Read All In Page 13

  I pulled up some bravery from somewhere and took a deep breath, rolling away onto my back and looking up at the skylight. The day had become as grey as my mood and it looked like rain was imminent. Right in tune with where my head was—all fogged up. Brynne stayed on her side, waiting for me to say something.

  “I’m sorry for last night, and how I was with you afterward. I was overbearing and it was way too much.” I spoke softer. “Forgive me?”

  “Of course I do, Ethan. But I want to understand why.” She reached out a hand and put it over my heart and left it there.

  “That nightmare was from a time when I was in the SF. My team was ambushed, most of them killed. I was the senior officer and my weapon jammed. I got taken… The Afghans held me in interrogation for twenty-two days.”

  She inhaled sharply. “Is that how you got the scars on your back? Did they do that to you?” Her voice was soft but I could hear the worry in her words.

  “Yeah. They shredded my back with rope beatings…and other things.”

  She gripped me a little tighter and I swallowed hard, feeling my anxiety rise but kept going on, feeling bad for misleading her but unable to correctly explain that my worst scars were not the ones on my back.

  “I dreamed of something that—that happened…and it was a time when I thought I was going to be—” I stopped. My breath was coming so hard I couldn’t say anymore. I just couldn’t bring it up. Not to her.

  “Your heart is pounding.” She put her lips over the place where that beating muscle pumped my blood and kissed. I put my palm on the back of her head and held her there, rubbing over her hair again and again. “It’s okay, Ethan, you don’t have to say anymore until you feel like you can. I’ll be here.” Her voice had that saddened tone again. “I don’t want you hurting more because of me.”

  I stroked her cheek with the back of my finger. “Are you real?” I whispered.

  She glimmered at me and nodded.

  “When I woke up this morning and you were gone, I thought you might have left me because of that fucked up situation last night and I just lost it. Brynne… I can’t be without you now. You know that, don’t you? I just cannot do it.” I fingered over the red mark on her shoulder where I nipped her with my teeth when I was in the throes of that volcanic orgasm at the sink. “I marked you up. I’m so sorry ‘bout that too.” I ran my tongue over the mark.

  She shivered against my mouth. “Listen.” She took a hold of my face and held me. “I love you, and I want to be with you. I know I don’t say it all the time but that doesn’t mean I feel it less. Ethan, If I didn’t want to be with you, or I couldn’t be with you, I wouldn’t be…and you would know it.”

  I exhaled with relief so great it took me a minute to find my voice. “Say that again.”

  “I love you, Ethan Blackstone.”


  Gladstone’s for lunch and Ivan was late. I don’t know why I bother trying to be punctual with my cousin because he certainly doesn’t. I checked my watch and looked around the room. Formerly a gentleman’s club in the past century, the place had been reanimated with white linens, lots of glass, and light woods, looking nothing like the exclusively male, societal enclave for the entitled Londoners of a hundred years ago.

  Well, Ivan would certainly have fit in. My cousin was a peer of the realm even if he hated to be reminded and certainly didn’t act like it. None of us can help how we are born and Ivan couldn’t control that his father had been the previous Baron Rothvale any more than I could control that my dad drove a London cab. We had connections that went far deeper than money could ever take us anyway.

  Who was I kidding? Ivan could drop off a cliff if he liked, I had two beautiful women at the table looking happy and gorgeous across from me—my girl and her best friend.

  “You ladies look like shopping has agreed with you.” I poured for both of them from the Riesling I’d ordered.

  Brynne and Gabrielle grinned and looked at each other conspiratorially, obviously sharing female secrets of a mystery I could only guess at. They’d been having a shopping excursion for dresses when I got a text from Brynne asking me what I was doing for lunch. Since they were only a few blocks over from Gladstone’s I told them to add on to my luncheon date with Ivan. I wanted to introduce him to Brynne anyway, hopeful that he could wield some influence over at the National Gallery for her. Hell, I’m not too proud to ask for a favour. Not that he would give a rip. The man was on the board of one of the most prestigious art museums in the world and couldn’t have cared less about it if he tried to. In fact, I am sure Ivan would resign if he could get away with it.

  “It did, Ethan. Brynne got the most fabulous vintage dress for the Mallerton Gala. You just wait,” Gabrielle warned me.

  I made a face. “So you’re saying she’ll be even more lovely than normal.” I looked at Brynne blushing and then back to Gabrielle. “Just what I need—more admirers chasing after her. I thought I could rely on you, Gabrielle, for just a smidge of help here?” I implored. “Why didn’t you take her to a place that sells unattractive bathrobes instead?” My words were joking but inside I was deadly serious. I hated when men looked at Brynne like they were picturing her naked.

  Gabrielle shrugged. “Aunt Marie turned us on to the shop. That woman has mad skills with the unique and rare. Vintage little beauty that it is, tucked away in a quiet corner of Knightsbridge. I know I’ll be going back.” She smirked at me. “You need the competition anyway, Ethan, it’s good for you.” She took a sip of her wine and turned her attention to checking messages on her mobile.

  “Not true. I’m struggling enough as it is, thank you very much!” I picked up Brynne’s hand and kissed it. “I’m glad you came for lunch.”

  She just smiled at me and said nothing in that mysterious way of hers. I wished we were alone.

  Gabrielle was a devoted friend from what I could tell, and fiercely protective of Brynne. We had an understanding that was workable as long as she saw me as friend and not foe—I’d passed the test so far. Beautiful too in her own right, just not my flavor of female. Her long brown hair, with just the faintest hint of dark red glinting through, combined with very green eyes, was striking. Nice figure too even if she wasn’t my flavor, I still had eyes in my head and wasn’t dead.

  The color of her eyes reminded me of Ivan’s eyes. Same green. I wondered what he would think of her when he got a look, the womanizer that he was. I bet he would like her very much. I had to stifle a laugh. Gabrielle would probably tell him to sod off to his face and he would lick his lips and ask her to join him without a hitch. Would be a riot to watch if he ever got his arse here.

  Brynne’s roommate was another American living in London, studying art at university, and making her way…away from home. Her dad was a British citizen though. London Met Pol—one Robert Hargreave, Chief Inspector, New Scotland Yard. I’d looked him up, and from all accounts he looked solid, a respected detective on the force. I supposed I should set up a meet with him at some point too. Although things had been very quiet on the Senator Oakley front. No news was good news…I hoped.

  “What color is your amazing dress that will make me mad with jealousy when men drool over you wearing it?” I asked Brynne.

  “It’s periwinkle.” She smiled again. “Aunt Marie met us there and we had so much fun with her. She really does have the eye for fashion.”

  “You should have brought her along for lunch with you.”

  “I would have loved for her to come with us, but she was off to a ladies luncheon with her book club. She said to tell you how much she’s looking forward to meeting you.” Brynne blushed again as if the idea of our people meeting together made her shy.

  She had a shyness to her that was charming in public, but didn’t carry over into the bedroom with me. Nope. My girl wasn’t shy with me like that, and it was all good. I thought about how many more hours until tonight when I could get her back into my bedroom and she could show me her un-shy side some more.

We’d been burning up the sheets lately...and the shower walls…my office desk…the rug in front of the fireplace…balcony lounger, and even the gym. I shifted in my chair and remembered that morning workout with great fondness. Who knew how much fun a weight bench could be with Brynne naked and sliding up and down my—

  “You’ll love Marie, Ethan,” Gabrielle said distractedly, still checking her messages and interrupting my erotic musings. I needed to rearrange my cock but forced a smile at both of them instead.

  I had yet to meet the adored Aunt Marie, but was about to very soon. We had decided it was time to bring the family together in a dinner at my place. My dad, Brynne’s aunt, Gabrielle, Clarkson, Neil and Elaina made up the short list. We’d discussed and felt it was time to get everyone on board with what was happening with us and the possible threats to Brynne. Everyone was principal enough that they needed to know what might be in play. Brynne was too important to me to take a risk at this point, and everyone involved already knew her background anyway.

  “Well I cannot wait to meet her. She sounds like she dotes on you.” I checked my watch again. “I can’t believe Ivan, just not showing like this. So rude.”

  “Why don’t you call him?” Brynne suggested.

  “That would be a total waste of my time. He never answers his mobile. I doubt he even turns the damn thing on,” I answered dryly.

  “Oh, man!” Gabrielle looked up from her messages. “I’m going to have to get over to the university. Trouble with a painting. An accident involving solvent getting dumped on a rare, get this, Brynne—Abigail Wainwright.” Gabrielle looked absolutely horrified, stood up abruptly, and gathered her bags. “Not a good combination.”

  “No, that’s not good at all,” Brynne said, shaking her head, “the solvent will eat through the canvas if they don’t neutralize…”

  I tried to keep up with the art geek stuff they talked about but it wasn’t easy for me. I don’t think I have an artistic bone in my body. I can appreciate it though. Brynne’s portrait was the epitome of art in my opinion.

  “Do you want a ride back? Neil will take you over there if you like,” I offered.

  “No, that’s okay. I’ll get a cab—it’ll be faster. I need to go right now, but thanks. I’ll see you at your place tomorrow night, Ethan. Enjoy your lunch, you two.”

  “Let me know how it works out,” Brynne told her. “If anyone can fix the mess, it’s you, Gaby!”

  Gabrielle hugged Brynne, waved off and left, her tall curvy form attracting plenty of looks from appreciative males as she made her way out of Gladstone’s.

  I smiled at Brynne and took both of her hands. “So I get you all to myself for lunch after all.” I whispered the rest. “Too bad we’re in public.”

  “I know. We never get to do this.” She squeezed my hands a little. “You’ve had so much work lately and I can only imagine with the Olympics. God, that’s huge, Ethan. All those people.” She grinned. “William and Kate!”

  I nodded. “Yes. They will be there for events. Prince Harry too. He’s good fun.”

  “You know him?” she asked incredulously.

  I nodded again. “I can try to get an introduction if you like…as long as you don’t have a thing for princes with ginger hair.”

  “Never,” she told me with seductive eyes. “I am partial to security guys with dark hair.”

  Who had turned on the blast furnace? I actually looked around the room for an exit. If there was a door marked ‘private’ I swear I’d have had her behind it and naked in two seconds flat.

  “You are so very cruel, Miss Bennett.”

  She looked very pleased with herself sitting there across from me in the restaurant. So pleased in fact, she made me think fondly of the spanking I’d given her over the sink. God she was a sexy thing, bent upon driving me mad…

  “So back to your job. You are doing VIP security for the flippin Olympics, Ethan!” Her excitement brought me out of my head. Probably a damn good thing right now.

  “Well, I’m not complaining, it’s good for business but I could do without the stress. I just want everything to run smooth. No plots or crazies with an axe to grind for their bullshit cause, no bombs, or embarrassments and I can breathe. Happy clients kept safe and I’ll be pleased.” I reached for my wine. “Let’s order, I don’t think Ivan’s going to show…always bloody late for everything!” I grumbled, opening my menu.

  Brynne told me what she wanted in case the waiter appeared and excused herself for the ladies. I watched her walk away, and the looks she got from others as well. I sighed. As much as Brynne carried her reserve, she still had that certain something that made people notice her. Something I could have done without for sure, but understood was part of the deal with her. Men would always look at her. And want her. And try to take her away.

  Work was going utterly mad for me, and the busier I got, the more stretched my focus became on the job at hand and less able to watch out for her safety. The past two weeks had been good for Brynne and me, and our relationship, but not without worry. The worry would never go away. I’ve been in the security business long enough to know that when things seem most in order it’s not the time to let down your guard. She was still very vulnerable and the thought made me insane.

  “Sorry, E. Lost track of the time and all that,” Ivan interrupted, plopping down across from me.

  “Nice of you to show up. For the appointment that you made, I might add. And don’t sit there. Brynne’s with me.” I pointed to the next chair. “She’ll be back in a moment.”

  Ivan moved to the next chair over. “Something came up and I got waylaid.”

  “Yeah,” I snorted. “Your cock got waylaid. Who were you in bed with this time?”

  “Bugger off, it wasn’t that. Damn reporters dogging me—say I need something more substantial than that.” He eyeballed the wine and motioned for a waiter, the hollow look of pain showing for just an instant before he masked it away from prying eyes.

  I let him be. My cousin had his faults but then everyone has. It didn’t mean he’d deserved the lot he’d gotten either. Yeah, Ivan was just as fucked up as the rest of us.

  Brynne made her way back to the table a few moments later, her expression unreadable, but if I could guess, I’d say she had something on her mind. I wondered what it was.

  I stood and reached for her hand, kicking Ivan’s chair leg in the process so he’d get off his arse. He jumped up and widened his eyes when he saw her. I wished I’d kicked his leg instead of just the chair’s leg.

  “Brynne, my cousin, Ivan Everley. Ivan, Brynne Bennett, my very beautiful, and I might add, very taken, girlfriend.”

  “Enchanté, Brynne.” He took her hand and offered a kiss that barely passed as neutral in my book, but then did I expect anything different from him?

  Stupid rhetorical question.

  She smiled beautifully as always, greeting Ivan politely as I seated her and then myself. Ivan just stood there like a dimwit.

  “You can sit now, cousin. And put your tongue back in your mouth,” I said.

  “Well, Brynne, I was prepared to ask you how you managed to snag Ethan but now that I’ve met you finally, I think the better question is for him.” Ivan made a show of looking at me. “How in the hell did you capture such an exquisite creature as this, E? I mean, just look at her! And you? Well, you are so dull and surly all the time.” He focused back to Brynne. “My dear, what do you see in him?” He made a face of mock interest and rested his chin on his hand propped up by an elbow.

  “God, you are such an idiot, Ivan!”

  Brynne laughed and made a comment about how determined I’d been to get her out on a date with me. “He was very persistent, Ivan. Ethan never gave up on me, and I finally went out on that date.” She took a sip of wine and winked at me. “The two of you are so very different. Have you always been this close?” Brynne asked.

  “Yes.” We both answered her at the same time. Ivan met eyes with me and we had that communication for an
instant, but then turned it off just as quickly in the next instant. That conversation was for another time. This was social.

  “Close to killing him!” I smirked at Brynne. “No, seriously, I keep him alive and tolerate his many annoyances, and Ivan is dutifully grateful, isn’t that right, Ivan?”

  “I suppose…it’s better than wanting me dead,” he answered.

  Brynne laughed. “Who wants you dead, Ivan?”

  “Lot’s of people!” Ivan and I spoke again at the same time.

  We both laughed at a bemused Brynne and then the waiter showed up to do his thing, so it was few minutes before I was able to explain about my very eclectic cousin.

  “Hmmmm, where to start?” I paused for effect. “Our mothers were sisters and we’ve been around each other since…forever. Without the blood connection I doubt we’d ever have met though. Ivan is aristocracy, you know. In heredity and in the eyes of the World Archery Federation.” Ivan scowled at me. “Brynne, you are looking at Lord Rothvale, thirteenth Baron or some rot, or Lord Ivan as he’s called among his sporting compatriots.” I gestured with a flourish. “In the flesh.”

  It was Brynne’s turn to look shocked. “Rothvale…as in the gallery where I conserve paintings?”

  “Well yeah. That’s my great, great, great grandfather it’s named for, but I have no connection to the Rothvale Gallery,” Ivan said.

  “But you do at the National,” I reminded him.

  Brynne looked at me incredulous and then back to Ivan. “You are on the board of directors at the National Gallery, Ivan?”

  He blew out a huge sigh. “Well yes, my dear, but not by choice. I’ve inherited the appointment and can’t seem to get rid of it. My knowledge is pretty weak I am afraid. Not like you, an expert at restoring paintings E tells me.”

  “I love what I do. I’m working on the most lovely Mallerton right now.” Brynne looked at me and reached for my hand. “Ethan helped me solve a mystery of the title of the book the woman in the painting was holding.”