Read All for Love, Sample Page 13

  * * * *

  Greg watched Olivia flee and wished he could go after her. What had just happened to him? He’d intended the kiss to be just a gesture as part of the charade they were playing. He hadn’t expected to feel anything. He’d kissed a number of women over the years and while he’d enjoyed the sensation, he’d never felt anything like this before. It wasn’t lust. It was a need to protect and nurture. He swallowed his surprise and turned back to Reg. Everything could blow up in his face right now. How could they have forgotten this possibility? He swallowed his trepidations and pulled the note Jack had given him out of his shirt pocket.

  “Before you get my fiancée’s gear, can you get this for me, too?”

  Reg looked at the slip. “Rachel beat you to it. She mentioned this when she called. I was just getting it ready when you showed up. I’ll be right back.” He disappeared into the room behind him.

  Greg swallowed, pasted a smile on his face, turned to the man behind him, and held out his hand. He’d recognized his voice the minute he heard it. Lincoln Grover had been part of his security detail in LA. He smiled. Linc stood there with a young man Greg didn’t recognize.

  “Hi, Greg Stuart. Olivia and I are getting married.”

  The security man gripped his hand firmly and shook it. “So I’ve heard. Congratulations. We’ve all been invited to your shindig, but unfortunately I’ll have to pass. I’m taking this guy to Atlanta to see the folks. I’m Lincoln Grover. My friend’s call me Linc. This is my nephew, Bill. He’s home on leave. He goes back in March.” He held out his hand. Greg shook it, and then turned to shake the younger man’s hand. There’d been no sign of recognition in Linc’s face, allowing Greg to relax a bit.

  “Where are you stationed?”

  “Cyprus,” the young soldier answered. “Better place than some.”

  “Things still tense over there? I visited Nicosia once.”

  “It’s not as bad as it was—could be worse.” He shrugged.

  Linc picked up the conversation. “How’d you and Red get together? Some of the guys tried to date her, but she wouldn’t give them the time of day.”

  The man’s curiosity was obvious. Had he been one of the guys Olivia had turned down?

  “We met in California—ran into one another again last spring—and thought we’d give it another shot.”

  “I see. Well, watch your back. Your little lady may look like an angel, but she’s a lot tougher than she looks, and man, does she have a temper. Last month in our sparring match, she threw me so hard, I thought I’d dislocated my shoulder.” He laughed. “She’s a spit-fire.”

  Greg controlled his features. He didn’t like the negative connotation in Linc’s words, but most likely the guy hadn’t liked being bested by a woman. As well, arguing with the man whose job it was to keep him safe in New York in a few weeks wouldn’t be the smartest thing he could do. The fact she’d thrown a guy who weighed more than double what she did impressed him and made him more confidant in her ability to protect Sheena.

  “When you take on Olivia, you have to be prepared to be surprised. In her line of work, she has to be careful. She has to deal with a lot of slugs.” He wondered if Linc would feel insulted. “I think I’m the luckiest man on earth.” And strangely he did feel that way. Being around Olivia promised to make life interesting for the first time in years.

  “Well, I hope you still feel that way in six months’ time. I like my women a touch more malleable,” Linc said and laughed loudly.

  Greg smiled half-heartedly. Some men could be such fools. While the man had done a good job in LA, he pitied Olivia having to work with such a chauvinist.

  Reg chose that moment to return. He looked from Linc to Greg and back again. “What did I miss?”

  Linc chuckled. “Nothing. I was just wishing Greg luck. He’s going to need it.”

  Reg shook his head. “Here’s what the boss ordered.”

  He handed Greg a belt holster and a Smith & Wesson BODYGUARD® 380 and two spare ammo clips. The personal protection weapon was state-of-the-art. It had integrated laser sights for accuracy, and was lightweight and easy to use.

  “It’s loaded. Are you good with this?” Reg asked. “It’s one of the best pistols out there.”

  “I’m okay. I can handle it. The boss is talking about having me work at The Empire when we get back. I want to get in some target practice while Olivia’s busy—keep my mind off missing her. Have you got the rest of it?”

  Reg handed over a computer bag. “Yes. Here’s the laptop and cell phone. I’ll be right back with Livy’s gear.” He turned to the man standing beside Greg. “What do you need, Linc?”

  “The strap on my ankle holster broke.” He handed the leather case to the man. “Do you have another one?”

  “Let me have a look.” He went back into the storeroom.

  “So you’re going to stay on with Robertson? I’m on a case for them right now—one of the CEO’s relatives, an author—who’s having problems with his fans. The ladies certainly like him. I had to fend off a few last week in L.A. including a very persistent redhead. Maybe we’ll see one another again.”

  “I’m sure we will.” The comment about the redhead reminded him of the email message he’d read earlier.

  “I heard Olivia’s leaving us,” Linc continued.

  “News to me if she is.” The sound of a door closing down the hall stopped Greg from saying more.

  “Here comes the bride now,” Linc said.

  Greg looked up to see Olivia coming toward him. She carried a large gym bag over her shoulder. His first instinct was to offer to take it from her, but something told him that would be a grave error.

  “Here’s her gear.” Reg stated, placing a duffle bag on the counter. “Have fun out there, you two. Play safe.”

  Olivia stepped over to the counter beside him, looking more confident than she had a few minutes earlier.

  “Hello, Linc. Nice to see you,” she said. “I hope your shoulder isn’t bothering you.

  “The shoulder’s fine.”

  “This must be your nephew.” She turned to the young man. “Thank you. It’s knowing people like you are out there protecting us that lets me sleep at night.” She moved back to Greg. Pointing at the gun in his hand, she looked at him, her eyes narrowed and questioning.

  “Ever use one of these before?” she asked.

  “No, but I’m familiar with similar ones.” What was she trying to do? Blow everything in front of Linc?

  “How about we have a little target practice before we go? You might decide you’d prefer something else—something larger.” She smiled, and Greg felt as if he’d been sucker punched.

  “I’ll carry this, sweetie,” she said, grabbing the weapon. “Can you get the rest? The shooting range is over here.”

  Olivia turned to the door across the hall and opened it. The smoky scent of cordite filled the air and tickled his nose. He much preferred her subtle floral scent, the one that reminded him of heather in all its glory. She smiled at the two men still standing by the armory. “Bye Linc. See you when the honeymoon’s over.”

  “Not a chance,” Linc said. “I could use a little competition. You guys shouldn’t be in there alone.”

  Greg smiled at the man’s crude implication. “Fine by me. Livy, does that work for you?”

  “The more the merrier. I wasn’t planning to do anything but fire my weapon,” she said, but her flashing green eyes contradicted her words.

  Greg swallowed and hoped she hadn’t planned to fire it at him.

  They entered the shooting range and selected their cubicles. Olivia pulled out a Charter Arms 38 with a pink grip. The last thing he’d have expected from her was a girly gun. Linc burst out laughing, and Greg schooled his features. If this was her regular weapon, he’d have seen it before.

  “Red,” Linc called to her. “You can use a real gun, you know.”

  “This will do fine, thanks,” she replied with more than a little vehemence.

>   Greg could see her fury in the stiff way she held herself and the subtle flush of her cheeks. Once again, she reminded him of the warrior queen. This time, he hoped her anger was directed at Linc and not him.

  The targets were preset and ready.

  She turned to him. “First round, head shots, okay?”

  He and Linc agreed and within seconds they’d emptied their pistols at the targets. Greg pulled his back first, pleased to see that while his shots hadn’t hit dead center, they’d have done the job. Linc’s were about the same as his, but Olivia’s were all perfectly centered.

  “Impressive,” he said and kissed her quickly for Linc’s benefit and to see if whatever it was he’d felt before was still there. It was.

  “Thanks,” she said, quickly pulling out of his arms, but not before he’d noticed her increased heart rate. “Shall we try the body?” She sent her target back for a second strike.

  “I’m game if you are.” She was testing his ability with a gun and he couldn’t fault her for it. In her place, he’d have done the same thing. She might be the bodyguard, but if push came to shove, he’d be the one watching with her back. “What about you, Linc?”

  “Sure, but then I have to go. Bill’s waiting.” Greg got the impression Olivia’s performance hadn’t pleased the man one bit.

  They sent the targets back down, and this time when they came back, Greg’s shots had all found the target, Linc’s were in and around the location of vital organs, but all twelve of Olivia’s bullets had pierced the heart.

  Linc glowered at her and left the room. Before Greg could comment, Olivia was out the door and over at the counter replenishing her ammo.

  “Beat him again, did you?” Reg asked, no doubt noting the stiffness in Linc’s shoulders as he entered the elevator. He shook his head. “You know, Red, that’s not the way to make friends. You shouldn’t show him up all the time.”

  “I won’t throw a match just to flatter a man’s ego. If he can’t understand that… See you in a few weeks.”

  Greg followed her to the elevator and the doors swished open. Olivia entered and pressed the button for the ninth floor. Greg barely made it inside before the doors closed.

  “You and Linc seem to have some history. Anything I should know about?” he asked.

  She sighed, rubbed the back of her neck with her empty hand, and shook her head. “Not everyone embraces equality. Linc has trouble accepting the fact women can compete equally, but it isn’t anything I can’t handle on my own. Let’s get my coat and laptop. We need to talk. You and I have to establish some ground rules. I don’t want any more surprises like that.”

  “Like what? My incredible talent with a gun?”

  She stared at him, her eyes smoldering with banked fury, and he winced.

  “I know you probably won’t believe me, but I didn’t follow you down there.” He touched her arm and felt her stiffen. “Jack sent me to get an encrypted laptop, a clean phone, and a weapon in case I needed one.”

  “Where did you learn to shoot like that?” She looked away, but he sensed a reluctant admiration in her words.

  “My step-brother is with Scotland Yard. After Nadia was killed, he saw to it I could defend myself.”

  “He did a good job.” She raised her head once more. “I was referring to the mauling earlier. What was that all about?” Her voice was vehement. “Was it necessary?”

  “Yes, it was. And it wasn’t a mauling, it was a kiss.” He reached for her shoulders and turned her fully to face him. “Red, I know you aren’t happy about this charade. Unfortunately, it’s the best shot we have at keeping Sheena safe. I’ll try to keep my distance when we’re alone, but people in love, especially newlyweds, touch and kiss. It’s going to happen again—probably several times over the next few days as we’re seen in public establishing our relationship.”

  “I disagree. Not everyone gets physical in public. We can hold hands, maybe hug once in a while…”

  “Uh-uh. Get used to it. This is the twenty-first century. Your parents will expect some sort of open intimacy, and I have to get used to kissing you in front of my daughter and remembering my role. She’ll probably be our toughest audience. We’re both on a learning curve here. The exam’s coming up, and we have to cram like crazy.”

  He watched her face as conflicting emotions raced across it. She was worried, and he was fairly certain it had something to do with him and intimacy and not skiing. He didn’t really understand why her parents couldn’t know the truth. It would make things easier on her, but Veronica had laughed when he’d asked and said, “Once you meet Ian Cummings, you’ll understand. According to Olivia, he’s a force of nature.”

  Perhaps her discomfort was because of the boyfriend Jack had mentioned. Not too many men would accept a situation like this, especially not when Olivia was the woman involved. He felt a momentary flash of guilt at what they might be doing to Olivia’s life, but instead of making him back down, it only stiffened his resolve. There was no sacrifice too great to protect and save his daughter from a madman. When this was over, Olivia’s reputation would be intact, and she’d have plenty of money in the bank. It would have to be compensation enough. She’d chosen this line of work. This was simply the price she had to pay to do it effectively.

  The thought of Olivia in another man’s arms bothered him, even though he knew it shouldn’t. She was his daughter’s bodyguard—his too, for that matter—and despite the unusual circumstances, their relationship had to remain a quasi-professional one. The mysterious Mr. X bothered him. If anything could ruin their carefully laid plans, it was a jealous boyfriend.

  “So, where can we go to get these kinks out of our relationship and establish reasonable guidelines?” he repeated, knowing he wanted to know more about his potential nemesis than anything else. “We need to have our cover story down pat when we meet Sheena. Where can we discuss all of this without the danger of being overheard? Will your boyfriend be a problem? Jack forgot to ask.”

  She glared at him. “My personal life is none of your business and has no bearing on the case, but for the record, neither you nor Jack need to worry about my boyfriend. He won’t be an issue.”

  “Did you call him earlier?” he continued unable to let the topic rest. “Have you told him we’re getting married?”

  He heard the sound of her teeth grinding and saw her cheeks turn a brighter red. She bit down on her lower lip, no doubt in an effort to control her anger. Greg knew he’d gone over the line, but he seemed unable to stop himself.

  “He knows everything he needs to know. My boyfriend is not a topic of discussion,” she ground out, “and please remember it. There isn’t anything about our relationship that’s germane to this situation. I’ll stay out of Drew Robertson/George Stanton’s personal life, if you’ll kindly stay out of mine. Now, just let it drop.”

  Greg nodded, chastised but by no means satisfied by her answer. “Fine… for now… so where can we talk?”

  “My place, I suppose,” she answered grudgingly. “I have to pack, and you should know where I live. Let me get my things, and we can get out of here. I’m down on the third level of the parking garage.”

  “I’m on the second. What do you drive?”

  “A black Toyota sedan. Watch for me and then you can follow me out. We’ll leave my vehicle at home and take yours. It doesn’t look like I’ll be needing mine anytime soon.”

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  Susanne Matthews lives in Eastern Ontario with her husband. They have three children and five grandchildren. A retired educator, Susanne enjoys writing and creating adventures for her readers. She loves the ins and outs of romance, and the complex journey it takes to get from the first word to the last period of a novel. As she writes, her characters take on a life of their own, and she shares their fears and agonies on the road to self-discovery and love. When she isn’t writing, Susanne enjoys reading books by friends and fellow a
uthors or hearing from her fans and friends.

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