Read Amatista Page 2

  Now the humans had taken a chunk of land and massacred the trees to build their compound. Living, breathing greenery had been replaced by hot, unyielding concrete. They had not learned their lesson after abusing their own planet. They were intent on doing the same here, in Oriana. Raping the virgin planet to build their dreams at the expense of nature. And they would destroy the previous inhabitants getting in their way. The Fohers.

  The Fohers were unparalleled in strength. They were hunters, warriors, used to going without food for days, surviving the harshest winters and hottest days. But they’d never been faced with creatures like the humans. Creatures who relied on their minds, not their bodies, to conquer. Creatures who relied on technology and weapons. Creatures without a god.

  They’d massacred entire camps of Fohers, and Kavi was certain the humans outnumbered them by now. He knew he’d been taken captive because he was among the precious few who spoke their language, and there was one thing the humans wanted to know. One thing their greed demand they find. Conquer. And own.


  It was the one haven to which Kavi could lead his people. A place they’d once called home.

  The legend was one he’d been told one too many times.

  And so the lost ones may come home, their powers returned, and from that moment on, nothing will breach Amatista.

  But Oriana was eight times larger than Earth and this mysterious river of sparkling purple amethysts had not been found. They were running out of time, losing more and more Fohers to the humans each day. The humans had boasted of having a map, and yet tonight the Fohers had had no luck finding it.

  There was no proof of the existence of such a map, and Kavi wondered if it was yet another myth created by the humans to lure the Fohers to them.

  Humans wanted Amatista for money, to exploit it for riches, but not even their extravagant gadgets had been able to disclose its location.

  For Kavi’s kind, covering the land on foot in search of this magical place that had once been there home would take them lifetimes they did not have.

  Kavi was growing desperate.

  The human woman had been an impulse, a decision stemming from rage. Lust. But now he realized it might pose a diversion. The human commander had seemed intent on protecting her, and Kavi realized she must be of value to him. He now considered the possibility of diverting the humans’ attentions to her, while he sent a dozen men on kabi-back in their continued search for the elusive purple river.

  The dry, rocky river of amethysts.

  The woman stirred in his arms and he slowed his pace to a walk. She squirmed now, her rump shimmying by his head in a way he couldn’t stand. He paused and tilted forward to brace her against a fat tree trunk.

  She blinked up at him through clouded lilac eyes. Strands of pale yellow hair fell over her face, and he brushed them gently aside. Her sun-kissed skin was smooth under his fingers and her pupils were dilated by the drug. That did not detract from the surreal beauty of her eyes. Her face. The top of her head barely reached his chin, which stirred his protective instincts, and yet the shapely curves of her lovely body stirred another kind of urge. A primal need to take, claim, possess.

  He felt the air leave his lungs, desire kicking inside him—and a need to have her as his own. “You’ve sealed your fate, little woman,” he said, straining to keep his voice level. “You’d best pray to your god I have more mercy than you did with me.”

  Her eyes had drifted shut already, and he had to resist the urge to shake her awake and demand she finish what she’d started in his cell. Yet she looked almost angelic in her sleep, her oval-shaped face graced with exquisite features he’d never in his life seen before. His thumb was bigger than her nose, and though her mouth wasn’t too wide, it was plump and kissable.

  He’d already experienced what that little pink mouth could do. Now all he could think of was feeling it around him again.

  He wanted to drop his pants and force his cock into that mouth, pound until she drank every drop of juice from him. His shoulders, legs, his whole body shook from the need. But he was no animal. He was a Foher—and he had discipline.

  He’d taken women in his mouth many times and plenty of females had pleased him in the same manner, taking his cock inside theirs. While Fohers had only one mate and a Foher man would spill his seed only inside the sex of the woman he chose to spend his life with, oral play was common among them. Ajay’s mate had numerous times, by Ajay’s request, sucked on Kavi’s cock, and Kavi in turn had pleased her with his mouth.

  But this human… No one had ever left him wanting like she had.

  No one had made him feel desire so fiercely it had pained more than the whipping he’d taken. Taking her with his mouth would not be play. Kavi felt the tormenting need to feel her sheath around him, to be relieved by her.

  He exhaled a shaky breath, not wanting to waste more valuable minutes. Gently taking her by the waist, he draped her over his rested shoulder.

  His hands shook on her. He didn’t feel like himself at all. The drug the humans had forced on him still made him feel sluggish, and yet his insides were the complete opposite—he felt angry. He felt hatred. He felt lust.

  But he employed the same discipline he’d been taught as a child and kept his mind focused on the camp. On arriving. Taking a bath in the nearby river. Having a nice warm meal. After that, he would think about the woman again.

  And pay her back in kind.

  * * * * *

  Her neck felt stiff and her arms were numb. That was the first thing Liana became aware of as she woke, her eyes blinking to focus. As she moved, every muscle in her body screamed in protest. Her head felt so heavy she had no doubt a live horse had just been sitting on top of it.

  Scanning her blurry surroundings in a daze, she deduced she was in a darkened tent, lying on a cot draped in some sort of luxurious, fluffy pelt of fur. It felt as warm and silky as a kitten at her back.

  Then she slowly became conscious of the fact that her nipples felt frozen and her legs trembled with cold…

  She was naked.

  Shocked, she started to sit, expecting to find her cousin lurking in the shadows somewhere, but her arms and legs jerked her back with a jolt. To her shock she discovered her arms and ankles were tied to each end of the cot. She tested the bindings, trying one more time to move and failing again.

  Someone had made a big mistake and tied her facing the wrong way. The mark was on her back. It would make reading it impossible. How could Lyle expect the captured Foher to decipher it this way? And why had the man found it necessary to strip her completely? She was freezing!

  She tried to cry out for someone, anyone—but no sound came out except a squeak that died a quick death on the cloth around her mouth.

  “You’ve awakened.”

  The words were spoken with a thick, surly accent.

  Liana choked in panic as a figure stepped forward, a familiar face atop a massive, muscled body appearing a scant few feet away. Memories flooded her of the chaos the night before…and she knew she was no longer at the human camp.

  Good grief, the Foher looked a thousand times more threatening now than when he’d been chained. Perhaps now because she was the one naked and tied down. While he stood there looking very big and gorgeous.

  He was clean now. Dressed from the waist down—which was slightly disappointing.

  The lashes were healing on his flesh, the wounds now dark, dry scabs. A leather belt was looped around one brawny shoulder, pulled flat over his flesh by the weight of the weapon behind him.

  His face was a rugged landscape—as beautiful as anything in nature. His hair was a rich, luminous sable color. So beautiful it was almost unfair that hers wasn’t nearly as long or dark. His thick-lashed eyes looked clearer now without the drug. Transparent like water and yet…

  They were stroking her pussy. Boldly. So that she could feel her pink, moist tissues ping and throb under his gaze.

  She felt her own dampness then, li
ke the torrent of a river, washing down between her legs for him to see.

  Seized by panic, Liana bucked against the bindings. Her breasts jiggled, drawing his eyes until her nipples pebbled embarrassingly and she dropped her butt back on the pelt.

  She went as still as a hunted doe, ears pricked and heart pounding as if prepared to run for her life. But Liana couldn’t run. She couldn’t even sit! She was used to being stared at, but not like this, not by eyes she could feel as they slowly caressed her body.

  She winced when he walked around her, his eyes steady on hers. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he said gruffly, cupping her face in a big, warm palm, his thumb smoothing along her cheek. “It was you who chose to touch me at your will, and now I will touch you at mine.”

  Liana rushed to explain to him why she had touched him, ready to admit her actions had been shameless. But her words died on the cloth.

  “Forgive me, I do not hear you.”

  Forgive me? He didn’t sound contrite. His face as he stared down at her was inscrutable. Liana was sure a log had more emotion than him. Whether those sculpted lips could even manage a smile, she wasn’t sure she wanted to know.

  “My plan is to return the favor that you did for me during captivity. Don’t humans say…an eye for an eye?”

  Liana’s heart hammered in her chest, deafening her ears as he retraced his steps. Back to her open legs.

  His eyes sought out her sex again as he settled on his haunches. His gaze narrowed, focused, frightening—and then he fingered her. At the entrance of that innermost part of her. A brush of a stocky finger to and fro, along the slick, puffy lips.

  A shock of electricity shot up her spine, her body arching over the pelts while a wanton sound ripped out of her chest.

  “Do you like what I do to you?” he asked, petting the place he’d just fingered.

  Yes! she thought. Then shocked by her wantonness, Liana closed her eyes and clamped her mouth around the gag.

  “Let’s see if we can coax some more cream out of you,” he whispered.

  Oh God. If she got any wetter, she’d drown in her own personal pool.

  His thumb circled her clit, so gently, so slowly she felt hypnotized. Suddenly nothing mattered but his thumb. The only thing of relevance now. Rolling the bright pink flesh of her clit in circles. Liana felt muscles she didn’t even know she had clenching tightly at the assault. She felt that cream he spoke of trickling between her legs, hot and rich and musky.

  She moaned. And told herself she wouldn’t think of his cock. Of how warm, how languid and hot it had made her feel. She wouldn’t think of how it had tasted in her mouth, and how much she’d wanted this Foher. But her body remembered the feeling of wanting him. It was warming up to his touch, and by the way it undulated, it was purposely seeking it.

  “You are eager for my touch.” His voice had changed. It was deeper. Raw. Opening her eyes, she saw his own absorbing her telltale reactions, roaming from her face to her quivering breasts, down to the sex he played with. “Let’s see how warm you feel on the inside.”

  A broad finger slipped into her, parting her. Her hips rose. Open. Wanting. She could hear how wet she was, how shallow her breathing sounded.

  “Yes, you like it, don’t you?” he purred, his eyes clamping onto hers.

  That probing finger slicked out, only to push inside again.

  Liana shuddered. Every atom in her body concentrated on the feel of that wide, seemingly infinite finger filling a part of her no one else had ever explored. And she remembered his cock—every detail of it—and more than anything wanted that quivering, fat length inside her.

  “Now it is I who gets to taste you,” he whispered. “I remember you tasting me.” And he dipped his head and pressed his tongue to her sex. Heat against heat.

  Liana shrieked in pleasure. He licked upward, circling her clit with his tongue while deft strokes of his finger caressed her walls. Now all Liana cared about was coming. Like in her dreams. But it would be real this time. She would be coming to the strokes of a man. A warrior. A Foher.

  She rocked her hips against his face and moaned into the gag. Heat gathered force inside her core, readying for an explosion. It needed only a trigger. Something that would release it all.

  And she prayed a thousand prayers, all in a quick, breathless second, that he would fuck her now.

  “You are too sweet,” he murmured against her sex, his husky voice quivering over her swollen lips. “I want you to climax in my mouth.”

  She could see he’d closed his eyes and the way he was licking her suddenly changed from a slow sampling to a full-blown feasting. Soon it was his tongue spearing inside her, fast and sure, rubbing inside her moistened walls. His huge but gentle hands gripped her inner thighs open, his hungry growls muffled against her cunt just as her own were muffled by the gag.

  Liana had stopped thinking minutes ago. She was humping his face, straining against her bindings because the pleasure was so intense she couldn’t just lay there. She had to move, she had to find…

  Even with the cloth, her sudden, desperate “please” was unmistakable. As clear as the language her body used.

  He jerked back when he heard it, stumbling away from her as if she’d just kicked his balls.

  Steadying himself, he gazed down at her for a moment, panting. His lips glowed with her juices and there was something primal and lusty in his eyes. The room smelled of her arousal. And under his gaze she squirmed in discomfort.

  Soundlessly, and like a man with no strength to face a battle, he crossed the tent and left her. Alone. She heard nothing but the haunting echo of her breathing.

  Liana wanted to cry. She wanted to take the gag off and demand he come back and…touch her, damn him!

  Now she understood how completely helpless, vulnerable and exposed he’d felt. Surely her touching him had left him aching this way.

  There were sounds outside, Fohers talking in hushed tones. Then she heard more and more of that mipe word. Liana wished the savage would come back here and she’d show the bastard some mipe!

  But when the flap of the tent opened, it was another Foher who stepped inside. A very hairy one. Very large, old, fat one, unlike the other Fohers she’d seen.

  In that second her heart stopped beating.

  She watched with a sinking feeling in her stomach as he walked toward her. The widened gaze feasting on her body had the effect of a bucket of ice.

  Liana had thought she was frustrated moments ago, but the feeling roiling inside her now gave her previous desperation new meaning.

  He was coming nearer, pausing only a foot away from her. He grunted.

  If that meant he liked her, she was doomed!

  She squirmed, warning him with bulging eyes that he dare not move any closer or she’d…do something. But he was more interested in her nipples than her eyes.

  She squealed when he put a greasy, slimy hand on each breast.

  “No, Luka!”

  Liana sagged with relief when she heard that voice.

  The ugly Foher dropped his hands. A heated argument ensued in their language. No mipe this time. Only simu, simu, as her captor slapped his big, hard chest. And oh dear, that chest could break a rock.

  Ugly looked crestfallen, lowering his gaze in deference. Before leaving, he stopped by the door and spoke her captor’s name.

  His name was Kavi.

  Liana thought it was…nice. For an insensitive bastard.

  After Kavi nodded, they were once again alone. He stared at her for a long moment before starting forward. Every step he took made her heart beat faster. She was sure by the time he reached her, she would die.

  When his face was close enough for her to look into his beautiful silver eyes, she felt her sex swamp. Again. She whimpered softly, her eyelashes drifting shut as she waited for his touch. Wanting it. Shamelessly.

  Endless seconds passed. She could feel his stare, but not the big, calloused hands of the warrior.

  “Open your eye

  She held her breath as she did. Kavi looked as though he had the weight of a thousand tents like this one on his shoulders. His jaw was clenched and he looked troubled. Confusion danced in the back of his eyes.

  “I’ve paid you in kind,” he said, but there was no triumph in his voice. Only regret.

  He swiftly unbound her legs and wrists, then slowly raised her to a sitting position and removed the gag.

  “Miserable pig!” she spat, slapping his chest several times until he caught both her wrists with his hands.

  Liana didn’t know why she’d slapped him, whether it was for touching her or for stopping. She was panting with rage when he placed her hands by her sides and lifted a pitcher.


  Why would she drink when she could sit there and glower at him?

  “Drink now,” he commanded in a tone that said the guy was used to being obeyed. “There won’t be a chance for some time. The camp is moving.”

  She spared the wooden pitcher an untrustworthy look. Kavi growled in frustration and gently pressed her face to it.

  After being gagged, her mouth felt as dry as desert sand and it was painful to swallow. Cold water slithered down her chin and neck as she tried. His eyes followed the path of the water and a restless muscle started to tic at the back of his jaw.

  “What’s mipe?” she asked hoarsely. For the life of her, she couldn’t understand why she had to ask this now.

  He ignored her, tilting the pitcher and giving her more water. He looked entranced by watching her throat move, her lips moisten.

  She swallowed more water, noting there was a shrine of weapons stacked together in a corner of the tent, and faintly wondered if she had the courage to dash for one of them and make a run for it. She didn’t. Instead she meekly drank her water then asked, “What’s simu?”

  He ignored her a second time. He was getting quite good at that. In fact she was fascinated by his pretending he hadn’t just touched her there. Liana would’ve loved to participate in this little theatric if she weren’t busy still trying to figure it all out.