, I will fuck you, but not until you beg me," he whispered.

  He words were sobering but I still kept my eyes closed.

  "You have a better chance of teachin' Storm how to roll over than you do havin' sex with me, playboy."

  I opened my eyes and winked to a now smirking Alec. I jumped and yelped when he slapped my behind then ducked out of the room when I tried to return the slap, only to his face instead of his arse.

  "Don't be violent," Alec grinned as I followed him out of the bathroom and into the hallway.

  He was walking backwards while I moved towards him.

  "You know what they say; actions speak louder than words."

  Alec laughed. "I don't think that quote makes it okay for you to hit me."

  I shrugged. "You slapped me first."

  I continued to advance on Alec. I wasn't going to hit him but I was going to make him pay and when he tripped over the hoover I’d left in the hallway and fell over onto his arse, my payment was received.

  "That's karma, bitch," I sang then turned and pranced into the bathroom.

  I could hear Alec grumbling to himself from out in the hallway which made me chuckle as I went about cleaning the bathroom. I tuned everything out as I cleaned the bathroom; the only thing that got my attention was Storm when he came into the bathroom.

  "Hey beautiful," I cooed.

  Storm rubbed his head against my leg then whined and cocked his leg before putting it back down on the floor. I shooed him from the bathroom as I quickly ran to my bedroom to get his lead from the hook on my bedroom wall. When I re-entered the hall I clipped the end of the lead onto Storm's collar and moved towards the hall door.

  "Be right back, Alec."

  "Where are you going?" Alec asked.

  "Storm needs to go to the bathroom," I said then looked to the kitchen only to fi
nd it empty. I looked to the sitting room then and gaped at Alec's body lying across my sofa making it look smaller than it was. He was reading something.

  A book.

  "What are you readin'?" I curiously asked.

  "That porn book we were talking about earlier at my house. This dude is my God! He just fucked this Ana chick while she was on her period."

  "Stop it!" I screeched. "Stop readin' and put the bloody book down!"

  He was reading Fifty Shades of Grey.

  I was both horrified and mortified.

  Alec got up from the sofa, placed the book on the coffee table and turned in my direction.

  "Why are you blushing?"

  Him noticing my embarrassment only caused my already red cheeks to heat up even more.

  "Oh damn, your cheeks are so flushed," Alec said and took a step towards me.

  I held up my free hand. "Hold it right there, buddy. I've to bring Storm outside so just rinse the dealf like I asked you to do half an hour ago and if you have a minute please clean up Storm’s food and water on the floor. We're supposed to be a cleanin' team."

  Alec bowed. "Yes dear," he said and moved out of the sitting room and into the kitchen.

  I left the apartment and hurried down the stairs of my apartment with Storm before one of the neighbours caught me. The apartment complex doesn't have a ban on animals but if enough neighbours complain about one, the animal or the tenant has to go. Storm is a good dog, but I still don't want to give any of my neighbours reason to report me so that's why I whisk him in and out of the building without being noticed.

  Once we got outside I headed in the direction of the park that was located directly across from my building. I never let Storm off his lead for the simple fact that he never comes back to me when I call him. I was terrified he would run out of the park one day if I let him off the lead and get hit by a car. So to keep him safe and my nerves tamed, I bought a lead that extends pretty far so he feels like he is roaming free whilst still being secured on the lead.

  Storm relieved himself as soon as we got to the park; I grabbed one of the doggie poop bags that were located around different stations throughout the park to bag it up. When that nasty business was bagged and placed into the bin, we spent half an hour walking around so Storm could stretch his legs. When he was ready, we walked back to my apartment. All the way back I was cursing myself for forgetting my hand sanitiser, I wanted to wash my hands so bad.

  When I made it back into my apartment building, Storm and myself hauled arse up the stairs and down the hallway of my floor. I heard laughter coming from inside my apartment so I stuck my ear to the door to see if I knew whom it was.

  I fumbled with my keys to open the door, when it opened wide Storm shot forward and because I had his lead in my hand, I was jolted forward and face planted on the ground.

  Things went silent then.

  "That looked painful," Alec's voice commented after a moment or two.

  I groaned.

  "She's fine, she can be very clumsy. Never mind Keela, let's talk about you Mr. Slater."

  "Please, call me Alec."

  "Okay, Alec."

  I groaned even louder when I heard my mother's voice.

  If there was a Hell, I was in it.

  "Are you okay?" Alec asked me as he helped me to my feet.

  I nodded my head and brushed down the front of my dress as I ignored the throbbing pain in my knees and chest.

  "I'm okay."

  I wasn't okay, I was pretty sure I cracked a bloody rib.

  "Are you sure, kitten?" Alec asked me, worry laced in his tone as he rubbed the back of his fingers across my cheek.

  The sign of tender affection did nothing for me, but when I glanced to my mother I could see the smile on her face as she watched Alec interact with me.

  Did she like him?

  "Hey ma, I didn't think you would get here until later," I said as I straightened myself up.

  My mother cut her eyes to me. "Mam or mother, Keela, never ma."

  I inwardly bitch slapped her.

  She was one of the few Irish mothers who had a preference on what her child should call her.

  "Sorry, mother," I mumbled.

  She made me feel like a kid again and I despised it.

  "Come sit so we can talk," my mother said and moved to the one seater settee which left me and Alec to sit on the two seater settee.

  "How and when did you two meet?" my mother quizzically asked when we were all seated.


  I swallowed my tongue horrified that I didn't even think to go over questions like this with Alec on the drive from his house so we would have the same answers.

  I started to sweat.

  "Um... Well... Um."

  I jumped a little when Alec's fingers suddenly threaded through mine.

  I looked at him and relaxed when he winked at me.

  He had this... or at least he better have it.

  "We met three months ago in a night club, Ms Daley. We hit it off straight away and went on a few dates after that night. Three weeks into dating I knew she was the one so I asked her to be my girlfriend and she agreed. The days sort of meshed together then and flew by and before we knew it, we decided to move in together. As you can see, we just started the process today since all of my stuff is still in my bags."

  My mother glanced over to the apartment door and to the two large duffle bags next to it.

  "Are you sure your things will fit in this box?" my mother asked, a grin on her face.

  I clenched my free hand into a fist, I knew my apartment was tiny but no one else could hate on it except me.

  "We will get somewhere bigger in time mother," I said, my tone clipped.

  My mother hummed in response as she glanced around the sitting room.

  She was probably looking for a spot that was untidy so she could rub it in my face.

  It wouldn't surprise me.

  "Alec, could you be a pet and go make me a cup of tea, please?" my mother asked Alec, smiling brightly at him.

  I raised my eyebrows.

  My ma didn't drink tea.

  What was she up to?

  "Of course, Ms Daley," Alec smiled.

  He turned to me and mumbled, "Don't slap me."

  I wondered why he said that, but realised why when his lips connected with mine. Alec's free hand cupped my face as he slipped his tongue into my mouth that was open with shock. I quickly realised what the fuck was happening and bit down on Alec's tongue making him whimper.

  I released his tongue then pecked his lips and smiled evilly.

  Alec's eyes were filled with tears, probably from the stinging pain in his mouth and it made me smile.

  "'Ucking 'itch," he muttered, and rolled his tongue around his now open mouth.

  I yelped when I felt a pinch on the outside of my thigh.

  Alec hid his grin and made a move to go into the kitchen, but couldn't move very far because I wouldn't let go of his hand.

  "Um, Keela, can I have my hand back?" Alec chuckled, but started to squeeze my hand to the point of pain.

  He was hurting my hand, but I slightly shook my head.

  "Don't leave me alone with her," I murmured.

  Alec pulled his hand from mine and gave me a stern look that made me itch to bite him again.

  "Talk to your mother," he smiled.


  He moved off into the kitchen and since my mother had her back to him, he made a show of sticking his middle finger up at me then pointed to his tongue and mouthed, "That fucking hurt!"

  I rolled my eyes at him and turned my head to face my mother who was staring directly at me.

  "Did you lose a bet?" she asked me.

  I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

  "Is Alec really your boyfriend or did you lose a bet?" she asked.

  I hate that Alec could hear this because it made everything worse.

  I don't think I have ever been more embarrassed by a question.

Why would you even ask me that?" I asked, my head downcast.

  "Look at him, he belongs on a magazine cover, Keela."

  And that meant he couldn't be with me?

  "Is it that impossible in your mind for me to have a good lookin' boyfriend without some sort of scheme bein' involved?" I asked, my voice filled with emotion.

  Alec was my fake boyfriend as a favour to me but still, I could go out with a good looking person if I wanted to. It wasn't that farfetched of an idea!

  "Of course you can go out with a good looking person, you're a very pretty girl Keela even though you are overweight."

  Oh my God, I thought and slumped my shoulders.

  Why did she always have to bring my weight into everything?

  "I've lost more than a stone since you’ve last seen me mother. It's comin' off slowly but surely. Can you not tell?" I asked, curiously.

  My ma gestured for me to stand up so I did. Then she twirled her finger around, I turned around as well so she could she all of me.

  "You do look slimmer, and I really like that dress on you, it hugs your waist perfectly," my mother said, humming in appreciation.

  I blew out a breath of relief.

  Thank God for that at least, my diet and exercising was working after all.

  "Thank you," I said then sat back down.

  Things were quiet for a moment, and I didn't dare look in the direction of the kitchen to see what Alec was doing. I was happy being unaware of him right now.

  "How old is Alec?" my mother asked.

  I stared at her blankly and unblinking because I had no fucking idea what the answer was to her question. I cleared my throat then glanced at Alec who was looking at me and mouthing something, but I couldn't make it out.

  "How old is Alec?" I repeated with a smile and glanced to him again.

  He was now showing me his age on his fingers; he flashed his hands twice then held up eight fingers.


  I thought he was closer to my age; he didn't look near his thirties or act like it.

  "He is twenty-eight, mother."

  "Hmmm," she murmured then waved me off.

  "About Micah's and Jason's wedding, if you check your email you will see all of the information about the wedding. It is in the Bahamas six days from today. You and Alec will be flying out on the twenty first of September, two days from now on Monday, and return home on the seventh, the day after the wedding. Your plane tickets are included in the email all you have to do is print them out. Print out your accommodation proof for the Pink Sands Resort as well so you get your room key when you arrive. Families from both sides have already been in the Bahamas a week, but since I don't like the heat I will only be flying out the day before the wedding."