Read All I Want Is You Page 6

  “Ah ha!” he shouted when he found them at the bottom of his bag. He was slipping on his shoes when there was a knock at the door. “It’s open.”

  Stacey entered with the empty rack and Jack grinned.

  “Wow, it’s empty.”

  “Yeah,” she said, but she didn’t look as excited as he expected.

  “So has she been having a blast?”

  “Something like that.”

  Jack could tell she was hiding something.

  “Stacey, what’s up?”

  Stacey gathered her empty wardrobe bags. “Nothing, it’s just been a long day.”

  “Everything was okay up there right?”

  “Jack, you really should be asking your wife that.”

  “Why? Did something happen? Was she feeling okay?”

  He hadn’t checked in on her as much as he usually did because he had his hands full with the planning, but what if she wasn’t feeling well or something she’d eaten had made her sick?

  He didn’t wait for Stacey to answer. Jack grabbed his suit jacket and tie and rushed out. His fists were clenched by the time he stepped into the elevator. He should’ve been checking in more. Jack paced the elevator the entire ride up and rushed to the suite door only to realize he’d forgotten his key. He banged impatiently on the door, but he froze when Nina answered.

  She was so beautiful in her red gown. Her hair, full of pined-back curls showed off her new diamonds.

  “Jack, what’s wrong?” she asked at the sight of his face.

  “Are you feeling okay? I’m sorry I haven’t been checking in, I just—”

  “I feel fine, come inside.” She took his hand and led him in. “What would make you think I was sick?”

  “I—I…” Jack didn’t feel the need to bring up Stacey’s comment especially, if Nina was okay. Maybe Stacey’s mood didn’t have anything to do with Nina at all. “I was just worried.”

  “Don’t be. I’m perfectly fine.”

  Jack exhaled and stepped back to get a better look at her. “You look amazing.”

  “Thank you. So do you.” She finished buttoning his shirt and tied his tie.

  Jack gave her a soft peck on her glossy lips and Nina grinned. Her smile wasn’t as beaming as he expected, but it’d been a long day. She was sure to be grinning from ear to ear by the end of the night.

  “Shall we?” He extended his arm, and she took it.

  She looked kind of nervous during the elevator ride up to the restaurant.

  “You sure you’re all right?”

  “Yep,” she said sounding weird.

  Jack would’ve believed her had her responses not been followed with utter silence. He was starting to wonder if she was even breathing.

  “I…uh…got a few more surprises lined up for tonight.”

  Jack definitely wasn’t imagining the flash of aggravation on her face before it was replaced with a half grin.

  “I can’t wait,” she replied.

  Jack hated when she kept her feelings hidden from him. They’d been married nearly two years, and Nina still had days where she’d hideaway in her protective shell. Jack was still learning to let her come to him in her own time, but he wanted to know what was bothering her. He’d planned this day to make her happy, but she didn’t seem too happy with him right now.

  “I’m sorry I missed lunch earlier,” he said, wondering if that was why she was a little cool toward him.

  Nina grabbed his hand when the elevator finally opened. “It’s okay, I wasn’t very hungry. To be honest, I was taking a nap.”

  “The deliveries didn’t disturb you, did they?”

  “No, everything was so wonderful. I’m sorry I haven’t even thanked you. I guess I’m still a little speechless.”

  “No thanks needed. I’m just happy to hear you enjoyed it all.”

  “I did. It’s the best Valentine surprise I’m sure any woman’s ever gotten.”

  Jack couldn’t tell if she was for real or just trying to throw him off her scent. “Well, let the night continue.” They passed the restaurant, stopping in front of a set of double doors. Jack knocked lightly and the door opened to reveal the private dining room.



  Nina’s eyes widened to take in the beautifully decorated room with vaulted ceilings and a private terrace. She turned to see Jack studying her and, for once, she didn’t have to fake her excitement. It was so beautiful and busy with three servers.

  “Welcome, Mr. & Mrs. Spears, please come in.”

  Jack escorted Nina to her seat and cleared his throat for the server to move out the way. She grinned as she took her seat and he pushed her in.

  “This is amazing,” Nina said.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  Jack sat across from her and Nina finally felt her dark mood starting to clear. She ignored the taunting of her new diamond necklace and the lonely memories of Michael they conjured. Jack was nothing like him. He didn’t shower her with gifts in exchange for his love, and they were finally alone like she’d wanted all day.

  She reached across the table for Jack’s hand. He was so handsome in a suit. Sometimes she still couldn’t believe they were married. His last name was the proudest title she’d ever owned.

  “There’s the smile I was hoping to see today,” Jack said.

  “It’s impossible not to smile when I’m sitting across from you.”

  “I don’t know, I think I’d have a bigger smile if you were a little closer,” he said.

  Nina pushed back her chair and Jack got up to help her move it. They put their chairs side by side, facing the open French doors.

  “There, that’s much better,” Jack said copping a feel of her ass as he took his seat.

  “This is the best surprise yet,” Nina said.


  “Yes, dinner alone with you. That’s all I could ever ask for.”

  When she looked over at Jack he was studying her again. Nina cleared her throat and took a sip of her water. Jack’s hand moved up her back and she got a shiver, the good kind. “Did I mention how beautiful you look tonight?” he asked.

  “Yes, you did.”

  “Well, it’s certainly worth repeating.” He leaned in kissing her neck. “And you smell amazing.”

  Nina fanned herself with her napkin taken over by the images of how they could spend the rest of their night. She only hoped an early bedtime was one of his surprises.

  “I think I understand now why our chairs were so far apart,” Jack whispered before he nibbled her earlobe. “I’d never make it through the meal with you this close.”

  Nina wholeheartedly agreed as she crushed her lips against his. He gripped the back of her neck, loosening her hair pins, but she didn’t mind. Kissing him made her forget about her melancholy day and brought a new excitement for the night to come. She wished they were back at their suite where she could demand he make love to her right there.

  When the doors opened, Nina pushed Jack away. Her lipstick was smeared all over his wide grin and she used her knife as a mirror to fix her face. Two men with musical instruments entered along with a woman in a black evening gown. They set up in the corner and played classical jazz.

  “They are amazing,” Nina whispered to Jack, who’d been feeling her up ever since the band arrived. He’d also been continually glancing at his watch in between inhaling his salad.

  “You poor thing, you must be starving.”

  “A little.”

  Jack finally seemed to be enjoying the music by the time the main course was delivered by the chef personally.

  “I hope you will find your meal to your liking, Madame,” the chef said, giving Jack a wink before removing the cover.

  It was a beautifully seared salmon with sautéed asparagus and potatoes. Such simple foods, but it was decorated so beautifully that Nina wished she had a camera. “Wow.”

  “Thanks a lot,” Jack’s said shaking th
e chef’s hand.

  “My pleasure.”

  Nina savored every bite of her delicious meal. She looked over to see Jack watching her. “Would you eat already?”

  Jack inspected his plate and said a quick prayer before he finally took a bit of his steak. He seemed pleasantly surprised by the taste.

  “Good?” she asked.


  “Why do you seem so surprised?”

  “Well, considering I almost strangled that guy a few hours ago, he can make an okay steak.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “Just a little difference of opinions.”

  Based on his history with her nursing staff Nina knew it wasn’t as simple as he claimed. “Sounds like you had quite a day.”

  “Let’s just say, next year I’ll leave the planning to a professionals.”

  Next year? Nina thought. She choked on a gasp and Jack patted her hard on the back.

  “You all right? Can we get some water, please?”

  Nina tried to catch her breath, but it only made her cough more. Jack got her out of her seat and onto the terrace.

  “Where’s that water!” Jack shouted. “What is it, was there a bone in your fish?”

  Nina shook her pounding head as she tried to take in a breath. Her face was hot and throbbing by the time the coughs finally settled.

  The music stopped, she and Jack sat on a plush couch as she finally started to settle down.

  “Here, drink a little,” Jack said kneeling in front of her. She took a few sips and sat back.

  “Is everything all right?” A short man in a suit asked standing in the doorway.

  Nina nodded, but Jack looked pale in the face. “I’m fine. I just swallowed wrong.” Which she did, but it was also Jack’s statement that caught her off guard. The thought of more holiday surprises, like today, made her cringe.

  “Are you sure you’re all right? Maybe we should take you to the hospital?” Jack asked.

  “I can get an ambulance,” the short man suggested.

  “No,” Nina said. “I’m fine, really. I just need to tell you something, later,” Nina said.

  “Tell me now. George, we’re good.”

  “No, let’s finish our dinner. We can talk about it tomorrow.”

  George closed the French doors and Jack sat beside Nina. He held her hands tightly as she took a deep breath.

  “Nina, if something’s wrong? If you’re not feeling well, I need to know now.”

  “This isn’t about my heart. I’m fine I just…” her heart ached at the thought of what she was about to say. “I lied.”

  “About what?”

  “Today, the surprises, and these.” She touched her diamond necklace. “Jack, I love you so very much, and I don’t want you to think that I don’t appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”

  “Whatever it is, you can tell me,” Jack said.

  She hated herself for feeling this way, for even opening her big mouth, and for her stupid tears, which she knew he hated.

  “I’m sorry,” she said as she tried to dry her eyes, but Jack dried them for her. He looked so confused. “I know you wanted this day to be special, but the truth is I haven’t enjoyed it.”

  “You didn’t?”

  “No. All these gifts aren’t me, not anymore. And I’m sorry if I ever gave you the impression that our life isn’t enough for me, but it is.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about the helicopters, and stylists, and diamonds. Michael spent our entire marriage substituting love with his money. I don’t want that for us. A special day, to me, is just spending it with you. That’s all I ever wanted…at the cabin.”

  Jack looked deflated.

  “It wasn’t all bad,” she said. “I guess I just had an idea of how the day would go, but then we got here and you ran off and all these gifts kept coming and I felt…alone.”

  “But the girls.”

  “Not that kind of alone. I mean like I used to be, and that scared me.” Her stupid tears started up again. She could tell he was hurt. “I’m sorry that I’m so damaged that I can’t enjoy your gifts. I just don’t ever want even a second of our lives to mirror my past.”

  “Nina, stop. It’s not your fault.”

  “Yes it is. My issues are always the problem, and I wish I could just get over them already.”

  “Well, I don’t,” Jack said, stunning her to silence. “I don’t mean that I don’t want you to feel better about your past, I just don’t want you to ever feel ashamed about it. I love every part of you, even the broken ones.”

  Nina sobbed even louder.

  “Okay, kind of the opposite reaction I was expecting,” Jack said pulling her into his arms.

  Nina kissed his neck as he held her tighter. A moment later an explosion caused her to jump. Nina opened her eyes to see the fireworks.

  “I swear, that’s the last one,” Jack whispered and Nina laughed.


  Chapter 10

  The next morning Jack slipped out of bed while Nina still slept. He hadn’t gotten much sleep after the fireworks. He should’ve known that she would hate all those gifts. She was the same woman who refused to let him buy her flowers. He’d ruined their Valentine’s Day, but he’d been stewing on a plan to make it up to her.

  Jack pulled out his phone and dialed Angie.


  “Hey, you got a second?”

  “I’ve got several, Jason and the kids are making breakfast while I’m supposed to be sleeping in. I don’t know what’s gotten into him lately.”

  “Good, I’m hoping you could help me with something.”

  “So she finally told you?”

  “You knew? Why didn’t you give me a heads up?”

  “I tried to before Valentine’s Day, you butthole.”

  “Okay, maybe you did, but I thought…never mind. Look I was wrong, and I need your help making this up to her.”

  “I’m listening,”


  Nina still felt horrible when she woke up, especially when she realized she was alone, again. Maybe she had really done it this time. Maybe Jack was really upset with her. She threw on a robe and found him packing their suitcases in the living room.

  “Morning,” he said as he loaded the luggage cart with two of the bags.


  “Hope you don’t mind I packed your stuff. We need to hit the road in like twenty minutes.”

  “Oh.” Nina thought they were staying another night. “I’ll go get dressed.”

  While she showered Nina worried even more. He didn’t kiss her good morning. He’d never forgotten before. Her chest ached at the thought of him feeling hurt, and she had no idea how to fix it. The suite was cleared by the time she exited the bedroom.

  “Uh, I wasn’t sure if you wanted to keep these or not,” Jack said holding up the jewelry boxes.

  “I can, if you want me to.”

  “Nina, what do you want?”

  If she was being honest, she never wanted to see those diamonds again, but she didn’t want to rub salt in his wounds.

  “Jack, I think their beautiful. I really do…”

  “But you don’t want them.”

  She lowered her head. “I’m sorry.”

  Jack crossed the room and lifted her chin. “Don’t be. I should know you well enough to know this isn’t you.” He pecked her lips, but it was too quick of a kiss for Nina to determine his mood.

  A quick stop at the jewelry store to return the diamonds and they were on the road. He was silent most of the drive.

  “Jack, I’m so sorry about last night,” Nina said. “I should’ve kept it to myself.”

  “You know what I loved about last night?”

  Nina couldn’t imagine there was anything. “What?”

  “I love the fact that you told me the truth. I love that even though you started out the night in your shel
l, that you opened up and let me in. That’s the best Valentine’s Day gift I’ve ever gotten.” Nina finally exhaled when he kissed the back of her hand.

  “So you don’t hate me?”

  “You’re joking, right?”

  “No, you’ve been so quiet I thought…”

  Jack pulled off to the shoulder of the highway and pulled her in for a steamy kiss. “What are you thinking now?” he asked out of breath.

  “Right now? I’m wishing the trunk wasn’t full of luggage.”

  “I can fix that,” Jack said with a wide grin.

  Chapter 11

  “Wake up, beautiful,” Jack said as he kissed her forehead.

  Nina must’ve dozed off after their rest stop quickie. She opened her eyes to find them parked outside the cabin. “Jack, we’re—”


  She sat up and looked at him. “No, I didn’t want you to do this today. I know what I said, but I’ve put you though enough this weekend.”

  “Woman, would you get out of the car? We don’t have a lot of time.”

  “Time for what?” Nina asked as she got out. Jack rushed up the stairs and the door swung open.

  “You are an hour late!” Angie yelled.

  “I know, it was her fault.”

  “Angie? What are you doing here?”

  Angie rolled her eyes when she took in Nina’s disheveled hair and mis-buttoned shirt. “I am so sick of you two. Go get in the shower.”

  She pulled Nina inside and got a look at all the flowers and strings of lights laid out in the living room floor. “Will someone tell me what is going on?”

  Jack exited the bedroom wearing one of his work shirts. “I finally figured out how to purge this place of my worst memory.”

  “And how’s that?” Nina asked.

  “By making my best memory here. I wanna marry you, right here, right now.”


  “You heard me.”


  “Don’t worry, I’ve got it all covered,” Angie said. “As long as you are in the shower in the next few minutes.”

  Nina nearly broke her face she was grinning so wide. She rushed Jack giving him a charged kiss. Angie tore her away and pushed her in the room where she saw her wedding dress hanging in front of the picture window. Jason and Alice were setting up chairs out back.