Read Alien Alliance Page 62


  Later that evening Helkmid came in, looking around. He was carrying a small box. He went over to Kelly and sat down beside her. He handed her a container out of the box explaining, “This is the Keulfyd virus. I am getting what you call paranoid. I want you to take these vials and give them to Az to take to the facility I have named on the side of the vials. The Niseyen will want to know where Az got that name from. Please don’t tell them. Develop amnesia. Please. I want to make sure that all my work is not lost. I assume you can tell him how to store it properly?”

  Kelly nodded.

  “Can you please set this up for him. It must get to Petislay.”

  Kelly looked at him, thinking. “Make up some more for Mathew. We can replicate this on Terra.”

  “How to do so is known?”

  “Oh yes. I even know who to give it to.”

  Helkmid looked at her and nodded. He went back for more to give to Mathew but when he returned he couldn’t find him. He gave the vial to Anne, explaining.

  “Oh yes. Kelly is right. And I’m very sure Mathew will either know where to take them or know who to ask.” Anne took the vial in its little container and put it in her pocket.

  Helkmid left. This was good. The virus would now be on three planets. Unfortunately, none were protected by Defence Systems. He went back to his lab thinking. He then took some more vials of the virus, deciding to grow some more. He split what was left into two, putting some into a container to give more to Mathew to take to Terra. That would be further away from here. The rest, he decided to grow more of to replace what was going off planet. He set up ideal growing systems, added the virus and went back to the meeting. There should be significant growth by tomorrow.

  A few minutes later, the meeting restarted as people sat down with a snack. There was a lot of discussion over the next few hours. Sarah had found out more. She summed it up, “Guess what folks? It we just knock off the Okme, Az and Kaz, we will get their share of this planet. It’s legal too.” She laughed, as did most of them as Az, Kaz and the Okme looked shocked and apprehensive.

  “Relax. You’re safe. The Okme had already sorted out what they wanted. They knew the law but they did not know if we would uphold it. They were aware that we would have two extra bites of the pie if we knocked them and the Niseyen off. They decided to shut up and not press their claim. But they did discuss what they would ask for if we did uphold the Law. They just want one of the smaller islands, to be officially theirs and the apartments and facilities in every city that they are currently renting, to be their freehold property plus the contents. Also, to be exempt from any future taxes of any kind including rates. Okme are well aware of planetary laws and how they can be misused to get rid of People or heavily tax them. They are particularly wary of rates, medical taxes and taxes on ‘medical facilities not part of the planetary medical system.’

  They also have another suggestion. They realised, as did we, that we need to provision these ships and keep them running. They have a suggestion. They will go with the starships and treat people on the way back. Some people to be treated can be charged in advance and the money used to provision the ships. What they charge for a full treatment is staggering but people will pay. I’ll bet they will too! In return for this, they ask that after four years, they will be the owners of the Healing Machines and all the equipment which was theirs and stolen by the Keulfyd (and which now belongs to us). They also ask that we help them move the equipment when they finally leave the ships and that we do it carefully!”

  “The Cats want the mountains and foothills to be theirs but are willing to share so long as we behave. Share, means we can go there but not buy, live on, or own anything in their territory.

  Human and Niseyen share the rest, equally. No segregation to cause future potential problems.

  The Cats have also decided they want to own a city. They are interested in education and medical care. Owning and renting out an educational city will give them a permanent income. They stipulate that the city designated ‘theirs’ is to be the first one to be staffed and operating. We are to organise it for them and are not to start another one up until theirs is functioning. They will then run it. With one of us as their front person. They also want their own education and medical facilities to be free. Once everything is up and running of course. The Okme point out that free does not include their medical Healing Machines. All agree this was assumed. Okme medical care is separate.”

  Sally was quickly writing this all down and read it back. She wrote it by hand. She missed her notepad.