Read Always Been Mine Page 6

  She called Luke on the way and told him how the inspection went. After giving it some thought, she kept Bruce’s appearance to herself. Luke didn’t know anything about him. She hadn’t told him. Not yet. If things got any worse, or if Bruce did even one more thing to spook, her she might. For now it was best to avoid making a big deal out of it. She’d give it a few days and pray that he only wanted to scare her but wouldn’t be stupid enough to actually do something to get thrown back in jail.

  By the time she got home her nerves had calmed considerably. Isabel wasn’t there, as was the case ever since she’d started seeing Romero. She still insisted they were just going out as friends. Valerie laughed at that. She saw the way Romero gazed at her. She’d never seen him that way before. Sure she hadn’t been around him in a while, and it made sense that he’d matured some. In his days as a bouncer he was quite the ladies man. He met a different girl at every gig he worked.

  She stood in the kitchen, struggling to get the pepper spray bottle onto her keychain when Isabel walked in the door followed closely by Romero. When they made it all the way in Valerie could see they were holding hands and she smiled.

  Isabel was done up again, but Valerie stopped mentioning it since the Padre game. It was about time Isabel started showing off the goods. She wasn’t about to spoil it by making her feel self-conscious about it.

  “Hey,” Valerie still struggled with the pepper spray bottle. “Where’ve you guys been?”

  “The show,” Isabel headed toward the bedroom leaving Romero behind. “But I’m only here to pick up something we’re going to go eat now. You wanna come?”

  The expression of horror that flashed over Romero’s face and almost made Valerie laughed. “No, that’s okay, I already ate.”

  The horror was replaced with curiosity the moment Valerie passed on the invitation. Romero asked, “Whatcha got there?”

  “Pepper spray.”

  Isabel halted just before she walked in the room. “Why? Did something happen?”

  Isabel lived the Bruce nightmare along side Valerie, and she knew he was out now. Valerie glanced at her and shook her head. She wasn’t about to get into it in front of Romero. The last thing she wanted was for it to get back to Alex that she’d been stupid enough to get herself in such a predicament. “No, I just thought it’d be best to have it handy. I almost forgot I had it until today.”

  Isabel stared at her but seemed to pick up that Valerie wasn’t going to talk about this in front of Romero.

  “Lemme see,” Romero offered after watching Valerie continue to struggle.

  She handed it to him, frowning. “I don’t know why they make it so difficult.”

  “It’s not,” Romero chuckled.

  Within seconds he had it attached making Valerie feel totally incompetent.

  “So, what made you remember you had it today?” He handed it back with a knowing look.

  Valerie glanced at him but shrugged and said nothing.

  Romero leaned over the counter and whispered. “I won’t tell Izzy. I know how she worries.”

  Valerie examined the keychain ring that was much too tight now with the pepper spray on it. She didn’t look up at him. “I just got a little spooked today, on my way to my car. It made me wonder if I still had this in my purse.”

  “Someone spook you?”

  She looked at him just long enough to see his eyebrow arch, then back at the keychain shaking her head. “No it was nothing I thought I heard something that’s all.”

  Isabel walked out of the bedroom, and Valerie could not have been more thankful for the interruption. They said their goodbyes and headed out. Valerie had been so into rearranging the keys on her key chain she hardly noticed what Isabel had gone into her room to get. That is until she was almost out the door and Valerie’s jaw almost hit the ground.

  She couldn’t say anything of course not in front of Romero. As soon as the door closed behind Isabel Valerie ran to her phone and texted her.

  Was that an overnight bag you were carrying?!

  A couple of second’s later Isabel texted back.


  Valerie laughed out loud in delight. She’d teased Isabel she would get cobwebs down there if she didn’t get any soon. Not that she was one to talk. Valerie had actually named her hand held companion Mr. Perfect. He did the job and was reliable without any of the heartache.

  Isabel you whore!

  Valerie stared at her phone with her hand over her mouth still giggling.

  Friends with benefits =)

  What a joke. Isabel had never had a friend with benefits in her life. There was no such thing as far as Valerie was concerned. For years she’d tried to refer to Alex as that, and he’d turned out to be the never ending anguish of her broken heart, exactly why Mr. Perfect had taken over that part of her life.

  Valerie glanced at the clock, only nine. Technically, it had been early enough to catch a movie with Luke when he asked her on the way home. But she wasn’t feeling up to it. She didn’t want him to get used to seeing her every night. She wasn’t feeling that got-to-see-you feeling for him yet. Spending a quiet evening by herself would be fine. Besides, they already had plans for Wednesday night. That was good enough.

  She took advantage of the time alone to work on Sarah and Angel’s painting. Every time she looked at the picture, she remembered the simpler times. She’d taken the photo herself. In the photo, Sarah and Angel were at the beach. Sarah was sitting between his legs leaning back into him. Angel’s chin was on her shoulder, showing off that famous Moreno smile with the deep dimples. Dimples just like the ones that tormented her.

  An image of her and Alex just like this came to her. It was the summer after her freshman year in college. They’d been going back and forth but this was just after his first ankle injury so he’d had no choice but to take time off from everything.

  She remembered that particular day especially because it was the day he said something that stuck with her even now. He’d told her he didn’t think he’d ever get enough of her. He said it was almost embarrassing how often he thought about her, that it bordered on creepy. She remembered laughing and accusing him of embellishing. But he’d been adamant, and had sounded so genuine. No one could look you in the eyes and lie that well, could they?

  Then a few weeks later he disappeared on her again for almost a week and she’d wondered who else he was feeding those lines to.

  Valerie sighed, shook her thoughts off and went back to painting—the one thing that helped her relax and get away from her endless thoughts of Alex. The last thing she wanted was to start associating it with him and start avoiding it. Before long she fell back into her rhythm. Her thoughts submerged deep into her painting. She kept at it for about another hour before going to bed.


  Alex figured that when you ran your own restaurant with a full bar, it was kind of hard to justify going out to someone else’s restaurant and paying for alcohol. But lately he was there all the time. He needed to get out. With Angel and Sarah closing tonight, he knew the place was covered.

  Eric was waiting for Sofia to finish her shift and had invited him to the new sports bar they were going to. Alex already said no, but was beginning to rethink it.

  “You sure you don’t want to go?” Eric asked as Alex walked out of the office. “Romero said it’s pretty awesome. He and some of his guys have worked the security a few times already. He said it was crazy packed. They’re having open mic later in the evening. Stand up comedy. It’s supposed to be pretty good.”

  “Is he gonna be there tonight?” Alex didn’t want to be there with just Eric and Sofia. The last thing he needed in his agitated mood was to have to deal with watching Eric’s hands and lips all over his sister all night.

  “Yeah, this’ll be the first time he gets to actually have a drink and enjoy the place. You should come.”

  Sofia walked out of the back pulling her purse over her shoulder. She’d obviously heard Eric because she added, “”
Yeah, Alex. You really need to take a break from this place. Come with us. It’ll be fun.”

  Alex mulled it over. He supposed a few laughs would do him some good. He finally agreed but insisted on driving himself in case he decided to duck out early.

  The place was huge, with state-of-the-art flatscreens in all sizes everywhere. They’d definitely be getting more televisions at the restaurant when they expanded the bar. More and more people were starting to come in to watch games and just hang.

  Alex scanned the place as they walked in. Certain areas looked like they could be reserved with their own pool table and several pub tables. Romero was in one of them racking up the balls on the pool table. A girl sat at one of the tables watching him.

  It more than surprised Alex when he got close enough to recognize Isabel. She looked really different too. It made sense when Valerie first told him that Isabel was a middle school teacher, because she dressed every bit the part. But tonight she wore jeans and big heels and looked rather alluring.

  “No way! They actually got you out of the restaurant?” Romero grinned at him from the other side of the pool table. As pleased as Romero seemed to see him, Isabel, on the other hand, appeared troubled by his presence and sat up straight. Maybe she was embarrassed about her less-than-modest new look

  Alex nodded then smiled at Isabel. The waitress, a brunette with a very healthy cleavage, walked in right behind them.

  “Are you guys okay in here?”

  Romero ordered everyone a round then turned to Isabel. “You think Valerie’s ready for another one?”

  Alex’s eyes darted the two beer bottles in front of Isabel. Romero was holing his own bottle so the other was obviously Valerie’s.

  “Just bring her another one,” Romero told the waitress.

  Isabel glanced at Alex, and now he knew what had troubled her. She turned away quickly to talk to Sofia who made herself comfortable in the seat next to her. The anxiety made its way to his stomach. He hated that damn feeling. He turned casually back to the rest of the restaurant hoping to get the first glimpse of her out of the way before she was too close.

  “So, how’d they get you out of your cave, big guy?” Romero smirked.

  Alex shrugged, sitting on the edge of one of the bar stools around the pool table.

  “It was time for a break.”

  “You think?” Eric asked. “Sofie says you practically live there, now.”

  Romero leaned over the pool table and took a shot. “What’s wrong with you, man? When’s the last time you went out?”

  Alex didn’t even remember. He’d been so caught up this past year he couldn’t even remember the last time he’d had sex. That fact alone spoke volumes about the meaningfulness of the experience.

  The waitress walked in with their beers. She handed him a bottle with the kind of smile he always got from women. He reciprocated out of habit, but went back to looking for Valerie while Romero paid the waitress. His anxiety spiked when he spotted her near the entrance. Not just because she looked even more amazing than when he’d seen her at the shower, but because she wasn’t alone.

  The sight of her with a guy who stood close enough to kiss her made him squeeze his beer bottle. Alex took a deep breath and a bitter swig of the beer. This wasn’t his idea of taking a break. He felt more angst at that moment than he had in all the weeks since the shower.

  No way could he spend the evening around Valerie and her new man. He took a longer drink of his beer. He’d be out of there as soon as finished. Still gripping the bottle tightly, he had to concentrate on not breaking it. As much as he hated the sight he couldn’t move his eyes away from her and the guy.

  The guy held her wrist but not in the way a boyfriend holds his girls hand. The moment Alex saw Valerie pull her hand away he stood up. He welcomed the new tension that seeped through him. Unlike the tension he felt from seeing her with another guy he knew exactly how to deal with this one.

  They weren’t talking, either they were arguing. Alex should have been happy. Instead, he went on an instant state of alert. Her boyfriend’s aggressive expression and the fact that he tried to grab her hand again was all Alex needed. He put his beer down and started toward them.


  “Where you going?” Romero asked.

  Alex didn’t answer. He hurried his step when he saw the menacing way her boyfriend stood over her. As he approached he could hear the guy. He was pretty loud and their argument began to turn heads.

  “You think I’m playing? I said I need to talk to you, outside now.”

  Was she really involved with this guy? Boyfriend or not he’d be damned if he’d stand there and let him speak to her that way. He didn’t hear her response. Unlike the idiot she tried to keep her voice down.

  “Is there a problem?” He asked as soon as he reached them.

  They both turned, the guy’s expression enraged, hers startled.

  “This doesn’t concern you.” The guy sneered.

  Alex turned to Valerie ignoring her boyfriend. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded, but before she could answer the guy continued even louder than before. “Of course she’s okay. This is none of your damn business.”

  Alex stepped closer to the guy, speaking inches from his face. “I’m making it my business.”

  Valerie grabbed Alex’s hand. “No Alex, he’s not worth it.”

  Alex glanced back at Valerie, somewhat relieved she hadn’t defended the asshole. “Is this-”

  “No!” She shook her head adamantly.

  He felt the guys hand on his shoulder. Alex turned slowly, trying not to lose it. He’d made a huge mistake touching Alex. The guy knew it, too. The moment their eyes met, he immediately pulled his hand back.

  “Bruce,” Valerie stepped in front of Alex in an attempt to make him step back. Alex didn’t budge, not even when he felt her behind press against his thigh. “I’ve nothing to speak to you about. I’ve made that perfectly clear already.”

  Making an even worse mistake, Bruce reached for Valerie’s arm. Alex caught his wrist and with one step, he stood in front of Valerie and Bruce’s wrist was one squeeze away from being broken. Though he felt like tearing him apart, he managed to keep his voice level and spoke in his face again.

  “Touch her again, and you’re dead.”

  Valerie tugged at his arm. Bruce cracked a very forced smile and pulled his wrist away from Alex. Alex let go, but he wasn’t backing down now. Bruce backed away from him a couple of steps.

  “Wow, Valerie, you must really have them lining up.” He cackled and glared at Alex. “Your turn to tap that loose little ass tonight?”

  The cannon in Alex went off and with it, his fist. Bruce didn’t even see it coming. Nothing could explain the satisfaction he felt landing that right hook on Bruce’s eye. His body hit the floor with a flop, his head bouncing on the stone tiles.

  “Whoa!” Romero jumped in front of him. In seconds he was surrounded by Romero, Eric and the bar’s security staff. Romero waved them off. “I got this, guys. We’re cool.”

  Eric, who’d gone down on his knee, immediately tapped Bruce’s cheek with his fingers. He looked up at Romero and Alex. “He’s out.”

  Romero frowned but assured the security staff again, that everything was under control. He addressed the main guy personally. “Randy, let me handle this one, okay? Don’t worry.”

  Randy nodded. He spoke into his radio, “This is R.D reporting, code red, room one, under control. I repeat code red, room one, under control.” He gave Alex a stern look as he walked by him. Security worked to disperse the crowd that had cheered and laughed when Alex knocked out Bruce.

  Alex worked hard to calm the rage he was still feeling over Bruce’s comment. The thought of Valerie sleeping with this guy made him squeeze his fist so hard it shook. He turned to Valerie who stood there staring down at Bruce. Instinctively his fist opened and he slid his hand in hers. She looked up at him. Those dark anxious eyes did things to him he couldn’t eve
n begin to understand.

  “You think he’s going to be okay?”

  “Do you really care?” Alex clenched his jaw.

  “About him? No. but I’d hate for you to be in any kind of trouble.”

  Alex forced his eyes away from Valerie long enough to watch Romero and Eric bring a very groggy Bruce to his feet. The guy was so out of it he struggled to focus his eyes. Romero laughed. “You okay, buddy? Need some water?”

  Romero glanced at Alex. “You should get back to our pool table, dude, before they ask you to leave.”

  Valerie slipped her hand out of his gently. Alex didn’t persist. She’d had enough male forcefulness for one night.

  “Who was that?”

  “A mistake I made a while back.”

  Alex squeezed his hand into a fist again wondering what kind of mistake, but didn’t ask. “What’s he want now?”

  “To talk about us going out again.” She sighed. “I guess some guys just can’t take no for an answer.”

  Alex wondered if there was anything in that last sentence meant for him. “So, why isn’t your boyfriend here?”

  “Oh,” She paused and glanced away. “He’s coming, got caught up with a client. But he’ll be here.”

  Alex worked his jaw some more. He’d actually gotten his hopes up, thinking he might be able to talk to her tonight. They made their way through the crowd until they reached the area with the pool table. Isabel and Sofia stood by the entrance.