Read Always Enough Page 24

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Wendy looked at her cell. “How much longer are you going be?”

  Carla yelled from the other side of her bedroom door. “I’ll meet you at the car. I’m just about done. You sure are in a rush.”

  Wendy shook her head. “I’m rushing because we are already late. I’ll grab the boys and their bags and meet you at the car.”

  Carla opened the door and walked out. “I have to pack my bag quick then I’ll meet you there. By the time you have the bags in the trunk, I’ll be there with bells on.”

  Wendy shook her head and laughed as she picked up her and the boys' overnight bags. “I’m almost positive that is a lie.”

  Carla winked at her. “You know me too well.”

  Wendy pushed the button for the elevator as she handed each of the boys their bags. “Are you two excited?”

  Cory nodded as he smiled up at his aunt. “I can’t wait for Christmas.”

  Sean glanced at Cory. “If he likes it I do.”

  Wendy chuckled. “I’m going to have to work on you. It is time to start thinking on your own.”

  The three stepped into the elevator. Wendy pushed the button for the garage. She glanced down at the boys. Her heart was thrilled with the idea of spending Christmas break at the Felix estate.

  When the doors opened, Wendy spoke. “Please stay right with me. I don’t want you to dart in front of a moving car.”

  Sean stayed right by her side. Cory stayed by Sean. Wendy smiled at how well behaved they were. She popped the trunk and took the boys bags. “You two get in.”

  Cory giggled. “I’m so excited.”

  Wendy chuckled as she walked to the back of the car. She frowned not hearing any car doors shut. After closing the trunk, she spoke. “I thought I…” Wendy’s words died on the tip of her tongue.

  Clair’s ex-boyfriend Jake held Sean in his arms. The man looked at Wendy and spoke softly. “Where is she? I’m almost positive that I have the upper hand here.”

  Wendy held out her arms. “Give him to me Jake. This is a line you don’t want to cross.”

  Jake started laughing. He yelped and dropped Sean when the little boy bit his hand. “You little brat.” The man yelled as he reached for the boy.

  Wendy launched herself at Jake. She looked at Cory and screamed. “Get in the car! Don’t look Cory just get Sean in the car!”

  Jake was letting out a stream of curses as he pulled Wendy off of him. His fist slammed into her face. “Where is she?”

  Wendy saw stars as the man started to punch her. When he tried to kick her, she grabbed his leg and held on.

  Jake reached down and pulled Wendy’s hair causing her to let go of his leg. He held her against the car. Jake tugged her hair again. “Where is she?”

  Wendy started screaming. When his hand covered her mouth, she bit him.

  Jake raised his fist to hit her again. He was stopped as Carla launched herself onto his back. She pulled his hair and clawed his face forcing him to release Wendy.

  Wendy watched as he grabbed Carla off his back. She pushed herself off the ground to help as she watched his fist make contact with Carla’s face.

  Carla continued to kick and scratch. She screamed trying to draw security’s attention.

  Jake got her off of his back and kicked Clara in the head. He grabbed Carla’s hair and hit her in the face. His fists showed no mercy.

  Wendy was on Jake’s back now. She pulled at the man’s hair. Her tiny fists hit his face trying to make him release Carla. She was also screaming hoping to draw security’s attention.

  Carla tripped Jake causing him to stumble forward. When he landed on the ground, she grabbed one of his arms. Looking at Wendy, she spoke. “Grab his other one. We need to hold them behind his back.”

  Wendy grabbed his other arm. She ground her knee into his back causing him to yell in pain. Her cheek was on fire. She could feel the blood trickling down her face. She almost started crying as she heard feet running toward them.

  Carla looked up at two armed guards ran up to them. “I have a restraining order against him. We need the police.”

  One of the guards called the police while the other one cuffed Jake. As soon as Wendy was able to move, she opened the car door quickly and pulled her boys into her arms. Their screams and tears started to calm as she held them close. “I’m so sorry you had to see that.”

  Carla looked at her friend. “This is all my fault.”

  Wendy shook her head and looked at the man on the ground. “This is his fault.”

  It was an hour before the police finished talking to them. Both women refused medical treatment. Wendy buckled the boys in their boosters and kissed each of them. “Let’s go.”

  Carla looked at Wendy. “They are going to be livid we didn’t call them.”

  Wendy nodded. “I know. I just want to get to them. The police have Jake. What could they have done? They would have come here only to take us back to the estate.”

  Carla disagreed. “They would have made us go to the ER. They are not going to be happy we didn’t go get checked.”

  Wendy frowned. “We can avoid talking about it all together. What they don’t know won’t hurt them. The EMT bandaged us up quite nicely. I have no desire to go to an ER and be separated from my already terrified boys.”

  Carla had to agree with her reasoning. “We can always say we wanted to wait and see if they would come with us.”

  Wendy glanced at her friend. “I’m not lying. Why are you so worried?”

  Carla’s voice was choked. “Wendy, he was after my sister. This is my fault, and I’m almost positive the Felix’s will see it that way too.”

  Wendy shook her head. “This is not your fault. No one there is going to think that. They love you like family. I get that you are worried. I’m sorry you and Clair had such a painful childhood, but not everyone thinks you are disposable. I know I don’t.”

  Carla looked down at her hands. Tears streamed down her cheeks. “I certainly hope you are right. I honestly like the Felix family. I don’t want them to throw me away too.”

  Wendy pulled into the drive of the estate. “I love you, Carla. You are worth so much more than you know. I can’t wait for you to see that. When this family hugs on you today embrace it. It is time to put your past where it belongs.”

  Carla looked over at Wendy. “I promise I will try to believe that.”

  Wendy parked the car. She made a face. “Now we need to go explain our disheveled appearances.”

  Carla looked at Wendy. “I think we look a bit more than disheveled.”

  Wendy frowned at her friend. “You need to think positive.”

  Carla watched as Malcolm and Stefan came out of the mansion. “Ok. Let’s put it to the test, shall we? I say we act like nothing is wrong.”

  Wendy nodded. “We can give it a shot.”

  The two women got out of the car. They knew their plan was a bust when both men stopped and stared at them.

  Wendy turned away from Stefan and opened the back car door. She whispered to Carla. “We can let the boys explain.”

  Cory and Sean bolted out of the car. Their fear was still very real. Wendy watched Stefan kneel and pull them close.

  Carla watched as Malcolm walked closer to her and Wendy. She glanced away and then back at him. She moved closer to Wendy. The others were out now. Liam had the boys and Stefan was with Malcolm.

  Wendy took Carla’s hand. She was suddenly afraid. She swallowed the need to run.

  Malcolm spoke softly to Stefan. “They seem afraid of us.”

  Stefan had to agree. “I was thinking the same thing. I didn’t understand a thing the boys were saying. I’m not sure we will get anything from them either.”

  Wendy looked over her shoulder as the men got closer.

  Stefan was standing in front of her now. He touched her face
gently. When she closed her eyes and leaned into his hand, he knew her fear had passed. He gently pulled her into his arms. “Are you ok?”

  Wendy could not find her voice. She nodded her head against his chest.

  Malcolm didn’t stop his slow approach until he had Carla in his arms. When she started crying, he whispered. “It will be ok.”

  Carla shook her head. “He found me.”

  Stefan thought he understood. “Jake found you at the penthouse?”

  Wendy spoke now. “He picked Sean up and threatened to hurt him. Sean bit him.”

  Carla's voice shook. “I came down. He had Wendy. I had to help.”

  The women started taking turns putting the story together for the men. Malcolm glanced at Stefan as they painted a nasty picture.

  Wendy looked up at Stefan. “I’m sorry I didn’t go to the hospital. I just wanted to get here. I needed to get here.”

  Carla was shaking. She waited for Malcolm to stop hugging her. She waited for this family to tell her she was not welcome. She was surprised when she felt him hold her closer.

  Stefan looked at Malcolm. “What are your thoughts? They did drive themselves here.”

  Malcolm took a deep breath. “I think they have been through enough. I’m not a doctor, but I would think if they needed one the EMT would have insisted they go to the ER.”

  Stefan leaned away from Wendy and touched her face again. “Does it hurt?”

  Wendy nodded. “My face feels like it is on fire.”

  Carla had to agree as she touched her cheek. Her voice was soft. “He has a wicked right hook. I see stars every time he hits me.”

  Wendy agreed. “I never understood that term until today.”

  Stefan looked at Malcolm. “I am not happy either of them understands the term.”

  Malcolm had to agree. “How often does he do this?”

  Carla looked down at her feet. When Malcolm cupped her chin and tilted her face up, she closed her eyes so she didn’t have to look at the disappointment she was sure she would see.

  Malcolm's voice was gentle. “Stop hiding Carla and talk to me.”

  Carla slowly opened her eyes. She didn’t see disappointment. She saw concern. She answered the question. “He has been doing this since he started dating Clair. When she broke up with him and went to rehab, it got worse. He wants to know where she is and has all intentions of beating it out of me. I have a restraining order, but it doesn’t work.”

  Malcolm looked at Stefan. “I have a friend at the DA’s office. We may need to take them to the ER even if they are fine.”

  Carla glanced at Wendy and then Malcolm. “Why?”

  Stefan answered the question. “Medical documentation of your injuries will help.”

  Wendy didn’t like going to the hospital. She glanced at Malcolm. “Are you sure?”

  Carla was right there with Wendy. “I don’t want to go. They will poke and prod. Can’t we just take pictures of the bruises?”

  Wendy looked at the men hopefully. The look on their faces said it all. Her shoulders slumped. “Let me tell the boys we need to go someplace. I can’t tell them it is a hospital, though.”

  Stefan smiled in understanding. “I get that.”

  Malcolm looked at Carla’s face and realized she was going to be more difficult. He touched her face causing her to look up at him. “I’ll stay with you. I promise. The best way to protect you is to get these injuries documented.”

  Carla nodded. She knew he was right. “I’ll go.”

  Malcolm pulled her close again for another hug. He smiled as her arms went reluctantly around his waist. It was the first time since he started pursuing Carla that she hugged him back. He knew she was worried he was going to hurt her. He had all intentions of proving her wrong.

  Stefan and Wendy came back with Gretchen. It had been decided they would take the limo. The men looked at each other as they watched the women get reluctantly into the limo. What was supposed to be the start of the Christmas celebration was put on hold. It was first time to start doing something about the danger that followed Carla and now Wendy.