Read Alec Page 33

  I looked at Kane and raised my eyebrows when he sat down on my settee.

  "Your cue to leave was when your brothers walked out that door."

  Kane folded his arms across his chest.

  "I'm not goin' anywhere."

  I looked over my shoulder to Aideen who looked at me with nervous eyes.

  "Aideen is leavin' too so there is no need for you to stay."

  I looked away from Aideen's hurt face and focused on an immobile Kane.

  I glared. "Get the fuck out of me apartment Kane, I'm not jokin'."

  Kane stood up and walked over to me.

  "I. Am. Not. Leaving."

  I cracked and shoved him in the chest as hard as I could.

  "Get out! I don't want any part of him near me, leave!"

  I didn't realise I was crying until I sniffed.

  I quickly wiped my face but the dam was broken and the flow of tears wouldn't stop. I turned to Aideen and threw myself at her, wrapping my arms around her.

  "What do people do this to me?" I cried.

  Aideen cried as she wrapped her arms around me, she had a soft heart and cried when she saw other people cry.

  "It's goin' to be okay," she whispered.

  I shook my head. "It's not... he used me Aideen. He told me he cared for me and he lied. They all lie!"

  I was surprised to feel a body press into my back and bigger arms wrap around me and Aideen.

  "I'm sorry he hurt you, Keela."

  I cried harder.

  Aideen held me, and Kane held us both.

  I don't know how long I cried, but I cried so much that I made myself drowsy on Aideen's shoulder and eventually felt myself being lifted up into the air.

  "Her room is down here," Aideen whispered.

  I felt like I was floating then I was settled down onto a cloud.

  "She is a good girl. I hate that she is hurting over my brother."

  "She has a heart of gold, but it's protected by a wall of steel... I don't know who she will trust after she makes it though this."


  "She looks so small," Aideen's voice sniffled.

  "She will be okay, he will explain himself to her. He is already on a flight home from-"

  "No, Kane. If she wants to see him then it will be on her terms. She is broken right now, you can’t spring him on her when she is this down."


  "Okay, it will be hell keeping him away from her but I'll make it happen."

  "Thank you."

  "Let's go, she needs to sleep."

  I heard the click of a door then darkness consumed me.


  I pretended I was still asleep so she would leave alone.

  "I know you're awake... you aren't snorin' or droolin' anymore."


  "Leave me alone."

  "Get up."


  "Just because I'm awake doesn't mean I'm ready to do things."

  Aideen sighed. "How are you doin'?"

  "I want a new liver to replace my heart."

  "Um, why?"

  "Because then I could drink more and care less."

  I heard movement then groaned when light flooded my room as my curtains where pulled open.

  "What the fuck, Aideen?"

  She stalked over to my bed and pulled at my covers.

  "It's been two days. I understand you're heartbroken but you need to eat somethin'!"

  I held onto my covers for dear life but I just didn't have the strength anymore so I let go.

  "I'm not hungry... and I'm not heartbroken."

  I heard Aideen sigh and could imagine her nose scrunching up in annoyance.

  "If you aren't heartbroken then why have you been held up in here for the past two days?"

  "Because I'm jet lagged."

  Aideen laughed. "I bought that excuse yesterday, but you have slept a collective total of twenty-six hours since you got home so it's time to think up a new excuse."

  I snuggled into my pillow.

  "Okay, I have cramps in my stomach and can't move. How is that for an excuse? Now fuck off and leave me alone."

  I heard Aideen huff. "I'm sick of this, enough excuses! Excuses sound best to the person who is making them up, stop feelin' sorry for yourself!"

  I humourlessly chuckled. "No, I'm not done with me pity party yet... Why are you still here?"

  "Fuck's sake, Keela! Stop pushin' me away! I know you're hurtin' and I want to help you. I'm not the bad lad here, babe, I'm your friend."

  I bit my inner cheeks to stop myself from crying.

  I was done with crying.

  "I just want to be on my own, Ado... please."

  I felt my bed dip then a body mould around mine, spooning me.

  "Not a hope in hell, we're in this together. I took an oath as a blood sister to go through what you go through. I took that shite seriously so there is no gettin' rid of me."

  I burst out into unexpected laughter and said, "I love that our friendship is based off of really inappropriate humour.

  "Me too."

  God, I loved this girl.

  "I love you."

  Aideen kissed the back of my head. "I love you, too."

  "I'm sorry for bein' horrible. I know you did nothin' wrong."

  "Don't apologise, I know it's your hurt and anger takin', not you."

  We were silent for a few moments until I decided I wanted to talk.

  "I seen the whole thing."

  Aideen gave me a squeeze but remained silent.

  "Him, Everly, and Dante were comfortable with each other... They've done it loads of times before. They were like some sort of thing."

  Aideen gasped. "Does your Uncle Brandon know?"

  I nodded. "Uncle Brandon said he paid for her time with Alec and Dante over the years to keep her happy while he was busy with work, which by the was is shady and illegal as fuck, but this time he didn't give her his permission so he is pissed about it. I don't know how to feel about it because their relationship is their own, but I can't help but blame Alec. He could have said no Aideen, he really could have."

  Aideen stroked my back.

  "And if cheatin' wasn't bad enough, he did it with them on the bed we shared. The bed we had sex in for the first time. It makes me feel sick to me stomach."

  Aideen held me tightly as my voice cracked.

  I closed my eyes and chuckled. "Micah and Jason got married today."

  "I know... the stupid bitch."

  I laughed, and so did Aideen.

  And for a second I didn't feel so broken.

  "You're up."

  I smiled at Aideen four days later when I emerged from my bedroom.

  "I'm up."

  She placed her hands on her hips.

  "You're showered."

  I looked down to myself and then back up.

  "I'm showered."

  Aideen smiled. "Thank God, you were startin' to reek."

  I laughed. "Bitch."

  Aideen beamed. "Are you goin' to dry you hair?"

  I shook my head. "Can't be arsed."

  Aideen gestured to the chair nearest to me.

  "Park it and I'll plait it."

  I happily did as asked and sat down while Aideen French plaited my hair.

  "Have you eaten anythin'?"

  I nodded my head. "I had a few slices of toast."

  Aideen blew out a relieved breath. "I'm so happy, I thought I was goin' to have to force feed you today."

  I chuckled. "I'm fine Ado – I'm washed, feed, and fully clothed."

  "Yeah, but how is your head doin'?"

  I lightly smiled. "Me head isn't what's hurtin'."

  "I know babe," Aideen finished off my plait and cuddled me to her.

  "Since you're up and dressed I'm liftin' your Storm ban."


  "It's evil that you kept him at the kennel away from me."

  Aideen came around and shrugged. "I had to take matters into my own hands when you wou
ldn't leave your room. I knew a Storm ban would get you out sooner rather than later."

  Evil cow.

  "Well, I'm out now so go and get me baby."

  Aideen saluted me. "On it boss!"

  I chuckled as she grabbed her keys and literally skipped out of the apartment.

  "Bloody weirdo," I said when she left.

  To keep me occupied I spent a few minutes tidying up the kitchen and when I had nothing left to do I sat down. I was sat at my kitchen table only a few seconds when a knock came from my door and I rolled my eyes.

  Aideen probably forgot something.

  I walked over to the door and opened it. "What did you forget this time-"

  I cut myself off when the person I was looking at was not Keela.

  "Hello kitten."

  It was Alec.

  I stared at Alec for a long moment and I noticed he looked like shite, he had bags under his eyes and he looked like he'd lost weight.

  He looked how I felt.

  I shook my head and tried to slam the door shut, but Alec jammed his foot between the door and the doorframe preventing it from closing.

  "Please, kitten-"

  "Don't! Don't call me that!"

  I pushed against the door as hard as I could trying to force it closed, but Alec pushed back against the door. He was stronger than me and once the door was pushed open he made his way into my apartment.

  "Get out!" I screamed.

  Alec closed the door behind him and turned the lock.

  I walked backwards into the kitchen and looked for a weapon. Alec saw my eyes dart around the room and he frowned as he removed his jacket.

  "I'm not going to hurt you Keela, you know I'm not."

  I laughed. "I don't know you so I've no fuckin' idea what you're capable of."

  Alec looked vulnerable as he stared at me.

  I couldn't look him in the eyes so I focused on his chin instead.

  "What are you doin' here? Do you not think you have fucked me over enough?"

  Alec looked at me, his gaze uncertain.

  "I'm sorry... I needed to see you."


  He took a deep breath and said, "Because I missed you."

  He missed me?

  Oh, that was rich.

  I humourlessly laughed. "You missed me? Did you miss me when you were fuckin' Everly and Dante?"

  Alec flinched. "I deserve that."

  "No Alec you deserve to be hit by a double decker bus, that is what you deserve."

  Alec nodded his head. "I agree."

  I glared at him. "Don't agree with me."


  I snarled, "Don't do what I say to appease me either."

  Alec opened his mouth to speak but thought better of it and closed his mouth.

  He was silent for a moment then said, "I don't know what to do then."

  I pointed to the door.

  "I do, you can leave."

  Alec shook his head. "I'm not going anywhere."

  I swore.

  "What the fuck is with you and Kane? When I say leave, I mean fuckin' leave!"

  Alec didn't move or respond to me and it infuriated me.

  "Are you enjoin' this?" I snapped. "Did you just come by to see if I was crying over you? Does it get you off to know what a sick and twisted piece of dirt you are?"

  Alec look dejected but I wasn't falling for his sad puppy dog eyes.

  No fucking way.

  "I'm here because I needed to see you. I told you... I missed you."

  "I don't believe you."

  Alec swallowed. "I'm sorry."

  All the hurt, anger, and sadness that I had bottled up over the past few days exploded out of me.

  "What are you sorry for? Tell me exactly?"

  Alec didn't speak he only stared at me.

  "I'd imagine you're sorry for shaggin' me auntie and that piece of filth of a boy toy. But you have a lot more to be sorry for than just that and you have a lot more to answer for."

  I began to pace back and fourth.

  "I know it was set up and not somethin' spontaneous, you planned it when the three of you realized you where all in the same place. I've thought about it since I got back home, and it all makes sense. At the welcome party when Everly looked at you knowingly and Dante said, 'Until tomorrow' that was all because the three of you knew what was goin' to happen. That's why you wanted me to go to that party so bad wasn't it? Did you want to triple check where you would all meet or somethin'?"

  Alec looked down and nodded his head. "Yeah, I wasn't sure on the details of the meet so when you were up dancing with Micah I sought out Everly and found out."

  I closed my eyes.

  "And earlier that day, after the welcome dinner, why did you let it go as far as sex between us when you knew you were goin' to be with them?"

  Alec looked up and blinked. "It wasn't just sex with us Keela. I wanted to have you... even if it was just once."

  I gasped. "You wanted me body at least once because you knew after I found out what you did I would never want you to touch me again?"

  Alec licked his lips and looked back down. "Yes and no."

  "What does yes and no mean?" I snapped.

  "Yes I wanted to be with you because I knew it would be my only chance, and no because I didn't 'just want your body'... I needed it."

  I grimaced in disgust and Alec shook his head.

  "I don't mean it how it sounds."

  "How do you mean it then?"

  Alec shrugged. "I don't know how to word it."

  I ground my teeth. "Try."

  "I don't know what to say Keela, sorry just comes to mind."

  I clenched my hands into fists.

  "You're a horrible person, Alec Slater."

  "Please Keela, I'm not a bad person, I swear I'm not."

  I glared daggers at Alec.

  "Your actions tell a different story."

  Alec shook his head. "They weren't my willing actions. I had to pop a fucking pill just to get it up... I was revolted before, during, and after the act."

  He had to take a tablet?

  "I don't understand."

  Alec looked up. "Let me explain then."

  "No, I don't want to hear it, you have said enough."

  Alec's face hardened. "I haven't nearly said enough."

  I looked away from him.

  "I don't give a fuck what you have to say, just like you didn't give a fuck about me when you fucked other people."

  Alec cast his eyes downward.

  "Don't you dare act like the victim, don't you fuckin' dare."

  Alec looked at me, his eyes were sad. "I'm not Keela, I'm not acting like anything. I'm just sick with myself... I'm so sorry for everything I did to you. I swear on my life that I didn't want it to happen, I really wasn't a willing participant."

  My heart started to hurt.

  "Then why did it happen Alec? Why the fuck did you stray after only a few days?"

  Alec look frightened. "I'm afraid you won't believe me if I tell you the truth."

  I shrugged my shoulders. "That's a risk you're goin' to have to take because I'm a minute away from callin' me uncle."

  Alec's lip curled in disgust. "This is all because of him."

  Excuse me?

  "Are you insinuatin' that you cheated on me because of me uncle."

  Alec looked me dead in the eye and said, "I'm not insinuating it, I'm stating it. Your uncle made this happen."

  I blinked and shook my head not sure if I heard him correctly.

  "You're lyin'."

  Alec shook his head. "No, I'm not."

  "You're lyin'!" I screamed.

  Alec rushed at me. "No, I'm not!"

  I lifted my hands up in front of my face to block any incoming hits.

  No hits came because Alec stopped just short of touching me when he saw my reaction to him. He turned then and punched one of my kitchen presses so hard that his fist went through the wood.

  "Omigod!" I screamed and co
vered my ears.

  Alec pulled his fist free from the wood and gripped onto the kitchen counter as he took some long deep breaths.

  "It pisses me off that you think I would physically hurt you."

  "You hurt me emotionally which was just as bad as takin' a punch... I don't see the difference."

  Alec turned to face me, his face tense.

  "Are you okay?" he asked.

  "I'm just peachy, thanks."

  Alec scowled. "Don't be sarcastic."

  "If you don't want a sarcastic answer, don't ask a stupid question."

  Alec sighed. "You're right that was a stupid question."

  No shit Sherlock.

  "No more stupid questions, but you're going to listen to me Keela. You can decide on what you want to do after I've explained myself, do you understand me?"

  I swallowed and looked at the hole in my kitchen press.

  "Okay," I replied.

  "Do you remember the welcome dinner and how your uncle wanted to speak to me in the conference room on my own without you present?"

  I folded my arms across my chest.


  "When you left the room he told me that no relation of his would ever be in committed relationship with a whore."

  I blinked. "Well, you fucked his wife a lot of times, I'm sure he didn't want to keep that trait of yours runnin' in the family."

  Alec cut his eyes to me so I looked down.

  "I told your uncle that I didn't work for Marco anymore, and Marco agreed that I was no longer his employee, but your uncle didn't care about any of that. He didn't want me to taint you."

  "I fail to see how me uncle wantin' to protect me from you made you cheat on me."

  Alec shook his head. "Do you really not see where I'm going with this?"

  I shrugged. "Should I?"

  Alec scrubbed his face with his hands.

  "Keela, your uncle told me I had to make you hate me. He said I had to do somethin' to push you away from me... He told me I had to sleep with Everly and Dante and to make sure you knew about it."

  I blinked as Alec's words entered my mind.

  I tried to process them, I really did, but it hurt my head and chest.

  "Why are you sayin' this?" I whispered.

  "Because it's the truth. He told me I had to make you hate me... and I did."

  I swallowed. "If that is true, then why didn't you just tell him no?"

  Alec frowned. "He said he would kill my family if I didn't do it. He said cheating on you would make you hate me and never want to see me again. From the looks of things he was right."