Read Always Been Mine Page 4

  “So, what do you do, when you’re not working, Valerie?”

  She lifted a shoulder and took a sip of her drink. “I hang out with my roommate, visit my dad, paint.”

  Luke raised an eyebrow. “Paint? Really?”

  Valerie nodded. “Yeah, I’ve always liked to, but it wasn’t until college when I took a few courses that I really started to get into it and discovered my hidden talent.”

  “What do you paint?”

  “Anything really, landscapes, portraits, the ocean. I’m done with sunsets.” She giggled. “The walls in my dorm were plastered with so many paintings of sunsets my roommate swore she’d burn the next one I painted.”

  Luke smiled. “That means you’re a romantic.”

  Valerie glanced at him, and their eyes locked. He’d done that to her before in the office and it made her uncomfortable then, too.

  She turned back to her drink and stirred it. “No, it means I was cheesy.”

  “I don’t think sunsets are cheesy.”

  Valerie looked back at him. “I’m working on a portrait now. Kinda nervous about it. It’s a wedding gift.”

  “Really? Who’s getting married?”

  “My cousin. I’m her maid of honor.” She smiled. “Yeah, it’s really sweet. They met and fell in love in high school and have been completely inseparable since. I’m surprised they even waited this long.” She glanced at him. “They’re the ones I told you about, that I’m looking for a place for them to lease, for their restaurant. As soon as they get that up and running, I’ll be finding them a house.”

  Luke smiled, “Nice… so, why you nervous about the painting?”

  Valerie chewed her lower lip. “I dunno. It’s of an older picture of them, when they were first dating in high school. They look so young and in love. I just hope I can capture the nuance of true love. I’m not sure that I can.”

  Luke was staring at her now. “Why not? Haven’t you ever been in love?”

  She was almost locked in another one of his stares but managed to turn away. The bartender passed by, and she ordered another drink. Luke was still working on his. He stirred his drink and said nothing. He was obviously waiting for her to answer.

  “Yeah, I have.” That’s all she’d offer. She wasn’t about to get into a bitter conversation about Alex. Not when she was supposed to be here celebrating.

  “Has it been long?”

  Her drink came and instead of answering she took a big swig of the drink. It seemed stronger than the first one.

  “I don’t mean to pry. I’m just saying maybe if you can remember you can pour those feelings into your painting.”

  “That’s true.” Valerie made sure that was the end of that subject. She asked him about what he did on his time off, and he told her. She wasn’t too surprised to hear he was a bit of a workaholic, leaving little time for himself. What time he did get, he played golf and cooked. He loved cooking.

  A few drinks later, she felt more relaxed and began to wonder if driving herself had been such a good idea.

  As expected with a few more drinks her sense of humor picked up, and she started to giggle. If Luke noticed she was getting silly, he didn’t say anything. She kept having to break out of his stare.

  After a few trips to the ladies room, she knew either she slowed down on the alcohol, or Luke was going to have to drive her home. She didn’t want to leave her car there, so, she made her decision on the way back from the ladies room. Water was her only option. Lots of it. But by the time she got back, Luke had already ordered her another drink. She hadn’t even finished the last one.

  She noticed a few drinks earlier that Luke stopped trying to be discreet. He sized her up again as she made her way back to the bar. Her unabashed smile obviously pleased him.

  “Damn, you’re sexy. Is it okay if I say that?”

  Valerie couldn’t help but laugh. “I think maybe we should stop drinking.”

  “If you’re suggesting I’ve developed beer goggles, you couldn’t be more mistaken. I’ve always thought you were sexy as hell.”

  She smiled but stared at the drink she stirred. She knew if she even glanced at him she’d be locked into another one of his lustful stares.

  “So, when’s the wedding?”

  “Just a little over a month.”

  The thought of having to be at all the upcoming dreaded events and seeing Alex there made her stomach turn. Without thinking, she downed her drink, and that was it. She knew she wouldn’t be driving home.

  Luke took a sip of his drink, but she noticed he wasn’t drinking nearly as fast as she had. When she was done with the drink he’d ordered her, she called it quits.

  “I don’t think I’m going to be able to drive home.”

  “I can take you home,” he said quickly. “Your car will be okay here overnight. We’ll come back and get it in the morning.”

  Valerie looked at him and their eyes locked again. She hoped he wasn’t getting the wrong idea.

  He held her hand on the way out and all the way to the car. It felt good. She was sure it was the alcohol, but she felt a little more attracted to Luke. She leaned against him. He let go of her hand, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. When they reached his car instead of opening the door, he leaned against it and pulled her too him. The desire in his eyes was undeniable.

  Valerie didn’t say anything. She leaned against him and stared at his lips. He leaned over and kissed her. Damn it, she knew it. The first thing that came to her mind was Alex. His ravenous kiss at the party was instantly all she could think of.

  Luke kissed her softly and ran his hands up and down her back. Valerie kissed him back and concentrated on not thinking of Alex. Her tongue stayed in rhythm with his, slow at first then she could feel him breathing harder as the kiss intensified. She heard a faint but unmistakable moan.

  Valerie pulled away. Luke was breathing heavy. “I’m sorry, Luke.” She pulled away from his embrace just a little. She felt him through his pants and was angry with herself. “I don’t mean to give you the wrong idea.”

  She could tell Luke was trying to read her thoughts. “And what idea would that be?”

  “That I’ll be spending the night with you.”

  He seemed relieved. “That’s alright. As long as you’re not saying that me getting the idea that there could be something more between us is wrong. I don’t have a problem taking things slow. In fact, I’m sorry if I came on too strong.”

  Valerie forced a smile. That’s not the idea she wanted him to get either. She hadn’t even been ready for the kiss much less any kind of relationship. “Don’t be sorry. I was a willing participant.”

  The ride back to her place was a bit awkward with Luke holding her hand the whole way. All she could think about is how kissing Luke was nothing like kissing Alex. Admittedly, she hadn’t tried hard. But there’d been nothing, not so much as a spark.

  When they got to her apartment, Valerie dreaded him walking her to the door. She knew he’d be expecting another kiss, and she was already regretting the first one. She turned to him when they reached her door. “Luke, I don’t know if us getting involved is such a good idea. Isn’t it some kind of conflict of interest at the office?”

  She saw that look in his eye again and he leaned into her. “Don’t worry about the office. I never would’ve kissed you if I thought that might be a problem.”

  Before she could say anything else his lips were on hers again. This time she tried to feel something. She actually wanted to. She wanted hope that she could ever get over Alex. But again she felt him become quickly aroused and the instant bulge against her stomach. All Valerie felt was discouraged.

  She pulled away gently. He looked at her and smiled then caressed her face one last time. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.”

  The guilt sunk in, and Valerie could barely smile back. Once he left and she was back in her apartment, the reality of everything that happened that day came crashing down. She wondered wher
e Isabel was but didn’t wait up. The alcohol had really done a number on her. She was out as soon as her head hit the pillow.


  The next morning, Valerie was up early and ready before Isabel was even out of bed. Luke would be over soon to take her to pick up her car. Of course, he insisted they get breakfast together, so she had to get ready for that.

  Last night, she was sure she’d regret the whole Luke thing enormously in the morning. But now, clearheaded, she didn’t think it was so bad. She’d definitely tell him they were going to be taking things slow, but she didn’t have to rule it out all together.

  She’d come to realize if she waited until she was over Alex to move on, she never would. It was time she just accepted that Alex was the love of her life, and she might never get over him.

  That didn’t mean she couldn’t be happy. She knew she’d never be as happy as she was when she was with him, but maybe if she put a little effort into it, she could come close. At least she knew that meant no one could ever hurt her as much as he could. Pathetic consolation, but she had to find the optimism somewhere.

  Isabel walked in the kitchen just as she was finishing her coffee. “You’re up early.”

  Valerie always slept in on Saturdays. She explained to Isabel briefly about Luke. She’d be more thorough later when she had more time. Isabel was thrilled when she mentioned the kiss and assured Valerie she’d feel something soon enough.

  To her surprise, Isabel ran into Romero at the mall the night before, and they had dinner together. Valerie was just beginning her inquisition when she had to leave.

  Luke was right on time, but that didn’t surprise her. Being the office manager, he’d always been a pedant for punctuality.

  They picked up her car and then she followed him to one of the more upscale bed and breakfasts in La Jolla. Luke insisted the place served the best breakfast in the area.

  Valerie was pleasantly surprised at the ease she felt during breakfast. She completely expected to feel some kind of awkwardness. They talked and laughed as if nothing had happened the night before to change things between them. She even told him about what a big fan she was of George Stone, the well-known real estate guru and motivational speaker. She had several of his books and DVDs but had yet to see him speak in person.

  Luke immediately texted someone about getting them tickets to his next event. He said he was sure he could get them. Valerie had to admit she was impressed. She’d tried getting tickets before, and they were always sold out. She knew getting tickets through a third party would be expensive.

  That was one of the biggest differences between him and Alex. That would take some time to get used to. While they were both well-off financially, Alex never flaunted it. He was low key about it from the clothes he wore right down to the truck he drove. He wasn’t cheap, but he didn’t feel the need to drive a flashy car. Luke, on the other hand, drove a Jaguar and wore a different pair of very expensive cufflinks everyday. He dressed in designer clothes all the way, even his sunglasses.

  After breakfast they walked back out to her car. Once there, Luke embraced her. “I hope you’re not going to feel weird about this at the office. I promise I’ll be as discreet as possible.”

  Valerie smiled. If things felt anything like breakfast had she could live with it. “I think I’ll be alright. But I definitely want to keep it to ourselves. I don’t want people talking.”

  “Deal.” He said. “Just one question.”

  Valerie looked at him curious. “What?”

  “You’re not seeing anyone else, are you?”

  She bit her lip glancing away but shook her head. “No, I’m not.”

  “You sure?” He chuckled. “That wasn’t very convincing.”

  She glanced back at him. “No, I would be honest if I was.”

  “Good,” Luke smiled. “Because when I’m seeing someone, it’s just the one person. I hope you’re the same way. I’d hate to get my hopes up and then find out there’s someone else.”

  Valerie surprised Luke and herself by kissing him. It was a soft one but she actually felt something.

  After the nightmare she’d gone through with Bruce, she knew a guy suggesting they be exclusive after only a couple of dates should set off a few red flags. But she knew Luke well enough to know he wasn’t the crazy person Bruce turned out to be. He was a good guy.

  The truth was all this time she’d been stuck on someone who would never be satisfied with just her, and now here was Luke. Just one day after kissing her for the first time, he was telling her she was the only one. It felt good. Real good.


  Instead of going back to the office to write up the offer from the day before, Valerie decided to work at home for the day. She was dying to talk to Isabel about Romero.

  It was funny the way things seemed to work out with her and Isabel’s social lives lately. When she’d dated Bruce, Isabel started dating their neighbor from two doors down, Lawrence. They both turned out to be jerks, though Lawrence wasn’t nearly as bad as Bruce.

  Lawrence was just an arrogant professor who thought he knew it all. Isabel tried to deal with him but, he was too annoying. He liked correcting everyone. He made the mistake of correcting Isabel’s mom, who Valerie loved because she was such a spitfire. Valerie was mad she’d missed it, but laughed hysterically when Isabel gave her the blow by blow. After that Isabel said she’d had enough of him and told him it’d be better if they simply remained friends.

  Now here they were both starting new adventures at the same time again. Though she’d call her experience with Bruce a lot of things before she’d call it an adventure.

  She hoped Isabel and Romero would hit it off. Then the bittersweet reality hit her like a brick. Yet someone else in her life would be closely involved in Alex’s circle. He’d never be entirely out of her life.

  She shook it off. Isabel deserved to be happy. With her cousin marrying his brother, she was doomed to run into him forever anyway. She’d have to make the best of it. Besides it was only one dinner Isabel had with Romero. Chances were she was making way too much out of it.

  First thing she noticed when she walked in the door was Isabel dancing along to the radio in the kitchen. Then she noticed how nice she looked. Though she was in jeans and a sweater, she’d really done herself up. She’d curled her hair, done her eyes the way Valerie always said made her look so sexy, and she had her contacts in. But most noticeably she wore her high heeled sling-backs.

  Valerie couldn’t help smiling. “Are you going out?”

  Isabel didn’t even try to hold back the silly grin, but she stopped dancing. “Yes.”

  “With Romero?”

  Isabel nodded, and Valerie thought she saw her blush.

  Valerie dropped everything and rushed to jump onto the kitchen counter. She put her hands under her thighs.

  “Okay tell me, tell me. I wanna know everything?” She didn’t care if he was Alex’s friend anymore. She’d never seen Isabel this giddy, and she was happy for her.

  Isabel pulled a water bottle out of the fridge and opened it. “Well, I mentioned to him at the shower that I get my nails done at the mall every other Friday.” She rolled her eyes. “Don’t ask, I was trying to make a point about the parking at the mall. Anyway, so, yesterday I walk out of my nail place and guess who I run into?”

  Valerie sniggered. “Gee, what a coincidence.”

  “I didn’t think anything of it at first. He said he was there looking for some tool he needed.”

  “Oh, God, who goes to the mall for tools, Isabel?”

  “There’s a Sears there.” Isabel paused and then giggled. “I totally fell for his story. Then after dinner, he admitted he’d been there the week before and yesterday hanging around waiting to see if he’d see me.”

  “Ha!” Valerie covered her mouth when Isabel made a face. “Sorry, go on. Go on.”

  “At the shower, I also mentioned what a big Padre’s fan I am. Of course, he argued with me about them, but
in the end admitted he was a fan too. Someone gave him tickets to today’s game a few weeks ago, and he thought maybe I’d wanna go.”

  Isabel shrugged in an attempt to make it out to be less than it really was, but Valerie knew better.

  “I knew I saw something that night between you two.” Valerie remembered her comments about him the morning after. “You weren’t mean where you?”

  “No, of course not.” Isabel sipped her water. “I thanked him for thinking of me but told him I had a lot of papers to grade today.”

  “What? You turned him down?” Valerie looked at Isabel up and down. “So, why are you all done up?”

  “I’m not all done up.” Isabel glanced down at her clothes. “It looks like I’m all done up?”

  “Of course, but you look great. So, you are going to the game with him, right?”

  Isabel seemed worried now. “After closing the place out, he talked me into going to the game. But that’s all it is. Two friends going to a game together.”

  Isabel walked into the front room and stopped at the mirror on the wall. “You think he’s going to think I got all done up for him?”

  “Well, didn’t you?” Valerie giggled jumping off the counter and followed Isabel.


  “What’s the big deal, Isabel? You’re obviously into him.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  Valerie rolled her eyes. “Really? So, the dancing and all this,” She pointed at Isabel’s curled tresses. “Is something that’s the norm for you?”