Read Allure Page 20

  His soapy hands dropped to my breasts, lathering and pinching them. “And I like to play with these,” he replied with a chuckle. “And just for the record, feel free to fondle me at any time. I mean that.”

  “Better watch it, or you’re going to turn me into Bailey. I won’t care who’s around, I’ll just jump you in front of everyone.”

  Smiling widely, he shook his head. “Sweetheart, I dream of you doing that. It’s damn hot.”

  “You think so?” I asked watching him carefully. “Crowds of people wouldn’t embarrass you?”

  “Did you forget I’m an exotic dancer? Or I was at least—if I haven’t been fired by now.”

  I frowned. “I hope you haven’t lost your job.”

  “Shh.” Leaning forward he placed a kiss against my lips. “I don’t want to talk about all that, right now. I want us to stay right here in this perfect little bubble we’re in.”

  Loving the feel of his hands on my body, slowing washing and kneading at the same time, I bent and grabbed the shampoo bottle, pouring some in my hand. Reaching up, I began washing his thick dark hair, sinking my fingers into the silky depths. “I love your hair, by the way. It’s sexy.”

  He laughed loudly, the sound echoing off the walls of the shower around us. “I’m pretty sure that’s the first time anyone has called my hair sexy.”

  “Well, it’s true, and I’m glad I could be your first something.”

  The smile slid from his face, and he stared at me seriously. “What do you mean?”

  “Sorry, that came out sounding different than I meant it to.”

  “Tell me what you do mean.”

  “I don’t mean it badly, just that sometimes I feel sad I couldn’t have had some of your firsts. You had sex before me. You loved someone else before you loved me. You made a baby with someone else before me.” Eyes locked on mine, he didn’t look away from me. “Sometimes I have this tiny bit of doubt in my head that nothing you get to do with me will be as exciting for you as it is for me—that it’ll seem boring.”

  “I’m going to marry you. I’ve never done that before. And you and I will have babies of our own together. I’ve never had a baby before . . . getting someone pregnant isn’t the same thing as actually having and holding a baby. I only want to do those things with you. No one else.” Positioning me under the spray of water, he began rinsing out my hair. “I’ve never felt about anyone the way I feel about you; and you make me feel loved and cherished. I love seeing the innocence of everything in your eyes—no head games, no playing hard to get. The honesty I get from you is priceless. It’s allowed me to trust you, and trust is a huge thing for me. You know that.”

  “I do. And I trust you with my life. I’m sorry if I sounded insecure.”

  Picking up a bar of soap, he began washing over my body. “You don’t sound insecure. You sound . . . young . . . and you are young. Just for the record, if any of this seems too fast for you, all you have to do is say the word and I’ll step back and give you your space. I don’t want you to feel pressured to hurry and get married just because I asked.”

  “I don’t feel pressured.” Taking the soap, I began returning the favor, washing him like he did me, lingering on certain special spots I enjoyed toying with. “Does it bother you that I’m young?”

  “It did when I first asked Tommy about you, but I couldn’t get you out of my head. Did you know you’re the first girl I’ve dated that’s younger than me? There’s another first for you.”

  “Really? Why?”

  He shrugged, closing his eyes, as I rubbed lower. “As a teen, I liked woman, not girls. That was what attracted me. I spent a lot of time chasing after the college crowd when I was in high school. I wanted ladies who were experienced.”

  “So, what in heaven’s name attracted you to me, then?” I asked, laughing. “I’m neither of those things.”

  “First, your looks. I remember thinking how perfectly beautiful you were. Second, you just radiated this light from inside you. Every time I saw you, you just seemed so happy, so full of joy. It made me happy watching you. I wanted to know why you always looked like that. Now, after knowing more about some of the relationships in your life, it amazes me even more. It’s obvious you’re a person who tries to find the good in things. You enjoy yourself. That’s the kind of person I want standing beside me, loving me, raising my children, bringing joy into our lives as we watch and love you back.”

  Wrapping my arms around him, I hugged him tightly. “I love you, Six. Thank you for that. And if I seem happy, it’s because I am. Loving you makes me that way.”

  Reaching to where I still held the soap in my hand behind his neck, he peeled it from my fingers, letting it fall to the bottom of the tub. “I think I’ve had all the foreplay I can handle. You keep pressing that wicked body of yours against me and I’m going crazy.”

  “Me, too,” I agreed with a laugh. “Let’s get on with the sex!”

  Groaning, he crushed me tighter to him. “I hope you always stay this excited about sex. I want to be with you like this every single day.”

  “Sounds amazing. Let’s start right now.”

  “As you wish,” he replied, quickly turning the water off.

  “Aw. No shower sex? I like shower sex.”

  He laughed. “Later. When you aren’t as sore. For now it’ll have to be slow and easy on the bed.” Grabbing a couple towels, he handed one to me and we both quickly dried off. He extended his hand, helping me out, and pulling me in the direction of our room.

  I crawled onto the bed, lying in front of him.

  “Beautiful,” he said, eyes roving over me. “So beautiful. I can’t believe I get to keep you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  “Dee Dee is going to wonder why we haven’t run out of food,” I said, tracing my fingers in the valley of Brooklyn’s breasts before squeezing one of them, gently.

  “She’s also going to wonder why we have no laundry for her, either,” Brooklyn replied with a laugh. “Three days. Oh my gosh. Three days of no clothes, hardly any food, and massively epic sex. It’s been incredible! Though I may never be able to walk, again.”

  “I say we keep this up after we’re married. We’ll make it a tradition. Naked weekends. No clothing allowed. It’ll be our thing.” Just talking about it sent heat through me, igniting my cock again, and setting it growing.

  All my life I’d had an extremely high sex drive, being ready for sex pretty much anytime, anywhere, and not needing much turn-around time after I came. But these last few days, I could safely say I’d outdone myself, and broken any previous personal records I held. I believed Brooklyn when she said she was saddle sore. She’d been ridden hard and often, and I had the purple dick to prove it. Thank goodness Dee Dee had the foresight to include a supersized box of condoms in the items she brought for us.

  Even now, as it grew hard once more, I had to groan. I was sore. But damn if I couldn’t get enough of her.

  “Oh my gosh! You aren’t serious, are you?” she asked, turning her head and gaping at the spot where my engorged member was now poking her in the leg. “You’re going to kill me, you know that, right?”

  “Relax, sweetheart. I have no intention of going again. I need a break, too. My body is just enjoying the sight of you and knowing that you’re mine.” I continued stroking her lightly, caressing her silky skin. I knew every place on her, now. I’d kissed, licked, and stroked every part of her. I knew which spots made her burn hot, those that made her shy, and what positions made her cry out in ecstasy. And I loved them all. I loved her wild abandon—that she loved sex and welcomed it. I loved that I couldn’t look at one surface of this suite and not see a place where we hadn’t had sex.

  I was lying to myself. Despite the pain, I craved being inside her once more; but there was no way we could do it again and survive. We needed a break. We needed food. “What do you want to eat?” I asked, attempting to distract myself from my thoughts.

this point, anything. I’d be happy with a stick of celery. I’m starving!”

  “I’ll go make us some food. You rest.”

  She snorted. “You did not just pull the ‘rest’ card on me, did you? After every crazy position you’ve had me in? I think we’ve proven I’m fit enough to join the circus as an acrobat.”

  I laughed, remembering some of the very creative moves we’d tried. Damn, she was so limber. One thing I was sure of, I loved making love to a cheerleader! Brooklyn could bend in ways I’d never even thought of. I’d be thinking of them from now on, though. That was for sure.

  Food! I thought, desperately continuing to try to steer my thoughts in a different direction.

  “I just know you’re on the swollen side down there. That’s all I meant.” I winked at her before walking out of the room, into the bathroom. Turning on the shower, I washed up quickly, got out and towel dried off. Slipping on a pair of loose basketball shorts, I made my way into the kitchen and started looking at the food options we had. I heard the shower click on, again, when Brooklyn went into the bathroom.

  Deciding it didn’t matter that it was five o’clock in the afternoon, I thought breakfast sounded delicious. I got out the eggs and sausage, knowing they were good for my high protein diet, briefly realizing I hadn’t been to the gym in days. Hopefully all the cardio I’d put in during the absence would count for something. I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped me at that thought.

  All the great sex aside, I loved just visiting with Brooklyn and sharing stories from our lives and childhood—learning each other’s favorite things to do, to eat, and dreams we both had. True, we’d shared bits and pieces of our past with each other prior to this, but never in such detail. Before, time was always of the essence between us. Now, even though we were basically prisoners here until our current predicament could be helped, I was happy to be locked up with her. I loved getting to spend this time with her.

  Plates were dished up and on the table by the time Brooklyn came out of the bathroom, dressed in a pair of leggings and a t-shirt, looking as sexy as ever drying her hair with a towel.

  “I hope breakfast is okay,” I said, pulling a chair out for her.

  “It smells heavenly!” she replied, sitting down as I scooted her chair in. Picking up her fork, she dug in.

  Grabbing my fork, I was just getting ready to take a bite, when something caught my attention. “What’s that sound?” I asked, listening intently. “Shit! It’s the phone. It must be Dee Dee.” Hurrying into the bedroom, I quickly answered, “Hello?”

  “Hi, Six. I need you two to pack up your things. We’re going to run,” Dee Dee said.

  “Excuse me?” I asked, not following.

  “I’m taking you to Arizona. My brother feels that if you turn yourselves in, there, and tell your story, it’ll give you the opportunity to be heard by a law system that isn’t corrupted by Scott.

  “He’ll testify that you came to him for help, and that will also show you never had any intent to evade the law. Even though you’ll be extradited back to Henderly, your testimonies against Scott will already be on the books in Arizona. My brother has also found a lawyer to represent the two of you here, in Nevada, whom he trusts.”

  “When do we leave?” I asked, staring at Brooklyn who was now standing in the doorway.

  “As soon as it’s dark, so there’s less chance of you being recognized.”

  “We’ll be ready.”


  Brooklyn was sound asleep, spread out across the back seat we shared, with her head in my lap. I was pretty sure Dee Dee thought I was asleep, as well, since she’d quit talking to me and was, instead, listening to soft music that filled the car.

  The lights of the Phoenix metro area glittered in the distance as we approached the outskirts of the city. Staring down at Brooklyn, I ran my fingers lightly over her hair, brushing a few stray tendrils off her cheek. Passing under the streetlights, I watched as her face briefly lit before falling back into the shadows.

  Attempting to swallow past the knot in my throat, I tried to push my nervous feelings to the side. I couldn’t bear losing her. It would drive me mad if this didn’t go as we planned. I knew we had good people on our side—people who would listen and try to help us—but there were a lot of stories to untangle. Who knew what the future held until it happened? I was putting our fate in the hands of complete strangers, but I didn’t see that we had much of a choice.

  “I never asked you what your brother’s name was.” I spoke softly, staring at the back of Dee Dee’s head in the driver’s seat.

  She jumped slightly. “Oh! I didn’t know you were awake.”

  “Sorry.” I chuckled. She had every right to be a little jumpy, seeing that she was currently aiding and abetting a wanted fugitive.

  “My brother’s name is Marcus Dale. That’s my maiden name, Dale. I kept the Hall after Scott and I divorced since that was Tommy’s last name.” She gave a slight laugh. “When I was growing up, all the kids called me Triple D. I wasn’t real anxious to go back to that nickname, either.”

  I laughed quietly, trying not to disturb Brooklyn. “Yeah, I can see how you might not want that.”

  “Anyway, we should be to my brother’s house in about twenty minutes.”

  “I know I’ve said it before, but again, thank you for all you’re both doing to help us. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”

  “Six, quit thanking me. You’re innocent. And I’ll be repaid when Scott ends up in jail. He took my son from me. There’s no way I’m letting him take Brooklyn, too. She may not be my child, but I love her like she is. She’s Tommy’s sister and he adored her. He treated her better than Scott ever did.”

  “I know he loved her. I could see it whenever he would talk about her. He was proud of her, and very protective, I might add.” I grinned. “If he’d ever found out I liked Brooklyn, he would’ve beat the crap out of me.”

  Dee Dee laughed. “I’m sure you’re right. He was pretty fierce about protecting her.”

  Staring down at Brooklyn, my heart twisted even tighter. “I wish he was still here to beat me up, but I’ll do my best to protect her, now. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her.”

  “I think even Tommy knows that, now. I’m sure he’s watching over you, both, from wherever he is. You’ve already proven that you put her first. Anyone can see how much you love her.”

  “Hopefully the police will see that, too.”

  “They will. We won’t stop talking until they do.”

  Turning to stare out the window, I watched the buildings pass by, hoping she was right. Silence moved between us once more, staying that way until we pulled up in front of a very beautiful Spanish-style home with immaculate landscaping and lighting. This was actually an encouraging sign to me. Dee Dee’s brother must be a good lawyer if he could afford this place.

  “We’re here,” she said, just as the front door opened and a tall, light haired man in a business suit walked out, which seemed odd at this hour. Dee Dee jumped out of the car and ran to hug him.

  “Brooklyn,” I said, shaking her slightly. “We’re here.”

  Groaning, she stretched and sat up. “Man, I crashed and burned, didn’t I? The last thing I remember is passing through Kingman.”

  “You haven’t had much rest in the last three days.” I smiled. “I’m glad you got some sleep. You needed it.”

  “Did you?” she asked, and I shook my head.

  “No, too many things on my mind. Are you ready to do this?” I held my hand out to her and she slipped hers in mine.

  “I am.”

  Opening the door, I got out and she slid across the seat, after me. Hand-in-hand we moved toward Dee Dee and her brother.

  “Marcus, this is Trey Jagger and Brooklyn Hall.”

  Quick to smile, Marcus extended his hand, shaking mine first and then Brooklyn’s. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, both. I’m sorry for the circumstances that have brought it about, though.”

/>   “Thank you for your help,” I said. “I know it’s a lot to ask.”

  “Nonsense,” he said, shaking his head. “You’re innocent of any wrongdoing. It’s my pleasure to be able to help you get this mess straightened out. Let’s get the proper person put behind bars, shall we?”

  “Sounds great to me,” Brooklyn said.

  “Dee Dee has filled me in on your story. Due to the nature of things and the current manhunt that is going on for you, I think it best that we proceed directly to the police station without any further delays. I know you’re both tired, but in this case, the more time that goes by, the worse things look.” That explained why he looked ready for court.

  “Okay,” I agreed, my apprehension growing.

  “Now, I want to warn you of a couple thing. The police will be following a standard protocol in this, which is to your benefit in the long run. We want things done by the books. You’ll be taken into custody, most likely fingerprinted and separated.” Brooklyn’s hand tightened against mine and I squeezed hers back. “They’re going to want to question both of you individually, so they can check your stories against each other. My advice is to answer every question you’re asked as honestly as possible, so there are no discrepancies.”

  “We have nothing to hide,” I said. “So that won’t be a problem.”

  “Good. Once the Henderly Police Department has been notified, things will be set in motion to extradite you back to Nevada, so you can be questioned, again, by the authorities there.”

  “And how do we know that we are safe back there?” Brooklyn asked. “Dee Dee says my dad could have many people in his pocket.”

  “I’ve already put a bug in someone’s ear regarding that. I have a judge who is a friend there, and I’ve told him there have been allegations of misconduct regarding the Mayor’s office and a possible cover up in the death of my nephew. He’s already started the ball rolling on an in-house investigation. That’s one of the things we’ve been trying to take care of in the last couple days. Also, I have a very trustworthy lawyer friend in Las Vegas. He’s agreed to represent you both in Nevada and has already been briefed on the case. He’ll meet you at the Henderly Police Department when you arrive back there.”