Read All About Johnnie Jones Page 3

  She could scarcely believe them, but they said: "Come and see."

  When she saw that the coal was really there, locked away for the winterin the shed, she was almost too surprised and pleased to speak.

  At last she asked the delighted children whether the fairies had come totheir aid. "No," they answered, "but all the children in theneighborhood did, and we had such a good time that it was almost thesame as giving a party."

  "The children were very kind," Mrs. Watson said, when she had heard allabout the happy afternoon. "We could not have managed the coal withouttheir assistance, and some day we must try to help them."

  * * * * *

  Johnnie Jones's Story of the Stars

  The stars were just beginning to show themselves in the dark blue sky,when Mother and Johnnie Jones sat down by the window to watch forFather. Mother and Johnnie Jones loved the stars. Almost every eveningthey sat and looked up at them. Sometimes they tried to count them, butthey never could, because there were so very many. Often, too, theycould see the bright, round moon. Johnnie Jones said that a queer, fatlittle man lived in the moon, who winked and bowed whenever little boyslooked at him. To be polite, Johnnie Jones always returned the winks andbows. But this night there was no moon, just the little stars wereappearing, and twinkling as fast as they could.

  "Mother," said Johnnie Jones, "I'll tell you a story all my own, aboutthe shining stars."

  "I'd like very much to hear it," Mother answered.

  "Once upon a time, oh! such a very long time ago that it must have beenbefore you were born, Mother dear, all the stars fell down from the sky.I think it was the wind that blew and blew until they became loose. Theyfell down whirling and twirling just like the snow flakes, except thatthey weren't cold and white, but all bright and shining. They were sobeautiful that the people looked out of their windows and wished thestars would never stop raining down from the sky."

  "Is that all the story?" asked Mother, much interested.

  "No, there is another part," said Johnnie Jones. "When all the stars hadfallen down to the ground, what do you suppose they really were?"

  "I can't imagine," Mother answered.

  "Why, Mother, they were beautiful little flowers all different colors.Some were red, some were yellow, and some were purple violets. Theybegan to grow, and nobody gathered any, for they were so pretty there onthe ground."

  "But," asked Mother, "when it was night time again, what did the poorpeople do without any stars to shine in the sky?"

  "Don't you see," Johnnie Jones explained, "when the stars fell down theyleft little holes in the sky, and the light behind shone through andseemed just like the stars."

  "I think that is a beautiful story," and Mother thanked him with a kiss,before they ran down-stairs to meet Father coming home.

  * * * * *

  Johnnie Jones and Jack

  One day, when Johnnie Jones was playing in his front yard, he heard theyelping of a dog. He ran to the gate, and saw, lying in the street, apoor little puppy which had been hurt by a wagon, or perhaps, anautomobile.

  "You may come home with me, you poor little thing," Johnnie Jones toldthe dog. "My mother will rub salve on you and make you well. Come on."

  But the poor little puppy couldn't walk. Johnnie Jones picked him up,and attempted to carry him to the house. The puppy was so heavy,however, that Johnnie Jones was obliged to put him down and take him upagain, three times, before he reached the side door. He called to Motherto come down.

  "But, little son," she said, "we can't keep a strange dog. We shall haveto let him run away."

  "Oh, Mother, he's hurt, and I am sure he's hungry, so don't you think weshall have to keep him?"

  Of course, as soon as Mother understood that the puppy was hurt, sheknew that it would be necessary to keep him, at least until he was wellagain. She examined the little fellow and found that he was not badlyinjured, but was merely bruised and frightened. She and Johnnie Jonesbathed and bandaged the poor little body, and when the puppy seemed tofeel more comfortable, gave him a bowl of milk. He could not say "Thankyou," but he wagged his tail, and kissed their hands, which meant "Thankyou," so they agreed that he was a polite little dog,

  "But where shall we keep him?" asked Mother. "I can't allow him in thehouse, he would gnaw the legs of the chairs and tables; all puppies dowhen they are cutting their teeth."

  "Perhaps Father and I can build a doghouse," Johnnie Jones answered, andwhen Father came home they talked it over.

  "Well," Father decided, "If the grocery man will give us a large box, wecan line it, fill it with straw, and I'll cut a door in one end. Thatshould make an excellent house for Mr. Doggie."

  Johnnie Jones ran to the grocery-store as fast as he could run, andasked the grocery man to send down a large box. As soon as it came,Father cut the door, Johnnie Jones arranged the straw, and there was thehouse all ready for the dog.

  Johnnie Jones named him Jack. Jack soon became well and strong, andbecause he was such a good dog, and because his owner could not befound, he was allowed to remain at Johnnie Jones's house. He wasn't apuppy very long. He grew and grew, until he was too large for his box,and had to sleep in the front hall of the Jones's house. He and JohnnieJones loved each other dearly, and were almost always together. Motherused to say that they reminded her of Mary and her lamb, except thatJack was as black as coal.

  You remember how Mary's lamb followed her to school one day, which wasagainst the rule? Well, it was necessary to keep Jack in the closetevery morning, until after Johnnie Jones had gone to kindergarten,because he always wanted to go with him. One morning the door was notfastened securely, and Jack was able to push it open. Then, before anyone saw him, he ran out the gate, and followed Johnnie Jones. The littleboy did not see him and did not know that Jack was just behind him as heentered the kindergarten room, until the children began to laugh and heturned around to see what was the matter. There stood Jack, wagging histail with all his might.

  The children begged Miss Page, the teacher, to let Jack spend themorning in kindergarten, and she said that she would try him. She wasafraid, however, that he would not know how to behave. Johnnie Jones wasa trifle late that morning, and the children were all ready to march tothe circle. Jack followed his master as he marched to his place, andthen sat down on the floor beside the little boy's chair.

  Miss Page asked the children which one of them would like to stand inthe centre of the circle and shake hands with the others, in turn, asthey sang the good-morning song.

  "Let Jack," said Johnnie Jones, "he can shake hands as well as anybody,and he is a visitor to-day."

  Miss Page consented, and Johnnie Jones called Jack to the circle andoffered him his hand. Jack at once gave him his paw. One by one thechildren came and shook Jack's paw. Everyone considered it great fun,and Jack enjoyed it also, though he could not laugh as the children did.

  Each child came up and shook Jack's paw--]

  As soon as all the good-mornings had been sung, Miss Page started agame of ball. Now there was nothing that Jack liked better than playingwith a ball, so he ran out on the circle barking, and jumped up onthe boy who had the ball in his hand. The boy became frightened, notunderstanding what Jack wanted, and let the ball fall and roll away.Jack rushed after it, knocking down chairs and tables, spilling theblocks out of their boxes, and tearing paper chains to bits. At last hecaught the ball in his mouth, brought it to Johnnie Jones, and began tojump and bark, begging the little boy to throw it.

  Miss Page said that she was sorry, but Jack would have to go home."He is a very good dog," she said, "but he does not behave well inkindergarten."

  At that moment Sam, the hired man, came into the room. Mrs. Jones hadmissed Jack and sent Sam to find him. Jack was having a pleasant timeand did not want to go home, but he knew how to obey, and, when JohnnieJones commanded him to "go home," he turned slowly and walked out ofthe room.

  So you see, Jack was turned out by the
teacher, just as was Mary's lamb.

  One bright day, when the ground was covered with snow, Father tookJohnnie Jones for a ride on his sled. They had been around the blockonly twice when the clock struck two, and then it was time for Fatherto go to his office.

  "Oh! dear," said Johnnie Jones, "now I'll have no one to pull my sled.I wish Jack could."

  "Perhaps he can," Father answered. "When I come home to-night I'll makesome sort of a harness for him, and then to-morrow we shall see what hecan do."

  That evening, with rope, straps, and Johnnie Jones's reins Father madea very good harness, and the next day he hitched Jack to the sled. Atfirst Jack could not imagine what Father and Johnnie Jones wished him todo. He allowed himself to be hitched to the sled, but every time JohnnieJones sat upon it, and said "Get up," Jack would jump about, and offwould roll Johnnie Jones into the snow. Then Jack would bark as muchas to say, "What are you trying to do, anyway?"

  At last, after many trials, Father managed to hold Jack quiet untilJohnnie Jones was seated firmly on the sled, clasping a side with eachhand. Then Father, still keeping a tight hold of Jack, ran with him tothe corner and back several times. At last Jack began to understand whatwas expected of him. The next day they tried again, and it was not longbefore Johnnie Jones could drive the big dog without Father's help.After a while Jack would even pull Johnnie Jones's sled to kindergarteneach morning, and then draw the empty sled home, after Johnnie Jones hadgone into the house. He certainly was a clever dog. It was no wonderJohnnie Jones loved him.

  In the winter-time there was an excellent place for coasting in the parkvery near Johnnie Jones's house. There was a long, straight hill, andat the foot of it a long, straight pond, so that, with a good start, achild could coast from the top of the hill to the end of the pond. Thatis, of course, when there was snow and the pond was frozen over at thesame time.

  One afternoon Johnnie Jones started out with his sled and Jack ran alongbeside him.

  "Don't try to coast across the pond to-day," called Father. "When I waspassing I noticed that the ice was broken in several places."

  "Then I'll coast on the other side of the hill," Johnnie Jones answered.

  When he reached the park, however, he found two of the children coastingacross the pond as usual. One of them, whose name was Ned, asked JohnnieJones: "What's the matter with everybody to-day? Where are the otherchildren?"

  "I suppose their fathers wouldn't let them come," answered JohnnieJones; "and you shouldn't coast across the pond. My father just told methat it isn't safe, because the ice is beginning to break."

  "Oh! it is perfectly safe," Ned replied, "because we have been over itseveral times. The coasting is better fun to-day than ever before, andthere are no children to block the way. Come and try it."

  "I wish I might," Johnnie Jones answered. He sat on his sled and watchedthe older boys coast safely across, and run gaily back, waving theirhands to him.

  "Perhaps my father was mistaken." he said after a while. "I think I'lltry it just once."

  "There is one tolerably large hole," Ned warned him, "but it is on oneside, and if you are careful you won't fall in."

  "I'll be careful," answered Johnnie Jones; "you sit here and watch me."

  He placed himself flat on his sled, and Ned gave him a push. JohnnieJones was not quite five years old then, two years younger than Ned, andhe could not guide his sled very well. When it went near the big hole,he could not turn it away. Then splash! Both Johnnie Jones and the sledplunged into the icy cold water.

  The water was not very deep, but as Johnnie Jones struck it headforemost, and as the sled was on top of him, he might have found sometrouble in forcing his way out, had it not been for Jack. That faithfulfriend was close beside his little master, and in just a few seconds haddrawn him out of the water.

  As soon as Ned and Sammy Smith saw what had happened, they hurried tothe house and told Mr. Jones. He ran all the way to the pond, picked upthe little wet, cold boy, and carried him home as quickly as possible.

  Jack was wet and cold too, but he ran around so fast that he soon grewwarm, then he crawled under the kitchen stove, where he stopped until hewas dry. But Johnnie Jones had to go to bed, for several days, with avery bad cold.

  He was sorry he had been disobedient, and asked Father please to excusehim that time. Father said he would not punish him, but that he wassorry to think his little boy did not trust his father.

  "I do, Father," Johnnie Jones answered, "and after this I'll obey you,instead of minding little boys."

  "Grown people generally know best," Father said.

  After that, of course, Mother, Father and Johnnie Jones loved good oldJack more than ever, and were glad they had kept him when he first cameto them a puppy, hurt and hungry.

  * * * * *


  Johnnie Jones's Aunt Jean owned a dog. His name was Stiggins, justStiggins, for dogs need only one name, instead of the two or three thatpeople have. Aunt Jean was accustomed to go to Lake Chautauqua everysummer, far away from home. Stiggins liked to go with her, and wasalways afraid that he might be left behind, as had happened, once ortwice. So, as soon as he saw Aunt Jean begin to make her preparations,he would spend all his time either following her about, or lying on hertrunk.

  Each time she started to pack she would first have to drive Stigginsinto the yard. If she turned away, just for a few minutes, there hewould be again, lying in a tray upon her best dresses, or her prettiesthats. Aunt Jean would scold and scold, but scolding was of no use.

  At last, when the day came on which they were to begin their journey,and the trunks had been locked and sent away, Stiggins would run to thestable, jump into the carriage, and there he would stay until he and thefamily had reached the station.

  But when it was time to board the train, Stiggins was most unhappy. Hewas forced to ride in the baggage car, all alone, and Stiggins likedcompany. He wished to ride in the sleeping car with Aunt Jean. Of coursehe could not, because he was only a dog, which was something thatStiggins had never quite understood. He would whimper, and run away,when the coachman attempted to lead him to his proper place, so usually,Aunt Jean had to take him, and to tie him, herself.

  Stiggins disliked the long ride on the train and boat, but he was justthe happiest dog in the world when at last he reached Chautauqua. Whenonce he was there he had many fine times, bathing in the Lake, going offon long walks and drives with the family, and playing with the dogs.

  The house in which Aunt Jean lived was very near the lake, and Stigginsliked to lie on the front porch and watch the children at play by thewater's edge. One day, Harry and Sally were there with a small sail-boatattached to a string, which Harry held, as the boat sailed out on thewater. Suddenly the string broke, and then there was nothing with whichto draw the boat to land.

  The children were quite small and did not know what to do. They asked abig boy to wade out and return the boat to them, but he was a lazy boyand told them to throw stones beyond the boat to make it come back ofitself. They tried his plan, but were not strong enough to throw thestones very far, and the boat only floated further away.

  All this time Stiggins had been lying on the porch watching thechildren. I am not sure whether he thought they were throwing stonesfor him to swim after, or whether he saw they were in trouble and wishedto help them, but this is what he did. Without a word from anyone, hejumped up, trotted down to the water and waded in. The children and thebig boy wondered what he meant to do. Stiggins himself seemed to knowvery well. He swam straight to the boat, caught it in his mouth, broughtit to land, and dropped it at the children's feet. Then he trotted backto the porch.

  Harry and Sally thought that Stiggins was the kindest and most politedog they had ever seen, and the big boy was ashamed, because he thoughtthat a dog had been kinder and more polite than he.

  This story is as true as true can be. I know, because Aunt Jean saw thewhole affair and she told me about it herself.

* * * * *

  When Johnnie Jones was a Santa Claus

  "I should think it would be exciting to be Santa Claus," said JohnnieJones, "and fill children's stockings when they are asleep in bed. Ishould like very well to be his helper some time."

  "You may be," Mother answered; "anyone who really wishes to be Santa'sassistant, may be."

  Johnnie Jones was surprised. "Well, I didn't know that," he said."Please tell me how."

  "Whenever people give Christmas presents to those they love, they are asort of Santa Claus," Mother told him. "But this year you may be a realSanta Claus, if you like, with a real pack of toys, and you may fillsome real stockings belonging to some real children, this comingChristmas Eve."

  "Oh! Mother dear, tell me all about it, quick as a wink," begged JohnnieJones, clapping his hands with delight.

  "I thought you would be pleased," Mother answered. "Father knows of alarge house in which ever so many children live who have never hung uptheir stockings. I suppose no one has thought to tell Santa Claus aboutthem, and their fathers and mothers are very poor. Father and I wantto make them have a bright, happy Christmas this year, and he has toldthem, each one, to be sure to hang up stockings on Christmas Eve for aSanta Claus to fill. If you like, you may be that Santa, and Father andI will be your assistants, and we'll go, all three of us, to the houseat night when the children are fast asleep."

  Johnnie Jones skipped joyfully about the room. "Shall we go in a sleighwith bells and reindeer?" he asked.

  "We'll go in a sleigh if there is snow," Mother promised, "but I amafraid we shall have to use horses, and pretend they are reindeer."