Read Always Room for Cupcakes Page 13

“You have? His will? I’m sorry, things have been crazy lately, I haven’t gone through all of my messages yet.” I looked down at my finger, which was making little circles on the bar, then looked up and saw that he was watching my finger as well.

  “I know, that’s what I figured, and I didn’t want to push, but it’s been a few weeks and you need to know what was in his will,” Bran said patiently, and I realized his voice had a real soothing quality to it.

  “Oh? Did he leave me something?” I asked lamely. Obviously he did, or else Mr. Hot Guy Lawyer wouldn’t have been leaving me messages and tracking me down in a bar.

  “Everything,” he said oddly. “Moose left you everything. His house, his firm, everything…”

  “What?” I cried, spinning on my stool so my legs bumped his as I brought my body around to face him.

  Bran nodded.

  “He has no family. Parents are both dead, never married, no kids. You’re the closest to him.”

  “That’s so … sad,” I said softly, thinking what it would be like to have no one. Then a vision of me smashing Moose’s kneecaps hit me and my hand flew to my mouth. “Oh, my God … But I … and he…” My eyes filled with tears.

  Branson must have understood the look on my face, because his hand covered mine on the bar and he said softly, “That wasn’t your fault, Lila. You were under the influence and had no control over what you were doing. Moose knew that, and I know he wouldn’t blame you for what happened to him. He knew fully well the kind of men he was getting involved with when he accepted Carlos Chavez as a client. Why do you think he came to me and made up that will?”

  My brain was trying to make sense of everything, when I felt Bran squeeze my hand.

  “If you ever want to talk … about what happened, or anything at all, just give me a call,” Bran said, eyes intent so I couldn’t mistake his meaning.

  I was about to respond when I felt a large, warm arm hit my shoulders and Cade’s gruff voice say, “She’s good.”

  I looked up to see Cade glaring down at Bran, then turned to see Branson grin and lift up one shoulder.

  “You can’t blame a man for trying, Wilkes.”

  Cade continued to glare and replied, “As long as it only happens once.”

  I looked from Cade, his long dark hair wild and unruly around his scowling face, to Bran, who was handsome in a casual, clean-cut way, and was grinning madly at Cade’s scowl, totally unperturbed, and wondered how in the hell I’d gone from taking an impromptu snapshot of my cheating ex to this moment right here.

  Branson rose from his stool and laid his business card on the bar in front of me, then threw down enough money to cover both our drinks and a tip and said, “Call me and we’ll set up a time for you to come down to the office, sign the papers, and make everything official.”

  “Okay, thanks, Bran, I will,” I responded with a smile, then watched him tilt his chin to Cade and walk away.

  “What was that all about?” I asked Cade as he took Branson’s vacated seat.

  “I think it’s time for me to meet your kids,” Cade said, causing my heart to stutter in my chest. “You guys could come over this Saturday, we can cook out, they can play with Rufus.”

  I sat there, mouth gaping like a fish, with no words coming out.

  He wants to meet my kids? Are we moving too fast? Am I ready to take that next step with him?

  “Darlin’,” Cade whispered, leaning forward, head bent to mine. “We’ve got a good thing here.”

  I tilted my head back and nodded, then said, “I need a cupcake.”

  Cade’s grin spread wide, making his dangerously beautiful face even more so, and replied, “Then, let’s go get my woman a cupcake.”

  “This is what I’m talking about!” I shouted to my friends, trying to be heard over the loud music as we walked through the crowd of people in the club.

  We were finally out for a much-needed girl’s night. This time, not just dinner and drinks, but an actual, out after ten PM, night on the town, girl’s night.

  Amy May looked sweet in a pair of short black shorts and a shimmery silver top, her shoulder-length, dirty-blonde hair falling in finger waves around her face. Bea had gone for an edgier look, her dark pixie cut spiked up, wearing tight leather pants and a kick-ass black vest. Carmen had her caramel-and-blonde hombre piled high on top of her head with a few loose tendrils framing her face, her toned body on display in a sexy mini-dress.

  I grinned happily, slightly buzzed from my pre-game festivities while getting decked out in my navy-blue shorts with large buttons accenting the top and a silky white camisole. My auburn hair was falling in loose, natural waves down my back, and I had fabulous navy wedges on my feet. Painful, but fabulous.

  We hit the bar, knocked back a couple shots, then headed for the dance floor.

  Dancing happily, I looked at my friends, then at the crowd around us, noticing that for a group of women in our thirties, we had a number of eyes on us as we danced in our circle. We looked good and we were working it…

  After a few songs, Amy May gave the international sign for let’s get a drink, and we all moved back toward the bar. Drinks in hand, we maneuvered through the crush of people, Bea in the lead, until we were walking down the hall and into one of the back rooms. The music was quieter in here, and rather than a dance floor, it was filled with pool tables, high top tables, and a few lush couches and chairs making up different sitting areas.

  We were lucky to snag a grouping of chairs in the back corner of the room.

  “So,” Bea started as we sat, her face flush with something more than exertion, then took a sip of her red wine before looking at each of us and saying, “I’ve decided when Shannon and I go to the beach this summer for vacation, I’m going to ask her to marry me.”

  “What?” I screamed, jumping up out of my seat in excitement and knocking my nearly full dirty martini over.

  “Party foul,” some guy from the table next to us yelled, but I ignored him and happy danced all the way to Bea, putting my hands on her shoulders and jumping up and down in front of her while she looked up at me, laughing.

  “I’m so happy for you,” I said, stating the obvious as I leaned down and gave her a big, loud kiss on the lips.

  “Yeah,” the same guy shouted, and this time I shot him a death glare before giving her shoulders a squeeze and bounding back to my seat.

  “I tried to save it,” Carmen said, handing me my empty cup, before turning to Bea and asking, “How long have you two been together?”

  Bea leaned back from Amy May’s congratulatory hug and replied, “Three years.”

  “Wow, three years, that’s awesome. Congratulations.”

  “How are things going with you and Jason?” Bea asked, never one to want to be the center of attention for too long. “Go on any sexy dates lately?”

  I gasped, then looked at Amy May, whose eyes were narrowed on me.

  “Someone has a big mouth,” she said, but gave away that she wasn’t mad when her lips turned up. “And, no, not since Lila caught us in the act,” she laughed and added, “But I did get a new wig the other day, so I’ll need to try it on soon.”

  “Ooooh, what do you need wigs for?” Carmen asked, leaning closer to Amy May as she lifted her Appletini to her lips.

  “My husband and I like to spice things up by role playing.”

  “Yeah,” I said, really wishing I hadn’t spilled my drink. “They go out on dates, acting like strangers and dressing up, then go home together and have one-night stands. She’s such a slut.”

  “That sounds amazing,” Carmen cooed. “I love that you’re keeping your relationship fresh like that … aww.”

  “How are things with Cade?” Amy May asked, turning the table on me.

  Just the sound of his name had my body warming more than alcohol ever could. I looked at her dreamily and said, “Soooo good.” Then I remembered our conversation yesterday and I bit my lip nervously and told my friends, “He wants to meet the kids.”
  Bea’s face showed her surprise.

  “Really? He’s ready for that? Are you?”

  I thought about Cade, what I knew about him and everything we’d been through since we met and said, “Yeah, I think I am. I’ve never met anyone like him, never had anyone make me feel so safe, and at the same time, so wanted … I think he’ll be in my life for a long time, so yeah, the kids should meet him.”

  “They’re going to love him,” Amy May said, “Especially Elin.”

  I grinned at the thought of my son and the motorcycle badass in question. She was right, Elin was going to think he was the coolest guy ever. I actually couldn’t wait to see how Cade interacted with my children.

  “Wow,” Carmen said again, this time wistfully. “You guys are all so lucky, to have found these amazing people to share your life with. I always seem to attract losers and criminals. I’d give anything to have a relationship like yours.”

  “Your date with Mr. Hoodie didn’t go so well?” Bea asked.

  Carmen shook her head and said with a sigh, “No, you were right about him.”

  I reached over and grabbed Carmen’s hand in mine, waiting until her eyes found mine before assuring her, “You’re going to find the right guy for you, I promise. You may have to sift through a few losers first, but, Carmen, you’re a total catch, it’ll happen. You just have to wait for the right one.”

  “Totally,” Amy May agreed.

  “Yup, just be patient,” Bea added, “And, picky.”

  “Thanks, guys,” Carmen said, her happy smile back. “I’m so happy you invited me along.”

  “Of course,” I said, “This is just the first of many good times to come. Now, who else needs another drink?”

  Amy May said she’d join me, and as I walked the room, hand in hand with my best friend, I realized that my life was better now than it had ever been before, and I couldn’t wait to see what happened next.

  My heart was in my throat as Cade’s log cabin came in to view. Elena took in a sharp breath and Elin exclaimed, “No way, is that his house?”

  I chuckled as I looked in the rearview mirror and took in my son’s face.

  “Yeah, buddy, that’s his house.”


  “Is that him?” Elena asked, and I looked to the side of the house to see Cade standing there, watching the van come up the drive, Rufus sitting beside him.


  “Wow,” my daughter breathed.

  His hair down and still wet from his shower, it looked ink black and was starting to curl slightly. His beard looked trimmed, but paired with his very long, very large body, the well-worn jeans, and leather vest over a simple gray T-shirt, he was a sexy, but imposing sight.

  For the first time I worried that they’d be afraid of him, due to his presence and stature alone, but when I saw Elin watching him in awe, and Elena gazing at him curiously, I figured they were going to be just fine.

  The fact that they loved dogs would only help in their transition.

  I pulled next to his truck and parked. Elin was out the door before I’d even gotten the key out of the ignition. Elena was a little shyer, so she waited for me, taking my hand and walking next to me as we watched Elin go straight for Rufus. Hitting his knees as soon as he was close enough, Elin wrapped his arms around Rufus’s neck and the two instantly fell in love.

  Cade was watching the pair, a small smile playing on his lips, then brought his gaze to my daughter.

  “You must be Elena,” he said gruffly, holding out his hand.

  Elena looked up at me, then down at her brother and Rufus, before finally looking Cade cautiously in the eye and placing her small hand in his large one.

  He turned it, bending low as he brought their hands to his lips and kissed the back of her hand lightly.

  Elena giggled, as any woman being wooed by a dangerous man would, and said, “Your beard tickles,” then she dropped to hug Rufus herself.

  “Hey,” I said once both kids were occupied with the dog, and was surprised when Cade moved to me and kissed me softly before grinning down at me.


  My eyes shot nervously to my kids, who were watching us with wide eyes, then Elin looked Cade over and said, “You wear a lot of jewelry for a man.”

  “Elin,” I chastised, but Cade just laughed and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

  “Yeah, little brother, I do.” Then he crouched down and lifted his necklace. Both of my kids leaned in, fascinated by him. Elin even rested his hand on Cade’s raised knee. “See this, it’s a shark tooth. My father gave it to me last time I was home. This ring,” he said, lifting one pinkie, “is from my mother. She said the stone will always keep me safe, and help me live a balanced life. This one,” he raised his other pinkie, “is from my sister. She gave it to me for Christmas three years ago. And this.” He spread his hand and pointed to the large skull ring. “That one I bought because I thought it kicked ass.”

  Elin laughed at the swear word, then looked nervously up at me. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head, letting him know he probably shouldn’t tell Cade he owed money to the swear jar. At least not at their first meeting.

  Elena was still watching him with avid interest.

  “Where’s home?” she asked, catching on to the fact that if he was going home, his family obviously didn’t live here.

  “Hawaii,” Cade answered as he rose back up.

  “Cool,” Elin said again, and I had a feeling I’d be hearing that word a lot out of my son that day.

  “Mom,” Elena said, her little brain working quickly as usual. “Since Cade’s your boyfriend, does that mean we’ll get to go to Hawaii?”

  “No, sweetheart,” I replied, at the same time Cade said, “Absolutely.”

  I looked up at him, surprised and asked, “Really?”

  “Yeah, darlin’,” Cade replied, reaching a hand out to cup my jaw sweetly. “My family likes me to visit, especially during the holidays, and I know they’ll want to meet you and the twins.”

  Excitement filled me at the thought of traveling to Hawaii, a place I’d always wanted to go but had never been; at the same time the thought of meeting Cade’s family freaked me the hell out.

  Seeing the panic in my eyes he said, “They’ll love you, Lila, believe me. My mom has been waiting for me to bring a woman home since I was old enough to vote. Bringing home you and two awesome kids? She’ll be in heaven.”

  I looked down and saw my kids faces soften at the compliment, then they began to hop around and chant, “We’re going to Hawaii, we’re going to Hawaii,” as they danced around the yard with Rufus in tow.

  Oh yeah, I thought, life is pretty damn sweet.

  Thanks to Lori and Ann for reading Cupcakes while it was still in the "Can I really write this book?" stage. Your input was great, and your enthusiasm for the characters really helped fuel me along.

  Thanks to S.L. Scott, for looking over the first few chapters and giving me some input. It really meant a lot!

  To Jennifer, Lyn, Michelle, Chloe, and Autumn for Beta reading and helping me make the story better.

  Kristina and Karen for agreeing to edit and format on short notice, because I was so excited about the book I didn't want to wait too long to get it out to the readers. I love you both so hard!

  Allie. Oh, Allie, I owe you so much more than thanks, and really hope we get to meet in person some day. You're covers are always so beautiful, and yet you still listen to my thoughts and answer my questions, even though you always end up being right in the end. Thanks for having so much patience with me!

  To Jaime, for supporting me over the last five years of this crazy journey, and for always believing in me. And to our kids, for giving me the space to realize my dream, and for pulling me back to reality when I need it.

  Award-Winning Author Bethany Lopez began self-publishing in June 2011. She's a lover of all things romance: books, movies, music, and life, and she incorporates that into the books she writes. When
she isn't reading or writing, she loves spending time with her husband and children, traveling whenever possible. Some of her favorite things are: Kristen Ashley Books, coffee in the morning, and In N Out burgers.

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  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Other Titles



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three



  About the Author



  Bethany Lopez, Always Room for Cupcakes

  (Series: Cupcakes # 1)




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