Read All the Lovely Creatures Page 11

Obeah Love Affair

  By C. C. Hartley


  "Hey Madison! Come quickly, something's wrong with mom. She's acting weird." the woman on the other side of the phone screamed.

  "Stop screaming at me, Savannah. I can hear you just fine. What's going on?" I reply exasperated. I don't really need someone screaming. I'm hungry, bordering on cranky.

  "I don't know. It's like she's possessed. She keeps repeating your name and calling you a demon. Did you tell her what you are?" Savannah asks. She's the only person in my family to know what I am.

  "No. Why would I? She'd probably go ballistic if I did. Anyway, settle her down and I'll be there when I done eating." I respond.

  "Ok... See you soon."

  I hang up the phone. I'm starving. I scan the neighborhood telepathically. No sign of any evil doers. That's my thing. I don't feed off of the innocent. I feel getting rid of scum and curbing my appetite; a win-win situation. I don't like the nibbling here and there like others of my species. That never quiets my hunger. One full drain keeps it back and I feed less often this way. Night walkers, though, have a never ending appetite. It's like they are never satisfied. This causes most of the trouble for our species. That's how humans have these crazy myths about us; if they only knew the truth.

  Vampires are a species similar to humans, but not quite human. We can pass easily. We all have one distinguishing feature; our eyes. It's a peculiar color than humans; they are silver. This day and age it's easy to cover with all these new colorful contacts. I am talking as if I'm an expert. Let me give you a brief biology of my species. Night walkers are created when vampires combine our blood with humans. The mechanics as to why they can only come out at night is still being researched. Vampires can reproduce just like humans and with humans. Human/Vampire offspring’s do contain our genes and sometimes exhibit vampire tendencies; ESP and so on. These humans, if bitten, become Damphyr. You can tell a Damphyr apart from Vampire also by their eye color. A Damphyr’s eye color is like copper. It glistens like gold. I am a Damphyr, but my eyes are silver; brown before my change. In all purposes, I am a vampire. This is a whole other story I don't really have time to get into. I'm starving.

  I put on some decent clothes; slacks and a shirt. If it were up to me I would wear jeans and a camisole. I like to be comfortable. Since I'll be seeing my mom, I decided to make my life less complicated and wear something she will not have to nag me about. Time for breakfast.

  After maybe, 2 hours, I arrive at my moms. As I'm about to knock on the door, it flies open, startling me. Savannah pushes me back and closes the door.

  "You need to leave. Now!" she says hurriedly.

  "You beg me to come and now you are chasing me away? You are not making any sense. What’s going on here?" I am about to shove her out of the way.

  "It's not safe here right now. Go to the deli 3 blocks from here. Go now."

  I take off to find the deli she speaks of. I should've read her mind. I was shocked at her behavior. I order a tea while I wait.

  "Is this seat taken?" A tall handsome man with dirty blond hair and silver eyes asks.

  "Sup Saul... You can join me if you want. I see you're still stalking me." I respond, a bit coolly. I hate being followed. Apparently, I need a bodyguard.

  "What's going on with your mother?" Saul asks.

  "Don't know. That's why I'm here."

  "So when are we going to discuss what happened in Malaysia?" he changes topic.

  "I'd rather not discuss anything with you. I wish you'd forget."

  "I won't forget such a night. It was memorable to me as I'm sure it was to you."

  "Hi Saul, Maddie" Savannah says as she takes a seat at the table. A refreshing distraction from the conversation Saul was trying to have.

  "Hello Savannah. How lovely to see you again." Saul pours on the charm. Savannah blushes and turns towards me.

  "Sorry I was so abrupt. I needed you to leave. The threat is still at Mom's house. I was able to get away."

  "Why did you leave mom there?" I implore.

  "She's safe for now. I don't know for how long if she can't deliver your head on a platter."

  "What are you talking about? Who wants my head?"

  "Remember Mom's trip to Jamaica?"

  "Yeah. What does it have to do with me?"

  "If you let me continue, I'll let you know. Do you know you are crabbier as a vampire than you were as a human?"

  "So I've been told. Carry on" I respond rolling my eyes.

  "Well, she met up with this woman she described as very spiritual. She said the woman could heal all ailments. She can read your future and define your past."

  "Voodoo priestess?" Saul asks.

  "Jamaicans don't do voodoo!" Savannah exclaims in disgust, "but you are close"

  "Are you telling me mom met up with an Obeah Priestess?" I ask in disbelief.


  "What made mom hook up with such a person? She doesn't follow the occult"

  "Apparently the lady approached her while she went visiting. They apparently hit it off. She's been talking nonstop about her and wanting to kill you. It's weird"

  "Why would this Obeah woman want my head? I've not offended her. Hell I don't even know who she is."

  "The kicker is just before you arrived, she showed up on our door step. She came bearing a gift. It resembled a compass."

  "What?!? This is incredible. I have some new enemy that I have no clue about. Why would someone just willy-nilly want to hurt me?" I ask sarcastically.

  "Do you know this woman's name?" Saul asks.

  "She told me her name was Madam Curry, but mom told me her name is Violet Dupree. I don't even know if either are her real name."

  "Well Maddie, you got yourself into some new mess of shit." Saul says with a smirk.

  "Fuck off Saul. You seem to be enjoying this too much."

  "Oh I am. You can't seem to stay out of trouble."

  "It’s not like I go look for trouble. It just finds me. Most of the time I'm minding my own business."

  "Like the Mason case?"

  "The Mason case? Seriously? I didn't do anything but walk through neighborhood when I was stalking a serial killer. They should've been happy I got rid of that vermin."

  "You walked through classified areas."

  "I didn't even know. I was just in the wrong place. They could've just asked me nicely to leave. Instead, they had to go hostile first. Did you know the place was classified, my faithful follower?"

  "Well... no I didn't."

  "Exactly. I was not looking for trouble. So I rest my case.” I say smugly.

  "Madison! Is that you?!" A voice really close exclaims. We all turn to find my mother a table away.

  "Hello Mom." I say as I rise to greet her, bewildered as to how she knew I was there and didn't sense her. "What are you doing here?"

  "Oh Sweetie. I will know where you are for the rest of your infinite life." Mom says.

  "Mrs. Hearthly, how are you doing today?" Saul asks.

  "Back off Demon! I only need to deal with my little demon.” Victoria says looking menacingly at Saul. He steps in front of me.

  "Why are you calling me a demon, mom?" I ask, shocked at her behavior.

  "Those who live off the blood of others are demons." she hissed.

  "You’ve seen me eat regular food at your table just last month. What are you talking about? I'm no demon."

  "Violet said you are and I believe her."

  "You believe some woman, who you've known for less than a week, over your own flesh and blood. I'm hurt.”

  "You’ve corrupted my flesh and my blood. What you are now is a walking decay." she says then spits at me.

  "Mom! How dare you!!!" Savannah exclaims in utter shock. My mother looks at her and shrugs her shoulder.

  "That’s it! I'm done. I don't have to stay here and listen to this bullshit. If she wants to act like this, she can do it alone. Savannah, Saul, take care."
  "I will find you no matter where you go, Madison. Violet gave me this." Mom says as she fishes out what looks like a compass from her bag. “It’ll tell me where you are at all times. You will never escape me or divine judgment!"

  I make a move to take the item from her hand and she recoils in disgust. I stare at her and shake my head in disappointment. I turn and walk normally around the corner, like a typical human. Once I'm out of eyesight, I take off into the sky.


  Where to go? If that thing really can track me, then a coven is out of the picture. I contemplate as I'm flying. I know. I'll head to Saul's place. He's supposed to protect me anyway, right? I let myself into his apartment. All things are easy to me. I'm a master of sneaky, or so my mom used to say.

  Moments later, as I am gazing out of Saul's window, contemplating my familial predicament, Saul materializes in the room,

  "Were you here all this time?" Saul asked irritated

  "Yes. Where else would I be? I can't go to my place. My mom would find me there with ease." I answer a bit too smugly. Oh well, life goes on.

  "So you will allow her to find my place. Putting me in danger?"

  "You are not in danger. You are a big boy; you can take care of what may come. Plus where should I go?"

  "You should be out looking for answers."

  "I've got the answers. An Obeah Priestess named Madam Curry or Violet Dupree is after my head. I need questions."

  "What are you talking about? You're not making any sense. You should be out trying to find reasons."

  "Maybe you should make your questions clearer so I can answer with some sense." I answer him while mocking him. He shakes his head and leaves me sitting in his living room.

  Saul and I are too much of a match. We get along too well. That's why I make things difficult. I have too much dating baggage and I just don't want to go there with him. I feel comfortable around him. He just fits. But it bothers me that he has to protect me. I can protect myself. I am stronger than he is. When I get tired and vulnerable, Malaysia happens. Then I clam up and avoid discussing anything remotely intimate with him. I just can't. To put it mildly, I got some serious social issues.

  "I'm going to head over to the coven to ask Elder Marcus if he knows anything about Obeah." Saul says as he emerges from his bedroom.

  "Ask if can affect vampires. I already know about Obeah." I respond.

  "So you know about Obeah. Why did you act clueless?" Saul asks with a bit of an attitude, I must say.

  "I was clueless as to why this woman has it out for me. Why wouldn't I know Obeah? It is part of my culture. Like Voodoo is to Haitians, Santeria is to the Latina, Obeah is to Jamaicans. However, I don't know if Obeah can affect us. It's primarily a helping thing than an evil thing. There are people with dark hearts that transformers Obeah into evil. But that's with all religions and spirituality." I answer.

  "Oh... Well I'll see what Marcus has to say" Saul says as he departs. As he leaves, my cell phone rings.

  "Hello?" I answer.

  "Hello my little demon. I have something precious to you. If you just come home I'll make sure your precious is unharmed." My Mom hisses on the phone.

  "Precious? What do I have that is precious? Hmm?" I respond sarcastically.

  "You and that mouth of yours. I never was able to curb it. When we cleanse you of your demon, maybe the Heavenly Father will absolve your sins and get your mouth under control!"

  "What are you talking about mom? What have you been smoking? Must be some good shit!"

  "If you want nothing to happen to Savannah, you will get your testy behind to my house immediately!" She hangs up the phone.

  I look incredulously at the phone. Mom will sacrifice her daughter in order to get me? At this point I'm relieved that my brother and father are on a 3 month excursion in Japan. My mom has gone and lost her mind. Well more like it was taken over by this Obeah woman. I guess it's time for me to get cracking and solve this issue. It's surely grating my nerves. I believe I will head to the coven and let Marcus and Saul know my plans. Off I go.


  I arrive at an old church on the far side of Brooklyn, New York. It looks as if it was built in the medieval times; definitely Roman Catholic. It is surrounded by iron fences. There's even spells that deter malicious people from entering. Our coven accepts Witches, Weres and other creatures as fellow members. It's a place where we can go to be safe from persecution. We are one of few covens that do this in the world. Not every supernatural being is open minded as they should be.

  As I walk in, I notice some witches whispering in the corner looking at me. I normally don't ease drop on people’s conversations, but this atmosphere was weird.

  Group one:

  "Did you here that Madison is in deep shit with an Obeah priestess?"

  "Really? What did she do to piss one off? They’re not easy to rile?"

  "I really don't know. But the rumor is that Madison's existence is blocking her from achieving some goal."

  "How can a vampire block her goals? There are a lot of them? Why Madison?"

  "I don't really know. I guess her magical power is being blocked by Madison's power."

  "That doesn't make sense to me."

  Group two:

  "So Madison pissed off an Obeah woman?"

  "Really? Thalia would have loved to hear this if she was here."

  "She’ll be back. But this is good. Madison may be done for."

  "Yeah. Obeah women don't play. They are much stronger than us wiccans."

  "Wonder what she did?"

  "Beats me, but she deserves it."

  Wow. I knew I’m not the most liked person. Even when I was human, people took to me and within couple of months they cooled off. Never know why, but it never bothered me. Now I have the wiccans taking sides when they don't even know me. I wish this Thalia bullshit would go away though. I need to talk to Marcus.

  As I am about to knock on Marcus' door, I overhear the conversation between Marcus and Saul. Saul was discussing how I keep giving him a hard time for protection. He sounds like a CD on repeat. Marcus is trying to placate him but still keeping him on guard detail. I had to stop this conversation. I knock on the door.

  "Come in." Marcus announces

  "Good evening, Elder Marcus, Saul." I say as I walk into the room.

  "How can I help you Madison?" Marcus asks.

  "Saul probably already told you about my situation. I am requesting permission to go to Jamaica to find out why this woman has it out for me. Can you tell the Elder there about my arrival?" I request.

  "I think that is a good idea, but you must bring Saul along with you." Marcus states.

  "Do I really have to? I am much stronger than he is and I can take care of myself." I say, annoyed.

  "My rules. I say you must have protection. I can put more people on your detail or you can just take Saul. You can go to from having just one to having 3. Your call" Marcus answered with authority.

  "Fine" turning to Saul, "You ready?" As I begin to teleport, I catch the end of the conversation.

  "You think that was a good idea?" Saul asks Marcus, "All you did was just piss her off."

  "She’ll get over it." Marcus replies.

  "I hope so." Saul says and takes off.


  Saul shows up at my apartment maybe 20 minutes after I arrived. He finds me packing some stuff

  "Hey" Saul tries to make conversation

  "Hi." I respond continuing to pack.

  "Marcus says we will have to stay at Elder Desmond's place."

  "Of course." I respond sarcastically.

  "Are you almost ready?"

  "Just about. Need to get toiletries."

  "Ok, I'll be in the living room when you are ready." Saul says as he leaves my bedroom.

  I continue to pack. I hear my TV blasting. That guy is totally making himself at home in my place. I really need to do something about him feeling too comfy here. He ac
ts as if we're an item. I toss the rest of my toiletries into my bag and head into the living room.

  "I'm ready. Let's go." I say turning off my TV.

  "Ok. Elder Desmond will be expecting us." Saul says.

  We leave via my bedroom window. Did I ever tell you that flight is my favorite method of transportation? I'd fly anywhere. Soaring thru the clouds makes me feel free of all worries. You do have to worry about airplanes though. Elder Marcus loves to vanish and reappear where ever he wants. His way is faster. I've tried it. Don't like the feeling. I don't understand how we can do this. No species in human nature can. I guess that makes us supernatural.

  "We are here." Saul says.

  As we land we are greeted by a young man. He's definitely human. He looks way too young to be hanging around a coven, but who am I to question. Saul and I follow the man I into an office. We take a seat in front of a large marble desk. The young man tells us Elder Desmond will be right with us.

  "Are we going to talk during this trip?" Saul asks while we wait.

  "What is there to talk about?" I respond.

  "About anything… I hate the silent treatment."

  "I'm not giving you the silent treatment. Just don't have anything to say to you."

  "We are always together; we should be like best friends. Instead I’m getting yes or no answers or at very best brief replies."

  "A lover's quarrel?" a man with a think Jamaican accent says interrupting our conversation. We both turn towards the desk to see Elder Desmond sitting in his chair.

  "Good evening my fellow vampires." Desmond says with a smile that could light up a room.

  "Good evening." Saul and I say in unison.

  "Elder Marcus has informed of your situation. You are free to stay here as long as you need. I have made arrangements for your stay."

  "Thank you Elder. May I ask you some questions?" I ask.

  "Sure. I will give you my undivided attention."

  "Do you know Ms. Violet Dupree?"

  "Yes. She is a well-respected Obeah Priestess here on the island. People come from all over to see her. She is rather formidable with her magic."

  "Any chance do you know why she has it out for me?"

  "I wouldn't know. But you can go see her sister. She's a Night Walker here on the island named Burgundy."

  "What town is she in?" Saul asks

  "Falmouth. Why don't you stay here tonight and pursue her tomorrow night?" Desmond suggests eagerly.

  "Why?" I ask

  "I figure you're tired and had a busy day. You can relax by our beach for the night." he responds with an even bigger grin than earlier.

  "We will lose a full day if we do. I want to clear this matter up quite quickly."

  "Relax don't worry. All will come in time."

  “You relax. This woman is messing with my family.”

  “I understand. The coven here wants to welcome you to the island. We’ve prepared an island feast fit for a God.”

  "Maddie, can you just take tonight off and allow Elder to celebrate your arrival? It would mean a lot to Elder Marcus." Saul pleads.

  "Fine." I answer a bit defeated.

  "Good, good. I'm sure you’ll have a wonderful time. First, let me show you to your rooms." Desmond says as he gets out of the chair. We follow him.

  Desmond briefly shows us the laundry room, kitchen and even a sauna as we walk down a long corridor full of doors. This place has a weird set up. We get to a room, which was close to the servant area. He opens the door to a standard looking room with maroon walls. There is a bed with in center with one window. The cream colored drapes were neatly drawn facing the front on the manor. It looked more like a typical hotel room.

  "Saul this room is yours. As you see, your luggage is neatly placed over by the closet." Desmond says.

  "Thank you. Where will Madison stay?" Saul inquires.

  "Oh, I have a special room for her." Desmond grins as he answers.

  I 'm suspicious. I look at Saul silently pleading with him to come with me.

  "I will accompany you to her room, sir" Saul says, sensing my distress.

  "Oh you have no need to come. Madison is in very capable hands. I will not let anything befall precious here." Desmond answers. He walks over to Saul and whispers something in his ear to make Saul loses all the color in his face.

  "Let's go, my dear. Saul needs to rest. He's looking quite pale. He must be exhausted. We'll see him later at the feast." Desmond says ask he takes my hand into his and walks me out of the room. I turn to see Saul frozen in the same spot.

  We continue to walk for what seems like forever. I try to keep track of my surroundings so I can try to get back to Saul. He didn't look right and my tingly sense is going wild. We finally arrive to what looks like a throne room.

  "We’re here." Desmond says as he opens the door and ushers me in.

  First thing I notice is a gigantic bed with 4 large posts at each corner in the center of the room. It's draped in bright, rich reds and gold linen. There's a Jacuzzi to the left of bed by the wall with a huge window overlooking the beach. The bathroom door is open showing a shower with 2 shower heads. The walls were gold with expensive pieces of art staggered around the room.

  "This room is too much. I'll be fine with a regular room. Thanks." I say heading towards the door.

  "Nothing's too grand for you, my dear. I am here to make your wishes come true." Desmond responds blocking my path."

  "I don't need my wishes to come true. I am being conscientious by attending your feast. You are doing way too much." I say. There's something really not right here. I feel like he's trying to get me in bed. That couldn't be right. "By the way, where are you sleeping?"

  "Right here."

  "Excuse me? What the fuck!" I exclaim

  "You were destined to be mine, Madison. I want you to sire a child with you. Our child will be powerful. Can you see the possibilities?"

  I make my way the furthest away from him to make a strategic exit.

  "What did you do to Saul?"

  "Nothing. Just a freezing spell Violet taught me. He'll come to no harm unless you do as I say."

  "So you do know Violet!! The mad woman who's messing with my family? Why did you not say you were close to her? "

  "Technically she's my lover for many years. She disapproves of my plan to sire a child with you."

  "You asshole! You are the cause of all this." I'm practically screaming.

  "Not really, but whatever Violet has done only made my plans move a lot quicker. I was planning to come and abduct you. But alas you came to me."

  "I didn't come to you dumbass I came to find Violet! Now let me out of this room immediately!"

  "Now, now. Think about poor Saul. He doesn't deserve to die. You know he is in love with you, right?"

  "Let me go, Desmond. You think you can hold me here against my will?"

  "I believe Saul's life depends on it. You see, the room he's in is booby trapped. If I hit the button by the bed, his death will be instant."

  "You know you can't overpower me."

  "I don't want to overpower you. I want you to lay quietly so I can fill you with my seed."

  Instantly, Desmond is in my personal space. I am about to strike him but suddenly I can't move. I realize he must've cast the same spell on me that he used on Saul. I am helpless. I don't know how I get into these predicaments. But I must say this is a first.

  Desmond lifts me up and gently places me on his bed. He heads to his closet next. That is as much as I can see. He comes back into my line of vision and he's wearing bikini briefs. I guess that's what you call them. You know, the ones that barely cover a man's package. I nearly puke in my mouth. I do realize that I'm hungry. Not good. Not to sound cliché, but you would not like me when I'm hungry.

  He walks over to me. He takes off my shoes. I cringe and die a little inside. Next, he's on top of me. I can feel his testicles on my thigh. Gross!! He starts to pull the fly on my pa
nts. Oh Lord please let him stop. I am really in trouble here. I never should have backed down from trying to go find Violet's sister. I try to cry out but I'm still frozen. How long does this spell last? Damn it! If I ever thaw out, I'm going to rip this man's head off and gorge on his blood.

  "I know you are going to be furious at me. But look at the future. Our child will be magnificent! After he's born you can go back to Saul." Desmond says.

  "Desmond!" I hear his name screamed as his door flies open.

  "Violet! What are you doing here?" Desmond says astonished. I think he sounds a bit scared.

  "You're really trying to couple with this woman? How dare you? Is our relationship so weak you have to find another woman to procreate with?" Violet screams.

  "We've been over this! I just want her to bare my child. She will make a strong child. I want you as my lover." Desmond responds.

  "How can she bare you a child if she's dead. I see you froze her. Just makes it much easier for me!" Violet says. She suddenly appears in above my head with a dagger.

  Desmond quickly grabs her and shoves her clear across the room.

  "Don't you go near her! She's mine!" Desmond growls.

  "She's yours? I thought you just want her to bare your child. I knew you wanted something more from her. And seeing she's frozen, she wasn't willing." Violet states smugly. "By the way have you noticed any new addition to your wardrobe since I came in?"

  "No. " Then he looks down to see a beaded talisman around his neck. "What is this?”

  Violet chants something incomprehensible and Desmond flies across the room. He seems to be attached to the wall. Violet turns and leaps on the bed, leaning over me.

  "I'm sorry about this. You really shouldn't be involved, but I need to eliminate you since my lover here will stop at nothing to get to you."

  "Violet!! Get away from her!! God help you if you hurt her. I will kill you."

  "You will do no such thing. You don't have the power, honey. I control all the power here. You Vampires may have these extra powers, but we Obeah can control those powers. Now shut up!" She does a hand motion and his mouth magically seals. I need to learn that spell. It’ll come in handy.

  "Now… where were we? Oh yeah... Wiping you from existence. I am sorry I got your family involved. I was trying to flush you out. I didn't expect you to come here looking for me. Your mother is safe. My spells are removed and she doesn't remember what you are. Too bad, she's going to mourn for a while."

  I look at her. All I see is a red haze. I'm starving. I see every artery in her neck and arm pulsing. I can't totally concentrate to what she's saying. Maybe it would be good that she puts me out. If I break free I don't think anyone in this room will be safe.

  I feel the dagger Violet wields plunge into my side. I feel the pain. She didn't hit anything major. She is smiling as she pulls out the dagger and shows me the blood. Very bad idea, Missy. I believe the spell maybe weakening; I can wiggle my toes.

  "Did you feed today?" Violet asks me then looks at Desmond for an answer. He makes an attempt to speak but of course nothing is understood. I continue to try to wiggle more things.

  "Oh well. You can eat in your next life" Just as she was able to plunge the dagger into my chest, the door flew open again. Violet is pulled off of me. I hear a struggle. I then hear a message telepathically, "Concentrate on what you desire most and the spell will lift." It was Saul. He came for me. I love this man. Just don't tell him. I hear him exclaim in pain. I smell blood. I'm starving. I concentrate on that desire which is beginning to overwhelm me.

  Within moments I've broken free. I leap off the bed faster than a bullet. I don't believe Violet had a chance to even see me coming. I was on top of her with my fangs in her neck. I can hear her pray that I don't kill her. I responded in kind saying "a bit too late I'm starving! You shouldn't have messed with me."

  When I get off of her, I see Saul huddled over in pain. I hurry over to him and lay him down. I check over his wound. It was too close to his heart. I can hear him laboring to breathe. I also hear his body trying to heal. I bite my wrist and doused his wound with my blood. He should heal quicker. As I was licking my wrist to heal it, Desmond pulls me off of Saul and tosses me on the bed.

  "Thank you for taking care of that pesky problem. Now let's continue." Desmond says.

  "You have one problem. I am able to move!!" I say before I kick him straight in his balls. He mumbles something as he falls over. I jump up quickly. "I was taught to respect my elders so I am going to leave here now. Do not attempt to follow me. Don't even try to find me."

  I walk over to Saul, who's doing much better. Desmond decided to try his luck again. Once he got close I uttered the same freezing spell he used on me. He froze with his expression of shock.

  "You don't do your homework, huh? Shame on you. Just to let you know I'm first generation American. My family is from Jamaica. I do know Obeah. I didn't know this spell until you muttered it to me. Thanks. I also have a lot of other talents you don't know. Let me show you another." I bare my fangs and sink my teeth into his neck. I drink about a liter or so of his blood. "Now that I have had your blood, I will know when you’re close to me, within a 5 mile radius. So if you attempt anything in the future… I will end you. Do you understand?"

  I help Saul get mobile. Once on his feet, I turn to Desmond one last time. "Elder Marcus will be briefed on this situation the moment I get back. Thank you for such a hospitable time. Ta Ta!" I teleport directly to Elder Marcus' office.

  "Madison?!?" Marcus exclaims in surprise. "What happened? What are you doing here?"

  "I will tell you in a sec. Can you give me a hand with Saul?" I answer.

  Marcus rounds his desk quickly to assist. I mention that I'm very hungry and I'll be back shortly.

  In moments, I'm back in Marcus's office. I watch Marcus tend to Saul's wound.

  "How is he?" I ask.

  "He's doing better, thank you. Please tell me what happened." he asks.

  "It's easier if you read my mind." I suggest. I kneel in front of him. I allow him to put his fingers on my temple. This is his way of a total mind meld of some sort. I usually do not allow it, but I was tired. The mind meld feels like a dentist using his tool to scrape your teeth. It doesn't hurt, but it's irritating.

  A good 10 minutes pass before he finishes. He looks at me with concern.

  "I'm sorry, my dear, about what has happened. I will let the council know about Desmond. Thank you for not killing him. Go home to your mother. I'm sure she will not remember anything of what has happened."

  I get up and nod my agreement. I then walked over to Saul, bent over and whispered "thank you" in his ears. After that I left for my mother's house.


  I arrive immediately at my mother’s door. I ring the bell. The door opens.

  “Madison!! It’s so wonderful to see you. I have missed you. Come in let me tell you about my vacation.” Victoria says quite enthused.

  I walk through the door and see Savannah sitting on the couch in the living room. She looks up and smiles at me. I make her move over so I could sit down. I bend over and give her a kiss on her cheek.

  “Oh! I’m so happy both of my girls are home. I am beside myself with glee.” Victoria sings as she heads off into another room.

  “So how did it go?” Savannah asks.

  “It’s a long story I’ll tell you about it later. Just know we will not see hide or hair from Ms. Dupree ever again. How was mom’s behavior?” I inquire.

  “Well it was scary for a second. She strapped me to a chair in the basement earlier today. I was scared she was going to kill me. Then like around an hour ago, her attitude changed so dramatically. She saw me in the chair and started crying. She asked me who did this to me. She remembers nothing. She can’t even account for the couple of days after her trip.”

  “That’s good in a way. I don’t think mom could handle the thought that it was she who put you in such a predic
ament. Does she remember meeting Violet?”

  “I asked her. She said she didn’t know a Violet. She remembers meeting an Obeah woman named Madam Curry. She said the woman was weird. She was just too chummy for her liking. She said the woman would show up everywhere she went.”

  “Well at least she doesn’t remember everything that has happened. That’s for the best. I should leave. I’m tired. I need rest and some food.”

  “You know Mom is not going to like you leaving now that you just got here.”

  “I can always make her forget I was here.”

  “Maddie, you’re awful. I hope you haven’t done this to us before.”

  “You will never know.”

  “That’s evil Madison.”

  “What’s evil, Savannah?” Victoria asks as she comes back into the living room.

  “Madison’s trying to leave us for the night.” Vannah responds.

  “You just got here. Stay for a little while.”

  “Sorry Mom. I had a really rough day. I’m beat. I just wanted to come by really quickly to see if you guys were doing okay.”

  “Oh pooh. Will you at least come by this weekend?” Victoria asks.

  “I will, Mom.” I get up and give her a kiss on the cheek. I wave to Savannah.

  “See ya.” Savannah says.

  I head home. I make it to the Upper East Side in no time at all. I actually walk into my apartment like a normal person. I open the door and find Saul sitting on my couch.

  “Hey.” I say to him.

  “Hey.” he responds. I sit down next to him.

  “How’s your Mom?”

  “She’s good. She doesn’t remember a thing.”

  “That’s good.”

  “You hungry? I am.”

  “A bit.”

  “Good you want to join me?”

  “Sure, but I want to ask you some questions first, if I can?”

  “Sure, what is it?”

  “What happened in Desmond’s room?”

  “What did it look like to you?”

  “I came to see Violet on top of the bed ready to impale you and Desmond attached to a wall. It’s looks to me that Violet wanted him out of the way to get to you.”

  “If it wasn’t for Desmond, Violet would never have known about me or cared. The crazy man wanted me to sire his children. He thinks they will be strong. Violet didn’t like the idea of her lover messing with another woman. So she decided to get rid of me. I just was unknowingly caught in a deadly love triangle.”

  “Ah... Well I’m glad all worked out in the end.”

  “Me too. I thought I was a goner there for a second. You ready?”

  “Yeah, let’s go.”

  We get up to leave my apartment. He holds the door open for me. As I walk past him, he whispers in my ear, “I love you too.” I look at him in shock for a moment and continue into the night.

  About C. C. Hartley

  C.C. Hartley is a Native New Yorker. She currently works as a Controller of one of the top Baby Brands as well as owns her own company. CC enjoys spending time with her husband, traveling and reading. She is also a closet geek. She loves gadgets and computers. She is working on her debut novel.

