Read All That Sparkles is Not... Page 11

  Chapter 20 – Return

  Clinging on, bouncing around for an age, but en-heartened by the thought that Rachel may have escaped and be ahead of us. I cannot make out the words the first time my machine speaks, but then I spot, what it is talking about, a lone bi-pedal shape ahead of us, swaggering from side to side like some drunken reveller who is just concentrating on getting somewhere other than where they are currently.

  I am tempted to shout, but do not want to alarm whoever it is, they are still too far away and obviously in a poor state.

  We bounce onwards closing the gap, slowly but surely.

  As we get ever nearer I am convinced it is Rachel. They are wearing the same style of clothes as myself, although down one side is a large dark stain.

  Swaggering from side to side, determined to get back to the city, the being presses onwards.

  It seems to take an eternity to catch up, but catch up we do.

  As we get close enough to make out some detail, the shock hits me, this is not Rachel, it is not even human, but looks more like one of those aliens from the fight video that we saw in the arena. The creature stares at us and asks, “Wer bist du?”

  Without hesitation my machine asks, “Who are you?”

  The creature stares even more bewildered and asks, “Warum sprechen Sie seltsam?”

  My machine asks, “Wer bist du?”

  “Ich bin Erich aus der erweiterten scouts. Wer ist das?”

  “Er ist auch von den erweiterten scouts”

  “Nein ist er nicht, er ist ein Betrüger.”

  “Klettern und ich bringen Sie in die Welt zu Hause.”

  The alien climbs up on my machine and we resume bouncing towards the city. When we are on the move again, I notice that the alien is staring at me, a most uncomfortable feeling. Whilst I am naturally curious about him, his continuous stare is so uncomfortable that I just look down at the ground avoiding eye contact.

  I am left wondering what the verbal exchange between the alien and my machine was all about, but I am in no doubt that it all means trouble, as I have the strong feeling that this alien is the genuine investigator, sent to check on progress of his new world.

  Now, I am not only fearing Rachel’s fate, but my own also.

  Do I take the chance, that the alien is in such a bad state of health and try to make a run for it? Or do I stay on this machine and hope that I can explain why we were pretending to be the advanced party?


  Phil glances at the laptop for the third time, “This is torment, another 16 to 20 hours to go before us can have tunnel back up and running again. You sure there’s owt from that thing?”

  “What the communicator?” Gavin asks.


  “No Phil, apart from the occasional sing song noises.”

  “Oh ey, vending machine, placing more orders. Be bloody ironic if the team were stuck waiting for tunnel to open and yet wanting to get back to whatever they have discovered.”

  “It would at that. Think I’ll change the batteries in the comms device, just to make sure they don’t run out at a crucial point.”

  “Ey sounds like good sense to me. Did you hear anything from Ryan, did U.P.S. boxes arrive alright and get him out of trouble?”

  “Oh sorry didn’t I tell you? Yes he was delighted as they arrived earlier than he was expecting and he got them in place in good time, one of the Professors was well impressed with Ryan’s maintenance, said they looked as good as new.”

  “Daft blighter, if he’d have looked closer he’d have realised they was new.”

  “Anyway looks like we did Ryan a favour.”

  Phil mumbles, “Twenty bleedin’ hours of waiting. Seems to get further away not closer.”


  The latest jolt is my prompt to jump off, I run as fast as I can, hoping that the machine does not follow me and that I can out run it.

  As I glance round quickly, I am relieved to see that the machine is continuing on, it does not appear to have noticed that I have gone.

  I continue running, I see ahead of me a small hill and some vegetation clumped around it, I run straight for it. Nervously looking back over my shoulder every so often. I cannot believe my luck, the machine and Alien are still bouncing their way towards the city.

  I reach the sandy hill and soon find myself at the rear. Exhausted I slump to the ground.

  After some considerable time, I carefully glance round the vegetation towards the city, I half expect to see the machine within easy reach, and instead I am relieved to see that it is a dot in the distance. Feeling much rested, I get up and resume my escape. I just hope that am heading in the right direction for the tunnel.


  There is something ahead to the right of me. I wasn’t sure if I was imagining it or if it was real, but now it is so much clearer now. I wish that I had brought my suit, I would know how long I have been walking and could estimate the distance travelled.

  It should get dark soon, by my estimation.

  I set myself the task to reach whatever is ahead, before it gets dark.

  With renewed enthusiasm I press on, my stomach is growling to remind me that I haven’t eaten all day. My throat as dry as can be.


  Nearly there. I recognise this as the site where we were slid over by the giant slug. My eyes having difficulty picking out the individual objects strewn over the ground, not helped by the fact that it is getting dark and the light is disappearing at an alarming rate.

  Pitch black, and I haven’t a clue whether I have reached the spot or am heading around it.

  I decide to drop to my knees and crawl around stretching my arms out before me, in the hope that I can feel the objects on the ground.

  It seems like an eternity, but eventually I am rewarded as I come across some of the torn shelter material, then one of the broken pods. I carefully feel around inside the pod, I am delighted as I grasp a tube of food. I soon have the top off and whilst not my favourite flavour, it is much needed food and a darned sight tastier than the fungus stuff I have been eating.

  Having emptied the tube, I resume my search of the pod. I come across several items that feel as broken as the pod itself. Then I hit the jackpot, a water bottle, I feel down the side, at the end I am disappointed to find it is the bottom. I grasp the other end and find the top, I twist but it is on solid. How can something, be tightened up so frustratingly much?

  Suddenly the top gives. I can hardly wait to get at the contents, top off now, I carefully tip the bottle a bit at a time, until I realise that there is nothing inside. How cruel can life be?

  Pod now empty and still in need of a drink, I rummage around in the hope of finding another pod.

  I feel about for ages, when suddenly I feel something, cloth by the feel of it, warm cloth, but not feeling like the previous shelter material. I follow the line of it, there’s a gap, then I feel something else, a totally different texture, it is smooth, then something else…. it feels like, feels like…. hair. My hand springs away, as if I have received an electric shock. I position myself closer to the object. I reach out again, wary, as if I am about to be bitten. As I touch it again I hear a slight groan, like an objection to being touched. I withdraw my hand again.

  If only I had a light.

  Positioning my hand further round I resume checking whatever this is, as soon as I can feel something I confirm that it is hair, but to whom or to what does this hair belong?

  Is it another of the aliens? Maybe there is a group of them and they found our camp, perhaps a fight broke out regards the pods and this is one of them. I then remember that the alien on my machine did not appear to have hair. Maybe it was just bald, like humans, most have hair, but some have none at all.

  It groaned at me, so it is still alive. What do I do, strangle it to finish off the job, or try to befriend it and save its life?

  Choices, choices; just too many fo
r my liking.

  My dilemma ends with just one sound, or should I say word, “Bill?”


  No mistaking the voice, croaky though it is. Rachel and I have found her.

  My desperation to find some water is now even more profound. I reply, equally in a croaky voice, “Yes it is me, I will see if I can find some water.”

  Rachel replies, “Pod… other side… couldn’t….. reach.”

  I crawl round Rachel’s head, avoiding kicking up the sandy soil, the last thing she needs is a mouthful of that.

  I just hope I am heading the right way. Hands stretched out in front of me, I swing them to the left and back to the right, in a regular sweeping motion, as I also advance. I kneel on something sharp, it makes me jump, like I have been stabbed by a needle. As I check with my hands, I find it is a piece of broken pod and nothing more dangerous than that. It was the shock more than anything. I continue to advance, arms swaying ahead of me.

  After a considerable time, I feel something, that at first my hand sweeps to one side. I stop then carefully feel for its edges, whilst damaged on one side, the rest feels as if it is intact. I carefully lift it then feel through the broken edge. Something oozes over my fingers, I just hope it is not alive and dangerous. I retract the ooze covered hand and pull it towards my face carefully sniffing. What a relief, it has a definite food smell, quite what, I am unsure, a bit like the food tube I consumed earlier. I resume my searching avoiding the previous area and am pleasantly surprised when I feel something smooth and round, with regular indentations, feels like the bottom of a water bottle, I just hope this one is intact. I carefully feel my way up the cylindrical surface, eventually reaching the top and the cap. Grasping the cap, I slide the bottle back towards me. Something stabs the back of my hand. Hazardous, this retrieval business.

  Soon bottle in one hand and pod balanced on the other arm, I have spun around and I am heading back towards Rachel. It is as much of a shock to me, as it is to her when my knee touches her back.

  I work my way round her head, being careful not to touch her again. I put the pod down and attempt to open the water bottle. The lid unscrews quite easily. I gently tip it up and am pleasantly surprised as I feel the liquid drip onto my hand.

  “Here I have some water…. where is your mouth? .... can you sit up a bit?”

  I feel around with my free hand in the complete darkness, I suddenly feel her sand covered skin, I feel around until I find her nose and below her lips, I carefully navigate the precious water to her mouth and imagine the orientation of her head and face and align the bottle as best I can. I feel some of the water gush onto my hand, as I tip the bottle up. I just hope that some is going into Rachel’s mouth. I hear her swallow, I quickly lower the bottle, after all I don’t want to drown her. I wait what I think is a decent time then tip the bottle up again. I hear the swallow sounds. It reminds me how thirsty I am. I lower the bottle.

  It is my turn now, I take small sips. Then return the bottle to Rachel’s mouth and utter, “some more?”

  No reply, but I didn’t really expect one. The swallowing sounds again. Then break, as I take some more sips. This continues until the bottle is empty and my throat feels so much better now.

  I turn my attention back to the pod and the leaking food tube. I soon find the tube and rescue it from the pool of ooze that I had felt earlier. Perhaps the lid just came off. I feel around the tube to find the lid, I find the nozzle, but the cap is in place, so presumably there must be a split in the tube and the food is leaking from that. The simplest and probably safest thing to do is take off the lid and try and get some of the food into Rachel. The food around the split would probably be contaminated anyway.

  “Rachel I have got some food for you, are you ready?”

  Rachel weakly mumbles, “O.K.”

  I find her mouth and gently squeeze the food into it. I deliberately keep the delivery slow and include long breaks. I can hear Rachel’s tongue guiding the food back and then she swallows. It is almost like feeding a baby.

  Tube exhausted now, me also feeling exhausted I lay down and pull myself closer to Rachel.

  As I feel myself drifting into sleep, I cannot help but think, I just hope we don’t get another giant slug visitation.


  Chapter 21 – Dilemma

  The two suns rising, wake me better than any alarm clock. My movement disturbs Rachel, but not enough for her to get up.

  I gently rise, sitting up fully, I survey Rachel, her clothes, covered in various stains; ranging from red, brown through to dark green. I note there are several rips. Her face, those parts not covered by the dark green sandy soil, is fiercely red, like she has been sunbathing without wearing any suntan cream. Her hair is quite dishevelled and tangled. All in all she looks like she could do with a really good soak and clean-up, no doubt I equally look a sight.

  Carefully I get up, not wanting to disturb Rachel and I set about looking for more pods. I search the strewn wreckage carefully. I think that I have found something promising, but once again disappointment.

  “What are you doing Bill?” Rachel asks.

  “Crickey, you made me jump!” I retort, “I’m just trying to find some food and drink.”

  “What about that one over there?” Rachel asks.

  “Nothing I am afraid, already checked it. How about you search over there and I’ll look over here?”

  “OK sounds good to me.”

  We both strike lucky on the first broken pods that we find. Rachel found the water, I found some food tubes. I pocket two. Here comes breakfast.

  Breakfast over, we set off in the direction of the tunnel.


  Phil absolutely delighted, eying the crate up and down for probably the third time, says, “Well what a fantastic service? Who could have believed it?”

  “I know, four hours earlier than we expected, the driver said she was as delighted at finding us on the premises this early.”

  “Ey, see you’re keen to open us crate.”

  Gavin hands Phil a metal bar, “You open that side and I’ll do this one. Looks heavy doesn’t it?”

  “Ey, difficult to tell, as driver pulled it out of truck like it were nowt.”

  “The crate itself probably weighs a fair bit.”

  There is the sound of creaking, which turns to the sound of cracking wood, as Gavin pulls one of the planks off the side.

  Phil remarks, “Sturdy alright, good to see as how they want to protect it so well.”

  “Shall I fetch the trolley?”

  “Ey good idea, ‘e don’t look as if ‘e’s gonna be light, if these markings on this side of us crate are right. Can’t wait to get ‘e hooked up.”

  “Me neither, but one step at a time Phil.”


  Rachel suddenly flops to the ground.

  “You alright?” the question stupid I know, but an automatic response.

  “Sorry I have to rest. I just cannot go on.” Rachel pulls a bottle from the pouch on her left side and starts drinking. She wipes the top and passes the bottle on to me.

  I join her, seated on the ground. I pull one of the tubes from my pocket and pass it to Rachel. She nods and takes it.

  The silence broken only by quiet sounds of swallowing and occasional sloshing noises of the water as we take sips.

  I almost jump as Rachel asks, “How long do you reckon?”

  “Sorry I haven’t the slightest clue, no clock and no idea how to read the positioning of the two infernally bright suns.”

  Rachel replies, “Feels like we have walked for an eternity already. I just hope that our memory of the direction to the tunnel was right and that we haven’t passed right by it. Shame we couldn’t find the distance meter back at the camp.”

  Something that Rachel said, brought about a eureka moment. I stand up and look back towards the city, studying it for a while as my brain hurriedly
does some calculations. Then I announce, “I reckon we are about halfway to the tunnel and by the looks of things I think we are roughly on target, regards the direction, although we might be slightly out to left or right, but it is definitely in the general direction.”

  Rachel replies, “I won’t even begin to figure out how you worked it out, I’ll just accept your word on it.”



  Phil with an air of ceremony about the occasion says, “Right here we go then.”

  The familiar lights and sounds start up, soon Gavin and Phil can see at the end of the tunnel the collection of articles still in exactly the same place they were the last time the tunnel was fully active.

  “No sign of ‘em!” Phil exclaims.

  The two men scan the scene even more carefully for the slightest hint of any change.

  “Well it doesn’t look as if they have been back at all.” Gavin says.

  “None at all, and here we are over 30 hours after the agreed pick up time. It’s such a shame that we cannot change the view at the end of the tunnel.”

  Gavin looks puzzled, “What? Oh I see what you mean, pan around like a camera. Yes that would be better. Mind you even without that the scene looks identical to the last time the tunnel was active.”

  “The frustrating thing is, they might be just out of sight to the left of right of the tunnel’s field of vision.”

  “A bit fanciful Phil, even if they are, they are likely to see the tunnel re-appear.”

  “What if they have run out of food and drink and collapsed, we could be waiting for hours, just prolonging their agony.”


  “Bill, Bill, stop! I cannot go one step further, we have to stop and take a break.” Rachel pleads.

  “OK I think we are getting quite close now, I can see something up ahead, shame we haven’t got binoculars or something like that.”

  Rachel rummages around in her costume pouch and produces a bottle of water and her phone. “Try this Bill, magnification isn’t great but might help.”

  I accept the phone and soon I am scanning the horizon.

  “Got a food tube?” Rachel asks.

  “Just a minute I can see something, how do you take a picture with this thing?”