Read Alec Page 4

  I didn't move as she did all this, I could only sit there and cry.

  "I still can’t believe I didn't recognise Jason, I'm so stupid. When he pulled me at the pub last year I thought he really liked me. He was with me for six weeks just to get back at Micah for cheatin' on him. That bastard made me fall for him and he knew it!"

  Aideen moved in front of me and kneeled down. "You had never seen Jason in person, you don't go round to Micah's house at all. The most you had seen is pictures of him on Facebook. He dyed his hair black and hit the gym since his school year ended. He isn't the same person that’s on his profile picture, he looks very different so this is not your fault. He played you, that fucker took your virginity for fuck's sake!"

  I sobbed as I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around Aideen and squeezed.

  "We will just pretend you never got that invite, okay? We're here all day, I can arrange all my course work for the students who are attending summer school this year and you can write some more of your book. What do you say?"

  I groaned and pulled back from our hug. "I can't even think about writin' at the moment. I just want to go to bed and not get up ever again."

  When Aideen slapped me across the face, it me took a few seconds for the pain and realisation of what she did to hit me. "What was that for?" I snapped and lifted my hand to my now throbbing cheek.

  "For gettin' yourself into a slump over a prick who does not deserve it!" Aideen stated.

  I frowned and continued to rub my cheek as I said, "Sorry."

  "Don't be sorry, not for anythin'. Okay?"

  I nodded my head and hugged Aideen again and when we separated I said, "I have to go to the weddin'. You know me ma will come round here and pester me for life if I don't. If I go and sit down in the back of the church and reception she won't care."

  Aideen growled, "I hate your ma."

  I smiled making Aideen chuckle.

  I sighed. "I just wish I didn't have to go single, that will only make the entire day worse."

  "The entire week actually. The weddin' is in the Bahamas and you leave in the next few days."

  "What?" I screeched.

  Aideen nodded. "That's what the invitation said."

  "Fuck!" I groaned and hung my head.

  We were silent for a moment until Aideen dramatically gasped which made me jump.

  "What?" I asked.

  She looked at me and said, "You're goin' to kill me, but I have a solution for you so you won't be attendin' the weddin' as a single woman."

  I raised my eyebrows at her. "Yeah, what's that then?"

  "Not that, more like who?"

  I furrowed my eyebrows. "Who then?"

  Aideen smirked as she said, "Alec Slater."

  "What about Alec Slater?" I asked Aideen with my eyebrows raised.

  Aideen gave me an are-you-serious look then sighed. "He could be your date to Jason's and Micah's weddin'. Duh!"

  For real?

  I burst out laughing. "Yeah, right!"

  Aideen shoved my shoulder. "I'm dead serious, this is what he does. Well, not exactly what he does but it's close enough."

  I felt my eyes roll with confusion. "Ado, I've no clue what you're talkin' about."

  Aideen pinched the bridge of her nose and blew out a long breath before she focused on me and said in a low voice, "Alec is a male escort, Keela."

  I held Aideen's stare for a few seconds before I cracked up laughing again. Aideen grunted and slapped at my arms to get me to stop laughing, and after a minute or so it worked.

  "I'm not jokin'!" Aideen bellowed.

  I was still chuckling a little as I said, "I don't believe you."

  Aideen folded her arms across her chest. "Keela, I swear on me life that I'm not jokin' with you. I'm dead serious. Alec is a male escort."

  My shoulders stopped moving and my chuckles slowed until no more sounds of laughter came from my mouth. I blinked as I looked at Aideen, her face didn't hold any hint of a smile like she was playing with me and that freaked me out more than a little.

  "You're serious?" I asked my voice a whisper.

  Aideen nodded. "Yes, I didn't believe at first because Branna told me one night when she was drunk, but when I said it to her the next day she flipped out and made me promise never to tell anyone."

  I gestured between Aideen and myself. "What's this then?"

  Aideen snorted and waved me off. "You're me best friend, so you don't count."

  That's Aideen's logic for you on a plate.

  I chewed on my bottom lip as I tilted my head back and looked up at the ceiling. "Okay, I believe you, but I don't see how Alec bein' an escort helps me. I was in his presence for only five minutes and I already can't stand him. He is dickhead."

  Aideen laughed. "So? Alec is gorgeous, and havin' someone like him on your arm will be the ultimate fuck you to Jason and Micah. Jason hates Dominic Slater, so chances are that he hates his brothers as well. Come on Keela, just think about how pissed he will be that you're with a Slater at his weddin'."

  I could picture Jason's face twisted in anger and it brought a smile to my face.

  "Okay, I agree that it would be great to rub someone Jason hates in his face, but I don't think Alec will agree to it. I mean, I pushed him to the ground and called him a batty boy."

  Aideen waggled her eyebrows at me. "There is only one way to find out if he will be your date."

  "Which is what?"

  Aideen winked. "You ask him."

  I sat up straight. "You want me to ask him to be me date to me cousin's weddin' after what I said and did to him last night?"

  "Yes," Aideen replied instantly.

  She was unreal!

  I groaned. "And if I say no?"

  Aideen shrugged. "I'll ring and ask him for you."

  The evil cow!

  I gasped. "You wouldn't dare!"

  Aideen devilishly smirked. "Try me, Kay."

  I slightly whimpered, "I hate you."

  "I love you, too."

  I closed my eyes and thought this over.

  Did I like what I knew of Alec Slater so far?


  Did I want to be around him for a week if he accepted an offer to come to the Bahamas as my date to Micah's and Jason's wedding?

  Hell no.

  Did I want to actually see him again after our first interaction last night?

  Heaven and Hell no.

  Those points aside; did I want to have someone who looked like him posing as my boyfriend to my family and Jason?

  Yes. God, yes!

  I smacked my hand against the table when I came to my decision. "Fine, I'll ask him."

  "Success!" Aideen cheered.

  I snickered at her then watched as she jumped to her feet.

  "Easy tiger, why so jumpy?"

  Aideen moved closer to me, grabbed my hand, and pulled me to my feet. "Go get a shower, we're goin' to get this done in the next hour."

  Excuse me?

  I felt my insides churn. "Today? Can't this wait until Monday?"

  Aideen shook her head. "No, you leave for the Bahamas within the week and we have to go shoppin' for your holiday clothes so you’ll look gorgeous at all times. Then we need to book your flights and call your job and tell them you’re sick and will be off for a week. We have a lot to do, and I won't have you lookin' anythin' other than stunnin' at that disgrace of a weddin'. We also need Alec on board as soon as possible."

  I swallowed down the bile the suddenly rose up my throat.

  "Oh, God... I don't think I can do this."

  Aideen grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the kitchen and straight into the bathroom. "You're just takin' a shower, that's it. One step at a time."

  "Yeah, but-"

  "Stop talkin'," Aideen cut me off. "Take a shower, and don't over think this."

  With that said she up and left the bathroom leaving me alone in the room. I groaned as I began to undress. I turned on my shower and waited a minute for it to heat up. When I was sure
the temperature wouldn't give me hypothermia I stepped under the flow of water and closed my eyes.

  I didn't move from under the water for a few minutes because I was thinking, as you do when you're in the shower. I thought about what I was going to do and say when I came face to face with Alec. I couldn't exactly think of what to say after my encounter with him last night so I decided to just wing it. If I thought about it too much I wouldn't go and that would piss both myself and Aideen off, because once I gave my word on something I wouldn't back out.

  I wasn't a chicken shit, I would one hundred percent go through with this and ask Alec to be my date to this farce of a wedding. The worst he could say was no. Plus, I've seen him once in my entire life and he has lived near my area for more than three years. It's not likely that I'd run into him anytime soon if he rejected me.

  I hoped not anyway.

  Twenty minutes after I entered the shower, I exited it sopping wet but extremely clean. I scrubbed myself raw making sure no dirty or dead skin was left behind. I moved to my sink and looked into the mirror; I rubbed the steam away and looked at my body. I didn't look below my chest because I hated my stomach, I had this little kangaroo pouch thing that never went away no matter how hard I dieted or how long I worked out in the gym!

  I sighed as I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste, I applied the paste onto my brush, wet the brush then went to town on brushing my teeth. I was a bit OCD when it came to brushing my teeth. My teeth were very crooked when I was younger so my mother got me braces and when I had my braces removed and found I actually had lovely straight teeth, I made sure to take extra good care of them. They were my favourite feature about myself, I liked my smile.

  After brushing my teeth and gargling some mouthwash, I grabbed a towel off the rack and dried myself down. I used the same towel to towel dry my hair then dropped it onto the floor to soak up my footprint puddles. Yeah, I used the one towel for everything. I hated when Aideen showered in my apartment, she used three towels just to take one shower and that pissed me off. A lot.

  Next up was my moisturiser, I grabbed my favourite tub of strawberry body butter and rubbed it all over my body, then I did a little bit of a naked waving dance to help it dry faster. I probably looked like a dope, but it was effective and that's all the mattered.

  When I emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a towel I was pounced on by Aideen. "Come on, I've got an outfit picked out for you."

  She pulled me down to my bedroom by my arm and I stumbled a little when she let me go. I balanced myself and looked to my bed where Storm was passed out cold again and snoring.

  "He is worse than a man."

  Aideen snorted. "I would say he portrays males perfectly."

  I snickered as I moved towards Aideen who was now practically inside my wardrobe. "I've picked out this blue knee length dress and a white pair of Converse for you to wear. It's on the end of your bed."

  I looked at the dress and nodded my head in approval. I bought it a few weeks ago in Pennys for the summer months because it was a great length and fitted nicely.

  "It's lovely but me boobs aren't big enough to fill it out though."

  Aideen grinned. "That's why God invented push up bras."

  I gave her a get-real look. "God didn't create push up bras, man did."

  Aideen shrugged. "True, but God planted the idea in man's mind. Put it on."

  I chuckled, and dropped my towel. Aideen was already turned and back inside my wardrobe looking for my right Converse since the left one was already on the floor. I put on the bra then grabbed a pair of white knickers from my underwear drawer. I pulled my dress on over my head and looked down at my chest just as Aideen turned around and gave me a thumbs up.

  "See? Instant jugs."

  I snorted and held my hand out for my Converse. Aideen wrinkled her nose at me and shook her head before moving to my chest of drawers. She opened the bottom one, and grabbed a white pair of ankle socks.

  "I hate when you don't wear socks with shoes, it's disgustin'."

  I stuck my tongue out at her as I took the socks from her hand, I put both of them on then put on my Converse and stood up. I did a little twirl.

  "What do you think?"

  Aideen tilted her head to the side as she looked at me and frowned. "You've lost weight, your love handles are virtually gone."

  I clapped my hands together like a happy seal. "Best news ever!"

  Aideen shook her head. "No, it's not, you shouldn't lose weight as fast as you are. Are you eatin' three full meals a day?"


  I wasn't starving myself, but I tried my best to limit my food intake if I could help it.

  "Yes, mother," I teased.

  I didn't tell her the truth because Aideen wouldn't understand, she would just nag me about 'not eating properly'. I didn't hold it against her though because she cared about me and was only looking out for me, but she didn't know what it was like growing up with a mother like mine. One who scrutinised everything you put in your mouth and made you feel like crap about yourself. I barely loved my ma, she is not a nice person. Not even to me and I was her only child.

  Aideen smiled at me as she believed my lie. "Well, lucky you. All your hard work is paying off, the Jason fat is nearly all gone. Woohoo."

  I snickered and high fived her.

  When I found out who Jason was and that he wasn't my partner, and that he used me just to upset my cousin, I comfort ate and put on three and a half stone. Aideen called it my Jason fat. That nickname alone gave me the boost needed to lose the weight. I didn't want any part of Jason connected to me, especially Jason fat.

  I moved to my chest of drawers and opened the top drawer. I took out my hair dryer and hair straightener before I sat on my bed then handed them to Aideen. She plugged the hairdryer into the outlet on my wall and spent the next ten minutes blow drying my hair. My hair wasn't very long. It fell to my mid back when it was straight and it wasn't very thick, so luckily it didn't take long to dry.

  "I'm gonna put loose curls down the end of your hair, it looks gorgeous like that. We need you to look hot so it persuades that sexy fucker to be your date in case he hates you after last night."

  I raised my eyebrows. "Hell no, if he says no then that is his final answer, no ask the audience, fifty-fifty, or phone a friend. I won't beg or try to persuade him in any way."

  Aideen grinned. "Yes, ma'am."

  I glared. "That also means you won't try to persuade him either."

  She put the straightener down and held up her hands. "I won't do anythin', I swear on the Bible."

  I rolled my eyes. "That means nothin' to me, you're goin' to Hell and you know it."

  Aideen snickered as she grabbed some heat protectant spray and put some on the ends of my hair. She waited a fews minute for it to dry then picked up the straightener and started to wrap the ends of my hair around the hot plates before she pulled. When she released my hair the ends of it sprung into loose curls, it made me smile because I loved this look on me just as much as Aideen did. It was a nice change considering I wear my hair in a ponytail or up in a messy bun most of the time.

  "Hair is done, makeup is next. We're keepin' this pretty face as natural as possible."


  "Do whatever you want to me."

  Aideen tapped my nose. "Open with that sentence when you speak to Alec and you're guaranteed to have him as your date to the weddin'."

  The dirty bitch!

  I burst out laughing making Aideen smile as she got my small makeup bag from my chest of drawers and brought it over to me. I closed my eyes as she picked out the makeup she would be using on my face and just relaxed while she went to work. She got my foundation, powder, and blush done in less than five minutes because she went very light on everything. She spent a few extra minutes doing a very light brown smoky eye on my eyes, but once that was done I was good to go.

  "Perfume?" Aideen questioned.

  I shook my head. "No thanks, I have strawberry moisturiser
on so I smell nice and fruity."

  Aideen leaned in and inhaled deeply.


  I playfully shoved her away from me. "Come on, let's go and get this over with before I get nervous."

  Or more nervous.

  "I'm good to go, baby," Aideen cheered.

  Storm barked from the bed so Aideen stuck her finger up at him before she skipped out of the room. I shook my head at her then moved around to Storm. I rubbed his head then kissed it. "I'll be back it a little while, bud."

  Storm groaned and stretched then rolled over. I chuckled as I stood up and walked out of my bedroom. I left the door open for him so he could have access to his water and food. I topped off both before I followed Aideen out of my apartment.

  "I took him out on a quick walk to go the toilet earlier, and the fucker almost bit my hand off. I'm never doin' it again."

  I laughed as I locked up my apartment door and headed down the stairs of my apartment complex with Aideen on my heels. When we were out in the car park I groaned in delight as I felt the heat of the sunlight caress my skin.

  "I bloody love the summer."

  Aideen sighed, "Me too, babe."

  We got into my car and rolled down the windows straight away because the inside of my car was boiling hot. I started my car then pulled out of the car park and onto the road.

  "Where am I drivin'?"

  Aideen cracked her knuckles. "Upton."

  I glanced to her before refocusing on the road. "He lives in Upton? Is he rich?"

  Aideen shrugged. "Branna said they are well off."

  I snorted.

  They are more than well off if they lived in Upton. That was probably the poshest part of Tallaght. Well, if Tallaght had a posh part then Upton would be it. Aideen and I didn't speak as we drove the ten minute drive across two estates until we entered the ever clean and peaceful Upton.

  "I'd love to live here," I murmured as I slowed down enough to look around.

  "Me too, it's so quiet."

  I nodded. "I could get so much writin' done if I lived here."

  Aideen glanced at me. "How is your book comin' along?"

  I shrugged. "It's comin' along grand, I'm about forty-four thousand words into it."