Read Always Enough Page 10

  Chapter Ten

  Wendy sipped her coffee as she puttered around the kitchen. It was Labor Day weekend. The first week of school was behind them but a full weekend of activities still was ahead of them. All of them had to do with work.

  She smiled at one of the maids that had started to set the breakfast table. “Thank you for your help.”

  The maid smiled at her. “It is no problem. Do you need help with breakfast?”

  Wendy nodded her head. “If you could cut up some fruit that would be great. It will give me time to work on the rest of the meal.”

  The maid went to work on the fruit. Wendy started to make the biscuit dough.

  Wendy glanced at her helper. She smiled as she asked the young woman a question. “What is your name?”

  The maid looked at her surprised. “I’m Gabby.”

  Wendy grinned. “I am very happy to meet you Gabby. I haven’t seen you here before. Are you new?”

  Gabby regarded the woman standing beside her. She was brand-new to this estate. She was finding out something different every day about the people she worked for. Their respect for their employees was the first thing she had noticed. “I just started last week.”

  Wendy smiled. “That explains it then. I’m Wendy. It is very nice to meet you Gabby.”

  Gabby cocked her head. "I like working for you."

  Wendy choked on her coffee. She giggled at Gabby. "You don't work for me. I'm Stefan's assistant."

  Gabby was confused. "I thought..." Realizing she should probably not say anything Gabby stopped talking.

  Wendy grinned. "You could see that Stefan and I are close friends?"

  Gabby blushed as she put the apple she had just cut up into a bowl. "I did."

  Wendy gauged her words before she spoke. "Stefan and I are trying to figure some stuff out. I assure you I'm not offended. We are friends right now, but we both know that may change."

  Gabby smiled. "Thanks for clearing that up." Her voice lowered to a whisper. "I like you, Wendy. I hope it all works out for you and Mr. Felix."

  The two continued to work. When Gabby was done with cutting the fruit, she excused herself to go and see to other chores.

  Wendy thanked her and then went back to making breakfast.

  Stefan smiled at Gabby when she walked by. He walked into the kitchen. When Wendy saw him, he smiled. “Good morning.”

  Wendy poured him a cup of coffee and handed it to him. “Good morning to you too. How was your sleep?”

  Stefan sipped his coffee. “It was nice. Do you need help with anything?”

  Wendy shook her head. “I’m going to put these into the oven and then make the gravy. Gabby helped me with the fruit. You can just sit back and enjoy your coffee.”

  Stefan leaned down and kissed the top of her head. When she looked up at him, he winked.

  Wendy raised an eyebrow and then winked back. She blushed a little at her actions. Flirting was new to her.

  Stefan chuckled as he walked over and sat down at the breakfast bar.

  Wendy started making the sausage for gravy. She looked up at Stefan. She had never really been in a relationship before. “It is kind of awkward and fun all wrapped up into yuck.”

  Stefan grinned at her choice of words. He had not missed her blush when she had winked at him. “I would have to agree. It will get less ‘yuck.'”

  Wendy put the fire on low as she started to make the gravy base. She made a face. “I sure do hope so.”

  Stefan smiled at her gently. “I do too.”

  Wendy could feel herself blushing again. She decided to change the subject. “What exactly does this shindig of yours look like? It sounds like an all weekend party.”

  Stefan raised an eyebrow to let her know he was aware that she was changing the subject. He decided to let her. “Unlike the ones we go to, my dad has stood firm that we don’t serve alcohol at ours. We keep ours more picnic style. You will be fine wearing jeans if you want.”

  Wendy smiled. “I brought a few sundresses. Are they fine?”

  Stefan nodded. “They will be ok. Like I said it is more casual.”

  Wendy watched Stefan go and rinse out his coffee cup. She turned up the fire and started to make the gravy. Wendy knew he was looking at her as she cooked. When the gravy was thick enough to serve, she took it off the heat and then turned around. Stefan was leaning against the counter by the sink looking at her. The look on his face made her feel warm inside. “What are you thinking?”

  Stefan was surprised she asked. He held out his hand to see if she would take it. When she did, he pulled her into a hug. “I’m thinking you look adorable in my shorts.”

  Wendy giggled against his chest. She slowly wrapped her arms around his waist returning the hug. This was the first time they had done this just to show affection. Stefan usually only hugged her when she was upset or dealing with something. Her voice was a whisper as she confessed. “I like your hugs. They make me feel warm.”

  Stefan kissed the top of her head again. “I like your hugs too.”

  Wendy jumped a foot when she heard Cory’s voice. “You aren’t going to kiss her on the lips, are you?”

  The couple turned to look at the little boy. Wendy could feel herself blush as she realized Cory was not alone.

  Liam chuckled. The look in his eyes was devilish. “Aren’t you going to answer the little man’s question?”

  Wendy glared at Liam. “You need to be nice.” She jumped and yelped as Macy felt her leg again.

  Macy looked up at her father. “Before you kiss you feel leg. Aunt Wendy leg soft.”

  Stefan frowned at his brother when he started laughing harder. Stefan looked down at Macy. “I don’t think I should.”

  Cory had to add to Stefan's comment. "If he does, Aunt Wendy might punch him in the nose."

  Wendy groaned as her nephew brought up the elevator incident again. She glanced at Stefan's parents for a little help.

  Gretchen hit Liam’s arm. She gave him her best frown through her smile. “You need to leave them alone.”

  Sean looked at Gretchen confused. “Why we need to leave? I just got here.”

  Liam picked Sean up. “My mom is telling me to stop picking on your Aunt Wendy and Uncle Stefan.”

  Sean smiled in understanding. He wrapped his arms around Liam’s neck. “I love you, Uncle Liam.”

  Liam hugged him back. “I love you too Buddy.”

  The group put the food on the table. After Aaron had blessed the food, they started to eat and discuss the day’s events. It was apparent that the day was going to be busy. Ms. Shelly, Macy’s nanny, would be taking care of the kids. The adults would be socializing with clients and potential clients.

  When breakfast was finished, Wendy and Gretchen left the table to go and get ready.

  Gretchen looked at Wendy before the younger woman went into her suite. “We love you. You know that, right?”

  Wendy looked over at her. “I do. I love all of you as well.” She paused before adding. "Thank you for accepting the boys and me."

  Gretchen smiled at her. “It is easy to accept all of you. Thank you for accepting Stefan. You bring out the best in him. We want this friendship you two have with each other. We want to see where it goes too.”

  Wendy blushed. “I’m not used to this. It makes it easier knowing you all approve.”

  Gretchen grinned. “We really approve. You are part of this family now.”

  Wendy watched Gretchen walk down the hall to her suite. She opened her door and walked into her set of rooms. After getting her stuff together, she went and got her shower. She took her time drying off before dressing in a yellow sundress. Running a brush through her hair, Wendy opted to pull it up into a ponytail. Taking one last look at herself in the mirror, she left to go and join the others.

  Stefan was talking to Trevor when Wendy walked into the r
oom. He stopped at the sight of her. “This is going to be a very long day.”

  Trevor followed his brother's gaze and chuckled. “I’m thinking it is going to be hard keeping your eyes off of your assistant today.”

  Stefan glanced at his older brother as another thought hit him. “After thinking about this, I’m not worried about ‘my’ eyes.”

  Trevor lost his smile. “You’re right. You need to stay with her today. I can think of at least five of our clients that will try stupid nonsense with her.”

  Stefan nodded letting his brother know that he agreed. He walked over to Wendy. When she smiled up at him, he leaned down and kissed her forehead. “You look stunning.”

  Wendy blushed at the compliment. “Thank you.”

  Stefan winked at her. “You are welcome." He took her hand. "They will start trickling in soon. If it is ok, I’m going to stick near you.”

  Wendy looked at him surprised. “Really?”

  Stefan grimaced. He knew he should tell her some of the men would be a bit forward. He didn’t want her to think it was her fault, so he decided to give her a generic but honest excuse. “This is your first event like this. I just want to make sure you are ok. I was intimidated a bit my first time doing this weekend.”

  Wendy nodded. She conceded to his knowledge of the event. “Ok. If you think it is best, I’m fine with that.”

  Stefan took her hand and brought it to his lips. “You really do look lovely.”

  Wendy blushed. “You need to behave. I’m going to resemble a beet at this rate. I can feel my face getting red.”

  Stefan chuckled as he tugged her into his arms and gave her one last hug before the event started. “Now that you let me hug you I can’t seem to stop.”

  Wendy giggled as he let her go. “I like that you can’t stop. As I said earlier Mr. Felix, your hugs make me feel warm.”

  Stefan continued to hold her hand as they headed toward the area the guests would be. He wanted to run something by Wendy before they went out. “I would like not to hide who we are. Is that ok?”

  Wendy looked up at him. She was surprised and pleased by his request. “I’m ok with that.”

  Stefan took a deep breath. He was relieved she said yes. “You are one interesting character, Wendy Collins.”

  Wendy giggled. “You are kind of interesting yourself.”

  Stefan turned as he heard a familiar voice behind them. “I see you have figured out you like her.” Malcolm Stratherd said with a grin.’

  Wendy leaned into Stefan’s side as she recognized Malcolm.

  Malcolm felt like a heel. His voice was gentle when he spoke to Wendy. “I assure you there will be no nasty comments coming from my lips.”

  Wendy nodded. She was unable to speak past the lump in her throat. Remembering his hurtful words from the first time she had met him, she couldn’t pretend otherwise.

  Stefan felt Wendy tremble. He saw his mom across the patio. “My mom looks like she could use some company.”

  Wendy felt like she had been given a reprieve. She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

  Malcolm chuckled as he watched her walk briskly away. “I really left the wrong impression on her. I assure you I will not hurt her again with my words.”

  Stefan knew his friend was genuine. “She will be all right.”

  Malcolm regarded Stefan. “You have feelings for her?”

  Stefan nodded his eyes were still on Wendy. “I do. She is a bit shy about our feelings changing. She is still willing to figure it out, though.”

  Malcolm smiled. “I’m glad your heart is ready again my friend. My dad says God is good even when things are not easy.”

  Stefan looked at his lifelong friend. “How about you? Where do you stand on God, Malcolm?”

  Malcolm glanced at Wendy. “I felt horrible for what I did last time to her. Her tears touched a part of me that all of my mom’s preaching couldn’t. I’m back where I should be.”

  Stefan was surprised. “I didn’t know.”

  Malcolm chuckled. “From what I understand she has had that effect on Trevor too.”

  Stefan nodded. “It is a little hard to ignore her steadfast faith. It seems firm even though she has lost almost everyone she loves.”

  The men conversed a few more minutes before they started to mingle with others.

  As Stefan walked toward Wendy, she turned and smiled at him. He put his arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head.

  Wendy’s heart skipped a beat. She whispered softly. “What was that for?”

  Stefan winked at her. “I’ll tell you later.”

  Wendy knew they only had a two-hour window between the lunch and the supper gatherings. She nodded willing to wait. “Ok.”