Read Allure Page 11

  “Okay.” I had to stop and take a few seconds to stare at her lying in the bed, her skin flushed and rosy from our encounter.

  “What?” she asked self-consciously.

  “Nothing. I was just thinking I’ve never seen a better sight in my life.”

  She bit her lip and smiled softly. “Right back atcha, cowboy.”

  Cowboy. I was pretty sure no one had ever called me that before. I liked it. “That’s right—save a horse, and all that.”

  “You know it. I’m all for animal safety.”

  Winking at her, I was reluctant to quit staring as I slowly moved away, toward the bathroom. Slipping into the tiled room, I sighed heavily, shaking my head at the mirror as a smile crossed my face. When I woke up this morning, I certainly didn’t think this is where I’d end up. I felt like I’d just had sex for the first time—no, that wasn’t good enough—it was better than the first time.

  Grabbing a couple of washcloths, I wet them both and headed back into the bedroom. Truth be told, I kind of felt like a first class jerk. Yeah, I’d hoped to end up right here—but I also thought I could control myself for a little while longer. Heaven forbid I wait a couple months to have sex with her, let alone take her virginity—not to mention trying to stay out of the line of fire with her dad. Yep. I was an ass.

  “You’re pursing your lips,” Brooklyn said as I sat on the bed beside her and started wiping up the residue of what I’d spilled onto her stomach.

  “Don’t worry. I’m just kicking myself for not taking things slower with you like we planned. I’ve screwed everything up.” I handed the second washcloth to her. “I didn’t know if you were sore down there. I thought this might feel good between your legs.”

  Just talking about that area sent a shot of life into my dick. Dammit to hell. That was not what she needed right now.

  “Don’t feel bad. I’m enjoying myself. And it was better than I ever imagined it might be.”

  I laughed as she sat up and gingerly placed the warm cloth at the juncture of her thighs. “Imagining, huh? With who?”

  “You, of course.”

  That comment pleased me more than she could possibly know.

  “Oh no! I got some blood on the sheets,” she said, dabbing the washcloth at the smear there.

  “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said, scrubbing at it harder.

  I grabbed her hand, stilling her. “Seriously, stop. I like it.”

  “You like it? Sure you do.”

  “I do. It makes me feel . . . manly. In the olden days they used to proudly hang the sheets out the window after someone bedded a virgin.”

  Laughter bubbled from her and I loved the sound of it. “That was for people who just got married—and so help me—if I catch you hanging these sheets out any windows, you’re not going to have the equipment left to give you a reason to ever hang sheets, again.” She was shaking her washcloth at me like she was brandishing a weapon.

  I thought it was adorable. I pressed her against the mattress and silenced her with a kiss before pulling back to stare at her. “I’ll let you in on a little secret. After tonight, I’ll never have the opportunity to hang virgin sheets, again.”

  “Really? Are you sure about that?” she challenged and I pecked her lips once more.

  “Very sure; because my virgin isn’t a virgin any longer, and I don’t plan on ever having another one in my bed.”

  She smiled, but I could see the seriousness in her eyes. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Six.”

  “Sweetheart, I always keep my promises,” I answered just as seriously. “I know this has all happened quickly, but unless you tell me otherwise, I intend to keep this thing going. I told you already, I’ve wanted you for such a long time.” I had no problem laying it out straight for her. There was no reason to beat around the bush. Besides, when I wanted something, I went for it—full throttle—and I wanted her. “So, what do you say? As far as I’m concerned my room can be your new bedroom. I’d like you there all night, every night.”

  She sighed, lifting her hand to stroke my face. “I wish I could. That would be amazing. Unfortunately, that’s not even remotely possible.”

  “We’ll figure something out. I promise. Even if I have to kidnap you.” I winked before kissing her. I wasn’t sure how things were going to go from here, but I knew I’d do whatever I needed to keep seeing her.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I’d never felt so warm in my life and it was heavenly. I wanted to bury myself further into that heat and never wake up. I snuggled into my blankets, only my blankets weren’t so soft—rather they felt like a wall of bricks. A dull ache settled between my legs with my movement and suddenly the events of last night came flooding back into my mind. Eyes flickering open, I stared straight into a massive wall of flesh, directly in line with some very well formed pecs. Slowly, my gaze traveled up, past the thick neck and strong chin, finding the ice blue eyes watching me, a bit of humor in them.

  “Morning, sweetheart.”

  “Morning,” I replied, realizing I was still lying naked in his arms. Strangely, I didn’t feel at all embarrassed, not even when the memories of what we’d done together last night—or rather the things I’d done to him—came rushing back.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Okay, I guess.” I bit my lip for a second, deciding to be truthful. “A little sore.”

  Sighing, he brushed some of my wayward hair away from my face. “Mmm. That’s to be expected. I figured you’d feel on the rough side, which totally leaves me with a big problem.” He rocked his hips against my lower half, revealing a very present bulge.

  “I was always under the impression that those things went away after they found . . . uh, relief.” I continued to stare at him, but my hand drifted down to stroke him. “I’m also fairly certain I remember this thing poking me all night long.”

  A low rumble escaped him and he leaned forward slightly, kissing the top of my forehead. “Traditionally, yes, they go away after being satisfied. However, being with you—well, I’m starting to wonder if satisfied is ever going to happen, again.”

  Stilling my hand, I tried to figure out a way to nicely phrase my words without sounding insecure, which I definitely was. “I’m sorry if I didn’t—I’m new at all this, and I’m not sure—,”

  Six’s fingers slid over my lips, pinching them closed. “Brooklyn.” I loved the sound of my name on his lips. “This has nothing to do with me being unsatisfied and everything to do with being completely enamored of you and your body. You felt so good, I can’t help wanting more—a lot more.” I couldn’t help my dreamy smile as I relaxed and resumed my stroking. “Unfortunately, I think you need a day to recover from last night. I don’t think you’re ready for more—penetration.”

  Just the image that word conjured up made my nether regions clench and tingles flooded my girly parts. I might be sore, but I was totally down with feeling like he’d made me feel last night.

  Six chuckled and his hand drifted to my breast, lightly playing with my nipple. “These are beautiful,” he said, tilting his head and gathering the weight of my breast into his palm, pushing it up into his mouth and sucking hard.

  Closing my eyes, I enjoyed his treatment of me, more heat flooding straight to my core. “Mmmm.” His hand moved, drifting down my backside, squeezing my butt.

  “Want to take a shower with me?” he asked.

  “I’d like that.”

  Shifting, he jumped up quickly, before leaning over and scooping me up.

  “I’m sure I can walk to the bathroom by myself.” I slid my arms around his neck anyway, smiling.

  Grinning back, he gave me a quick peck on the lips. “When a man has a queen in his bed, he should treat her like one.”

  I snorted. “I’m no queen.”

  “Not true. I think you are and that’s all that matters.”

  Wow. No wonder the women flocked to h
im. I was jealous of every single one of them.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked. “Your face just fell.”

  I didn’t shy away. “I was just wondering how many other lucky women you’ve said this to.”

  His eyebrows shot up in surprise and he halted for a moment. “I can safely say I’ve never called any woman I’ve been with a queen. I’d even swear on a stack of Bibles to that.” Gently, he let me slide to my feet.

  “I’m sorry. I’m just feeling really insecure this morning—and less than equal to your past experience.”

  Sliding his hands to either side of my face, he tilted my head so I had to stare straight at him. “Brooklyn, I’m not sure what I can do to ease your fears. Yes, I’ve had a lot of experience in the past—and I’m not going to lie—sex is always enjoyable. I mean, obviously, or people wouldn’t keep having it. But, that being said, I can also tell you, sex is always better when there are feelings, or some kind of emotion, attached to it.” Pausing, he continued to stare at me. “Now, I know we’re just getting to know each other better, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’ve wanted you—you, Brooklyn Hall—longer than I’ve wanted any girl I’ve ever been with. I also never expected to have this opportunity with you, either, so yeah, I’m feeling pretty lucky this morning—like I just had the best sex of my life, because it was finally with the person I wanted it with most.” His thumbs rubbed over my cheeks. “I hope that will help to ease your mind some. If it doesn’t, then I hope knowing that I’m interested in a lot more than your body, will.”

  I smiled, tracing my finger over his chest lightly.

  “I did this all ass backward, didn’t I? If we’d waited longer, you’d be more sure of my intentions, instead of wondering if I’m just trying to get into your pants.”

  “Did you hear me complaining?” I asked, arching an eyebrow at him and he shook his head.

  “Complaining? No. Begging for more? Yes.”

  “Well are you going to make me beg right now? Because I think you may have awakened something inside me.”

  He laughed. “Make me a promise.”


  “Promise you’ll never change. I love how straight forward you are and that you’re not afraid to say what you think. I like that about you.”

  “Well, then, I’ll tell you I’m both excited and terrified of you.” This time I glanced down at my finger on his chest, but he lifted my face again, commanding me to meet his gaze.

  “Why are you terrified?” he asked, concern clearly evident in his eyes.

  I faltered, but then remembered he wanted honesty. “Because you have the power to destroy my heart.”

  Sliding his arms down around me, he kissed me hard, his tongue sliding between my lips, tangling with mine until we both needed to come up for air. Grabbing one of my hands, he slid it up his chest, laying it over his heart. “You feel that?” he asked; and I nodded, noting the racing beat beneath my palm. “You have the same power to destroy me, sweetheart. My heart can be torn open and bleed just as easily as yours. So this is a street of trust that goes both ways.”

  The word “trust” caught my attention and my eyes drifted to the barbed wired tattoo with ‘TRUST’ tattooed over it on his arm. In the light of day I could tell the ink was newer there. My fingers moved to trace it and he flinched slightly. I knew, then, that the pain he referred to had something to do with this tattoo.

  “Remember how I told you I’d seen you with your girlfriend that night?” I asked. His jaw clenched and he nodded tightly. “I never forgot the way you looked at her—like she was your world. What happened?”

  Turning away from me, he reached into the shower and started the water. “She wasn’t my world, obviously.” His voice was hard and I could hear the anger in it.

  “I need to know what changed.” I was more than a little nervous about asking him. “Not because I want to drag up your past—but it was that look that made me want you, and you were giving it to someone else. Not that I’m complaining.” I hurried to explain. “I guess I just want to know what was so awful that it made you break up.”

  Silence filled the air between us, nothing except the sound of the shower breaking it. Six leaned forward, arms extended against the glass door as he hunched over, his back to me.

  Trembling, I placed a hand on his back and he flinched, again, but I didn’t remove it. “I’m sorry if I asked the wrong thing. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  He gave a wry chuckle. “I told you to be straight forward, didn’t I?”

  I didn’t respond, I simply waited for him to say something—anything. Suddenly, he turned to face me and my breath caught at the agony I saw in his icy eyes. “You want to know what happened? She got pregnant.” My heart fell. “I wasn’t responsible like I should’ve been, messing around all the time without protection, and she got pregnant. The thing was, she didn’t tell me she was pregnant. I found out by accident, when I stumbled across her discharge paperwork from the abortion clinic. She killed my baby. I loved her and she killed my baby.”

  My gasp echoed off the walls and tears immediately formed in my eyes. He wrapped his hand around my upper arm and guided me into the shower, coming in behind me. I had no idea what I could say to him to comfort him—or if he even wanted comfort. It was obvious he was upset. And they’d only broken up a couple months ago he said, so this hadn’t happened that long ago.

  Water sluiced over me, drops splashing into my eyes as we stared at each other. “Are you still in love with her?” I asked, needing to know.

  “Hell no!” he growled angrily. “What makes you think that?”

  “I just . . . I know it’s hard to turn off feelings like that when you care about someone.”

  “She killed our baby, Brooklyn. She gave no thought to that life we’d created together or to me and my feelings.” He gestured to his arm. “I got this to remind me that you can’t have love without trust. The barbed wire is a reminder to protect myself. Yet look at me . . . here I am, falling into your arms, making the same mistakes when it comes to using protection.” A wry chuckled escaped him. “I could end up in exactly the same place I’ve been running from.”

  Tears were running down my face in earnest now, feeling the raw pain seeping from him. “No, you won’t end up there, again. Not as long as you’re with me.” Slipping my hand into his free one, I pushed my fingers through his. “I’d never abort any baby of yours. It would be the greatest gift I could imagine.”

  A sound wrenched from somewhere deep inside him and he dragged me against him, pressing my head to his chest, kissing the top of my head. “Be careful, sweetheart. You’re gonna make me fall hard for you with words like that. Then you’ll be stuck with me forever.”

  Wrapping my arms around his waist, I hugged him tightly back. “Yeah, somehow I think I could live with that.”

  Lifting me like I was a feather, he pressed me against the shower wall. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, feeling his erection between us. Brushing my wet hair back from my eyes, he stared at me for a moment before kissing me again, the heat of his mouth mingling with the warm water running over our bare skin. I couldn’t help wiggling against him, wanting more. He broke away slightly. “I want you, too, but I don’t want to risk hurting you.”

  “Let me be the judge of that. Besides, who knows when we’ll be able to get together, again?” That seemed to convince him. Lifting me slightly, I felt the tip of him at my entrance. Slowly, carefully, he guided me down onto his shaft.

  “Doing okay?” he asked when I was fully seated. I nodded.

  “Feels wonderful.” I clenched my muscles around him, loving the feel of him inside me.

  “Shit, have a little mercy on me, would ya, Brooklyn?” He withdrew and surged back inside. It hurt and felt good all at the same time and I moaned. He thrust into me, again. “If things keep going this way, kidnapping you may become a viable option.” Another surge. “I don’t want you to leave.”

?Me, neither,” I replied. Our words were lost after that.

  Chapter Seventeen


  My parents R gone 2 a banquet tonight.

  The text from Brooklyn had my heart rate picking up. I’d only seen her a couple times for a few brief minutes during the past week, our relationship reduced to only texts. This had resulted in my taking a massive number of cold showers. I needed to see her.

  When R they leaving? I replied.

  At 5:30. They aren’t supposed to B home until after 10.

  I get off work at 6. I’ll come right over.

  Hurry. Come in the back like B4.

  K. C U soon!

  Thankfully I had a client that would keep my mind occupied until it was time to go. Just thinking of Brooklyn these days left me with a raging hard on. I needed something else to focus on instead of watching the clock like a hawk.

  The minute my shift was over, I was out the door. I didn’t care if I appeared too eager—I was. I missed my girl.

  Normally, I would’ve been amazed at how fast she’d wormed her way into my heart, but this was Brooklyn—my Brooklyn—and I’d wanted her forever. Now that I had her, I intended to enjoy every snatched moment with her to the fullest.

  She was waiting for me at the back door when I arrived, grabbing my hand and racing toward the giant staircase without even kissing me hello. As soon as we were in her room, she slammed the door shut and locked it.

  Reaching down, I grabbed my shirt and pulled it off before doing the same to her, making quick work of her shorts, before dropping my pants, too, until we were both in our underwear.

  She pulled down my boxers, gripping my pulsating erection and I moaned, thrusting forward into her hand. “I like this,” she said, looking very bold and naughty.

  “I like it, too.” I continued rocking into her hand.

  “I think it looks very—pretty.”

  “Pretty?” I said with a snort. “I’m fairly sure it’s never been called that before.”