Read All in a Day's Work Page 17

After hearing we were finally going to get to the site of the battle, the troops came alive. The excitement of battle was hard not to get caught up in, but my issues with Eva prevented me from getting totally immersed in it, along with the worries I had of what would happen during the battle.

  There was something going on between Eva and I, and it was more than the usual annoyance on my side of the equation. She felt even more off than usual, but I couldn’t figure out what it was. There was definitely a big bug crawling up her butt, and I hoped she got it checked out soon.

  With the tension in the air, it was a little hard for me to concentrate. I wanted to know what she was hiding, and how much it would interfere with the battle. She clung to Liam’s side, like being close to him would protect her from me figuring out her secrets. We both knew she had the power to do that on her own, but she was playing a game of her own.

  Mak had produced a map and Vinnie was instructing where things differed from the information he was able to pick up on his networks. Most of his information was on building changes and construction areas, but I wasn’t interested in those. I knew we weren’t looking for something in town, and the road conditions mattered very little to us.

  “What’s this here?” I asked, pointing to a large irregular shaped area shaded to indicate it was wooded.

  I couldn’t make out what the map said, if the squiggles were actual words. The area wasn’t as far from civilization as I thought it’d be, but I had a good feeling about it. I still didn’t remember having a connection to Keosauqua, but that didn’t mean anything. The game Malphas had wanted to play was probably the only part tied to me.

  “It’s a state park. Logistically speaking, it’s probably not the best place for a battle because of the often heavily wooded area. There’d be way too many places for the enemy to hide, and it is a place frequented by humans.” Vinnie studied the map for a second, and then pointed out a different spot. “If we’re focused on this general area, here would be the best spot to keep outside interactions to a minimum. There’s also very little chance of being ambushed.”

  He indicated somewhere north and west from where I’d suggested. The map I was looking at didn’t show detail, so I couldn’t confirm or deny whether it was a good place for a battle. I did know I didn’t think it was the right place.

  Something was guiding me to the park, and I was okay letting things play out there. It was early enough in the season that I didn’t think there’d be tons of people out camping, and even if there were, we had enough magic to protect them. It was as simple as me asking Mak to move them somewhere else.

  “My gut’s telling me we need to go here,” I said, tapping the original area. “Unlike what Eva claimed earlier, Malphas didn’t give me a location, but I feel really strong about this place. It’s where I’ll find the scene I’m looking for.”

  “Are you sure you want to trust instincts he’s probably controlling? You can’t say he didn’t give you the city. You’ve been wandering around trying to figure out the spot for over a month and haven’t had a single idea. It’s not like the name Keosauqua is something you’ve had sitting in the back of your mind.”

  I met Eva’s eyes as she challenged my decision. I didn’t know what had got her panties in a bunch, but she was pissed about something. I couldn’t say I was sad to see her irritated, especially if I’d had a hand in it. She deserved to have a little grief in her life after all the grief she added to mine.

  “Have you decided you don’t want this prophecy business to be over? Are you suggesting we just pack up and go home?”

  Answering a question with at least one of my own was just how our conversations went. I did it with other people, but not as much as I did with the she-devil. Answering one of her questions was as bad as spending an afternoon shopping with Frannie. Neither of those things were something I wanted to do unless my life depended on it.

  “How long did he talk to you and what did he say?”

  Her expression morphed into a stern teacher, looking for a ruler to rap across an unruly student’s knuckles. I wanted to see her try the move on me. I’d show her a few of the moves I’d practiced before Nate had suggested I focus more on growing our children than becoming the ultimate fighting machine.

  “How do you not know what was said?”

  I’d done everything I could to keep her from reading my thoughts, but she didn’t believe in my barriers. If anyone ever needed a reason for why I didn’t like her, that alone was enough. I could deal with my soulmate knowing everything about me, but an outsider, who I didn’t particularly like, needed to butt out of my head.

  Eva didn’t look happy that I’d brought the issue up, or noticed it. Her line of questioning had made it impossible not to figure out she’d been left out of the conversation, a fact I was sure had never happened to her before.

  “I don’t think I need to answer that question. It’s clear that since I asked, your friend has caused some interference.”

  A smile stretched across my face. I didn’t like that she referred to Malphas as my friend, but I loved the implication that he knew of a way to keep her out. If anything would keep me from killing him, which nothing would, the idea that he could teach me to block her out would be it.

  “Look, before this turns into a cat fight, which I wouldn’t mind watching,” Liam eyes were glowing as he thought about the possibility, “I think we should move on to discussing the location we’re getting ready to go to. And as much as I hate to say it, maybe you should head back to whatever called you away before, sweetie.”

  I almost asked how it felt to finally grow a pair, but that was rude, and Liam didn’t deserve that. I couldn’t blame him for whatever stupid spell Eva had on him. It was a little sad that she didn’t immediately reflect a hurt expression from his words.

  “I was planning on it, but I wanted to verify someone wasn’t getting cold feet. I don’t know what he said to you, but I’m sure it was a lie. He is scum and the only way to protect yourself and those you love is to kill him. You realized that years ago and found a way to solve that problem. Don’t let his kind words change your focus.”

  “Are we sure she’s not a skin-walker? I think someone pushed her down a stupid tree a few times either today or yesterday, if the skin-walker idea is out.”

  I looked around to see if anyone would agree if I suggested skinning her to see whether she was really Eva, but I didn’t see that playing out well. The rest of the group was too scared of her. I did know I didn’t need a lecture, nor would I stand for her giving me one. I had my memories, at least most of them, so I knew what was at stake.

  The fact that she assumed Malphas had been kind when we spoke led me to believe she’d know exactly what his cryptic words had meant. I didn’t have the time to deal with her nonresponses to any questions about his motives.

  “Let’s head to Keosauqua, so I can verify things go as they should. You’ve already started causing ripples.” Eva disappeared before I could say anything.

  It was probably for the best, because I was sure we could stand there and argue for at least an hour. She seemed to know how to push every single one of my buttons, and was willing to test the ability. There was a time when I thought Nate won the prize for knowing which combinations set me off, but that had become acceptable when I found out he was my other half.

  There was a few seconds of quiet after Eva’s departure. I imagined most of the troops were waiting for me to take off after her. The smart ones knew I was going to move at my own pace, and that I’d never just blindly follow her. As far as I was concerned, she was just as big of a threat as Malphas.

  “I don’t want to be the one to say anything, but, brother, your woman is trouble. I don’t care who she is, it ain’t smart messing with dollface, and Eva seems to try to screw with her every chance she gets.”

  “I’m not going to make any excuses for her, or do her apologizing, even if I think an apology is in order. I think she’s just worried about how things are going to go. W
e’re all bundles of nerves right now and she’s not used to sitting back while other people figure things out. Okay, I take that back since that’s kind of what she spends her time doing, but she feels a little more involved in this case.”

  “She’s worried?” I didn’t think that was an emotion Eva was capable of feeling, nor did I buy it as an explanation for her being crazy.

  Liam shrugged his shoulders. “That’s the only thing I can come up with to explain what was going on today. I know you two usually have issues, but it’s never been this bad. If I found myself doing the same things she was, I’d say it was because I was worried.”

  “I can think up some other options, but I don’t know much about the gestation period of Fate and berserker spawn. I got a motherly vibe with a little psycho added in for good measure.”

  Clearly Rick and I didn’t share a brain, because all I saw was total psycho. I knew there was a future out there somewhere where Liam and Eva had kids, but I thought the world had time to prepare for it. If she was already pregnant, the end of civilization was just around the corner.

  “There is that possibility, but I don’t think that’s it. She’s been doing a little whispering to her sisters when she thinks I’m asleep. I’m sure she knows I’m not sleeping, which makes it even stranger that she’d risk me hearing what they’re talking about.”

  “You know you’re going to have to explain that and tell me everything you’ve heard, right?”

  I didn’t like the idea of the Fates whispering in the middle of the night. It was a little narcissistic of me, but I had a feeling they were talking about me.

  “I guess I should have stated that the reason why she risked me overhearing was because they spoke in some weird language I couldn’t understand. I have no idea what they were saying, and if they said any names, they were ones I wasn’t aware of.”

  “How good is your memory? We have a translator.” I knew something important was being said, and I really wanted to know what it was. There was a good chance it explained all the questions I had running through my head.

  “Sorry, Avery. I’m sure even if I remembered, she’d have found a way to make sure I didn’t share the information.”

  “And the fact that you admit that makes me wonder why you continue to claim her as a significant other. Are you really that big of a glutton for punishment?”

  “I don’t think I need to explain matters of the heart to you, my fearless leader. Look, we can discuss getting me a shrink for my problems later. It’s probably a good idea for us to head to wherever it is you think the battle is going to be.”

  I could hear the ears perk up around us at the mention of leaving. A part of me wanted to see how long Eva waited around for us, and I hoped her patience was short, so she wouldn’t be there when we arrived. I didn’t know for certain she’d really gone to the area I was planning to drop in on, but it seemed she was dedicated to making sure I didn’t screw things up.

  “Can you tell me how long the late night whispering has been going on?” I was ready to leave, but I couldn’t leave not knowing everything I could about Liam’s revelation, and I wasn’t going to be able to ask with Eva around.

  “I should’ve kept my mouth shut, because I’m not prepared to sit through an inquisition. All I can tell you is that it’s been three days. I couldn’t understand a word and the only reason I know it was her sisters was because she did say their names. I should’ve clarified that part earlier when I said I didn’t understand everything.”

  “There’s not going to be an inquisition. I just want to have all my ducks in a row when whatever they’re planning comes back to bite me. Did everyone get refueled?”

  I turned to Joseph for an answer the question. I knew the answer, but I was dragging my feet.

  “We’re all set and are awaiting orders. We didn’t really get a chance to discuss expectations, but I believe we’re ready for whatever is waiting.”

  Joseph wasn’t happy about not having a game plan. I loved the way he let me know that without throwing a fit. There were some people, who in his position would’ve dragged their feet until we’d mapped out every detail, something we didn’t have time for.

  “Okay. Everyone get ready to travel. This time I’d suggest you have any weapons you plan on using drawn. It’s not going to be like the simulations. Well, I suppose some of it will be, but the demons and Malphas are unknown entities in reality.

  “I know you’ve all prepared for this, and I wouldn’t have brought you along if I didn’t think you could handle yourselves. I want you all to watch each other’s backs out there. We’re in this together and I have every confidence we will come out of it victorious.”

  I tried to convey a confidence I wasn’t sure I had. I’d protected everyone with everything I had, but Malphas had already proven to me he was stronger than what I had in my arsenal. It didn’t bode well for me. I had to believe the spell weaved into the knife on my hip would do what it was meant to.