Read Amateur Fireman Page 5



  Seth was as happy and proud as a boy well could be.

  Never before had he dared to remain very long near any particular enginelest some of the firemen should take it upon themselves to send himoutside the lines, consequently all his "points" had been gathered as hemoved from place to place.

  Now, however, he was in a certain sense attached to Ninety-four, andeach member of the company had some kindly word with which to greet him,for it had become known to all that if the amateur did not actually save'Lish Davis's life, he had assisted in preventing that gentleman fromreceiving severe injury.

  Dan was enjoying the advantages thus arising from his partner'spopularity, which was quite sufficient for him, since, not aspiring tobecome a fireman, he thought only of the present moment, and theprivilege of remaining by the engine as if he were really a member ofthe Department was some thing of which he could boast in the futureamong his comrades.

  It is true there was little of interest to be seen after the fire wasapparently extinguished, when the men had nothing more to do than remainon the lookout for any smoldering embers which might be fanned into ablaze; but Seth's interest was almost as great as when the flames werefiercest.

  Shortly after sunset hot coffee and sandwiches were served to the wearyfiremen, and Master Bartlett believed he had taken a long stride towardthe goal he had set himself, when the captain shouted:

  "Come here, you two kids, and get your rations. While doing duty withNinety-four you're entitled to all that's going."

  Dan ran forward eagerly, intent only on getting his share of the food,for he was very hungry; but Seth walked slowly in order to prolong thepleasure of obeying the captain's command, and could almost fancy he waswearing the city's uniform.

  He stood by 'Lish Davis's side when the lunch was passed around, andthat gentleman said grimly as Seth blew on the steaming coffee to coolit:

  "You mustn't do that if you ever count on being a fireman, Amateur."

  "Why not?" and Seth looked up in surprise.

  "Because you must get used to hot things. Supposing you could drink thatwhile it was boiling? Don't you reckon you'd stand the heat from ablaze better and longer than them who need to have it mighty nigh cold?"

  This seemed reasonable to Seth, and without stopping to further considerthe matter he instantly raised the cup to his lips, drinking the hotliquid until the pain was so great as to bring tears to his eyes.

  Then he lowered the cup slowly, striving manfully to repress any sign ofsuffering, and the driver gazed at him admiringly.

  "That kid has got sand, eh?" Davis said half interrogatively as heturned toward Jerry Walters, and the latter replied:

  "He showed it when he jumped for the horse. I believe if you should tellhim to roll over on the embers in that 'ere cellar, he'd do it."

  "I guess you're right, Jerry. Here, Amateur, don't try to drink any moreof that coffee till it cools a bit! I was only stuffing you when I saidyou'd stand a better show of being a fireman if you could scald yourthroat without feeling it."

  This evidence of solicitude for his welfare was sufficient reward forall Seth had suffered, and he glanced at Dan as if to make certain thatyoung gentleman was fully aware of the great honor which was beingbestowed upon his partner.

  Dan had no eyes except for the rapidly decreasing store of sandwiches,and no thought save as to how he might get his full share withoutappearing absolutely greedy, therefore all this by-play had passed whilehe remained in ignorance of it.

  Once his hunger was appeased Dan curled himself up on a bale ofhalf-burned merchandise near at hand, and immediately fell asleep.

  For him this association with Ninety-four's men was nothing of moreimportance than the gaining of a meal and so much of a night's lodgingas might be possible; but to Seth it was as if the gates guarding theapproach to his desires had been left ajar, permitting him to obtain aglimpse of that goal he so ardently longed to reach, and he patrolledthe ruins of the building as if upon his shoulders rested all theresponsibility of making certain the fire had been wholly extinguished.

  Not until fully an hour after midnight was the welcome word given forNinety-four to pull out, and Seth awakened his partner lest he should bein the way of the tired men.

  "Get a move on you!" he shouted in Dan's ear as he shook him roughly."There's nothin' more to be done here, an' we don't want to act like asif we was hangin' 'round, when the machine goes into her quarters."

  "Why don't you kind er loaf here till they have hitched up, an' perhapswe'll get another chance to stay in the engine-house?" Dan askedsleepily.

  "Because I'd be ashamed to do anythin' like that. Get up so's we can beoff before they pull out."

  Jerry Walters had overheard this brief conversation, although neither ofthe boys was aware of the fact, and he asked as the two were makingtheir way out through and over the debris into the darkness:

  "Where are you kids going?"

  "I reckon it's time we was home," Seth replied, giving his partner awarning shake lest he should say that which would seem to indicate thatthey were sadly in need of a bed.

  "What do you call home now the carpenter-shop has gone up in smoke?"

  "We haven't hired any house yet; but we've got our eye on one up inFifth Avenoo, an' if the price ain't more'n we've got in our pockets, Ireckon we'll take it."

  "Where are you counting on sleeping to-night?"

  "Most anywhere; it don't go hard with Dan an' me to find a place," Sethreplied with an assumption of carelessness, and again shaking hispartner to remind him that there must be no approach to begging.

  "Look here, Amateur, I don't reckon you know where you're going tosleep!"

  "We'll turn in somewhere; that part of it will be all right. So long!"

  "Hold on here, you kid!" and Jerry Walters spoke in a tone which soundedunusually stern. "Have you been with Ninety-four's crew at this 'erefire, or not?"

  "I reckon we have," Seth replied, with a laugh.

  "Then we'll take care you have a roof over your heads for the balance ofthis night. Wait till 'Lish Davis shows up, and see what he has to sayabout letting the kid who pulled him out of a big hole go off to bunk inthe streets. Come back, I say, till the driver gets here."

  "We ain't begging for a bed, Mr. Walters," Seth said decidedly, as heobeyed the command, "an' if we turn anybody out as we did lastnight----"

  "If you _was_ begging a bed I reckon you wouldn't get it from me; butsince you're so mighty independent I'm just contrary enough to see thatyou have one. I reckon it won't strain the rules very hard if you sleepon the straw, an' that's about the best you'll get up at the houseto-night, unless another alarm is sent in."

  At this moment 'Lish Davis returned with the horses, and Jerry Waltersheld a short, whispered conversation with him, at the conclusion ofwhich the latter said gruffly:

  "Amateur, go on with your partner up to the house--there's no need ofyour riding--an' wait there till I come. We ain't going to have anysulking jest because we've taken it into our heads to see that you getsome sleep 'twixt now and morning."

  "We ain't sulkin', Mr. Davis," Seth made haste to say, "an' we'll gowherever you say; but I don't want you to think we can't find alodgin'-place."

  "Get on with you!" the driver roared as if in a fury of passion, andwhen the boys obeyed he said in a low tone to Jerry Walters:

  "The Amateur has got a good bit of spirit in him, and that's what I liketo see. He shall come into the Department, eh?"

  "I'd like to see him there, for sure, and hope you'll be able to workit."

  "I don't know as a fireman's life counts much to the city; but if itdoes something ought'er be done for the Amateur, 'cause if it hadn'tbeen for him there'd be one driver short in the Department by thistime."

  Dan was in high glee at the prospect of spending another night in theengine-house, and said in a tone of satisfaction as the two made theirway rapidly up the street:

  "This is grea
t luck, eh?"

  "Yes, though I almost wish we was to shirk for ourselves."

  "What's makin' you so foolish all of a sudden? Don't you think a bed onthe straw in Ninety-four's house is better'n bunkin' in anywhere, orperhaps walkin' the streets for the rest of the night?"

  "Of course it is; but I'm 'fraid the men will think we hung 'round forjest such a chance."

  "After your stoppin' that hoss in time to save 'Lish Davis from gettin'all mashed up, I don't reckon they can accuse you of coaxin' for a bed."

  Seth made no reply to this remark.

  He appreciated the invitation which had been given, even more highlythan did Dan, yet feared it might appear to some of the company as if heshould have gone away when the fire was gotten under control, and thatby waiting when there was really nothing to be seen he had laid himselfopen to the possible charge of "hangin' 'round."

  If Dan Roberts expected Seth would be petted and praised because ofhaving rendered such a signal service to the driver of Ninety-four, hewas disappointed.

  The two boys arrived at the house a few moments in advance of theengine, and Seth at once set about trying to make himself useful in thework of "cleaning up," with the result that he rendered no slightassistance to the weary men; but yet not one of them commented upon thefact, or even so much as thanked him.

  After the horses were cared for 'Lish Davis went to where Seth was atwork and said gruffly, as if offended:

  "I've shaken some straw out for you kids, an' when you're through withthat job, turn in. Don't get to skylarkin', but keep quiet."

  Then the driver went upstairs.

  Dan, who was not in favor of working save when it might be absolutelynecessary, crept slyly to the straw and lay down; but Seth continued athis self-imposed task, and gained much pleasure thereby, for the mentreated the matter as if it was proper he should perform his share ofthe labor, which made it seem very much as if he was in fact a member ofthe company.

  Not until fully an hour after the engine had arrived at quarters didSeth "turn in," and then he was so weary that his eyes closed in slumberalmost as soon as he was stretched at full length on the straw.

  The last thought in his mind was a pleasing one; none of the company hadthanked him for assisting in the work, and this was exactly as he wouldhave had it.

  It seemed to the boys as if they had no more than fallen asleep,although as a matter of fact they had both been in Dreamland fully twohours, when the clanging of the gong, the thud of horses' feet on thefloor, and the rapid movements of the men aroused them.

  Seth had longed for and dreamed of just such an opportunity as this.

  To go out with Ninety-four from quarters was very near to being a memberof the Department, and he made all haste to station himself by the bigdoors ready to follow the engine.

  "Get out of there, Amateur!" Mr. Davis shouted as he swung himself intothe driver's seat. "One fire in a night is enough for you. Lay down an'sleep; then you'll be in better trim to help with the clean-up when weget back."

  Under no circumstances would Seth have ventured to remonstrate againstany order 'Lish Davis might give, and even had he been disposed to doso, there was not time.

  The driver had hardly ceased speaking before the doors were swung open,and Ninety-four was drawn out with a rush and a clatter that soundedlike sweetest music in Seth's ears.

  "'Lish kind er took the wind out of your sails that time, Amateur," thehouse-watchman said with a smile as he closed the heavy doors. "Ain'tone fire in twenty-four hours enough for you?"

  "I did _so_ want to go out once with Ninety-four, an' it seems too badto miss this chance for I'm not likely to get another."

  "Why not?"

  "'Cause I can't expect to sleep here very often, an' there's no show ofmy happenin' 'round at the very minute an alarm comes in."

  "Don't be so certain about that. You'll go out with them yet, or I'mmightily mistaken. You'd better take pattern by your partner, and getwhat sleep you can. That's a rule we in the Department have, and itcomes handy at times."

  Dan had leaped from the straw when the alarm first sounded; but insteadof making any attempt to follow the engine, crept back again with asmile of content.

  It is not probable he would have deprived himself of sleep even ifpermission had been given for him to ride on the engine.

  Seth lay down by Dan's side, and despite his disappointment was soonslumbering peacefully; but only for half an hour, because at the end ofthat time he was awakened once more by the noisy return of Ninety-four.

  The alarm had been sent in for a small blaze in one room of an apartmenthouse, and was extinguished almost immediately by the company whosequarters were nearest the signal station, therefore Ninety-four's menhad no labor to perform.

  However, it became necessary to wash down, make ready for a new fire inthe furnace of the engine, roll Ninety-four and her tender to theirrespective places on the floor, adjust the harness, start the clockonce more (for it had been stopped by the weight set free when the firststroke of the alarm rang out), and replace the weight which fastened thehorses in their stalls.

  In a portion of this work Seth assisted while Dan remained apparentlyasleep on the straw, and when the captain had sent in to headquartersthe three-fours, followed by Ninety-four's number, thus telling that shewas again ready for duty, 'Lish Davis said to the amateur:

  "You didn't miss much that time, eh?"

  "I missed going out with the company, sir."

  "I don't allow that cuts any very great figger, for there'll be manyanother chance when you're in better trim than you were this night."

  "Anyway, I've helped wash up twice, an' that counts for something,'cause I'm just so much ahead on points."

  "Take care you don't stick your nose too near a fire some time, and getone point too many," the driver said with a smile as he ascended thestairs wearily, and Seth called after him:

  "I'd rather it would be that way, Mr. Davis, than never know anythin'about the business."

  "You'll do, Amateur, you'll do, if you're driven with a tight curb, an'that's what I count on seein' that you have."

  Then Seth lay down on the straw once more, and slept soundly during thetwo hours which followed.

  It was seven o'clock in the morning when he finally arose, and althoughhe would have been pleased to remain there a while longer, the boy knewit was time to begin his day's work.

  Dan grumbled not a little because Seth insisted he should "turn out,"declaring he had hardly slept a wink; but, understanding he would not bepermitted to remain there very many moments longer now the men werealready astir, he arose to his feet and lounged lazily around until Sethhad polished the boots of those members of the company who called uponhim for such service.

  'Lish Davis came down-stairs just as Seth, his labor finished, was onthe point of leaving the building, and he stopped the boy by asking in afriendly tone:

  "Where are you off to now, Amateur?"

  "Out chasin' nickels. It's time we hustled if we expect to find lodgin'sbetween now an' night."

  "Flash up here about three o'clock this afternoon, and if I ain't in,wait for me."

  "All right, sir."

  Then Seth went out of doors followed by Dan, and when they were on thesidewalk Master Roberts asked curiously:

  "What do you s'pose he's got on hand for you at three o'clock?"

  "Most likely he don't want his boots shined till then."

  "It must be somethin' more'n that," Dan replied, sagely.

  "Of course it ain't. What else could he want of me?"

  "Perhaps he's goin' to give you somethin' for what you did last night."

  "I'll feel awful bad if he does."

  "I'd like to know why?"

  "'Cause then it would seem all the more as if I was really an outsider;he wouldn't give Jerry Walters anythin' for helpin' him out of ascrape."

  "I don't see as--Jimminey! but there's Jip Collins! Ain't he got thenerve to be snoopin' 'round here? Say, we can nab him easy as a
wink ifyou say the word!"

  "I don't want to have him arrested. Anything like that wouldn't bringback our lodgin's."

  To the great surprise of the boys Jip Collins appeared relieved ratherthan frightened at seeing them, and instead of running away advancedrapidly, almost eagerly.

  "Look here, Seth, I'm mighty sorry I set fire to your place the othernight, an' if there's any way to square it I'll hump myself the best Iknow how," he cried while yet some distance away.

  "It's a big pity you wasn't took in this style before you touched heroff, for then Seth and me wouldn't be huntin' a place to sleep," Dansaid sternly before his partner could speak.

  "I know that," Jip wailed, and Seth fancied there was a ring of realsorrow in his tones. "I must have been crazy to do it, an' after thematch was dropped in the shavings I hoped they wouldn't catch fire. ThenI sent in the alarm, 'cause the light kept growin' brighter, an' nobodyelse saw it."

  "But you touched her off all the same," and it could readily be seenthat Dan's anger was getting the best of him.

  "Yes, I did, an' of course you can have me sent up the river for it; butwhat good will that do you? Say, Seth, won't you let me square itsomehow?"

  "It's all over now, Jip, an' the only way to fix things is by keepin'mighty straight after this. _I_ don't want to send you up the river, norI won't; but if the cops get to know who did it I'm afraid they'll runyou in without tryin' to see whether I want it done or not."

  "I know all that, Seth; but I don't believe I'll get jugged if SamBarney keeps quiet. He says he's taken up the case, an' is goin' to pushit straight through so's to show how good a detective he can be whenthere's a chance to spread hisself."

  "How do you know that?" Dan asked suspiciously.

  "Bill Dean told me so. I met him up to the Erie Basin, where I've beenhidin'."

  "Why didn't you stay there?"

  "I did till I was 'most starved, an' had to come out to earn some moneyso's to buy grub. Bill was round there last night lookin' for a fellerwhat runs on a canal-boat, an' jest the same as tumbled over me."

  "You'd stood as good a show of earnin' money over in Brooklyn or JerseyCity as here, an' then there wouldn't be so much danger of runnin'across anybody who knew you."

  "I'm goin' to Williamsburg; but wanted to talk with you fellers first,so come up here where I could see if you was in Ninety-four's house."

  "What are you countin' on doin' right now?" Seth asked in a friendlytone.

  "Find Joe Carter an' try to get the ten cents he owes me, so's I'll havesomethin' to buy the first lot of papers with."

  "Joe's gone to Baltimore to live; went off last night," Dan saidpromptly, and an expression of disappointment came over Jip's face.

  "Is he the only feller who owes you anythin'?" Seth asked.

  "Yes, an' I reckon he's the only one who would try to give me a liftafter what I've done. He was----"

  "Where's them swell Brooklyn chums of yours?" Dan interrupted.

  "They went dead back on me after I started the fire, an' Bill Dean saysthey told Sam Barney all about it. If Sam would only let up on me I'dshow that I could be as square as any of the fellers."

  "I don't reckon you'll ever do that," Dan cried angrily, and Seth addedsoothingly:

  "I'll see Sam to-day, an' do all I can to make him drop the case, 'causeit don't seem to me he's got any right to take it up unless I say theword. Now, I'm goin' to lend you fifteen cents, Jip, an' you needn'tworry 'bout payin' it back for quite a spell. There's plenty of placesto sell papers in where the fellers don't know you, an' after a whileyou can come 'round City Hall again."

  "You're goin' to lend me money after what I did?" Jip cried inastonishment not unmixed with fear, for he failed to understand why theboy he had tried to injure should be so generous. "I counted on yourthumpin' me, an' I'd stood still to let you do it----"

  "If Seth Bartlett has gone crazy there's no reason why I shouldn't serveyou out, Jip Collins!" and Dan advanced threateningly. "_I_ ain't sicha chump as to pay a feller for tryin' to burn me to death, an' I'mgoin' to knock your two eyes into one, 'stead of throwin' away goodmoney on a duffer like you!"

  Jip made no effort to defend himself, and Dan had raised his hand tostrike the first blow when Seth stepped in front of him.

  "Don't do anythin' like that, Dan! Jip is sorry, an' there's nothin'more he can do or say."

  "There's a good deal more I can do!" and by this time Master Roberts hadworked himself into a towering passion.

  "Go away, Jip!" Seth cried, clasping Dan by the body in such a manner asto pin the boy's arms to his side. "Clear out, an' after he gets overhis mad a little he'll come 'round all right."

  "It would only be servin' me in decent shape if he should jest aboutknock my head off," Jip replied penitently, making no move towardseeking safety in flight.

  "I won't have Dan fightin' in the streets, an' there's no reason now whyyou should be thumped," Seth cried, speaking indistinctly because of hisefforts to hold Master Roberts in check. "Get away as quick as you can!"

  "I'll go if you say the word, though I ain't certain but he'd better dowhat he's tryin' for. You're a jim dandy, Seth Bartlett, an' I'll squareeverythin' with you some day. I'm sleepin' in a boat up at the ErieBasin, an' I wish you'd come there to see me; I'd like to let you knowhow sorry I am for what I did."

  Dan was making the most strenuous efforts to free himself from Seth'sgrasp, and the latter held him captive only by the greatest exertion.

  "Don't hang 'round here any longer, Jip! Get away quick, an' I'll seeyou again some time."

  "Will you come up to the Basin?"

  "Yes, yes," Seth replied hurriedly, hardly understanding the promise hemade because of his anxiety to prevent a fight, and Jip started offrapidly, crying as he ran:

  "You're a dandy, Seth Bartlett, an' I'll pay you off for this as true asI live!"

  Not until Jip was two blocks or more away did Seth release his hold andturn to face Dan in his wrath.