Read Alice's Zombie Adventures in Under City: Downward Spiral Page 8

she had not been fond of them at all. Truthfully she’d detested her appointed duty and had seen it as a punishment.

  “These two have been unorthodox since their inception,” Brother Dodo acknowledged with a distaste that seemed to permeate through the mysteriously cowled figures.

  “I hope you don’t expect me to just sit here and listen to you banter on about me and March as if we didn’t exist. Regardless of your opinion, we’ve accomplished your tasks and we are due our entitlements.” Said the one who didn’t look like the others grinding through her teeth.

  “No matter your accomplishments, you’d do well to address your family with the proper respect daughter Madeline Hatter. March still has not completed his assessment and his course, albeit safer than the alternatives, will take a day to complete.”

  “But Mother! How can I just sit here,” Madeline began then corrected herself despite her rage and relenting in her usual adolescent manner which was the most the group had come to expect since the side effects of the duos augmentations she said, “Fine!”

  “Notwithstanding Sister Eaglet, the two have accomplished great deeds with their abilities. I was sincerely in doubt of their chosen method of acquiring the necessities they needed through ill-gotten manners; however, it would be prudent to note they have succeeded where others have not. They are both resourceful and charismatic in light of their inconsistencies. I expect March shall complete the tasks at hand with no further delays than should be expected. I’d also add that one shouldn’t underestimate their allegiance with the Cheshire. She has assisted them to great effect on more than one occasion that I’m aware.” Brother Dodo concluded.

  “The affairs of Second City are of little concern in light of the zombie manifestation, disregarding the source. I for one would not shed a tear if the package were not delivered. We shall need assistance in the form of a trained military attaché in order to guard the inherent safety of the public or what is left of them.” Sister Lory chimed in with a sullen response.

  “With the failure of the suits the situation has become exacerbated. Such is the tendency with politics, religion, and commercialism. Those in power seek merely to stay in power, friends.” Sister Eaglet pointed out and the mysteriously cowled figures nodded in agreement.

  Madeline Shook her head as her distemper grew. “March always comes through. We are bonded. Package or not he will complete his training. Had we have been treated differently perhaps you would be able to expect more loyalty.”

  While her diatribe was cutting, this time Sister Eagle did not chastise Madeline for her remarks. They were given training counter to Brother Dodo’s normal standards as was directed and they had succeeded by sheer determination alone. They had been tested in fire and prevailed while honing and refining their standards. Indeed even Brother Dodo felt a pang of shame as he acknowledged the truth of her statement.

  “You’re point is taken and understood. I cannot disagree with the truth of the matter. You will become family. Now it is time to see if March can live up to his end of the bargain. Remember young Madeline, we cannot purely have the sake of our own interests in mind as we are accommodating your unique bond with young March Hare.”

  Madeline pulled a wisp of red hair from her eyes and studied Brother Dodo, which she referred to as Father Dodo for the time being. She could see he spake the truth.

  “Look yonder friends, March exits the forest with package in tow. Let us see how he handles his next trial. Keep in mind daughter Madeline, it is unacceptable to witness another apprentices reckoning.” Sister Lory exclaimed and cautioned as March left the woods with Alice. Madeline settled herself as she stood next to Sister Eaglet.

  Alice found it difficult to keep up with March which she blamed partially on the fact that he had better foot wear and partially because she felt March still had some distaste for her general ideology. The truth was that neither thought was accurate nor and March had great difficulty paying attention to the directions he set upon causing him to get distracted only to have to completely change his course at unspecified intervals. Be that as it may, he kept Alice within site at all times and never neglected to ensure her personal safety. The cause for the distraction was that March was monitoring several activities at once including, of course, Alice.

  “What did you mean earlier when you said that dirty Prince of Diamonds?” she asked as she was once again curious and had already asked about their course on several occasions only to have either reminded March that they were supposed to be going in a certain direction or to be told one thing later to be told something else.

  “Oh, him? He’s just jealous is all. Thinks he can buy whatever he wants and is mad at me because I did the Princess of Spades a favor.” March replied absentmindedly vaguely remembering his earlier comment.

  “I’m not quite sure why that would be such a problem. I mean doing someone a favor hardly seems like any reason to be upset or jealous.”

  “Well, she kinda started digging on me after that.” March admitted reluctantly.

  “Seems quite the painful experience if you ask me,” Alice replied unsure of what digging meant.

  “You don’t know what digging someone is do you,” he asked detecting a mild hint of ignorance.

  “That is an excellent observation,” Alice responded still trying to keep her Second City consumer mentality pleasant despite her grudge and the fact that she was struggling.

  “It means she started liking me,” he answered with the slightest hint of a smile.

  “What favor did you do for her exactly?” Alice asked beginning to get suspicious.

  March paused for a moment, checked his map and turned slightly to the left before taking another step.

  “A kiss,” he answered, “Her first kiss.”

  Alice frowned somewhat. She remembered the intensity in March’s eyes when he was under the limb under the tree and upside down and how deep his brown eyes seemed to be as they drew her in. She’d contemplated, still having yet to receive her first kiss, receiving a kiss from March as a substitute and the thought of him already having his first kiss caused her to wonder if giving him a kiss was such a good idea after all.

  “Oh, I could see how that would make him jealous,” she answered somewhat dismayed.

  “It was a bigger deal to him and her than it was to me,” March informed her and that gave Alice pause for a moment while she ruminated over the conversation.

  “It was a bigger deal to him and to whom?” she asked uncertain of his earlier statement.

  “The Princess of Spades.”

  “I didn’t know there was a Princess of Spades, I was sure there were only kings, queens, and jacks of whom I would suppose you are referring when you say Prince of Diamonds.”

  “We’re talking about people, not cards. Besides, what sense does it make to have a Queen and no princesses? Where does the queen come from, thin air?”

  Alice mulled over the comment and it did make sense.

  “You know what happens when you have a bunch of men and no women? They fight each other because they have nothing better to do with themselves. Men need women and women need men. The world is silly. Anyway, he’s upset about me giving her a kiss.”

  “Oh, was that the favor?”

  “No, of course not. That was the reward. The favor was that she wanted me to find her cat.”

  “I thought being a princess she would have plenty of people to help find her cat.” Alice speculated aloud.

  “Nah, this cat is special. She’s a Cheshire cat and she didn’t like being stuck in the Princess of Spades company. So I let her go.”

  “Well then how did you receive the reward?”

  “You sure do ask a lot of questions,” March replied disgruntled.

  “Your answers are confusing,” Alice retorted out of frustration.

  “The Princess of Spades has a special cat, the Cheshire cat,” March started.

  “I’ve heard as much,” Alice blew a damp wisp of hair from her eyes that had fallen into
her vision.

  “Just listen instead of asking questions. Anyway, the Cheshire cat ran away because she didn’t like how spoiled the Princess of Spades is. I was tasked to go find her. I found her and agreed to let her go for three more days. I went back to the Princess of Spades and told her I was on the job but I would need three more days because she was elusive. The Princess told the Queen and they agreed to give me three days to find her. On the third day we met up and I walked into the place with her. Everyone got what they wanted and the Princess was so happy she gave me a kiss. The Prince of Diamonds, who had been courting her found out and he got jealous because he’s been spending a lot of money to woo her and just like that she didn’t want to be bothered with him anymore. He’s been causing me grief ever since. Aha! Here we go!”

  Alice looked up in alarm and saw that they were at the edge of the forest.

  “That is simply fantastic! I thought we’d never get out of the woods,” She clapped and laughed in excitement.

  “Before we leave, I need to do something though so I need you to come closer Alice.” March instructed her and Alice became suspicious.

  “Would you mind telling me what it is you plan to do before I come over?”

  “Yes, I would. Now if you please?” March asked in a statement that sounded more like a demand. Alice stepped over and before she could disagree yet again, March politely scooped her up in his arms that seemed far stronger than she