Read All in a Day's Work Page 21

All I could hear was Eva’s dramatic sigh as I walked out into the clearing. I’d moved quickly enough that I didn’t have to try to see my way through a wall of buff men, or the annoyed Fate. That lasted only long enough for me to verify there was no one waiting for us, and there was a lone tree in the middle of the clearing.

  I didn’t mind that the wall blocked out the tree. I hated that tree and I wondered if anyone would mind me mentally knocking it over. I hadn’t moved something that large before, although the combo of Liam and Kyle was probably fairly close, and I didn’t want to waste that amount of energy, so I left it alone.

  There was power coming from the tree’s general direction, and I assumed messing with it would probably be a bad thing. A bad thing based on the fact that I thought destroying the tree would make it difficult to get to Malphas. I didn’t have a sense of what was really going on just then, but the tree was going to be key.

  “I don’t think I need to state the obvious, but no one’s here. You pulled the name of a city out of the air, are you sure this is where we’re supposed to be? Maybe there’s another nice clearing somewhere that has people ready to fight waiting for us.”

  Even though the words sounded like something Eva would say after recent conversations, they came from behind me, and were spoken by a male. Vinnie more than likely was hoping we would relocate to the spot his data told him was better. He was focused on the data and science aspect of things, and not the mystical side of things.

  “It’s the path to where the fight will happen. Something as epic as a battle between forces of good and evil isn’t going to happen on this plane. There are too many external factors that can’t be controlled.”

  Eva’s words explained why the terrain wasn’t quite what I expected. From what I’d seen, the battle didn’t take place on a flat surface. I hadn’t done enough plane jumping to know things could be the same, yet different between them, but I could understand the implications.

  “What do you mean the fight is on another plane?”

  Everyone other than Nate shared Rick’s question. Nate knew what I did about the battle. The tree was right, but everything else was off.

  “Do you think you can manage to open up the portal?” Eva asked, ignoring Rick. It wasn’t clear who she was asking, but I assumed it was me.

  I hadn’t prepared for a portal, but I didn’t think figuring out how to manipulate it would be a problem. I’d been forced into other planes, so I had a little experience with them. That didn’t mean I was going to be able to wave my hand and get in.

  “If you’ve got somewhere you need to be, I’m sure we can figure out how to find our way. As much as you like to think we couldn’t have gotten here without you, I did find the location without you, and I knew without you saying anything that there was something here I’d need to investigate.”

  “Only because he let you. Whatever he’s been planning is finally in place, and he’s just waiting for you to walk into his trap. If I wasn’t here, you would’ve probably jumped right in, and I can only imagine how that would’ve turned out.”

  “I’m stopping this right here,” Liam said as he moved to get in between me and Eva. “I love you dearly, Eva, but this is Avery’s deal. I don’t know what the point of coming here and fighting with her has been, but we have bigger concerns right now, and I think you need to leave.”

  Liam wasn’t the maddest I’d seen him, but he was cute when he put his foot down. Hearing him actually say he loved Eva made me throw up a little in my mouth, but I could deal with it since he was picking my side over hers.

  “I’m trying to convince her to do the right thing and wait. I thought coming here and lighting a fire under her wings was the way to go, but now that I have more details, you guys aren’t ready and there’s a good chance some of you won’t make it out of the fight. Everything about the future is changing and things aren’t boding well for team unique.”

  I’d seen so many different scenes of the battle that I knew death was always possible, and I’d accepted that. Every time I watched it there was always one person who died. Even though I didn’t share that with everyone, I didn’t think the idea of death was a surprise to anyone who was prepared for what we were going up against.

  “We don’t have time to wait. My children are in danger and if Malphas is going to stick his head out to let me kill him, I can’t pass up that opportunity. I don’t want to live my life looking over my shoulder any more than I’ve already had to, and my children shouldn’t have to live in fear.”

  “You’re being irresponsible, which is exactly what he wants. It isn’t often I beg, but I’m asking you with strong conviction not to go through the portal today. Waiting another week won’t make a difference. That was how long you were supposed to take to track him down, and learning how powerful he’d become, we could’ve figured out some things to get you up to snuff.”

  Eva had always confused the heck out of me, and switching tactics, or whatever she was doing, made absolutely no sense. There was something beyond believing we weren’t ready for the fight. She was holding something back, which was what she did best.

  “If you know something that will change my mind, you need to say it right now, because the wishy-washy way you’ve been trying to sell your point isn’t working. What has really changed that much to make you think things will end up any different than we’ve seen them in the past?”

  “Fine. Have it your way. Head into battle ill prepared and watch how it blows up in your face. I’ll even be nice enough to open the path to your destruction for you. You seem to think you know best, so we’ll just have to see how that plays out for you.”

  She moved to wave her hand, but I stopped her. I didn’t reach out to do anything, I just concentrated on making her hand remain stationary. Surprisingly enough it seemed to work.

  “I can, and will, do that on my own. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out. At least I assume I have enough gumption to do something as easy as that.”

  I managed to nudge my way through the bodies in front of me and headed straight for the tree. It was the only thing I could see that was on both planes, so it stood to reason that it was the key to moving back and forth between the planes. I figured the power I felt from it had to do with the fact it was a portal of some sort.

  When I made it to the oak tree, I ran my fingers down the bark. I felt a tingle crawl up my arm the second I made contact. There was magic in the tree itself, and I didn’t think it was just the fact that it was the portal. That probably factored into it, but I knew there was something deeper to it.

  It was a warm magic, which spoke to the fire that burned inside of me. If Malphas had a hand in the magic, it was surprisingly compatible with what I felt within myself.

  “I’d suggest not getting lost in the spell he’s weaved around the tree. He’s trying to fool you into thinking you’re alike. That’s his game.”

  Eva was at my side. The shoulder closest to me moved, and I thought she was going to touch the tree. I didn’t want her messing with the almost pure nature of the magic, so I stopped her again, and found it even easier than the first time I had.

  She grunted in frustration. “You shouldn’t be able to do that.”

  “Makes you wonder if it’s really Malphas blocking me from you, doesn’t it.”

  I walked around the tree, keeping my fingers on the bark as I moved. Nate, Rick, the berserkers and Joseph had moved closest to me, but they still kept a little distance. They didn’t necessarily want to, but they were smart enough not to interrupt.

  “Magic is still new to you, Avery. I know you’ve done your best to learn everything you can, but the magic at play here is something you still don’t understand. This is dangerous magic that not even your jinn friend can help you with.”

  “And you’ve had plenty of time to fill me in. Since you aren’t going to, I guess it’s up to me to figure things out on my own.”

  “You’ve always been trouble. Once you go through to his world
, I won’t be any help.”

  I didn’t bother looking over at Eva. I’d positioned myself on the opposite side of the tree so I didn’t have to see her. I knew what was coming, and she was going to try to use her powers of persuasion against me. They very rarely worked, so I doubted I was going to change my mind.

  “You were never going to be any help, Eva. You did everything you could when you tried to guide me into this prophecy years ago. You knew about me long before you bumped into me, and you’ve tried to determine when and how everything happens. I think it’s time for me to take that destiny into my own hands, don’t you?”

  “I don’t think I’d be here asking you to follow my advice and leave if I thought that was a good idea. I’m sorry I can’t give you any more information, but my advice is good.”

  “Well, this is where I stop listening to your advice. You lied to me today. I know you won’t admit it, but this is where we part ways. I’ll do what I can to fulfill the prophecy you think is so important, but it will be under my terms.”

  “Can you promise me one thing?”

  “No,” I replied before she had a chance to continue. It didn’t stop her from saying what she had on her mind.

  “Fine. Just make sure you kill him before he does what you know he wants to do. I don’t care what he tries to tell you, you have to strike first. It’s the only way this will all work out.”

  I didn’t bother with a response. She had to think I was stupid if I had any plans to just stand around and watch Rick die. I’d thought saving him was the point of everything I’d done in the past. It was as far as I was concerned anyway.

  “Are you guys ready to figure out how to traverse the different planes?”

  I came out from around the tree and made my way back to Nate’s side. I had a feeling I understood what I needed to do to find Malphas, but figuring out the right time to stop between the planes was going to be fun.

  “What are the chances we’ll be fighting within the next five minutes?” Kyle asked.

  “Fair, as long as I don’t take us back to the Middle Ages by mistake. Mak, just out of curiosity, how familiar are you with different planes? I might need a little assist if things get crazy.”

  I wasn’t going to ask Eva for any help, but that didn’t stop me from polling the other magical people I had with me. It was too bad that none of Frannie’s Faie friends had joined us in the fight. For the most part they lived on a different plane, and were experts and moving back and forth.

  If I would’ve known the knowledge was useful, I’d have had a few lessons. I imagined there was some hidden reason why Eva hadn’t insisted my sorceress teacher show me how the planes worked. I ended up being more self-taught than following anything Nadine showed me, so it could’ve just been my teacher not wanting to share the knowledge, if she knew it.

  “I’m well versed in the travel we need to do. I can tell you want to be the one driving the train, though, so I will only offer guidance if you ask.”

  “That’s the reason I love you, Mak. You don’t force me to do things your way.”

  I glared at Eva as I made my way back to the tree, this time with the troops all following behind me. She didn’t bother changing the nonchalant expression on her face, and she didn’t bother moving away from the tree.

  She still hadn’t touched it, which made me happy. The tree wasn’t for her. Even though I hated the tree for what it could represent, I knew it was mine. Whatever that meant.

  I put my hand on the bark again and closed my eyes. It was strange how much more I could see sometimes without looking through my eyes.

  The tree came to life as I concentrated on it. Well, alive in my world anyway. Fire pulsed behind the bark and I could feel the gentle warmth start to heat up.

  It reminded me of the moments before I turned into a phoenix. It made me want to change forms, but I fought the instinct and focused in on where the fire was coming from.

  Deep within the flames was a hole, or more accurately, a portal. It was dark and didn’t seem wide enough to fit anyone bigger than me, but I knew we’d all be able to ride the waves within it.

  I focused on the waves that were calling out to me. I didn’t hear Malphas’ voice say anything, but I could feel him on the other side. There wasn’t going to be any need for a conductor on our trip.

  There was only one place the portal would lead, and whether Eva liked it or not, I was the only person able to open and control it on our side of things. I sensed that strongly, and it made me smile.

  “Buckle up, guys,” I said as I concentrated on moving our group into the hole.

  For how hard Eva made things sound, there was nothing to the magic of traveling from one plane to another, at least not with a handy portal at my disposal. I was in a clearing one second, and the next I was in another.




  A good day to start a war