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Always Be There

  By Athens Vamlets

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used factiously. Any resemblance to actual events and locales or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  By Athens Vamlets

  SmashWords Edition

  Copyright 2011 by Athens Vamlets

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied in any form by any electronic or mechanical means without permissions. Expect for reviews or a brief quotes. Please respect the rights of an author.

  Author of this book sincerely thank you for all kind support and interest who is reading in this book. Supports and encouragements mean so much to this piece of creation. Hope you all enjoy this.


  ‘You are going to be here when I wake up, right?’ Reese looked into her husband blue eyes with tiredness, and was almost falling asleep on the hard hospital bed after the blood test. But she needed to hear the encouragement from Adam that he promise to be with her the whole time before she could visit her sweet dreamlands.

  ‘Yeah, of course.’ Adam placed his right hand on his wife’s forehead, touching her blonde hair smoothly, while sitting beside the hospital bed.

  Reese was not like the other cancer patient; she had dense and beautiful blonde hair, they were shiny and bright, like Reese’s view of her sickness. The road along would always be bright, because there were people who encourage her, people who stay with her and people who lived quietly inside her.

  Hospitals were always in white. Bed sheets, pillow cases, Blanket and furniture. They were all in shining plain white. Reese had to be here every two months for a regular body experiment and was so bored of the plain white things in the room. She loved colorful things. Rainbow, trees and flowers and the nature.

  Little Reese was a preemie, her mother gave birth three month earlier than the estimated date of delivery. On her 6th birthday, she was verified of suffering from Leukemia, the doctor told her she was not going to live for more than 3 years, but her toughness and willpower had bought her so far here to the age of twenty-three.

  She thanked God everyday and every night that she was still alive. Sometimes she prayed to God to give her one more single day if there were any special events she wished to attend the next day.

  This morning, Reese knocked out at home, while Adam was away for his international concert at New York. He immediately rushed back to San Diego for his wife. Reese’s doctor in charge did everything he could, but there’s nothing he could help about anymore. In this situation, changing and supplying blood were not working on Reese anymore. That means all she could do was spend the rest of her life meaningfully.

  Adam was a lead singer and songwriter of a band based in San Diego. The inspirations of songs he wrote were feelings he had for his wife. He was glad he was not that famous like Michael Jackson, and that he could keep things private without paparazzi surrounded.

  Reese was a faithful fan of Life and they met in France five years ago, while Adam was performing, and she was making a visit to her Aunt. She couldn’t believe she was alive and married the lead singer of her favorite band after years. Adam didn’t care the sickness Reese would carried for her entire life, and the objection from his parents. Reese knew so well that these were things that God had gifted to her, like God had given people longevity, health, wealth and power.

  Reese lifted her eyelids, she saw birds flying and sun shining out the window. Adam was asleep on the chair beside the bed, with his left hand holding hers. She was surprised of the presence of this busy guy. She gave out a smile and glad it was a brand new day again for her.

  ‘Hey.’ Her feeble voice murmured, and hand shaking to wake her husband.

  ‘Oh,’ he said. Rubbing his eye and placed his hand on the forehead, he was so tired and exhausted. ‘You are awake. How are you?’ he asked.

  ‘Good. Better.’ She lied. In her case, she was never going to get better, but worse. ‘I thought you are having a concert in the York. Shouldn’t you be there for tonight’s show?’ she asked. Not hoping to ruin her husband’s career for her sickness.

  ‘Yeah, but we have cancelled tonight’s show. I am leaving tomorrow afternoon.’ He answered, and smiling down on his beautiful Reese.

  ‘Mr. Lycos. We have to check on the patient.’ The nurse, Cindy walked in the room, and politely inviting Adam to take a brief break out of the ward. Adam kissed on Reese’s hair and left the room. He checked on his phone for updating news from his manager. He was glad to see none of them, which means plans no changes.

  ‘Reese. How are you feeling?’ Dr. Fredrick Naples asked. Reese sat up straight on the bed.

  ‘I feel I am getting weaker. Spit it. Doc. I can handle it.’ She felt her body and could read it was getting frailer.

  ‘Alright, then. Let me be straight. We have suspect that you blood system isn’t renewing like normal system does. If this situation wouldn’t change for the next three days, those remaining were not able to maintain your body anymore.’ Dr. Naples had known Reese for twenty-three years since her birth, he understood she was tough and strong, also a smart girl, so he didn’t decide to conceal.

  ‘Have you told Adam yet?’ she asked. All she concerned right now was her husband; nothing came before him, not even her health.

  ‘No, why?’ Naples was curious of the words. He didn’t comprehend her meaning in those expressions.

  ‘Promise me. Dr. Naples. Don’t tell him.’ She said. She didn’t want Adam to focus on her health instead of his career. She knew Music was always important to him.

  ‘Of course, if you requested. We respect the decision and privacy of our patients. But as a friend, are you determined to do that?’ he lowered his head and looked down into her eyes, he didn’t agree with the ways how Reese devoted on Adam. ‘He may not be there when you leave. Reese.’ He was worried Reese would pass away without her Adam beside. He knew how important Adam was to her. Fred was so glad and pleased for Reese when he received the engagement news three years ago. He had never thought this young lady could conclude her aspiration.

  ‘It’s fine.’ Reese spoke with her impotent voice, feeling so weak and tired.

  ‘Good.’ Fredrick wrote down a last few words on the paper and turned to the direction of the door, prepared to leave the room.

  ‘Dr. Naples?’ Reese suddenly shouted. Her heart pounded. Her powerless body was feeling exhausted of her every little movement.

  ‘Yes?’ Fred turned around to look at his patient with a light smile on his face.

  ‘May I leave the hospital for these two days?’ she hoped to take a walk out the hospital with her husband. She felt it was almost the time that should have supposed to come on her 9th birthday. She is heading to God’s hug, and live happily in heaven, there was the place she would wait for Adam.

  ‘Yeah definitely.’ There was nothing they could do in this hospital, memories were all the souls could bring with them. He wanted Reese to be happy when she passed away.

  Dr. Naples lifted his feet and walked out of the room. There he saw Adam, his brow wrinkled with his eyes on the mobile. He looked so worn with his messy dark brown hair. It must be so exhausted to fly from San Diego to New York and back to San Diego in one day.

  ‘How’s she?’ Adam asked quickly when he saw Naples.

  ‘Perfect. She’s fine.’ He kept his promise of not telling his patient’s husband about her condition that may be she couldn’t live more than a week.

  ‘Thank you.’ A smile on his face with thankfulness. Beside Music and his band mates, Reese was the only thing that could make him happy and delightful. She is the sunshine of his life.

  Naples just nodded and forced a smile, th
en walked by. It was heartbreaking to lie about patient’s condition to their beloved ones, and especially this pair of couple that he had known for a long time.

  Reese was deep in her thoughts, while Adam suddenly popped in. She immediately hang the iconic big smile on her face. She was so grateful about having a husband and she thanked God every time she saw his face again.

  Adam embraced and held Reese tightly. He sat beside her on the bed. Reese enjoyed and felt warm and safe in his cuddle, never had felt this before since her father’s heart attack and followed by her mother’s suicide. Adam was the one who had always been there for her. He placed a kiss on her cheek and pulled her away from him.

  ‘Dr. Naples said he will allow me for a walk out the hospital.’ She said, wanted to leave the pale white building. The hospital smelled so bad with medicine, alcohol and sickness. Damn it. She thought.

  ‘Oh, really? So, where do you want go? Huh?’ he asked with excitement and caressed her lightly on her pale cheeks. There was a big smile on his face, no doubting the meaning of leaving the hospital in her current condition, which means the doctor and nurse had nothing to help anymore.

  ‘Balboa Park. I want to sit on the grasses, and hear birds sing.’ She spoke so childishly and feeling so excited of leaving the hospital to be with her husband.

  ‘Birds don’t sing, they giggle.’ His humor was always the thing Reese love most about him.

  ‘Ah, really?’ they laughed together, exploding her whitish teeth. He loved that happy face, she was beautiful when she smile and laugh.