Read Always Room for Cupcakes Page 7

  Peering out the door, I left the room when I saw the coast was clear and hurried downstairs. When I made it to the bottom, I was headed to my car, home free and relieved, when a familiar voice called to me and I stopped in my tracks.

  Holding my stomach to try and contain the rolls of nausea and fright, I turned my head to give the man from upstairs a shaky smile.

  “What was that?” I asked him, honestly not sure what he’d said.

  “Did you see any kids running around?” he asked as he moved way too close to where I was standing. “My wife and I were trying to take a nap and someone kept knocking on our door.”

  I fought an eye roll at the wife comment and shook my head as his eyes wandered down my body. I fought the urge to shield my unimpressive bosom from his beady eyes, but realized that’s not what he was looking at when he asked, “Are you okay?”

  “Oh, yeah,” I said, looking down to where my hand was clutching my stomach. “Just cramps.”

  I found that if you talked about cramping or periods in any given situation, that almost always caused the other person to redirect and change the subject, or sometimes even walk away.

  I was hoping for the latter in this case, instead he rolled his eyes and said, “I’m so tired of you women using that shit as an excuse. Any time you don’t want to do anything you blame it on cramps and periods. Well, I call bullshit.”

  After what I’d just witnessed back in that room, the last thing I wanted was this man judging me, or any women for that matter, so what he said really pissed me off.

  With my hands on my hips I yelled, “Oh, really? Bullshit? I’d like to see you bleed out of your dick for one week every month and see how you fucking deal!”

  I didn’t wait for him to reply, I just stomped off to my car, got in, and drove off, leaving him staring after me with a scowl.

  I’d managed to make it through the rest of my week without any other embarrassing assumptions. What I didn’t do, however, was find hide or hair of any of the Coke Club or Hector. Suffice it to say, Moose was not happy with me, but if I didn’t see anything, it was impossible for me to get a picture of it.

  Now I was riding on the back of Cade’s bike, snuggled happily against his back as we cruised out to his place. I was really excited to see where he lived. Curious about how he lived, and totally planning to snoop as much as I could to learn more about him.

  I’d taken the time to straighten my hair, which because of its thickness and curl took almost an entire hour to accomplish. Unsure of what the plan for the night was, I hadn’t felt comfortable packing an overnight bag … I didn’t want to look presumptuous. But I did bring my big purse, which concealed my toothbrush, fresh underwear, and a rolled-up maxi dress, because who was I kidding, I totally hoped I was having a sleepover at Cade’s!

  The roar of the machine between my legs did nothing to ease the ache I felt after what seemed like weeks of foreplay with this unbelievably virile man. If he didn’t initiate something that night, I was afraid I’d totally embarrass myself by humping his leg.

  That’s how badly I needed to get off.

  We drove out past The Heights, then down a long road with houses scattered a few acres apart. When we started to slow, I looked around Cade’s massive body to see a beautiful log cabin home in the distance.

  I immediately fell in love.

  Beautiful stone pillars accented the front porch, which held a couple Adirondack chairs.

  That was all I saw before he pulled the bike up next to his truck and turned it off. I retrieved my purse from the side satchel thingy, then followed him around the truck to the front of the house, my eyes taking in every inch of the beautiful wood features.

  Cade opened the door, and I had a second to wonder why it wasn’t locked, when a large black beast darted out and headed straight for me.

  Before I had a chance to register what was what, the large black lab’s snout beelined right for my crotch. I tried, unsuccessfully, to push the dog’s head back, and when that didn’t work, I maneuvered my body by turning my hips to the side.

  Finally, Cade saved me by saying sternly, “Rufus,” and the dog immediately left me to go sit next to his master.

  I knew I’d turned red, it was always embarrassing when a dog sniffed your crotch, but it was even more so when you were with a scary hot guy who was grinning down at you.

  I lowered my head, trying to compose myself, when Cade’s heat hit me and his breath caressed my ear as he murmured, “If it were socially acceptable, I’d greet you in the same way.”

  Okay, that just embarrassed me more, even as it made the lust curl deep in my belly.

  I reached up and slapped Cade on the arm, without lifting my head, and heard him chuckle as he walked away. I took a few deep breaths, told myself to move on and cover myself anytime Rufus came near, then followed Cade inside.

  I shut the door behind me, swiveling my head back and forth, taking everything in as I entered his living space.

  With an open floor plan, it looked like one large room, with a living room, kitchen, dining area, and a staircase in the back corner. The furnishings were manly and rustic, fitting the house beautifully. There were even some beautiful wood carvings that Cade had made into a coffee table, and the dining room table.

  “It’s gorgeous,” I breathed as I walked around, circling his space.

  Cade was leaning against his kitchen counter, absently petting Rufus as he watched me with a small smile.

  “Thanks. I knew what I wanted, planned it out for years. When I was finally ready, I worked with a builder to create exactly what I’d envisioned. I’m happy with the way it turned out.”

  “I bet,” I replied, then wandered over to look at the framed picture on his mantel. “Is this your family?”

  The photograph showed Cade with who I assumed were his parents and sister. They all had the same glossy dark hair, tanned skin, and intense eyes. Cade was in the picture too, and they were all standing on a hilltop or mountain, overlooking the ocean, and they were laughing.

  They were a striking group.

  “Yeah, that’s my mom, pop, and younger sister, Alani.”

  “Is this Hawaii?”

  Cade nodded, then pushed off the counter and moved toward me.

  “That’s where I’m from. My family is still there.”

  “What made you leave?” I asked, my chin lifting to hold his eyes as he came up next to me.

  “I came to the mainland to go to school. Play ball. But things didn’t work out with football, and I quickly realized without it, I didn’t want to be in college. So, I got a job rebuilding motorcycles … That’s how I met some of my brothers. I joined the club, and the rest is history.”

  “Why didn’t you go home, when you left school?”

  “I felt like a failure. An embarrassment to my father. I wanted to make something of myself on my own, not run back and ask for their help.”

  “Do you go back to visit?”

  “At least once a year,” he replied, then, obviously done talking about his family, he asked, “Are you hungry? I can start dinner.”

  “Can I see the rest of your house first?”

  I honestly asked because I was really curious to see the upstairs, but thought maybe Cade thought I wanted to go upstairs for something else, because his eyes darkened and his lips curled up seductively.

  Yikes! I don’t know if I’m ready, I thought as I followed after him on shaky legs.

  The upstairs was also one big room, like a loft, with the biggest bed I’d ever seen on one side, and the coolest shower ever built on the other. It was glass with large pieces of wood on the outside, and beautiful blocks of stone acting as the floor. There was a door off to the side, leading, I assumed to the rest of the bathroom, and large woven rugs spread throughout the space.

  “That shower is amazing,” I said as I walked closer to get a better look. He had benches lining the wall next to the shower, and hooks hanging for towels and clothes.

can test it out later, if you’d like,” he murmured from next to me, causing me to flinch. I hadn’t heard him come up that close. His nearness, paired with the meaning behind his words, had my body going up in flames.

  I laughed nervously, choosing not to answer, then looked back at the beautiful bed. I glanced from the bed to the shower, becoming even more flustered when I realized that if I was laying in that bed, I could watch Cade take a shower … My own private show.

  The very thought caused my nipples to harden, and I knew if I didn’t get back downstairs and out of this loft, I was going to do something drastic.

  “Um … dinner?” I stuttered lamely, then nearly fainted when Cade said, “Later, there’s something else I need to taste first.”

  Oh. My. God! Did he just say that?

  Cade’s hands gently grazed my skin as they moved up my bare arms to the straps of my tank top, causing my brain to pop, then shut off as my senses began to take over. Cade eased the straps down my arms and I felt his lips touch my shoulder ever so softly as the silky material slid down my torso, leaving my pretty purple bra exposed.

  I couldn’t deny that this was where I was hoping tonight would lead, so I’d been sure to put on my sexy underwear, and shave every possible surface of my body.

  Cade turned me to face him as he lowered his head and ran the tip of his tongue along the soft swell of my breasts. I murmured my approval as I freed my hands from the shirt at my waist and brought them eagerly to his biceps.

  Greedy to touch him, my hands roamed over his arms, shoulders, and neck, before reaching back to pull the rubber band out of his hair, and finally doing what I’d wanted to since I’d met him.

  I sunk my fingers into his dark, curly waves, loving the soft, lush feel of his hair.

  His tongue dipped beneath the lace of my bra, wetting the already hard nipple, causing my head to fall slightly back and my hands to fist in his hair.

  His groan mingled with my own and I moved my hands out of his hair and down to grasp the hem of his shirt in my hand, lifting it in an effort to get it off. Cade pulled it quickly over his head, and I barely had time to glimpse the glorious expanse of his heavily muscled chest before he yanked the cups of my bra down and suckled my nipple into his mouth.

  “You’re good with that thing,” I muttered, not really sure what I was saying, just that I wanted his tongue, lips, and teeth to continue doing what they were doing to my happily swollen breasts.

  I reached around to undo the clasp of my bra and let it fall to the floor, then touched my palms to his hot skin and tried to read his abs like braille. The next thing I knew, his forearm was behind my ass, lifting me up, his lips moving up my neck and sucking as he maneuvered us back toward the bed.

  Cade settled me back against the headboard, but I was too busy trying to fuse my lips to his neck to pay attention to what he was doing. I didn’t realize he’d lifted my arm until I felt something wrap around my wrist, securing it above my head. I turned to notice it was a black nylon rope of some sort, as he lifted my other hand and secured it to the other side.

  “Um…” I managed, unsure of how I felt about being tied to his headboard, when Cade’s lips brushed mine, his black eyes on me as he whispered, “Trust me.”

  Really, if he looked at me like that, and asked me in that voice, I’d probably agree to dance naked down main street. So, I tried to focus on the descent of his head, rather than on the ties at my wrists.

  The rough whiskers of his beard on my belly were oddly erotic, and I realized I’d never been with a man who had facial hair before. My ex-husband shaved every morning, whether he worked or not.

  I looked down and saw Cade’s large hands working my pants and underwear down my legs, and all thoughts of The Douche fled my mind. His dark eyes hit mine as he put one leg over his shoulder, then the other, and brought his hands to my ass and lifted. As my body came up off the bed, my fingers tried to grip the ropes, and my stomach dipped nervously as I was completely suspended in air.

  Cade lowered himself until he was eye level with my hips and my legs were rested along the length of his back, then I watched as his lips closed around me and his tongue began its exploration.

  All worry about this unfamiliar position left me as Cade’s lips, tongue, and facial hair pleasured me. My head fell back between my suspended arms, and I turned myself fully over to the pleasure, not caring about anything but finding release; at the same time I wished the moment would last forever.

  Too soon I felt the pressure build and my legs began to quiver as my hips thrust into Cade’s mouth of their own accord.

  Sensing I was close, Cade sucked my clit in his mouth, then flattened his tongue and flicked it rapidly against me. I came with his name on my lips, my body trembling as I tumbled back down to earth.

  My butt hit the bed as he shifted out from under me, and I barely registered my hands being released from their restraints as I curled up on his bedspread, sated and happier than I’d been in years. I heard rustling, then felt Cade’s heat behind me, slowly coming out of my haze when the rock-hard length of him throbbed against my backside and his lips hit my shoulder.

  Suddenly not tired in the least, I turned toward him, looking down to take in the full glory of him.

  My eyes bulged when I saw what he was packing in those jeans and unwittingly I said, “Holy fuck!”

  Cade chuckled against the top of my head, then his breath caught when I wrapped both of my hands around him. Moving them both up and down in exploration, I worried that I’d literally break in two if he tried to impale me with it.

  I mean, I knew he was a really big dude, but this was ridiculous.

  Getting into my discovery of what had to be the largest cock in the free world, I stroked one hand up and down at the base, as the other toyed with the head, my eyes watching with open curiosity.

  The noises coming from Cade’s chest at my thorough evaluation were causing the fire within me to reawaken, and I knew I was already wet again, I just didn’t know if I’d ever be wet enough to fit him inside … Maybe if we had the sexual equivalent to a shoe horn or something.

  “If you keep doing that, I’ll never make it inside you,” Cade growled from above me.

  I tipped my head back to look up at him and replied, “Maybe it’s better this way … I’m not sure our equipment is compatible.”

  It started with a smile, then Cade burst out laughing, and dropped a kiss on my forehead.

  “Shit, Lila, only you could make me laugh when I want to fuck you so hard it’s not funny.”

  I gulped audibly at the thought of him fucking me so hard, my hands still stroking as I suggested, “Maybe we can make sure you fit, before we do anything hard…”

  Cade rolled me so I was on my back and he was over me, then lowered his head and, still smiling, said, “Don’t worry, we’re going to fit. I have a feeling you were made for me.”

  And as those words warmed my heart and soul, Cade eased himself slowly inside, giving me a chance to adjust to each inch, until he was fully seated within me. I’d never felt so complete in my life.

  With Cade filling me, his weight above me, and his sweet words playing like a loop in my head, I brought my knees up and savored the moment.

  Cade kissed me softly, then started to move, the long length of him thrusting in and out. Slowly at first, then faster, harder, longer … until his grunts were mingling with my moans.

  When Cade paused, I was about to protest, then he lifted one leg, then the other, until my ankles were hugging his ears, and he was sitting erect. My eyes roamed, taking in his slickened chest and abs, the muscles bunching and straining as he pounded in and out of me, the visual causing my orgasm to build again.

  My muscles protested as they stretched in their new position, and I thought briefly that next time I’ll need to do a warm-up before sex with Cade, then he began hammering into me even harder, and I looked up to see the pleasure on his face as he began to come. It was enough to push me over the edge, and I c
alled out his name as took in his face, memorizing it for my personal masturbation reel.

  A little while later, after I was back in my clothes and Cade was getting cleaned up, I grabbed my phone and covertly sent a text to Amy May.

  Deed’s done. It was MAGNIFICENT!

  I was replaying the reel in my head a few days later, my eyes starting to glaze over, when the sound of Elin shouting, “Mom!” brought me out of my dirty musings. By the look on his and Elena’s faces, he must have been trying to get my attention for a while.

  I picked up my neglected taco and asked, “What’s up, bud?” before taking a bite.

  “Look, I can do the shocker!” he replied, holding up his hand to show me that his thumb was holding on to his ring finger.

  I sucked in a breath, stunned, causing a piece of taco shell to lodge in my throat.

  Choking, I reached for my water and sucked it back in between deep breaths, my eyes watering as I looked at my son in horror.

  “Don’t do that,” I screeched when I had the ability to speak again.

  Elin’s face dropped and he put his hand in his lap.

  “Why, does it mean something bad?”

  Not willing to explain the shocker to my ten-year-old son, I replied vaguely, “All you need to know is that it means something bad, and I don’t ever want you to do it again, okay?”

  Elin exchanged a confused look with his sister, who simply shrugged and kept right on eating as if I hadn’t just almost died at the dinner table.

  “Promise?” I urged when he didn’t say anything.

  “Okay, Mom, I promise,” he said, eyes on his plate, and I knew I’d hurt his feelings when he left his favorite meal untouched and asked softly, “May I be excused?”

  “Sure,” I replied, and watched with worried eyes as he cleared his plate and went to his room.

  I sighed and looked at my daughter, unsure of whether or not she’d have questions about what just happened, but she just picked up a fallen black olive, popped it in her mouth, and asked, “Can Candace come over this weekend?”