Read Alex Finch: Monster Hunter Page 19

  "Sure. Hey, Alex?" I paused in the doorway. "You're going to be okay. Just remember you're not alone."


  Once I was out of sight, I sagged against the wall, my throat so tight I had trouble taking a breath. I started this school year alone, expecting to just make my way, like I did every year.

  Instead, I discovered that my ordinary beach town was far from ordinary, made some friends I could really count on. And found the love of my life, only to lose him.

  I didn't hear Jake behind me--until he closed his hands over my shoulders.

  With a strangled sob I turned into the wall, mortified that he caught me crying.

  "No hiding, sweet girl. I know you're hurting. Now come here." He pulled me into his arms, picked me up when my crying turned a little--hysterical. "That room behind the kitchen okay?"

  I nodded against his shoulder, surprised he remembered. He carried me through the kitchen and settled me on the leather sofa in the office, going back to close the door. Meanwhile, I curled into a ball of pain and tears, trying to disappear.

  "Nope--not dealing with this one alone." Jake sat next to me, draped one arm across my shoulders, and slid me up against his chest. "Now go to town, Alex. I don't have anywhere to be at the moment."

  I took his advice, shocked by how much I needed the release. In between bouts of crying, I basically spilled my guts, about everything. You know that saying--that sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger than your best friend? Completely true.

  When I got to my suspicions about him being the monster's human accomplice--until it attacked him--he laughed so hard he almost knocked us both off the sofa.

  "Sorry." He gasped for breath, still chuckling. "I haven't laughed like that since--I can't remember the last time. What makes you think it had an accomplice?"

  I told him about the video, the fact that it had been emailed from a school computer. That the monster had been in the video, so there was someone else--or something else, working the camera. And about the new window glass, in the building where I found Katie and Matt.

  He studied me, thoughtful. "Makes sense. It's something we can add to the list."

  I thought about the book hidden in my dresser. Thought about telling Jake, and changed my mind. For now. "What list?"

  "The list Candace and I started. Of freak accidents, reports--oh, and a possible cure for me and Sam."

  After my heart settled back in my chest, I grabbed the front of his shirt. "Tell me you're not joking."

  He covered my hands, no trace of a smile. "I'm not joking."

  "Oh, God."


  I curled in to his side, and we stayed that way, talking every once in a while, until the room started getting dark.

  He left before my parents got home, to avoid an uncomfortable scene, as he so delicately put it. I watched him walk down the driveway, and get into a sleek black MG parked behind mine, much more high-end, and obviously manufactured for driving in the UK. After the engine purred to life, he leaned out the window.

  "Nice car."

  I smiled, for the first time since I knew Sam was really leaving, and waved at Jake as he backed into the street and roared off. Hugging myself, I stared up at the sky, watched the first stars wink on.

  If there was a cure, Sam and Jake could be normal, be human again, with no fears.

  Sam could come home.

  I turned toward the door, and froze. A flat, yellow glow surrounded the knob. As I inched closer I discovered the reason.

  My heart jumped into my throat, my fingers shaking as I touched the heavy pendant, its thick leather cord wrapped around the knob. The pendant I last saw glowing around the monster's neck. In Hyattown.

  Panic shot through me. I whirled, searching the sidewalk, the driveway, the street. No green eyes watching me. Not yet.

  My fingers still shaking so badly I kept fumbling, I finally unwrapped the heavy cord, clutching it as I did one last sweep before I closed the door and double locked it, backing away. I could feel it out there, watching, waiting.

  It was still alive. It was here.

  And it knew where I lived.


  I locked everything in the house, happy to deal with any questions from Mom about the sudden paranoia. Right now, I needed that security to even begin to touch the panic churning through me.

  Limping upstairs, I closed and locked the door to my bedroom--something I never do--and moved to my dresser. The pendant got shoved into the back corner of my bottom drawer, under my too ratty to wear anymore leotards. I took out the small guide I'd stuck there. It had a new home now.

  Red sat on my desk, open and waiting. With a sigh, I lowered myself to the chair, and booted her up. I wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight.

  After checking my email, hoping for a message from Sam, I closed it when I didn't find anything, and opened the file I started after crawling up from underground.

  The Monster Files

  Like the book sitting next to me, I planned to create my own guide--to the monsters I already encountered, and the monsters I expected to come across. Because, seriously, how could I bury my head now that I knew about them?

  And how could I walk away now that I knew there was a chance for Sam, a chance to keep him from becoming one of them?

  Time to make a plan.

  I opened the guide, took a deep breath, and started typing.

  My name is Alex Finch, and this is a record of my encounters--with monsters I didn't know existed. Now that I do--now that I am in love with one of them--I need to know more. I need to know if what's in the guide I included with this file is real. I need to know if the wounds on my back will be more than just wounds.

  This is where I'll write down everything I discover. Good or bad.

  This is where I'll tell my story.


  Thank you for joining Alex and her friends in their first adventure!

  Want an advance notice of the next release-and be in on some exclusive contests? Then sign up for my list:

  I'll leave you with a preview of Truth and Consequences, Book 2 of The Monster Files, which is available now. Enjoy!

  Excerpt from Truth and Consequences

  Life is funny.

  No, wait--I already started with that one. Let's do this again.

  Life is strange. As in monsters-do-exist-and-one-of-them-is-after-me strange. Which explains why I found myself on an archery range after school, struggling with a heavy crossbow.

  Yeah--just like the crossbow left in my car after Sam's mom was hurt. The one that was still missing. I try not to think about who might have taken it. Or what might have--okay, getting off that topic.

  I found my crossbow online, after discovering the amazing world of reenactment sites. They are a fantastic resource for all sorts of medieval looking pointy things, like weapons.

  And speaking of Sam, he was still gone. After more than a month, I haven't gotten used to the gaping hole in my heart.

  Well, that was dramatic. Actually, I missed him, more than I ever thought I could miss anyone. But the holidays helped, with Thanksgiving in just a couple of days. I knew this year it would be bittersweet for me.

  That's where the archery range comes in. Not only did I need a serious distraction, I also needed to know I could defend myself, and have a fairly easy weapon to get my hands on when I needed it. So far, the crossbow was not that weapon.

  "It's too big for you, Finch."

  I whirled at the familiar voice. Jake strutted across the range, wearing--I had to look twice for it to register--the uniform of an instructor. Fabulous.

  "Hey, Jake." He flashed a smile, and relieved me of the crossbow. My arms ached just from holding the bloody thing. I deliberately ignored the ache in my back, where the scabbed over wounds from the Devil sent out a twinge every hour or so to remind me they were there. "I figured I could--"

  "Work your way into it? One shot would drop you on your--" He ra
ised his eyebrows and glanced in the direction of my butt. When I glared at him his smile widened. "Why this sudden need for heavy weaponry?"

  Ever since Halloween, I tend to spill my guts whenever Jake asks a question. "The monster I thought I killed knows where I live."

  "Ah." He'd had his own run-in, so I knew he'd understand. But for some reason he also looked--uncomfortable. Before I could ask, he started walking toward the building. "Come on--I have something that will work much better for your size."

  I had to hustle to keep up with him, and my still hinky ankle let me know it was unhappy about running across an uneven field. Yeah, all the abuse caught up with me. I had to wear an ankle brace on it pretty much all the time, and Madame Chloe banned me from class until it was off.

  I also had to give up my beloved motorcycle boots until my ankle healed. My collection of ballet flats had grown over the last month. Honestly, I felt naked without all that heavy leather covering the bottom half of my legs.

  I caught up with Jake at the equipment room. He had already been inside, and held up a simple recurve bow. A green recurve bow.

  "That's for kids, isn't it?"

  "It's for people who need something smaller. Don't frown at me like that. It's more powerful than you think." He handed it to me. I was surprised by how light it was, and how good it felt in my hands. So good, I wanted to give it back. Immediately. "Keep it, Finch," he said. Obviously my internal struggle was more visible than I thought. "I'll feel better knowing you can defend yourself with more than a pocket knife."

  "At least I can carry that around without looking like an extra from Robin Hood." I tested the bowstring, tried to look like I knew what I was doing. And let out a yelp when it snapped against my left forearm.

  Smiling, Jake held out a gorgeous green suede--something. "An arm guard," he said. "It will protect your arm from what you just did. Here." He slid what looked like a black leather fingerless glove on my hand and velcroed the whole thing so the long strip of heavy green suede covered my still stinging inner forearm, and my palm. "It will also keep the bow from slipping because of panic sweat."

  I raised my eyebrows. "I don't panic."

  No, I didn't panic when I killed my first monster--or thought I killed it. I cried, feeling like my heart had been ripped out.

  But maybe he did have a point. With the monster--known as the Devil in my handy guide to all the monsters, half-humans, and Others that really did exist--leaving a warning that it knew where I lived, panic may just happen. At the wrong moment.

  Jake waited for me to figure that out. "So--we on the same page now?"

  I let out a sigh. "Yeah."

  "Good. Since you now have plenty of time in the afternoon, I want you here, practicing with that bow until it's second nature. And you can multitask--dance across the field when you go to pull your arrows out of the target."

  "Hilarious." I could barely hear myself over his laughter. There it is--the reason I never wanted anyone to know about my dancing. "Are you finished?"

  "Sorry." He couldn't seem to stop grinning, so I let it go. And he looked so much like a dark haired/dark eyed version of Sam, I found it easier to forgive. "Let's get some arrows and see how much work I'm going to have ahead of me."


  I surprised both of us by being a natural.

  By the time Jake let me go, my hands ached, my arms and shoulders ached more, and I had several bruises on my left forearm, in spite of the guard.

  "Okay, my pretty little Robin Hood." Jake pulled the bow out of my hands before I could nock another arrow. "That's enough for today."

  "But I can--"

  "You are going to be cursing me tomorrow already." He packed the bow and practice arrows in a bag, and slid it over my shoulder. I managed not to cringe at the weight. "Now go home, take a long, hot bath, and stretch. I know, you're a dancer, with all that compact muscle. But you've been using different muscles today. Trust me--you're going to feel it tomorrow."

  Tomorrow? I already felt like someone beat me with a stick. But I wasn't going to say a word, and would do my best not to limp to my car. "Okay," I said. "I'll see you here tomorrow?"

  Jake swallowed, looked away from me. "I have--another appointment. But I'll have one of the other instructors work with you. Go home, Finch, get some rest."

  He walked across the field--and startled me by picking up my crossbow, and taking it with him. Since I couldn't use it without major injury to myself, I planned to donate it to the archery school. But why did Jake need it?

  I really wanted to follow him--but now every muscle was begging for some R and R. Careful of my ankle, I limped across the field, headed for my car. All I wanted right now was a bath, a big bowl of Dad's spicy homemade chili, and my bed.

  Crazy me--I was still looking for normal.


  Books by Cate Dean

  Love in Time

  Book One - Final Hours

  Book Two - First Breath

  Book 2.5 - Loving Kane

  Book Three - Second Chances

  Shattered Throne

  Prequel - Second Son

  The Claire Wiche Chronicles

  Book 1 - Rest For The Wicked

  Book 2 - A Gathering of Angels

  Book 3 - Carry On Wayward Son

  Book 4 - Annie's Song

  Book 5 - What Doesn't Kill You

  Box sets

  The Claire Wiche Chronicles Volumes 1-3

  The Claire Wiche Chronicles Volumes 4-5

  Young Adult

  Alex Finch: Monster Hunter (The Monster Files Book 1) Truth and Consequences (The Monster Files Book 2) Rosamond's Heart (formerly When Walls Can Talk) (The Black Mountain Saga Book 1) Danel of Black Mountain (The Black Mountain Saga Book 2)



  Last Chance Jack


  Tales From The Mist - The Messenger

  Lore: Tales of Myth and Legend Retold - The Barricades

  Love Is... Charity Anthology - Tempted Heart

  My Thanks

  I may be the writer - but this book would not be what it is without my team, who are a joy to work with, and make me look good.

  Thank you to Janet of Dragonfly Editing - you get my style, and my book is more polished because of your attention to detail. To Jes - thank you for creating a beautiful new cover. And to Margo, my lovely beta reader - thank you for taking the time, and pointing out the boring bits. This book is better because of your comments, and the time you took to read it for me.

  And finally - thank you, my readers. I write stories because of you, and for you. Thank you for your constant, unconditional support. You all continue to inspire, delight, and surprise me.

  About The Author

  Cate Dean has been writing since she could hold a pen in her hand and put more than two words together on paper.

  She grew up losing herself in the wilds of fantasy worlds, and has had some of her own adventures while tromping through the UK, and a few other parts of the world. A lover of all things supernatural, she infuses that love into her stories, giving them a unique edge.

  When she's not writing, she loves cooking, scaring herself silly in the local cemeteries, and reading pretty much anything she can get her hands on.

  There - I got the official biography out of the way.

  I love to write, and yes, I have been doing it most of my life. I've made up stories in my head for as long as I can remember, and I am thrilled to be able to write them down and share them with you.

  To find out more about me and my books, you can hop over to my website:

  Hang out with me on my Facebook page:

  Or come and exchange tweets at:

  I look forward to meeting you. :)

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  Table of Contents



























  Excerpt from Truth and Consequences

  Books by Cate Dean

  My Thanks

  About The Author

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