Read Always & Forever, Vive Page 4

  “We’re going to have another accident, aren’t we?” Taddy asked, nearly stuttering on her words.

  Sweat beaded over my lip as I ran my middle finger around my mouth. My pits felt moist, too. It was getting hot in there. My head spun. Certain I was going to pass out at any second, I begged, “Water. Please.”

  Charmaine poured us each a glass and declared, “It’s natural to be dehydrated after a session. Tonight, I want the three of you to each take a bath with these.” She pulled out from her pocket four quartz crystals. “Give one to Blake. He’ll need it.”

  “What else can we do?”

  “My best advice is for you to trust no one.”

  Trust no one.

  After leaving, we headed down the street. Lex grabbed both our hands and asked, “Who is always causing trouble for us?”

  “Your mother,” I replied, as I let Hedda’s leash lengthen so she could relieve herself on a nearby shrub.

  Over the years, Lex’s mother had caused us so much pain and torment; there weren’t enough hours in the day to go into it. But trust me when I say she was the biggest pain in our asses.

  “No, you goof. Who wants to cause us harm? Who did you say earlier was writing an exposé on our lives?” Lex clarified.

  “Poppy. Freakin’. White!” Taddy’s green eyes narrowed.

  That bitch.

  Teacher’s Pet

  Morningside Heights

  “Ride me. That’s it.” Jay Austin moaned as I sat on top of him cowgirl-style.

  My lips parted as I encouraged, “Ohhh…Jay-Jay.” Picking up on his stride.

  “Yes! That’s it babe.” Face beaming, he lowered his voice. “I want you.”

  “You have me.”

  “Amazing Vive…so…good!” With a ruddy, flushed complexion, he glanced up at me, and I caught the hunger in his eyes as he touched my face.

  Talk about an adrenaline rush. I had a strong awareness of my own heartbeat. We were in the office the college had given him when he’d accepted the job as Dr. Henry’s assistant. With no windows, it was the perfect place to get our freak on.

  I couldn’t explain it, even if I wanted to, but there was a certain indescribable thrill from having sex in public places. A charge that excited every fiber of my existence. My heart froze then pounded, over and over again.

  Over the last few months, we’d done it behind the wooly mammoth exhibit at the Museum of Natural History, in the back of a yellow cab while driving nearly a hundred miles an hour on the West Side Highway, on the subway (totally disgusting and yet hot all the same), Brooklyn (which considering I’d never been to that borough was totally new to me), the changing rooms at Bloomingdales, and my personal favorite, Central Park near the Alice in Wonderland statue. Ohhh…how I loved the smell of nature in the air while we fucked. Truly glorious!

  Unlike other days, I just wasn’t as into it as I usually was. Odd, right?

  I couldn’t stop thinking about what Charmaine Whitedove had told us the day before. I couldn’t get any of it out of my mind. Her words had stirred up all those old thoughts and emotions from Avon Porter.

  Typically, when things bothered me, I talked about them with my besties or my boyfriends. However, after the session, Lex and Taddy made me swear on Hedda Hopper’s life that I wouldn’t tell a soul, especially Jay Austin or Seneca. And Blake told me to never bring it up again. Poor guy.

  Normally, I’d just say okay and do it anyway, but Taddy and Lex lived with me so I couldn’t get away with shit unless I talked about Charmaine Whitedove out in public. Possibly while Jay Austin and I were having sex. But that just wouldn’t be right. Would it?

  Taddy had argued, “Darling, everyone in college already thinks we’re bat-shit nuts. You go around telling students what Charmaine said, they’ll surely lock us up. But this time, it won’t be in juvie. No, honey. Try Bellevue’s Mental Hospital.”

  Like gum on the bottom of my shoe, what Taddy had said stuck with me for the rest of the frickin’ day. Enough to keep my mouth shut. I’d tried so hard since we got to college to clean up my reputation.

  The girls believed the more we talked about someone trying to kill us, the likelier it was to happen. And by not talking about it, then maybe, just maybe, it would all go away.

  If that were true, then why did Taddy feel the need to go out and get a gun? Why had Lex signed up for a self-defense class at the gym? Why had Blake fled town with his boyfriend, Diego, to his parents’ house in Fairfield that weekend?

  I’ll tell you why: because someone was out to frickin’ kill us.

  “Babe, what’s wrong?” He leaned up, suckling on my perky breast.


  “You gonna come?” he asked, examining my face.

  That was all the man cared about, whether or not I’d orgasmed.

  “Not today.” I started to climb off him.

  “Hey now!” He pulled me back down onto him. “We’ve never fucked and not climaxed together.”

  “How would you know?” I asked, trying to be playful, hoping I could get my mojo back. “Maybe I faked it before. Maybe…I’ve been faking it all along.”

  Laughing at the very thought, he thrust up under me. Once. Twice. “Come for me, babe. Now. Let’s do this. I have a student meeting in ten minutes. We gotta hurry. You will climax.”

  I rolled my eyes, covered his chatty mouth with my left hand, and started to ride him harder and faster. I sure as hell wasn’t going to ‘get off’ at that point, not with all the drama going on. However, I guess that didn’t mean I should be selfish and not let him have any fun, either.

  Sometimes it took Jay Austin a while to get there. A perfectionist, he wanted to make sure I was comfortable, too. Granted, he’s hung. I was sure the other girls he’d been with before me had complained at the girth of it all.

  But not me.

  Hell no.

  “The bigger, the better” was what I always said. Blake had called me a ‘size queen’ once. Considering his love for the Latinos, I thought that was rather funny. True, but funny.

  Leaning in, I closed my eyes and for a second tried not to think about all the negative crap, and just focus on the positive stuff going on in my life. As I rode him, picking up speed, squealing in enjoyment, breasts jiggling, I untied the ponytail from the back of my head, letting my blonde hair cascade over my bare shoulders. Clenching my cunt muscles as I went up, then releasing them as I came back down, I recounted all my blessings in my head.

  #1. For the first time in a year, I received a postcard from my brother in Bali that morning. He was doing well, promised to visit, and stated he was proud of me for going to college. He didn’t ask how Mama and Papa were doing. He never did. Part of me was sad for them, and him, but I understood.

  Sometimes, you had to cut the crap out of your life in order to make room for the good. In my brother’s eyes, my parents were that bad. In my eyes, they weren’t so terrible. Maybe I defended them too much. Perhaps, in some ways, I was just like them. Money has a way of making people behave like they were nuts. When you’re as rich as my family, those who don’t live the same lifestyle often view our eccentricities as pure and utter insanity.

  They kinda were. Hello!

  #2. Hedda Hopper had won Best in Show the week before at the Lhasa Apso competition. My little furbaby was something special. Oh, I just loved her. She was the best gift my besties could’ve ever given me.

  #3. I was passing all of my classes. Not like the previous semester. Don’t wanna talk about it.

  #4. I had not one but two boyfriends, and I was really starting to fall for both in different ways. I was well on my way to fulfilling what I’d learned in my Intro to Psychology class about Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

  #5. On that note, my Manhattanites and I were A-Okay. We had our health and would get through whatever storms we faced together. Right? Right!

  “Oh, babe, that’s it. Milk my cock with your cunt,” he groaned.

  Utter euphoria. So close.
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  “Yes, that’s it, Jay-Jay.” My mouth snapped shut as my breath shortened. I was going to come. Any second now…

  Just as the spark of an orgasm started to wash over me and the sensitive flesh between my legs got wetter, there was a loud knock at the door that caused me to lose all my pleasure. My body tensed.


  He shot up from the desk, lifting me by the hips, helping me onto the floor, and spurted, “Shit. She’s early.”

  “She who?” I asked, pulling my pencil skirt down with one hand while I adjusted my lip-gloss with the other.

  “Jay Austin. You in there?” the voice on the other side of the door shouted.

  That sounds like…

  “It’s Poppy White.”

  Fuckity-fuck-fuck-fuuuck! Ugh. I didn’t want to see her. I glared at Jay Austin, searching for rhyme or reason as to why she’d be here to see him. Poppy wasn’t in any of his classes. “Why is she here?” Buttoning my top, I looked around for a safe place to hide.

  His office was the size of my shoe closet. There was no place to go except head-on with my frenemy.

  “She sent me an email. Wanted to interview me for a book she’s working on. Probably about journalism.”

  Hearing this caused me to involuntarily throw my recently-fucked, not-yet-orgasmed body against the door. It was one thing for Poppy to be writing some exposé, but I guess I hadn’t figured she’d be interviewing people from my life. Blocking him, feeling a prickling on my scalp, I uttered, “Nooo. It’s a book about my life.”

  “Vive, don’t be silly. You’re not that important.” He laughed at me.

  Drawing my mouth into a straight line, I bit my lower lip. Annoyed as hell, my eyes narrowed. See, this was a perfect example of what I was talking about earlier. Total. Dumb. Ass. Jay Austin Johnson just didn’t get it sometimes. Sure, I should’ve explained myself and the situation in more detail. If only I’d known Poppy would be interviewing my boyfriends, I would have.


  Oh, I was getting so worked up. Every bit of frustration and anger I’d let build up inside me over the last few years was ready to erupt, like some Hawaiian volcano, all over the place.

  The second he had his zipper up, I had some wonky out-of-body experience, as if Lex and Taddy had taken over my very being. Fuck this! Turning around, I flung the door open so fast, surely the gush of air might just knock Miss Poopy Wipe unconscious.

  “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” I snapped, poking my finger against her ample breasts as we stepped out into the fluorescently lit hallway.

  “Viveca!” She seemed to shrivel up before my very eyes as I took every ounce of frustration out on her with a final push, sending her nosy, good-for-nothing, virginally-unadorned body against the grey plaster wall.

  Frantically, she licked her lips as if searching for what to say next.

  I didn’t want to hear it. Cupping my hand over her mouth, I brought my face right up to hers, so close our noses rubbed against each other’s, but that wasn’t enough to scare this goon. Heck no. So I shoved my firm and perky breasts against hers and grazed my still-very-horny nipples alongside her droopy ones.

  Her eyebrows shot up in surprise so high, they nearly disappeared underneath her sharp black bangs.

  “Listen to me, Poppy. Your parents had the donkey balls to tell my Aunt Birgitta, who told my Mama, who then called and mentioned it to me yesterday, that you’re writing a tell-all book about me and my Manhattanites.”

  Large brown eyes narrowing, she nodded.

  “How much do I have to pay you to kill that book? Ten thousand?”

  She shook her head.

  “I want you to get the flip outta my life and stay away from my friends.” I removed my hand to let her speak.

  “Vive. Sorry you had to hear about it like this. I was gonna to tell you. I was.”

  “Let me see the manuscript.” I crossed my arms.

  “It’s not done yet. I have a few more pages to go. I was just going to interview Jay Austin and Seneca to get some last-minute details on your fabulous life.”

  Something about the way she said ‘fabulous’ came out of her mouth sounding rather ironic, very Vanity Fair-ish, and I knew that whatever this woman was up to was nothing but a mockery of everything I’d strived for.

  “I oughta cunt-punt you.”

  “Viveca! Don’t overreact.” My boyfriend scolded me.

  My thumb and pointer finger played with the locket around my neck for a minute as I tried to collect my thoughts. Hard as it may have been for me to remain calm, I wanted to beat her up. However, that would surely get my gorgeous ass suspended, so I stepped back and sneered, “They don’t know anything about what went on at Avon Porter. You’d just be wasting your time.”

  She fixed the collar on her shirt, which had gotten fussed up when I’d near body-slammed her against the wall, and hissed, “My book isn’t just about your boarding school days.”

  Not liking the sound of that, I sized her up and down. “What’s it about then?”

  “The book is titled Karma: The Curse of the Spoiled Rich.” Pushing her long black hair out of her face, she rounded her shoulders and tried to act as if she wasn’t afraid of me.

  Which was total bullshit, because even I was scared of myself right about then. Hello!

  “Karma?” I repeated.

  “Yes. It’s on the curse that you, Lex, Taddy and Blake seem to be under.”

  I laughed sarcastically, putting my hands on my hips as I tilted my jaw up a bit for her to continue.

  “My theory goes back to what the book of Luke says in the Bible. Basically, ‘blessed are the poor, cursed are the rich’.”

  “The Bible does not say that!”

  “You read the Bible?” Jay Austin asked as if finally getting into the conversation.

  I shot him a glare to zip it.

  “Listen, Viveca. The book isn’t just on you, but also on how people like you—with lots of money—are just naturally cursed. I’ve got the Johnson & Johnson dynasty and the Kennedys in the manuscript, too.”

  Rolling my eyes, I realized we’d been dammed ever since the death of my beloved Sanderloo.

  “My parents and I would like to see the manuscript when it’s ready.” Acting as if it was all just beneath me, I collected myself, perhaps a bit embarrassed I’d lost my shit. I was certainly pissed I’d forfeited my orgasm. That was for sure.

  “Sure. I’ll have it done in a few days.” The harsh glow on Poppy’s face seemed to settle.

  I walked back into Jay Austin’s office and grabbed my purse and books.

  When I came back out into the hall, Poppy was talking to Jay Austin about what karma was and Dr. Henry had come out of his office, joining in the conversation.

  Great, now everyone is going to know.

  “Listen, don’t you go speaking to anyone on campus about me. If you want to do this sneaky-snaky-skanky type of journalism, you do it off-campus.”

  “Vive!” Jay Austin tried to put his arm around me, possibly to smooth out the situation, but I sidestepped, dodging the embrace. I was too livid to act as the happy couple.

  “I mean it. You want my blessing on this book? Don’t talk to my boyfriends on campus.” I forced a smile to Dr. Henry and gave him a nod. The last thing I needed was to have to change my major out of the journalism program.

  His focus remained on Poppy. Of course it did. The woman was a people magnet.

  She shook her head. “I can talk to whomever I please, Vive. It’s a free country. But if you want me to take Jay Austin away from here, perhaps back to his place, so we can talk, that’s your call.”

  That’s it. Totally losing my cool, I stepped up to her so fast I thought she’d pee herself. “Funny how the title and theme of your book are all about karma and yet you’re not working with me here.”

  “So…what.” Poppy shrugged.

  Just as the hallway filled with an odd silence, Taddy came in from another class and asked, “W
hat’s going on?”

  Thankful to see a true friend, I grabbed her arm. Feeling some strength inside me, I muttered in my frenemy’s direction, “I’d hate to see something bad happen to you, Poppy, is all. It would just break my heart.”

  “Are you threatening me?” she asked, getting all huffy.

  “No, honey. Come to think of it, you may write whatever the frick pleases you. Just don’t expect me to have your back.”

  “Stop threatening me!”

  I laughed. “Go ahead, talk to Jay here, too. Other than the fact that I have the tightest, sweetest ‘lil pussy his fat cock has ever fucked, he won’t tell you much.”

  Suddenly, Dr. Henry burst out into the oddest high-pitched laugh I’d ever heard.

  Jay Austin’s cute adorable mouth hung open, utterly speechless.

  Poppy exhaled loudly through her pointy honker of a nose, while I turned on my Manolo Blahniks with Taddy at my side and sassed, “Buh-bye.”

  Poppy White Goes M.I.A.

  “Why is it that every time something horrific happens in this town, we’re to blame? It’s utterly ridiculous. I ask you this: when in the heck are we gonna get a frickin’ break? We should just change our names and move to Canada. For the record, the Manhattanites and I may not be perfect. However, we did not, I repeat, did not abduct TV host and fellow student, Poppy White.”—Lex Easton, rock-n-roll royalty, women’s studies major.

  A Dateless Weekend

  Sherry Netherland

  Monday Night

  Screw midterms!

  “How in the heck is it that I have not one, but two—yes, two—frickin’ boyfriends and still didn’t score a date this past weekend?” I whined aloud to my besties, who were sprawled out on the sectional sofa in the penthouse’s front living room.

  Looking up from reading the latest copy of Curvy Girls magazine, Lex replied, “It’s kinda nice not having them around. Just family. No boys.” She wiggled her freshly pedicured toes in my direction.

  “Thanks, Lex.” Appearing well rested from the weekend at his parents’ house, Blake rolled his bright blue eyes in her direction.