Read All for Maddie Page 4

  My dad came to relieve me an hour before the party. Ryan, the high school boy, would be there in another hour and we would celebrate Maddie’s third birthday. I couldn’t believe she was three already. It seemed like yesterday that I sat in front of my father, bawling my eyes out, telling him that I was pregnant.

  “Is it my birfday now?” Maddie wanted to know breaking my trance. My trance focused on the fancy white sports car. My trance focused on Alex Wesson getting out of his car and opening the door for the same blonde that I had told to watch her drink on the sidewalk. What the hell was he doing here?

  “It is your birthday. Let’s go get your pretty birthday dress on,” I coaxed. I needed out of there, like now.

  “Can you check these guys in first?” my dad asked. He was a one-finger typer and slower than honey. I was never so happy in my life that Maddie wet her pants.

  “You can do it, Dad. Maddie is soaked. I need to get her in the tub.”

  “But you can do it in five minutes. It’ll take me twenty.”

  “You can handle it. I’ll see you at the party.” I took Maddie’s hand and darted out the back door. I wasn’t going to be anywhere near Alex Wesson. What the hell was he doing there?

  “I can drive?” Maddie asked.

  “No, your pants are all wet. You can drive back, okay?” I bargained as she slid across the seat.

  I got Maddie in the tub and thought about Alex being there. Thank God it was my weekend off. I was going to the party and coming straight back to my house, away from the guests’ quarters. I was going to be nowhere near that place. Not while he was there.


  The party lasted for two hours. All of the staff showed up with a gift for Maddie. It was no wonder she acted the way she did. She was not only spoiled by my dad and Dana, but also every last person that worked there. Everybody loved Maddie.

  I shook my head thirty-one times. Thirty gifts, my rotten little girl opened. No gifts is what I had told all of them. We didn’t have the room. They knew that fact.

  “Can you believe our little Maddie is three?” Jaron asked, leaning against the table beside me.

  I looked over to him with a sour look. “You bought her a doll house. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?” I asked, evading his remark.

  “I couldn’t help it. I knew she would love it. Did you see the little family that came with it?” he excitedly asked. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. It was pointless.

  “You’re ridiculous,” I stated.

  “I know. Are you coming down to the fire and drinking some beer later?”

  “I don’t know. It depends on whether or not Maddie goes home with my dad. You guys should just come back to my place,” I countered. The fire pit was also for the guests. I was afraid of Alex showing up there or something.

  “I was hoping to come back to your place later,” Jaron seductively replied.

  I looked over to him in deep thought. Hmm. I could use that. I wasn’t a slut. Well, maybe just a little, but I only had two guys that I entertained. Reed and sometimes Jaron, both of whom I would never get serious with. Reed was too busy and Jaron was just, Jaron. Long hair and tattoos galore. Not the father figure type at all, although he, unlike Reed, did love my daughter.

  “We’ll see,” I offered, watching my dad help Maddie pedal the new pink bike. Where was she supposed to ride that thing? I would be hauling it up to the basketball court all the time.

  “Hey, can you work the dining room from six until eight,” Dana asked.

  I didn’t want to work the dining room. Alex might show up at the dining room.

  “It’s my weekend off,” I protested.

  “Please,” she begged. “Dianna will be here at eight. She can’t make it until then. She has to drive her parent’s back to the airport.”

  “Is Naomi working tonight?” I asked. I knew I could trade her sections if need be.

  “Yes. Why?” Dana asked.

  “Just curious, I will do it for two hours and that’s it.”

  “Thank you,” she said, kissing my cheek and going off to play with Maddie.

  Maddie wouldn’t leave with me. She had to take her new bike to Papaw’s house and swing on her new swing. Jaron helped me load her abundant amount of presents in the golf cart until he was called by one of the other guys to help with a truck.

  I crammed the last bag into the back of the cart and bumped right into Alex. Where the hell did he come from? My eyes instantly glared at him. Who the fuck did he think he was?

  “WHAT. DO. YOU. WANT!” I asked, through gritted teeth.

  “You have a kid?” he asked.

  “Fuck you, stay away from me,” I demanded, spinning away from him.

  “Whitley, will you talk to me for five minutes?” he asked.

  “What would you like to talk about, Alex?” I turned my head towards Jaron.

  “Hey Whit, you’re coming tonight, right?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be there,” I called back and turned my attention right back to the ass standing in front of me. “Did you want to discuss how you raped me? Is that what you need to talk about?”

  “You got off too,” he accused.

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I blew out a puff of unbelievable air. “Yeah, you’re right. I did do that, didn’t I? I guess that gets you off the hook. It was consensual. Is that what you need to hear, Alex? Fine, it wasn’t rape. I enjoyed the hell out of it. You’re free to go,” I offered, scanning his body from head to toe, radiating disgust.

  “That’s not what I meant, Whitley.”

  I turned, poking him hard with one finger right in his chest. “STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!” I demanded, poking him with every word.

  “Hey baby, are you coming?” his female friend called.

  “Yeah baby, you better go,” I mocked, sliding into the seat and tromping the throttle. It was too bad the damn thing wouldn’t spin a tire or go over five miles an hour. I would have loved to have spun gravel all over him.

  I would love to say that I never had to see the son of a bitch again. That wasn’t the case. I had fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes until Dianna arrived. No sign of Alex and his little bimbo anywhere. I was almost home free.

  I didn’t even notice him. Dana sat him in my section with his back turned. He and his girlfriend or whatever she was, sat side by side and another couple sat across from them. I stupidly walked right up to the table with my green notepad.

  “Can I start you out with some drinks?” I asked as my eyes landed right on Alex’s. Shit.

  “Do you have a wine list?” his female friend asked.

  I wanted to laugh at her. This was a camp ground not a five star restaurant. “We have a house wine,” I offered, pointing to the Moscato red wine. “We have beer,” I said, catching Maddie scooting a chair to the fish aquarium. I turned to see my dad talking to some guests with his back to her. I looked to see Dana laughing and talking with some other guests as she rang them out. Somebody needed to pay attention to Maddie.

  “Excuse me,” I said, walking away as I watched her foot slip from the chair and hit the floor, followed by a loud shrill.

  “Why can’t you listen for once?” I asked, picking her up. She clung to me and wailed. “You’re not hurt. It just scared you,” I said, rubbing circles around her back.

  “Here, come to Papaw,” my dad said, trying to take her. She wailed again.

  “NO! I want my mommy!” she cried out as I carried her towards the kitchen, away from the spectators and Alex’s scrutinizing eyes that I was sure were on me.

  “That thing has got to go,” I said, turning to my dad. I was so sick of that stupid fish aquarium it wasn’t even funny. “Are you hungry?” I asked, trying to calm Maddie. “Do you want Jaron to make you a hot dog?”

  “I want ice cream,” she decided, wiping tears down her face with her little fingers.

  “No. No ice cream. How about a grilled cheese?”

  “I want ice cream,” she howled.
r />   “Take her,” I told my dad. I really did hope she wanted to go home with him. I needed to get drunk and crazy with some friends my own age.

  I was never so happy to see Dianna in all my life. She was taking Alex and his party’s orders. I was getting the hell out of there. I walked over to take some empty plates from my last table and to offer them dessert.

  “How was everything,” I asked as they moved their arms for me to take their plates.

  “Great,” they all replied, with the two men rubbing their full bellies.

  “How about dessert? We have an awesome peanut butter pie tonight,” I offered.

  “Yes,” the men stated, deciding they weren’t as full as they had initially thought. The two women declined.

  “Would you like coffee?” I asked.

  I walked toward the kitchen with a full arm, not missing the stare from Alex or my daughter sitting at the counter with a bowl of ice cream. I shook my head at my father. He shrugged as I continued to the kitchen.

  “Can you get table four coffee?” I asked Dana, placing the delicious looking pies on a tray.

  “Sure. I think we’re kidnapping Maddie for the night. She got two new movies for her birthday, and Papaw promised we would watch them and make some popcorn.”

  “You can have her,” I teased, hoping she didn’t want to come home with me.

  I stood at the end of the counter while Maddie ate her ice cream smothered in gummy bears.

  “I thought I told you no ice cream,” I said, looking up to see Alex’s eyes boring into me. What the hell? Maddie needed to hurry so we could get the hell out of there.

  “Papaw teld me yes,” she assured me as she popped a red gummy bear into her mouth. “Dem is hard,” she giggled.

  I smiled at her. She was so silly sometimes. “That’s because you froze them.”

  “Dem will get warm in my belly,” she assured me. “You have one,” she offered. I opened my mouth and took the candy from her fingers.

  “Yuck, Maddie. That’s gross. That’s like eating a flavored ice cube.”

  “That not a ice cube,” she assured me.

  “Are you coming home with mommy?”

  “No, I watch a movie wif Papaw and Gammy. I eat popcorn.”

  “You need to eat some supper.”

  “My belly full.”

  “Yeah, full of ice cream and candy. Are you done?”

  Maddie nodded and slid off the stool. I swear that kid was fearless. It’s a good thing I was standing right there to catch her. If not, I was sure she would have been screaming again.


  I met Jaron, Naomi, Ryan, Autumn, and a few other friends at the fire pit. I still had Maddie because my dad had gotten held up with an issue in one of the cabins. She was bathed and in her pajamas and cowboy boots. That was her idea, not mine. Jaron helped her make some smores, against my better judgment, as I stood watching and drinking a much needed bottle of Budweiser, ice cold from the cooler. It tasted amazing and I could tell that I was probably going to get drunk. It was going down way too smoothly.

  “Do you know that guy at table six?” Naomi asked.

  “No, why?”

  “I was just wondering. He asked about you?”

  “What do you mean he asked about me?” I said, snapping my head to her.

  “He just asked if that was your little girl. I just found it a little odd.”

  “Yeah, that is odd.”

  “Too bad he had that bimbo with him. I might have knocked on his cabin later,” she teased, taking a long drink of beer.

  I didn’t reply. It made me nauseous, just thinking about him in bed.

  “Jaron! Don’t give her beer. What the hell is wrong with you?” I yelled, seeing him hold the bottle to Maddie’s lips.

  “Her mouth was hot from the marshmallow.”

  “I don’t care. Don’t give her beer.”

  My dad and Dana pulled up on a golf cart moments later. My dad stood around holding Maddie, drinking one beer with us before he handed it to me. Maddie wouldn’t be quiet long enough for him to relax and enjoy it. She needed to watch her new movie and her fingers were all sticky. I kissed her sticky lips and told her that I loved her.

  “I drive. Okay, Papaw?” she asked. I smiled. God I loved that girl.

  We were having a great time. There were a few guests that showed up; the one named Charlie was funnier than hell. His wife, Ada, didn’t think so, but the drunker he got the more Naomi and I laughed at his marital stories. I would love to have had a man that made me laugh like he did. You could tell that he loved his wife and loved to torment her.

  Jaron had been giving me the eye all night. Yup, he was no doubt going home with me. Ryan and Autumn were also well past being drunk. Ryan turned the music up coming from his pickup truck, then he and Autumn were grinding to the beat of Old Time Rock and Roll by Bob Seger.

  Naomi pulled me to the makeshift dance floor and grinded into my ass as we both held our beers singing at the top of our lungs. Charlie joined in, causing us to laugh ridiculously hard. My gut hurt, I was laughing so hard. I have no idea what kind of moves he was trying to portray, but it was hilarious.

  I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Alex, his girl, and the couple that had been at their table. Naomi didn’t let me stop when Def Leppard starting pouring sugar on me. I watched Jaron hand the guys a beer and the snooty women snarl their noses up, declining.

  Fuck him. I wasn’t letting him ruin my night. It wasn’t that often that I had a night with friends, without my daughter. I wasn’t about to let him get to me. If he insisted on doing whatever it was he thought he was doing, I would give it right back. I turned back to Naomi and took the lead, placed my hand on her hipbone, held my bottle of beer out, and swayed my hips with hers.

  I sat the next one out, needing a breather and another beer. I not only had Jaron staring at me, I now had Alex too. I didn’t give a shit. I was drunk and carefree. I grabbed Jaron’s tattooed arm and pulled him toward Charlie, Ryan, Naomi, and now Charlie’s wife Ada when ACDC started, letting me know what highway I was on. I sang it at the top of my lungs as Jaron swayed into my ass. I turned toward him, placing one leg between his and let him grind into my front. Jaron could move. He was sexy as hell when he danced.

  He laughed and pulled me to him as the song ended, and the weatherman let us know of a possible thunderstorm after midnight.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I whispered. “It’s going to storm.”

  Jaron laughed and took my hand. He was okay with that request.

  “Hey, where you guys going?” Naomi called. I turned my gaze right to Alex staring at me with a vengeful glare. What the hell was that guy’s problem?

  “Where do you think we’re going,” I taunted Alex more than Naomi.

  “You can’t drive. You’re drunk,” she protested, not wanting me to leave.

  “I can drive a golf cart drunk,” I assured her.

  “Oh no, you can’t. I’m driving,” Jaron said.

  “See, Jaron wants to drive. I love the way Jaron drives. Jaron is an amazing driver,” I called to her.

  “Get your ass over here, you dirty girl,” Jaron laughed, sliding me over.

  Reed was okay in bed. He got the job done, but Jaron was awesome in bed. Jaron wanted to do more than jump on and jump off. Jaron always made me explode time after time.

  I was ripping his shirt off before we made it up the porch steps. We both laughed when we fell, landing him on top of me as I continued to undress him.

  “You want it right here?” he asked, lifting my shirt over my head. I let him. I didn’t care. I didn’t have any close proximity neighbors. He could do me right there.

  I reached for his belt buckle and he stopped. “Get your ass in the house,” he demanded. I spun around, laughing again as we both stumbled our way inside.

  “You smell like a campfire,” he accused, unbuttoning my jeans and walking me backwards toward my bedroom.

  “My pussy doesn’t,” I la
ughed. It was the beer. Had I been sober, I would have never talked like that and never would I have said something like that to Reed. No way, he was too straight and narrow. Jaron was rough around the edges and had a smooth bad boy persona about him. Jaron was also thirty-five. I was only twenty-one. My dad would have killed him if he ever found out that Jaron was the one who taught me things that would make your head spin and your toes curl.

  “You want me to smell your pussy?” Jaron asked.

  “No, I want you to taste my pussy and then let me taste it,” I countered. He laughed.

  “You just made my dick get hard,” he assured.

  “Good, let me see,” I coxed.

  “No, I have to taste you first, remember?”

  “Okay,” I agreed, sliding out of my jeans.

  “No panties?” Jaron asked, eyeing me from the waist down.

  “I knew I wouldn’t need them tonight.”

  “I love a girl with no panties.”

  I pulled myself back on my elbows as Jaron crawled over me, kissing me down my chest as he did.

  “I love a girl with no bra too,” he hinted, unsnapping it with one hand.

  I slid it off my shoulders and to the floor.

  Jaron took my nipple into his mouth and tugged gently, sending shivers down my spine and straight to my throbbing sex. There was nothing like drunk sex with Jaron. He did things to me that made my insides coil.

  “Get down there, Jaron,” I demanded, needing the attention on my aching core.

  He snickered and moved south. I opened my legs and dropped my head as he stroked me, slowly all the way to my sensitive nub. I moaned once I felt him suck tenderly on my clit, sending my eyes rolling back into my head. Okay, this wasn’t going to last long.

  “Hmm, right there Jaron, right there,” I moaned, feeling the build of an unbelievable orgasm. Jaron inserted two fingers and massaged my upper wall, stimulating my g-spot. That did it. I was practically screaming as my juices flowed.

  Jaron didn’t give me time to recover, before he was moving up my body and holding me to my request of tasting myself on his mouth. I did taste myself and moaned again as he moved into me, kissing me. I tasted more beer than myself after a few moments. I was going to be sore the next day. That I was sure of. That’s another thing about Jaron; he twisted you into more positions than the normal mind could think of.