Read Amazing but True - Africa Adventure Book 1 Page 2

  Chapter 2

  As soon as Clara could slip away after breakfast the next morning, she was back in the attic, flipping through the journal, looking for the map.

  “I know you’re in here, but where?”

  She spent hours searching through the journal. Her rear was numb from the hardwood floor.

  “It’s not here. Where would she have put it?” Clara tapped her finger on the inside back cover. She heard a dull hollow sound. “That’s not right.” She carefully pulled the paper backing off and there it was. “Very nice,” said Clara as she spread out the map on the floor. It was a hand drawn with shipping routes, a sea monster, different animals found in the ocean and even a pirate ship. She had never seen anything like it.

  “Okay, Grammie said the incantation was in a corner.”

  Clara examined the edges of the map, but found nothing. She looked even closer. “There you are. Very clever hiding place, Captain.”

  In a line drawing of a giant squid she found the words, artfully hidden.

  “Should I say it? Grammie wouldn’t like it if she finds out. I will just have to make sure she doesn’t. What’s the worse that could happen?”

  Clara got up off the floor, still holding the map. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes for a moment, “Time that spins and whirls on by. Time that stands beyond the eye. In the place I am.”

  A sudden burst of wind surged through the attic. Clara clutched the map to her chest and struggled to stay standing. Paper flew all around and then the wind stopped as suddenly as it came. Clara wiped her eyes and there he stood. The Captain, dressed in the most stunning navel uniform she had ever seen, a sharp navy blue jacket with gold buttons and braids. A hat with a gold medallion perched perfectly on his head, “I don’t believe it,” she managed to say. A strange tingling feeling ran up her spine.

  “Persephone, you haven’t changed a bit, but you are oddly dressed, my dear.”

  “Sorry. My name is Clara. Persephone is my Grammie.”

  “I do apologize.” Taking a closer look at Clara he said, “Let me properly introduce myself. I am Captain Melvin Claudius Flump of Her Majesty’s Navy.” The Captain took off his hat and gave a deep bow. “But you may call me Captain.”

  Attempting a clumsy curtsy, Clara said, “I am Clara Leigh Davis.”

  “Enchanted,” replied the Captain, as he took her hand, “Ah, it seems like only yesterday when Persephone and I were diving for pearls off the Orient coast.”

  “Grammie, dove for pearls? I don’t believe it.”

  “Believe it, my dear. Persephone was quite the adventurer. May I ask where she is?” he asked, heading toward the attic door.

  “Oh,” Clara had to think fast. “Well you see, Grammie doesn’t know I called you. I found her journal yesterday and your map today.”

  “I see. You must be a free spirit and an adventurer yourself to have found the map and incantation.”

  “Well” Clara said hesitantly.

  “Well, nothing my dear,” the Captain stood beside her. “What adventure would you like to go on? Signing of the Declaration of Independence, running with the bulls, African safari?”

  “A Safari. You can do that?”

  “My dear, we can do anything we put our minds to. Take my arm, and off we go.”

  “I don’t know. I wasn’t supposed to be up here in the first place. What if Grammie comes looking for me?”

  “Do not worry about such things. It will be quite all right.”

  As Clara took his arm, a whirlwind enveloped them. The room began to spin and tumble.

  “Hold on tight. This could get bumpy.”


  The wind whipped around them. The roar was so loud Clara couldn’t hear anything above it. It tossed her long hair around her face. Bright light flashed and ebbed all about. The smell of something sweet filled her nose. Everything swam and swirled around her. She held on to the Captain’s arm as if her life depended on it, because it most likely did. The floor suddenly fell out from under her, and she plummeted into nothingness.

  I’m going to be sick, she thought, and then all went dark.

  Clara was shocked awake by the wailing of a train whistle. She shot straight up, eyes open wide, and then slumped back into the seat. She was sitting in a train pulling into a station. The air was hot, dry, and full of dust. The heat was so thick she could hardly breathe. Clara’s eyes focused through the haze inside the train car. The carriage was adorned with velvet-cushioned seats, oak woodwork, bronze fixtures, and mirrors everywhere. The squealing and squeaking of the metal wheels against the tracks pierced her eardrums. The engine huffed and puffed clouds of steam as it slowly came to a stop.

  “Are you all right?” the Captain asked leaning over.

  “What happened?” Clara asked, straightening up and rubbing her neck.

  “I’m sorry. I wanted to warn you but I’ve found it easier the first time if you don’t know.”

  She stared at him, shaking her head.

  “We have arrived at our destination. Come, let our adventure begin.”