Read Amber Flame (The Flame Series Book 4) Page 24

  Sydon was a better swordsman than he was a fighter, however, and each attack came faster.

  The whole time he battled with the wolf, Fergus felt the click of the bomb’s timer like a heartbeat pounding inside his head.

  Three minutes and counting.

  Fergus’s sword arm vibrated with each strike of steel against steel. Finally, he saw his opportunity, whirled and sliced swiftly across Sydon’s abdomen. He could feel his blade catch flesh, thank God. He had to get Mary out of the bunker.

  Sydon levitated backward several feet and looked down at his bleeding abdomen. “You bastard.”

  Sandrine suddenly called out, “Sydon, my love, I can smell your blood. Did the wolf hurt you?”

  Through the dreamglide, Fergus watched the also-invisible witch fly quickly through the several adjoining rooms toward Sydon. She was still wearing a long red velvet gown.

  As Sandrine caught up with Sydon, she pulled something from her pouch, dabbing it on the wound.

  How fucking tender.

  Fergus was breathing hard as he checked his internal clock. Two-and-a-half minutes til detonation.

  Fear gripped him. If Sandrine got involved, he wasn’t sure what he could do. Mary was still incapacitated on the couch because of the spell, as well as the amber flame drug. But he’d never be able to get Mary out in time if they kept stalling.

  He called out, “Couldn’t fight this battle on your own, is that it Sydon? Didn’t have the balls, the power or anything else, did you?”

  He shifted his sword from hand to hand, moving it back and forth, getting ready. “And you, Sandrine, you’re about as worthless as they come, using your power to take the lives of others. But here’s what I know about you. You’re an insect, nothing more, something I could crush easily beneath my boot.”

  Sydon gripped Sandrine’s arm. “Don’t let him get to you.”

  “That’s right, Sandrine. Don’t let me get to you. But I know why you hooked up with a wolf. You couldn’t make it on your own in Elegance, could you?” He could feel the bomb ticking away. Two minutes to go.

  The witch’s face twisted up, taking a demon’s shape. Her coal-black eyes flashed fire. She jerked her arm away from Sydon, reached into her pouch, then flew like lightning at Fergus.

  “Sandrine, don’t!” Sydon shouted.

  He knew she carried a spell in her hand. But the witch had made one fatal mistake since she clearly didn’t know Fergus could see her through the dreamglide.

  When she was four feet away, he flipped in the air and with years of practice, brought his sword down on the back of Sandrine’s neck. He felt the connection with blood and bone, then felt nothing but empty space. He’d severed her head.

  At the exact same moment, his fae senses warned him of the sudden, overwhelming rage now flowing from Sydon.

  He turned to face him, sword upright. Through the dreamglide, he watched Sydon come down fast through the air, sword high.

  Fergus barely had time to counter the swift strike, but he pivoted just enough to catch Sydon’s blade with the edge of his sword. The vibration rang up his arm.

  The battle was on. He met each strike with a counter strike, the sounds of metal-on-metal filling the air.

  Sydon flew at Fergus, pivoting at the last second, blade coming in from Fergus’s left. But unlike Sydon, Fergus had battled for years. He leaped in a levitating move straight up, then flipped in the air to come down in front of him. His blade struck Sydon deep in his abdomen. Sydon fell backward onto the floor, screaming.

  The spell lost its power and Sydon was now visible. He held his hand to his gut, blood pouring through his fingers. The cut was deep. Though Sydon might yet survive, Fergus had to get Mary out of the bunker.

  He flew like a bullet in her direction.

  Her voice penetrated his mind. Fergus, Sydon is up.

  Using the dreamglide, he saw Sydon’s move as he threw his blade toward Fergus in one last attempt to take him down.

  While still in the air, Fergus whipped off to the side just in time. Sydon’s blade flew past Fergus and struck Sydon’s desk. At the same moment, Fergus flew as high as he could toward the ceiling, then came down above Sydon. With his blade point first, he struck Sydon at the base of the neck. Blood shot through the air in a broad, pulsing pattern. Nothing could save Sydon now.

  Fergus had only seconds, however, to get out of Sydon’s HQ, twenty at the most.

  He lifted Mary swiftly into his arms and levitated at light speed through the conference room, then toward the north exit point. Thank God Ryan had propped the door open for him. Fergus flew up the outside cement stairs as fast as he could straight into the air.

  He headed at an angle into the night sky away from the Naked Wolf. With a quick glance, he saw the flash of distant border patrol vehicles and that the streets had been cleared of wolves and humans.

  A civic alarm sounded in heavy booms through the air.

  As expected, the blast sounded behind Fergus. He continued to race north as fast as he could, but even then heat and debris caught up with him. Small bits of shrapnel hit him, but nothing major and he really didn’t care. He’d self-heal quickly and he’d gotten Mary to safety. Nothing else mattered. He held her close to his chest as he continued to fly north.

  Warren’s voice entered his mind. Fergus, did you make it out?

  I did. I’ve got Mary with me.

  Thank, God. I’m contacting the rest of the alphas now. I’ll report back in a few minutes.

  Finally at a safe distance, Fergus slowed, then drew to a stop to hover in the air. Holding Mary close, he turned to look at the bomb’s wreckage. The Naked Wolf was no more, just a flattened, burning building, with smoke billowing in a thick upward stream.

  Mary lifted a hand and squeezed his shoulder. She was already coming out of the spell’s effect. Are we safe, Fergus?

  We are.


  From his current position, he could see Ryan fifty yards to the east, levitating in the air with at least twenty rescued wolves as well as Fergus’s security force. Fergus let him be for now. He’d need to debrief the be-spelled wolves and see that each one was returned to his pack. But that was a job for another night.

  Mary’s voice touched his mind again. Did Ryan get everyone else out?

  He did. They’re all safe. He’s taking care of them now.

  That’s wonderful. And our favorite pair? Please tell me they’re gone.

  Fergus realized she might not have been able to see his battle with Sydon given her drugged out state.

  The witch died by my sword and Sydon was mortally wounded when I took you out of there. The blast no doubt obliterated their bodies.

  Warren hit his telepathy. I’ve just heard from the remaining alphas.

  Mary’s with me. I’m bringing her in on this conversation.

  Good deal.

  Mary’s soft telepathic voice entered the conversation. Hey, Warren. We made it.

  We sure did. First, I need to know if you’re okay.

  I’m fine, she said. Not a scratch.

  Good. Good. So, Fergus, have we seen the last of Sydon and his witch?

  Fergus relayed the details, then said, Tell us what you learned from the rest of the pack leaders.

  Fergus could feel Warren’s pleasure as he offered up the details, We only lost a few wolves. Sydon’s rogue pack was hit hard at every compound they attacked. Each of our alphas has already checked in and is celebrating a victory. As far as I can tell, we didn’t have one incident of a wolf losing control.

  Fergus was relieved beyond words. No reports of inter-pack battles?

  Nothing. And I’ve had contact with all the alphas. This is a real victory, Fergus. You and Mary have prevented an all-pack war.

  Fergus released a heavy rush of air. At the same time, he experienced a lightening of spirit he hadn’t known for the past several days. The greater risk had always been that Savage would fall into a state of war.

  Ryan’s approaching, Fe
rgus said. I’ll make sure he updates you as the evening progresses. For now, I’ll be signing off.

  Fergus, you do whatever you need to do. Mary’s your priority right now and I’ve got my pack to tend to as well. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow night at the White Flame.

  Sounds good.

  When Ryan drew near, he signaled for five members of Fergus’s security force to create a protective array around them.

  Fergus still held Mary close, her head cradled against his neck.

  “Is she all right?” Ryan asked. He moved next to Fergus, levitating easily in the air beside him.

  “She will be. But I’d like you to get the guest room set up with drug-flushing equipment and I want a nurse to be with Mary the entire time. She has amber flame in her system.”

  “You got it.” As he flew a few yards away from Fergus, he whipped his cell from his pocket and started issuing orders.

  The remainder of the Gordion detail levitated within a few feet of Fergus, their backs to him as they constantly surveyed the skies.

  Knowing his wolves were protecting him, Fergus finally eased down and directed the team north toward the Gordion Compound. He kept the pace slow to have a good look at the land below and to gain a sense of Savage. Overall, he could feel that Sydon’s attempted takeover of the territory had failed.

  It was time to go home.

  Adrenaline had driven him for the past hour and his head pounded as a result. Not that he cared much. Mary was his primary concern now. He’d make sure she had good medical attention, then he’d ask her the really hard questions about their future.

  He heard her moan softly, a wolfish sound he loved. She shifted in his arms so that he had to slow down and readjust his hold on her. She ended up with her face pressed against his neck this time.

  Did she just sniff his skin?

  Fergus, I’m feeling better already. The witch’s spell is completely gone.

  Something about the sound of her voice in his head went straight to his groin. Was it the timbre? The Savage hoarseness? Then he felt guilty for having a purely sexual reaction to an injured female. You okay?

  You smell so good. Her whole body writhed against his.

  He remembered the effects amber flame could have on female wolves and wondered if her current reaction was as a result.

  He was about to ask her if she’d experienced anything unusual because of the drug when she lifted her chin, then clamped her teeth around his throat. You’re mine, Fergus, and I’m not letting you get away from me. Not tonight, at least.

  A full body shiver went through him.

  Two images got stuck side-by-side. One was of the medical equipment in his guest room where he needed to take her. The other was his private den home with a soundproof room which happened to be closer to his current in-air position than the Gordion Compound.

  The former, however, called strongly to his sense of duty.

  But the latter...

  He flew even slower as he wrestled with his conscience. He should get Mary clean of the amber flame drug, but his body rolled with his need and longing for her.

  Her voice penetrated his head abruptly. Take me to your den home. Now.

  His conscience won. Mary, this isn’t right. We need to get you free of the drug, first.

  Actually, I don’t have it in my system anymore. The spell that rendered me so weak has just finished bleeding the effects of the flame drug out of my body.

  Fergus was confused. Then what’s with your teeth on my neck? Are you saying this isn’t about amber flame?

  Not even a little. This is all about what I’m feeling for you, Sweetheart. She released his neck and leaned back to meet his gaze. She even smiled. “Check it out, if you don’t believe me. But you won’t find a single flame mark on my body. And don’t worry, you can let go of me now. I’m good to levitate.”

  Fergus drew to a complete stop midair and his squad around him pulled up once more in a tight, protective formation.

  He released Mary so that she floated next to him. She had amber rings in her eyes, which had nothing to do with the flame drug either.

  He pushed her hair away from her throat and sure enough he couldn’t find the smallest flame sign on her skin. If she’d had the drug in her system, she’d have corresponding flames all up her neck and on her cheeks. But her complexion was as pure and as beautiful as it had always been.

  Which meant she’d spoken truthfully about her current state: Her reactions were all about him.

  She smiled again. “See what I mean?”

  While levitating beneath a swathe of stars and surrounded by his security detail, he took her arms gently in hand. “Mary. I …” He had so much to say to her, but not in front of his pack. The words he needed to speak were for her alone.

  She switched to telepathy. I know. How about we finish this in your den home?

  He drew in a deep breath, then nodded. Good idea.

  Realizing that Ryan had caught up with them and flew close, he said, “The drug has left Mary’s system because of something the witch did, which is a good thing. But this also means we won’t be needing the hospital equipment so you can cancel the order. Also, she and I are going to my den home.”

  Other than watching Ryan draw his phone to his ear to revoke his earlier order for medical equipment, Fergus didn’t wait to see any of the other responses. His wolves would do whatever he said, no question, and the time would come very soon when the pack would have to decide about his leadership and about Mary.

  But not tonight.

  He pulled Mary back into his arms and sped in the direction of his forest home.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and entered his mind once more. I need to be with you, stripped down naked.

  He growled heavily.

  I love that sound, she said. Makes me want to be on all fours.

  He got so distracted he almost clipped the top of a pine tree and had to jerk sideways to avoid it. He needed to concentrate, but Mary was making it hard. Real hard.

  As soon as he descended to the front of the den home, he posted four guards to walk the perimeter until dawn. He had no doubt that there was a remnant of Sydon’s rogue wolves still active in every part of the territory. If any of them happened to come near his home, he wanted to be ready.

  With his guards in place, he sent Ryan and the last wolf back to the compound.

  He levitated close to the walkway leading to the front door, but didn’t let Mary go. Instead, he continued to fly, since he could move faster without using his feet.

  He pushed the door open and barely got it shut before he was speeding her down the narrow stairwell. He held her tight against him, including her arms, to protect her.

  Once in the den, he all but threw her on the bed, then started stripping out of his clothes.

  Mary’s light brown eyes glowed amber now. She was fully with him as she let her wolf rise to the fore. He kept growling, which in turn had Mary rolling her hips and touching her breasts as she watched him. With the steel door no longer blocking his heart, he could feel her mating need as strong and as straight as his cock.

  Tonight, he’d make Mary his once and for all.

  She hadn’t taken her clothes off, but lay with her hand pressed between her thighs as she looked at him. Her eyes widened as her gaze fell to his fully erect cock.

  When he was undressed, he drew close to the bed and made short work of her shoes and jeans. Her thong disappeared about the same time.

  She tried to leap on him, but he pushed her back. “Hold still. I want you completely naked.”

  She released a growl of her own and her legs scissored trying to reach him, but he wasn’t kidding. He didn’t want one scrap of fabric separating her body from his.

  He had work to do and a job to get done.

  Once her clothes lay in a heap on the floor next to his, he returned to the door and slammed it shut. This was going to get loud.

  He headed back to the bed. “I’m going to fuck yo
u, Mary, and we’re going to bond. You okay with that, because this is your last chance?”

  “Do it now, wolf.” She spread her legs, then arched her neck, offering up her throat. He leaped on her and felt his maw lengthen wolf-style. He took her neck in his mouth and clamped down hard. Her body grew very still and submissive, exactly the way he needed it.

  With his cock centered on her sex, he began to push inside, firm thrusts that glided because the fae-wolf was wet for him.

  Fergus, this is everything.

  I know.

  I don’t want to leave you again. I belong in Savage now.

  He loved her voice in his head. You’re staying with me for good. If the pack can’t accept you, then I’ll walk away and we’ll figure out the next step together.

  Soft chuffs came out of her throat. I love you, Fergus. I have from the moment I woke up from Roche’s attack a month ago. Your scent was all over my skin, like stone, grasses and wolf. I fell hard for you before I ever saw you.

  He released her throat and rose up enough to look down at her. He savored her rose and yarrow scent, now blended with a true wolf musk. He kept his hips pumping into her slowly, knowing his cock would give her pleasure. “I love you, Mary. You were the beginning for me, of a new life here in Savage. I just couldn’t see it. I feared the change it would bring, but being here with you, having my cock buried deep, this is what I want.” He rolled his hips to let her feel him.

  She arched her back and moaned, the sound low and wolfish. Her hands gripped his shoulders. “I’m here, Fergus, and I’m yours.”

  “Will you bond with me?”

  She smiled softly. “My fae to your wolf?”

  “Yup. And mine to yours, in whatever combination our strange powers will allow us.”

  “Then let’s do it. I’m ready.”

  Her words spurred him on. He thrust faster, his gaze fixed to hers. He felt his mate-bonding drive take over his body, but this time he held nothing back.

  Her back arched, she closed her eyes and her head rolled. “Your scent. Fergus, my God!”

  Her answering bonding scent grabbed his balls. He wouldn’t last long, not like this. “Mary, look at me.”