Read Amateur Fireman Page 9



  When Jip Collins and those who had befriended him arrived at the pointnearest Ninety-four's house, on their way to the Thirty-fourth StreetFerry, Seth halted to take leave of his companions, and knowing what hewas about to do, Dan urged that he be allowed to accompany him.

  "You're goin' down to get your uniform on, an' I want to see it the veryfirst thing."

  "So you shall, Dan; but I'd rather you wouldn't come with me now, 'causethere was nothin' said about my bringin' anybody. Keep on with Bill an'Jip, an' I'll go over to our room jest as soon as I get through at theengine-house."

  This did not please Master Roberts; but Bill Dean urged that Seth was inthe right, and was very emphatic in the assertion that it would "be 'wayoff color to shove in" at such a time.

  Therefore Dan ceased to insist, although it was with a very ill gracethat he accepted the situation.

  As a matter of course, once such a conversation was started, it becamenecessary to explain to Jip what important business called Seth away,and he said with a sigh:

  "I'm glad you're playin' in such luck, Seth, for you're mighty square. Is'posed after what I'd done nobody would let me come 'round theirhouses, an' as for my gettin' into any Department, why there never'll bea show of such a thing as that."

  "Now don't you get down in the dumps, Jip, 'cause you'll soon pull upwhere you was before. All that's needed is to go on straight from thisout, an' show people you're sorry for meddlin' in such crookedbusiness."

  After this attempt at consolation Seth parted with his companions, andten minutes later was standing before 'Lish Davis on the lower floor ofNinety-four's house.

  "Well, what have you done with your firebug?" the driver asked, and suchof the men as were idle gathered around to hear the conversation.

  "We've shipped Sam Barney, an' Jip's gone down Thirty-fourth Street waysellin' papers."

  "Do you allow he'll run straight after this?"

  "I'm almost certain of it, Mr. Davis. He feels terrible bad, an' if Samgives him the chance he'll show that he can be a decent feller."

  "I hope so, because I hate to see a boy go wrong. Do you know, Amateur,that what's done while you're young hangs on after you get to be a man.Then, when you're getting along swimmingly, up comes somebody and tellsof the mean trick you played when you was a kid. It always countsagainst a man. Now, I ain't saying that your firebug won't pull out ofthis, but he's taking the chances that it'll be thrown up in his face ahundred times 'twixt now and the next ten years, however straight hewalks. If a boy would only bear that in mind I allow he'd be a heap morecareful about what he did. Howsomever, you ain't here for a lecture ofthat kind, and what's more you don't need one. I allow you're countingon that suit of clothes?"

  "I s'posed that was what you wanted me to come for, sir."

  "Well, it was, Amateur, it was; and if you'll go upstairs and look on mybed you'll find the togs laid out there. Put 'em on, and come down toshow us how you look."

  "Are they new clothes, sir?"

  "Of course they are. You don't allow that when this 'ere company takesit into their heads to fit out a kid they're going to do it onsecond-hand rigging, do you?"

  "I only asked the question 'cause I thought perhaps if they was all newI'd better wash my face an' hands first."

  "That's right, Amateur; fix yourself out the best you know how. We wantto see what kind of a looking kid we've taken on our hands."

  Instead of immediately acting upon his own suggestion Seth hesitated,and after a moment the driver asked:

  "What are you hanging in the wind now for? Got anything on your mind?"

  "I'd like to know, sir, if I'm to be allowed to pay for these clotheswhen I get so I can earn money enough?"

  "Bless your heart, Amateur, when you're regularly in the Department youshall come up and square the bills with Ninety-four if it so be you'reinclined; if not, why, what we do comes free as air, and we're glad togive you a boost. All the payment we want is that you'll do us credit.I'd like to have the boys up at headquarters, when they look at you, sayto themselves, 'That kid belongs to Ninety-four,' and in the saying ofit I'd have 'em think you was way up--something out of the ordinary runof kids, don't you understand, Amateur?"

  "If I can do anything to make you feel proud of me, Mr. Davis, I'll bemighty glad; but I promise you shan't be ashamed of having sent methere."

  "I ain't counting on the possibility of that, Amateur, 'cause I believeI know you better. Now, get along and put yourself into condition,'cause there's no knowing how soon we may get a call."

  Before looking at the new clothing Seth washed his face and hands withscrupulous care, used the comb and brush again and again until positiveeach single hair was in its proper place, and then went to the floorabove.

  He expected to see garments which somewhat resembled those worn by thefiremen; but was unprepared for that which met his gaze.

  'Lish Davis, if indeed it was he who ordered the uniform, had seen to itthat each article was a facsimile, both as to texture and style, of whathe himself wore, the one difference being that the buttons were plainblack instead of gilt with raised letters.

  During several moments Seth stood as if spell-bound, gazing at this, tohim, first real evidence that he was in a certain degree, howeverremote, connected with the Department, and perhaps never again will hefeel the same honest pride which was his at that moment, for he knewwithout being told that he had gotten this far toward the goal he hadset himself by straightforward dealing and careful attention to all theduties which might be expected of him.

  He did not say in so many words that he had earned them; but there wasin his mind a sense of satisfaction in the knowledge that they would nothave been presented unless he had shown himself to be in some degreedeserving.

  After a long survey of the garments, he put them on, and never wastransformation more complete than when he was thus changed from a raggedboy of the street, to what, in the mirror at least, looked almost like ayoung gentleman.

  "They're mighty fine," he said to himself as he examined first onecoat-sleeve and then the other. "They're mighty fine, an' it'll be aterrible big tumble for me if I can't satisfy 'em up to headquarters."

  Then came the fear that now, having reached the threshold of theDepartment, as it were, he might fail in his purpose, and Seth literallytrembled with apprehension until 'Lish Davis's voice was heard frombelow ordering him to "hurry up."

  "I won't go back on Ninety-four's men," the boy said to himselfresolutely. "It's jest as the driver says, all depends on me, an'knowin' what's to be gained I'm a chump if I can't pull through."

  Then, acting on an impulse, he slid down one of the poles, instead ofgoing by the way of the stairs, and suddenly stood before the entirecompany, who were awaiting his appearance.

  "Well done, Amateur, well done," 'Lish Davis cried in a tone ofapprobation. "I declare I wouldn't have known who it was if I'd met yousudden-like on the street. Why, you're a corker, Amateur, a regularcorker!"

  "I do look pretty nice, an' that's a fact," Seth replied complacently,whereat the men laughed heartily.

  Then each member of the company in turn came forward and shook him bythe hand, congratulating him upon his first appearance as a member ofthe Department, at the same time that they wished him success in theeffort to gain a permanent foothold among them.

  "You're a credit to us, Amateur, and that much I must say. The money wespent on the toggery ain't been thrown away even if you do get fired outof headquarters after a spell. From this time forth you're much the sameas a probationary fireman, and the bootblack part of it has disappeared,except when you're 'round here where there's no one to know what you'redoing. Though, mark you, lad, I'm not saying anything against a boy'sshining boots for a living. If you hadn't done it well, and taken somepride in your calling, Seth Bartlett wouldn't be standing in that 'eresuit of blue this minute. Now that we've launched you, as it were,Amateur, I, and I'm speaking for my mates as well, want you
tounderstand that it's a hard row ahead. You've got to work early andlate; put up with a good many disagreeable things and look pleasant allthe while; do considerable more'n your duty, and be always on the jump.Keep up as we've known you, Amateur, my boy, and you'll win."

  When this speech--for it could be called by no other name--wasconcluded, the driver's comrades applauded loudly, and then 'Lishstepped back a few paces as if expecting Seth to respond.

  The "probationary" fireman understood the movement; but the words in hismind would not come; instead of making what he considered a worthyreply, he said, and to him it sounded lame and poor:

  "I'll do my best so's you won't be ashamed of me."

  "That's all we're asking for, Amateur, and to-morrow noon at twelveo'clock I've got leave of absence to take you up to headquarters. You'reyour own boss till then, and you'd better make the most of the holiday,'cause it'll be a long spell before you get another."

  "There's only one thing I'd like to say, sir, an' that I s'pose Imustn't think of."

  "Do you mean you're hankering to run to a fire with them good clotheson?"

  "I'd like to shift 'em an' go, sir, for----"

  At that instant the click caused by the opening of the electric circuitin the alarm was heard, followed by the striking of the joker.

  The weight fell--the lever flew up--the horses were released, and beforeSeth could have spoken, even if he had had anything to say, the animalswere under the swinging harness, while every man stood at his station.

  "Get on, Amateur; get on alongside the engineer. This may be the lasttime you'll run with Ninety-four for quite a spell, and I'm minded togive you the advantage of it," the captain cried as 'Lish Davis sprangto his seat, snapped into place the catch on his belt, and released theharness.

  Almost before the last word was spoken Seth had leaped to the side ofthe engineer, and never a boy in New York City was more proud than he,when the ponderous engine, drawn by the plunging horses, left thebuilding with a rattle and roar which could have been heard blocks away.

  In a uniform hardly to be distinguished from the members of the companythe Amateur was riding to his first fire in what seemed to him like anofficial capacity.

  One portion of his dream was being realized, and he said to himself ashe clung to the rail, swung to and fro by the swaying of the ponderousmachine, that when the time came for him to be regularly enrolled in theDepartment he would use every effort toward being assigned toNinety-four.

  "You are our mascot, Amateur," Jerry Walters, who stood next to Seth,shouted at the full strength of his lungs in order that the words mightbe heard above the clanging of the gong and rattle of wheels, "and ifyou're to bring us good luck we shall get first water to-night."


  Seth's heart sank. For the moment he believed Walters was in earnest,and knew full well, having the location of each signal station in mind,that there were two engines whose houses were nearer the call than wasNinety-four's.

  To get first water under such circumstances seemed impossible, andtimidly Seth reminded Walters of the fact.

  "I know it, Amateur, and am not counting that we'll win; but if weshould, and if there be such things as mascots, then I'm free to admityou'll be a lucky one for us."

  Perhaps 'Lish Davis had in his mind some idea similar to that expressedby Walters, for although Seth had seen him urge his horses to theirutmost speed time and again, never before had he known him to press themso hard.

  The mass of steel and iron was drawn over the pavement as if it had beenbut a feather's weight, and 'Lish Davis guided the horses, withoutchecking their speed in the slightest, around a sharp corner so suddenlythat Seth was nearly overthrown, while the clanging of gongs in thedistance told of the approach of a second engine.

  "It's Fifty-three!" Jerry Walters shouted in the boy's ear. "It'sFifty-three, and we've got thirty seconds the start of her. How aboutgetting first water now, Amateur?"

  Seth pointed straight ahead where could be seen a cloud of sparksarising from the stack of a third engine which was coming directlytoward them.

  "Yes, Amateur, it's her or Ninety-four; Fifty-three is distanced, andI'll hold that you're bringing good luck to us if we do no more thanbeat one of 'em out."

  Every man of that company, however eager he had previously been to befirst at the scene of conflict, seemed now to outdo himself in activity.

  A cloud of black smoke issuing from the second floor of a dwellinglocated the fire, and Ninety-four's tender was making a run for thenearest hydrant, passing the engine just as 'Lish Davis slackened speed.

  Joe Black had gained the desired spot in advance of his rival, and asNinety-four's tender dashed by, fifteen or twenty feet of the hose hadbeen run off of the reel.

  Then it was that Jerry Walters and 'Lish Davis gave vent to a loud cryof triumph, for Joe Black had made the connection.

  Ninety-four's tender was stretching in just as the other company reachedthe hydrant, beaten by no more than ten seconds.

  "We've got first water, Amateur, we've got first water!" Jerry Waltersshouted as if having taken leave of his senses. "It ain't that we'venever done such a thing; but this time it didn't belong to us, and wetook it on your first run! If that ain't being a mascot for Ninety-fourI don't know what you will call it."

  Then there was no time for congratulations or further discussionregarding the matter, for the men had work to do which could not bedelayed, and Seth was about to follow Joe Black when 'Lish Davisshouted:

  "Come back here, Amateur! Come back! This is no time for you to begettin' points when you're wearing the first decent suit of clothes youever owned. Get alongside and behave yourself. I didn't allow you was todo any work when the captain let you in on this trick."

  Under other circumstances Seth would have been grievously disappointedat being thus commanded to remain where he could see little or nothingof what was being done; but now he was so elated at the victory won thatall else seemed but slight by comparison.

  "I s'pose you'd have gone in there if you was wearing the finest coatever made, eh?" the driver asked gravely, and Seth replied with anotherquestion:

  "Wouldn't you, sir?"

  "What I'd do don't cut any figger, Amateur. It's my business to go inthere, but not yours yet a while. When the time comes that you're boundto step up with the foremost, I'm expecting to see you there, andwouldn't say a word that might hold you back. Now you're playing thegentleman, and you'll stay with me; besides, it ain't going to turn outanything after all. A curtain or some such flummery is blazing. It can'tbe much more."

  In this surmise 'Lish Davis was correct.

  Within ten minutes after Ninety-four was ready for work word came to"shut off," and the men set about disconnecting the hose.

  So slight had been the fire that only two members of the company weredetailed to do the overhauling--that, is to thoroughly go through thebuilding from top to bottom to make certain no spark had been left whichmight be fanned into a flame--and the remainder of the men were orderedback to the house.

  "It's what we may call a howling success, this first run of yours,Amateur," 'Lish Davis said as he drove leisurely homeward. "We've beat'em all out, had little work to do, and it wasn't much more than goodpractice, with a precious fine record at the bottom of it. But don't youget puffed up thinking everything is going your way just 'cause you'vestarted in easy and slick."

  "There's no reason why I should be puffed up, Mr. Davis, except thatI've had a chance to do what I've been longin' for--and that is to goout with Ninety-four as if I belonged to her."

  "_As if_ you belonged to her! That's what we allow you do, Amateur. Fromthis out, unless it so be you turn about wonderfully and go crooked,you're one of us--an honorary member, so to speak."

  "Put down on the roll as the official mascot," Jerry Walters cried,whereat the remainder of the company laughed heartily, and in thisjovial mood was Ninety-four returned to her quarters; but Seth was notallowed to take part in t
he washing-up lest he should soil his finefeathers.

  "I'm counting on your striking in at headquarters lookin' just as fineas silk, which you couldn't do if we let you hang 'round here helpingwith the dirty work," 'Lish Davis said when Seth would have claimed itas his right to be allowed to assist in the labor. "You're to toddlestraight home now, for you've hung 'round this house long enough; staythere till morning, come over here for a bit about your usual time, andthen take a spell at swelling down-town until nigh on to twelve o'clock,when I'll be ready to go with you. Well, why don't you start?"

  "I wanted to thank you for lettin' me run with Ninety-four the firstnight I had my uniform on."

  "You needn't do anything of the kind. The captain happened to be softjust as the alarm struck, else you wouldn't have got away with us. Nowclear out, and take care you don't get into mischief."

  As Seth went toward his lodgings he wondered whether the people whom hemet in the street were not surprised at seeing him thus clad like afireman, and so intent was he on walking erect with his shoulders thrownwell back, that he might the better look the part he hoped one day toplay, that he failed to observe Dan Roberts until the latter, suddenlyrecognizing his partner, shouted shrilly:

  "Hi! Seth! Do you mean that's really you?"

  "Don't make such a row on the street, Dan, 'cause folks will wonderwhat's the matter. But say, I do look pretty fine, eh?"

  "Fine? Why, that's no name for it, old man. You're out of sight! Wheredid you get 'em?"

  "This is the uniform I was tellin' you 'bout. Mr. Davis gave it to mewhen I was over to the engine-house, an' do you know I hadn't more'n gotinto it when there was an alarm, an' I rode to the fire on Ninety-fourjest as if I belonged to her."


  "I did for a fact."

  "Well, if they let you do that there ain't much question 'bout yourgettin' into the Department."

  "Mr. Davis says it all depends on me now, an' you can bet I'll workmighty hard, Dan Roberts."

  "If you don't you're a bloomin' idjut! Why, I wouldn't ever knowed youif I'd been goin' fast! I was kind-er loafin' along wonderin' when you'dbe home, an' thinkin' of Jip, so had time to look 'round. First off Icouldn't make up my mind to holler, you looked so bloomin' swell. Now, Idon't see why I shouldn't go in for somethin' same's you did, an' flashup in sich style; but no, I'll stick to sellin' papers, that'll be theway with me, an' think I'm playin' in great luck if I get to own a standon some corner."

  "You talk as if I was already in the Department, instead of havin' towork my way up to it."

  "I only wish I was as near there. By the time you're captain of acompany I'll jest about get so I can pay my own way, with never twocents ahead."

  "Now, don't begin to jump on yourself 'cause it seems as if I wasgettin' along pretty fast; but wait an' see how I pan out, an' as fordoin' nothin' but sellin' papers, why, that's 'cordin' to the way youwant it. There ain't any need of stickin' to sich business unless youhanker for it."

  "Yes there is, except I'm willin' to starve," Dan replied mournfully,and to raise him from the depths of despondency into which he had beenplunged by a sight of the uniform, Seth began to ask him questionsconcerning Jip.

  "We left him down at the ferry. Bill Dean struck a feller there whopromised to give Jip a lift now an' then. I don't reckon he'll have anytrouble, 'cause them as are sellin' papers down that way don't seem tohave much sand to 'em. He's goin' to sleep with Bill's friend, an' takeit all in all I think he's gettin' along mighty well, considerin' itain't a week since he burned us out. Say, goin' into the house now, ordo you count on swellin' 'round a spell first?"

  "We'll go home, Dan, an' in the mornin', after I've shined forNinety-four's men, I'll meet you down-town."

  "What? You goin' to do any more shinin'?"

  "I am for them in that house, an' I'll keep it up till I get to bereg'larly in the Department. They've done so much for me, Dan, that if Ishould spend half my time as long as I live blackin' their boots, Iwouldn't square things."

  "If I counted on bein' a fireman I'd be one; I wouldn't black boots foranybody."

  "Neither will I when I'm really in the Department; but I'm a long waysfrom there yet a while. Come home, an' to-night I'll stand a spread so'sto celebrate wearin' the new uniform."