Read Alec Page 6

  Aideen shrugged her shoulders. "It's hot outside. The heat does things to Irish people, it forces us to drink!"

  I gave her a 'really' look which made her smile and take a sip from her bottle.

  "Whatever. Keep the bottle, we're leavin' now. Alec won't help me."

  Aideen frowned as her shoulders slumped. "Dammit, who the hell can we get to be your date to that weddin' now?"

  "Whose weddin'?" Nico asked Aideen.

  I gently shook my head at Aideen and gave her the don't-say-a-word look. Any other female around the globe would know that look and not say a word, but not Aideen, she had too big of a mouth to keep anything to herself.

  "Keela's cousin, Micah, is gettin' married to her dickhead of a fella next week. Jason, Micah's fiancé, fucked Keela over a few months ago. Since she has to attend the weddin', we wanted someone to go with her that would show Jason she can do miles better than him. I thought Alec was the man for the job, but apparently I was wrong."

  I put my face back in my hands when Aideen finished speaking and wished the ground would open up and swallow me whole.

  "Wait, you're related to Micah Daley?" Nico asked me.

  I uncovered my face and found he was looking at me with wide eyes as he awaited my answer. "Yeah, Micah is me cousin. Do you know her?"

  "Unfortunately, I do. She was in my homeroom in the final year of high school."

  I nodded my head in understanding.

  Nico looked closely at me then and studied me with his eyes squinted. "She was a brunette in school, but I've seen her around town and she has red hair now. You look similar to her."

  I shrugged. "Her hair is dyed red, mine is naturally this colour. I'm not like her at all, she is a bitch of epic proportions."

  Nico grinned. "You don't need to convince me she is a bitch, I believe you."

  I chuckled.

  "What did Jason do to fuck you over?" Ryder questioned me when I looked at him.

  I sighed and rubbed my neck awkwardly, embarrassed that I was revealing this information to very hot strangers.

  "He pretended to like me, took me out on dates and such to made me think we were a real couple, but really he was only usin' me to get back at Micah for cheatin' on him. It's all really fucked up, they worked shite out and are gettin' married and because we're family I have to go their weddin'."

  Kane frowned at me. "Why not tell them to shove their wedding up their asses?"

  I chuckled a little. "Because me ma would be on me case about it. Goin' to the weddin' and keepin' out of the way is much better than dealin' with my mother if I don't go. She is the Devil."

  "Amen," Aideen said and made the sign of the cross, which Kane found funny.

  I sighed, but kept a bright smile on my face. "Yeah... Well it was nice seein' you again Kane and Alec, and lovely meetin' you two lads. Have a nice day."

  I nodded for Aideen to walk out with me, but when I turned to leave a large body blocked my way.

  "Turn around and walk into the kitchen," Alec said, staring down at me, his gaze hard.

  I swallowed. "What? Why?"

  He kept eye contact. "Because I need to iron out some details with you if I'm going to be your escort to your cousin's wedding."

  I stared at Alec and felt like I swallowed my tongue. A few seconds passed by until I found my voice and said, "But you said that you aren't in that business anymore and that you are retired-"

  "Do you want my help or not?" Alec cut me off, his tone clipped.

  I bit the inside of my cheek, and nodded my head because I really did want his help. No scratch that, if I wanted to show Jason and Micah that life after Jason was better than ever, I needed his help.

  "Then turn around and walk into the kitchen, I want to talk to you in private. Just the two of us."

  I have no idea why I didn't backtalk him for giving me an order. His tone left no room for argument though, so I kept my mouth shut turned and walked by Nico, Kane, Ryder, and Aideen on my way into the kitchen. I heard the kitchen door close after me, and knowing I was in a room all on my own with him made me nervous.

  Very nervous.

  "Do you want a cup of tea?" Alec asked from behind me.

  I raised my eyebrows and turned to him.

  Out of everything I expected him to say, that sentence was not it.

  Alec shrugged his shoulders at my shocked facial expression. "Bronagh and Branna always tell me to 'put the kettle on' when they need to have a serious conversation, I figured you might want one before we talk."

  Were we about to have a serious conversation?


  "Um, sure. I'd love a builder's cuppa, please."

  It was Alec's turn to raise his eyebrows then.

  "What the hell is that?"

  I chewed on my bottom lip for a moment, released it and said, "You know, a cup of tea with loads of sugar?"

  Alec looked at me like I was stupid before he shook his head and turned to the counter where he picked up the kettle and filled it up with water from the tap. He placed the kettle back on the holder when it was full and flipped the switch on. He turned to face me then as he leaned back against the counter with his arms folded across his chest and looked at me, his eyes fixed on mine.

  I shifted my stance a few times then dropped my gaze to Alec's nose instead of his eyes because I was a little unnerved that he wasn't blinking as he looked at me. I lowered my gaze to his mouth just as a smirk curved it and his dimples dented his cheeks.

  I cleared my throat and said, "I'm just goin' to sit down."

  I turned and moved to the kitchen table and made a huge deal of looking at my surroundings as I sat down just so I wouldn't have to look at Alec or his sexy dimples.

  I didn't like him - he was hot all right, but he seemed to have the personality of a goat, and I didn't like goats.

  Whether I liked him physically or not, it didn't calm my nerves when he looked at me. His gaze was intense and even though I wasn't looking at him, I could feel it piercing me. I waited a solid minute before I spoke.

  "So what 'details' do we have to go over in order for you escort me to me cousin's weddin'?" I asked as I looked directly in front of me.

  Across from me was a sliding glass backdoor. I could see out into a large back garden that was neat and tidy with a beautiful bed of flowers down the back that was topped off with a stunning deck that looked only half varnished.

  "In order for me to escort you to your cousin's wedding, I need to draw up a contract-"

  "Hold up, buddy. A contract? Is this conversation about to get Fifty Shades of Grey?"

  Alec frowned at me. "That kinky porn book women love?"

  I nodded my head and watched as his face changed from expressionless to beatific as he laughed and moved over to the kettle when it whistled letting us know the water was boiled.

  "No, it's not about to get fifty shades of anything, Keela. Contracts with my clients are routine."

  "Alec, I'm not your client. What I am askin' of you is a favour, not a business deal."

  Alec looked over his shoulder and gazed at me with a look of confusion across his face. "Why don't you tell me what you want from this 'favour' so I get a better understanding of things then."

  That seemed fair.

  I nodded my head as he turned back around and began to make me a cup of tea.

  "Well, much wouldn't be required of you. I just want you to pretend to be me boyfriend... That's it."

  Alec turned back in my direction with a black mug in his hand. He carried it over to me, and placed it on top of the coaster that was already placed on the table in front of me. He took a seat across from me, clasped his hands together and placed them on the table in front of him. My eyes lingered on the light blue bulge of veins running down his arms; the veins were noticeable, but could be easily overlooked thanks to the stunning dragon tattoo that covered Alec's left arm, half of his chest, and part of his neck.

  I only then realised that Alec was still topless and I was ope
nly gawking at his chest and arms. I quickly looked up to Alec's face and instantly glared at the smugness that was visibly plastered across his face.

  "Can you put some clothes on?" I asked.

  Alec raised his eyebrows. "Does my being topless make you uncomfortable?"

  No, it makes me drool.

  "Yes, it does."

  Alec smirked. "Though shit. It's hot out, so I'm skins for the day."

  I frowned. "I don't even know what that means."

  Alec clicked his tongue at me. "Irish people."

  "American people!" I fired right back making him chuckle.

  "So, you just want me to be your boyfriend?"

  Nice subject change.

  I licked my lips, and nodded my head. "Yes, you just have to make it believable that we are a real couple."

  Alec smiled suggestively. "How would you like me to make it believable?"

  Why did he say that word like it was something dirty?

  I felt myself flush, and I hated it. "Stop tryin' to embarrass me."

  Alec pushed his hair back from his face and said, "I'm asking a legit question."

  "Just act like a lovin' boyfriend; hold my hand, kiss my cheek-"

  "Open a door for you then smack your ass when you walk by?"

  I rolled my eyes. "I'm bein' serious."

  "So am I."

  I groaned, and placed my head in my hands. "I just want me family to think we're a real, happy couple. That's it."

  Alec chortled. "Trust me kitten, this will be the easiest job I’ve ever done."

  I uncovered my face, and raised my eyebrows at him. "It will?"

  Alec nodded, still smiling wide. "Yep."


  I smiled also. "So does that mean you will escort me to the weddin'?"

  I had my fingers and toes crossed, hoping he would say yes.

  Alec laughed at me. "If you abide by my conditions then yes, I will."

  I frowned and uncrossed my fingers and toes. "What are your conditions?"

  Alec held up his index finger. "Number one, absolutey no falling in love."

  Oh, he had a sense of humour!

  I couldn't help the snort that erupted out of me then or the laughter that followed it. Alec's eyes narrowed as I snorted again mid-laugh which of course only made me laugh harder.

  "I'm being serious Keela," Alec growled, no trace of humour on his face or in his tone.

  Oh, crap, he was serious!

  I laughed harder then, and quickly fanned myself. "I know, that's why... I'm laughin'... so hard."

  Alec stared at me blankly and unblinking, so I forced myself to relax until my laughter subsided. "Okay, so I'm not to fall in love with you. Got it, what's number two?"

  Alec rolled his eyes and said, "Number two, you treat me as a person and not as the hired help."

  I frowned. "I will always treat you as a person... I can't treat you like hired help even if I wanted because I'm not payin' you."

  Alec clicked his tongue at me. "You could pay me in sexual favours."

  I raised my eyebrows then gave him a get-real look and said, "You will get paid with nice manners."

  Alec smirked. "The rest of my conditions might make you a little uneasy then."

  I sat up straight as a shiver ran down my spine. "What are they?"

  Alec lifted his arm and rubbed the back of his neck. "You sure you want an honest answer to that question, kitten?"

  I nodded my head and ignored the bulge of his bicep even though it whispered for me to take a peak.

  Alec shrugged and said, "I want to fuck you."

  I was about to laugh, but Alec's tone and facial expression shut me up before I even made a sound. I did nothing but stare at him for a few moments before I opened my mouth and said, "Why aren't you laughin'?"

  "Because I'm not joking."

  I widened my eyes in sheer horror. "You better be fuckin' jokin'!"

  Alec sat back a little and raised his eyebrows and hands. "I don't joke about conditions for a contract."

  I smacked my hands down on the kitchen table. "This is not a contract, this is a favour. You don't get paid for it with anythin' other than a verbal fuckin' thank you."

  Alec folded his arms across his chest. "So I'm to be your boyfriend without receiving the privileges or benefits of having a girlfriend?"


  "Yes! This is all only pretend!"

  Alec shook his head. "Nah, that's a no-go for me. We're going to hash that out right now, if you want me to be your boyfriend then I want some privileges at least. I'm a man - I have needs."

  Oh my God!

  What the hell was this?

  I rubbed my temples with my fingers. "What exactly do you want from me, Alec?"

  If he said he wanted to fuck me again I was going to smack him.

  "I like physical intimacy. No feelings or emotional bullshit, just the physical stuff. I like holding hands, kissing, cuddling, hugging, and fucking. If I'm to be your pretend boyfriend then this is what I want, it's not asking for much."

  Not asking for much?



  I was mad that he wanted to have sex with me, but I couldn't help but also feel a little flattered because men who looked like Alec never peeked in my direction, let alone look in it. Flattered or not, I was also extremely disgusted that sex is all he wanted from me. I wasn't expecting anything to come from this arrangement, but to be told someone wanted me for my body, and my body alone, was not a mistake I would make twice in my lifetime.

  My heart was hammering against my chest and my stomach contents were rolling around inside my belly.

  "Shaggin' is not on the table at all so you can get it out of your head right now."

  I could not believe he even suggested that he get laid as a condition to escort me to Micah's wedding!

  Alec grinned. "We'll see."

  I growled, "What do you mean 'We'll see'?"

  "I mean we will see."

  Fuck that and fuck him!

  "We won't see anythin'! I change me mind, I don't need your help," I snapped and stood up from my chair. I pushed it into the table then turned and walked towards the door, but Alec’s arms stopped me as they surrounded me.

  I was more than a little shocked that he was behind me again - I didn't hear him move from where he was sitting.

  "You came to me for help, not the other way around, kitten. You don't have anyone else who can help you or you wouldn't be here... Like it or not, you do need my help."

  I shrugged out of his hold, then spun around and placed my hands on my hips. "I'm not shaggin' you. If that is a deal breaker for you then so be it, I won't sleep with you in order for you to escort me the weddin' as me boyfriend. I don't care how good lookin' you are. I'm not that kind of girl!"

  A smile stretched across Alec's face as he looked down at me. "You think I'm good looking?"

  Of course his bloody mind would focus on that part of my sentence.

  I narrowed my eyes to slits and glared at Alec which made him lightly chuckle and hold his hands up in front of his chest like he was surrendering.

  "I want to fuck you, no doubt about it, kitten, but it doesn't have to be a condition since you're so against it. In fact, since you're dead set against it, I'm going to make you a bet instead."

  I raised my eyebrows and stared at him curiously.

  "What kind of bet?" I questioned.

  "A sexual kind of bet."

  He lost me.


  Alec smirked. "I bet that before anyone says 'I do', I'll have you on your back with your legs spread wide as I pound away between your thighs."

  I felt my jaw drop open.

  "And you will be the one begging me to suck and fuck you."

  My eyes widened to the point of pain.

  "Are you serious?" I asked my voice a whisper.

  Alec nodded his head.

  I laughed, and I laughed hard.

  "You've got your
self a bet, laddie."

  Alec didn't realise it, but he was setting himself up for disaster with this bet because I was the almighty queen of self-control. I fucking had this!

  Alec tilted his head and smiled at me as his dimples earned an inward sigh from me.

  "My updated conditions are that we sleep in the same bed and that I can kiss you, touch you, and cuddle with you whenever I want."

  The sneaky fucker!

  I deadpanned for a moment, but then smiled wide. "You think by doin' all that I will willingly want to shag you?"

  Alec shrugged his shoulders, but had a ghost of a smile appeared on his face that confirmed my suspicions.

  "Fine, we can sleep in the same bed, but you have to wear pyjama bottoms."

  Alec held up his hand. "I sleep naked, always have and always will."

  I clenched my hands to fists. "You will wear pyjamas. I'm not backin' down on this, playboy."

  Alec blinked at my insult. "Playboy, really kitten?"

  I hissed, "Stop calling me kitten!"

  Alec shook his head and said, "Nah, I like it. You're small and vulnerable like a cute little kitten."


  "If kitten is staying then so is playboy," I warned.

  Alec laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "I've been called worse, kitten."

  I narrowed my eyes. "I really don't like you."

  "Give it time, and you will like me plenty."

  Cocky bastard!

  I shook my head and refocused on my condition. "You must wear pyjamas when you are in the same bed as me, do you understand me?"

  Alec smirked down at me. "I like you giving me orders."

  "Does that mean you will follow them?" I asked hopefully.

  He laughed. "Let's not get too hasty, kitten."


  "I'm not backin' down on this, wearin' pyjamas is a condition of mine."

  Alec raised his eyebrows and folded his arms across his bare chest.

  "Is that so?"

  I swallowed but firmly said, "Yes, it is so."

  Alec smiled and let his eyes roam over my face until they landed on my eyes. "Fine, pyjama pants in bed."

  Small victory won!

  I smiled happily. "And as for the kissin' and touchin'; we will have to build up to that happenin' freely. I don't know you, and I refuse to get intimate on any level, even if it is fake, with a stranger."