Read Always Been Mine Page 18

  She squeezed the wheel. If only he’d had the balls to go to trial. Having him locked down for that many years would’ve been so wonderful. She still couldn’t get over how he’d been offered the plea bargain to begin with.

  Maybe pepper spray wasn’t enough. She’d look into getting a gun. If she ever found the time, she already put off getting a restraining order this whole week. “I will. I just have to make the time.”

  She hung up and thought of the night ahead of her. As if thinking and worrying about how this evening was going to turn out wasn’t enough, she now had to tell Alex about the call.

  He’d just stepped out of the shower when she walked in. He wore nothing but a towel around his waist when she walked in the room. No matter how many times Valerie saw his chiseled body she’d never get enough. He walked over to her and planted a breathtaking kiss on her. Immediately, his towel tented and he groaned, kissing her neck.

  As much as she could go for a quick one right now and it would definitely calm her nerves, she knew it was late. “Alex, honey, we’re already running late.” She pulled away gently but couldn’t resist kissing his hard chest before taking a step away.

  “I know. I’m surprised I beat you home. What happened?”

  Valerie rushed to the closet. She didn’t have time to change. She’d just have to dress up the skirt suit she was already wearing with a different pair of shoes and silkier top. Letting her hair down would help too.

  “I put more on my plate than I should’ve this morning.”

  She glanced over at Alex who was already in his silk boxers, and slipping into slacks.

  “I …uh, got a call from Bruce today.”

  Alex’s eyes were on her at once. “What did he want?”

  “Same thing.” She didn’t want to lie but she was telling him about the call like he’d asked. She didn’t have report it to him verbatim. “Asking when he gets to see me again.”

  “What were his exact words?”

  Okay, apparently he was expecting it to the letter. “I don’t even remember, Alex, I hung up on him mid-sentence. Only reason I even answered is because he used a restricted number to call me. I was expecting a few calls from clients. I didn’t want to miss them.”

  “When did he call?”

  “On my way home.”

  “And you don’t remember?” His eyebrows furrowed.

  Valerie pretended to have to think about it. “He knows I’m with you now. He wanted to make sure I knew that he knew.”

  Alex walked toward her. Valerie slipped a shoe on. Why did she bother trying? She knew Alex wouldn’t just drop this. She bent over to slip on the other. Already he stood over her as she stood up straight.

  “Why are you being vague, babe?” He sought it out in her eyes. “What did he say exactly?”


  Valerie would have to understand that when it came to this guy or anyone that might be out to hurt her, Alex needed to know everything. Hell, he wanted to be in on everything about her life no matter what it was. The comment she’d made on the subject of Isabel not having to tell Romero all the details of her past still didn’t sit well, with him. It was almost as if she was trying to tell him something.

  He wouldn’t push on that, but this was different. He stood there waiting for a response. They weren’t going anywhere until he got one.

  She took an exaggerated deep breath. “He said he knew that I had moved on from Luke to you and asked if I’d penciled him in for next week. I said not if my life depended on it, then…” She bit her lip and glanced away. “He said it just might. He started to say he was watching me and it was just a matter of time but I didn’t let him finish. I hung up.”

  Alex went rigid, feeling a slow boil start up inside him. He stared at her for a moment, taking in how fragile she seemed to him all of a sudden. A matter of time? Before they got back together, hearing something like this would’ve simply enraged him. Now, rage wasn’t the only thing that bolted through him. Now there was an unfamiliar sensation coursing through him: Ice cold fear.

  Protecting Valerie was his priority now, but he couldn’t be around her twenty-four seven. He knew there were a lot of sick people out there one of them was after the woman he loved. The thought of something happening to her ripped at him like scorching bullets.

  “We’re going downtown tomorrow and getting that restraining order. I want this guy locked up the second he tries to contact you.”

  Valerie nodded and stepped forward, putting her arms around him. Alex hugged her tightly, wishing he could have her in his arms every moment of the day. He’d know then for sure she’d be safe.

  “Don’t worry, Alex. I’ll be fine.”

  Alex kissed her head. “Yeah you will. I’ll make sure of it.”


  The ride to the winery was a bit tense. Alex wanted to know more about Bruce and her relationship with him. Valerie wanted to just drop it. She said she didn’t want to think about it anymore. Alex let it go for now, but he wanted to know more about this guy. Knowledge was power, and he wanted to arm himself with as much of it as he could if he was going to go up against this guy.

  Wine tasting wasn’t new to Alex. He’d had plenty of invitations from wineries who were hoping to add their wine to the restaurant’s shelf. These events were always the same, a bunch of arrogant idiots who knew a lot about wine, and a bunch who were pretending to. Wine wasn’t his first choice of alcoholic beverage but it was up there and he knew his way around it.

  Unlike most of the wine tasting events Alex had attended at the actual wineries, they held this one at a wine club. The entire place was reserved exclusively for this event. Valerie gasped as they walked up the entrance stairs.

  Alex glanced at her then around at the people entering the club. “What’s wrong?”

  “He didn’t tell me it was a black tie event.”

  Alex let out a breath of relief. Most of the men were in tuxedos and the women in lavish evening gowns. He shrugged. None of them held a candle to Valerie. “You look beautiful, regardless.”

  The place was already crowded as they walked in. Alex scanned the parking lot and now scanned the people at the event. He couldn’t care less about what he wore. The only thing on his mind was keeping Valerie safe.

  His comment didn’t seem to change Valerie’s concern about being underdressed, though she didn’t let it slow her down. They’d only been there a few minutes, and she’d already worked her way through a good part of the crowd. After Valerie introducing Alex as “a friend of mine,” several times, Alex leaned over touching her arm and asked, “Why do you keep introducing me as your friend?”

  She turned to look at him a bit surprised. “How would you like me to introduce you?”

  Alex smiled. “Your fiancé?”

  “But we’re not engaged,” she whispered.

  “Minor detail.” He frowned, “And why are you whispering?”

  Just as the corner of her lips began to raise an older woman in a black velvet gown interrupted them. “Valerie, I thought it was you. How’ve you been, little lady?”

  Valerie’s eyes shot open and she immediately went to hug the woman. “Bernadette! Oh, my gosh. It’s been forever.”

  They caught up quickly, and then Valerie turned back to Alex. “Alex I’d like you to meet Bernadette. She used to baby sit me when I was a little girl.”

  Alex smiled leaning over to shake Bernadette’s hand.

  “Bernadette, this is Alex.” Valerie glanced at Alex. “My boyfriend.”

  Only then did Alex realize he’d never been introduced as anybody’s boyfriend in his life. It was a little weird but he liked it, especially hearing Valerie say it.

  After the introduction, Bernadette turned to Valerie again. “How’s your father doing? I heard he was in the hospital not too long ago.”

  “He’s better,” Valerie smiled. “It’s been over six months now since he got out of the hospital. We had quite a scare. He just has to watch his diet closely. His blood pres
sure is really touch and go.”

  Bernadette shook her head. “Oh, yeah, Valerie. He really needs to watch that. Hypertension is no joke.”

  Valerie talked to Bernadette for a few more minutes before Bernadette excused herself to get back to her sister, who’d she’d come with. Alex hadn’t taken his eyes off of Valerie the entire time she’d spoke with Bernadette. He saw the usual tenderness in her eyes as she spoke of her dad. There was no doubt how close she was to her father. It bothered him now that he hadn’t been there for her.

  “I didn’t know your dad had been in the hospital.”

  Valerie tilted her head. “A lot happens in a year, Alex. It’ll probably be a while before we get all caught up.”

  Alex thought about that for a moment. He wanted to tell her how sorry he was that he wasn’t there for her, but they were interrupted again. The interruption this time wasn’t as welcome as Bernadette’s.

  “I’m glad you made it.” Luke wore a tuxedo, and sloppy grin.

  Alex refrained from frowning. Valerie stood her ground, appearing as unfazed as ever. “Thanks for telling me it was black tie.”

  Luke glanced down at her clothes. “I’m sorry, hon. I thought you’d know.” His eyes averted to Alex who took a sip of his wine. “Sorry there’s no beer, Champ. But then we wouldn’t want you punching holes through walls anyway right?”

  Luke laughed a bit too loud. The walls were the last thing he’d have to worry about if Alex started doing any punching. But Alex held back what he really wanted to say and smiled instead.

  Alex’s eyes met Valerie’s. For the first time that evening, she appeared troubled. Alex winked to let her know she had nothing to worry about. He wasn’t about to let this drunk ass get to him.

  Luke downed the rest of his wine. “Oh hey,” he addressed Valerie with another sloppy grin. “Guess what I was able to get us.”

  Valerie didn’t ask. She waited for him to continue.

  “Me and you are invited to George Stone’s meet-and-greet before the seminar.”

  Valerie’s reaction confused Alex. Who the hell was George Stone and why did Valerie seem excited about it?

  “You’re kidding?”

  “No,” Luke grinned, opening up his arms as if that warranted a hug.

  Valerie glanced at Alex but leaned in and hugged Luke anyway.

  “Are you serious? A meet-and-greet with him?”

  Luke rubbed his hands against Valerie’s back. “Absolutely. You know me. I had a feeling that would make your day so I pulled a few strings.”

  Normally it would take everything in his power to stay composed, but Alex had a feeling what Luke was up to. He didn’t flinch. As much as he wanted to stare the fucker down, he resisted and glanced around the room casually, taking another sip of his wine instead.

  Valerie’s eyes stayed fixed on Alex even as she pulled away from Luke. Before she could say anything, Luke spoke up again. “Did she tell you about George Stone?”

  “Can’t say that she has.” Alex exchanged glances with Valerie.

  “Ever heard of him, Alex?” Luke peered at Alex smugly but didn’t wait for an answer. “Oh, what am I thinking? What would a guy like you know about real estate motivational speakers?”

  Luke laughed, placing his hand on Alex’s shoulder and leaning into him. “Even I didn’t know much about the guy. But since I got us tickets to his event, I’ve read up on him a bit and I’ve gotta say, the guy is impressive. I’m actually looking forward to meeting the man.” He turned to Valerie. “Good choice, Valerie.”

  Alex noticed Valerie chewed her lip the way she did when she was nervous. Her eyes were on Luke’s hand, the one that still sat on Alex’s shoulder.

  “Yeah,” Alex smiled reaching his hand out to Valerie. “I have to agree with you there, Luke. Valerie’s always been good about making the right choices.”

  Valerie’s eyes widened but she took his hand anyway. Alex squeezed her hand. She took a sip of her wine and glanced away. “I’ve never actually been to one of these events.” Valerie said.

  Alex noticed Valerie avoided looking back at Luke. She took a sip of her wine and continued, “Aren’t we supposed to be wine tasting?”

  “Nah, that’s optional.” Luke finally moved his hand off Alex’s shoulder. His mood seemed to have staled. “We’re here to schmooze, remember?”

  Valerie still looked around. “Oh gawd, is that who I think it is?”

  Both Alex and Luke turned to see a heavyset man who looked to be in his sixties, making his way through the crowd in their direction.

  “Well, what do you know?” Luke grinned as he took another glass of wine from the passing waiter.

  “Pretend you don’t see him.” Valerie took a step behind Alex.

  Alex peered at the man and stood firmly in front of Valerie. She was too late the man had spotted them and was already on his way toward them with a fat grin. Alex squeezed her hand, suddenly feeling on edge. “Who is he?”

  “Relax, Champ.” Luke raised his glass at the man and smiled. “He’s just an investor with lots of capitol.”

  “And lots of corny jokes,” Valerie muttered.

  Having no choice, Valerie came around and stood next to Alex.

  The man was almost close enough to hear them, and Luke spoke through his big fake smile. “Oh, you handle his jokes pretty well. That’s why we got Lemon Ridge remember? Work your magic, Valerie. He likes you.”

  The idea of Valerie working her magic on any other man, even one old enough to be her dad made Alex grind his teeth. This night was getting more irritating by the minute.

  “Hey!” The heavy man said loudly as he reached them. He held his glass out at Luke. “How merlot can you go?”

  His explosive laugh was so loud it turned heads, but Luke followed his lead, laughing right along while shaking his hand. Alex smiled politely. He was used to dealing with all kinds of characters at the restaurant. The man then turned to Valerie. “How are you, beautiful?” He leaned in giving Valerie a big hug.

  “Is that a corkscrew in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?” Valerie’s impression of Mae West was spot on. Alex was impressed and surprised he’d never heard it. He saw a side of Valerie tonight he’d never seen.

  The man put his hand over his mouth and feigned embarrassment. “Forgive me for I have zinned.”

  He wheezed long and hard before breaking into cackles. Valerie laughed genuinely and even Alex had to chuckle. The jokes were awful but the jolly man’s laughter was contagious.

  Once done with his fit of laughter the man pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his forehead.

  “Alex, this is Joe Newman, a client of ours,” Valerie said smiling big. Alex reached out and shook Joe’s hand. “Joe this is my friend, Alex.”

  Alex glanced at Valerie. She looked at him and quickly turned back to Joe. Alex wondered if the reason he’d gone back to being just her friend had anything to do with Luke standing there.

  As the evening went on, Alex was continually surprised with the side of Valerie he’d never had a pleasure of witnessing. She was in her element. He now knew why she’d become so successful so quickly. She was definitely a people person. As if she’d done this a million times, she worked the room like a pro. Everyone they spoke with seemed genuinely taken by her. No one would’ve ever guessed this was her first time at one of these events.

  He also noticed how the men ogled and almost all seemed to turn into gushing idiots around her. It was as if she’d put a spell on them. He had to wonder if he ever acted that way with her and didn’t even realize it. These men sure didn’t seem to. It was hard to believe she managed to stay single for an entire year. Well, except for the two short lived incidents she told him about.

  Even with Alex standing next to her, making it blaringly obvious she was with him, they still had no qualms about being overly friendly. This was especially true as the night persisted and the wine continued to flow.

  By the time it was all over Alex
was as ruffled as wet rooster. In the same token, he was equally impressed with Valerie. He didn’t think he could be anymore fascinated with her than he’d already been before this event.

  After making their exit, Alex stopped just as they turned the corner of the club and pulled her too him looking her in the eyes. “So, how come I’ve never heard your impression of Mae West before?”

  The corner of her lips went up. “It’s something I only picked up a few months ago.”

  Alex wasn’t sure what to think about that. Before he could say anything, she smiled the sexiest of smiles, and stroked his chest with her small hand, making him suck in a breath. “A hard man is good to find.”

  The impression of Mae West was again perfect. Alex squeezed her then kissed her softly like he’d wanted to all night. He’d never forgive himself for having wasted an entire year being an idiot.

  They walked back to the car slowly kissing every few feet. A few feet away from his truck she stopped him just Alex was about to kiss her. “Alex, you have a flat.”

  He turned to his truck. Sure thing, as flat as they got.

  “Damn. How did that happen?” He let go of Valerie’s hand and went over to get a better look.

  “Maybe you ran over a nail?” Valerie offered.

  Alex crouched down and saw the damage. “No, nail, babe.”

  Valerie stood trembling hugging herself and rubbing her arms. “What was it then?”

  “Someone slashed it.” Alex stood up and looked around. As far as he could see, the other three tires were fine. Whoever did this might not have had time to do the rest. That meant only one thing, they hadn’t gotten far. His eyes searched the parking lot but there was no one suspicious anywhere.