Read Ambushing Ariel Page 2

  Ariel tapped the table leg against the palm of her hand looking at them with an expression that said ‘advance at your own risk’. Both men looked at each other hesitantly before turning to leave. Another man came in and Ariel released a deep breath in relief. It was the doctor who was taking care of Carmen. He was the only one on board that didn’t raise any warning flags in her gut, at least not yet.

  “Hey doc, when can we blow this joint?” Ariel called out.

  The healer, Zoltin, glanced at Ariel and shook his head. He found the human females to be very charming. It was a shame his dragon didn’t go crazy over them. He might have tried to mate with one of them if it had. It appeared to find them entertaining and was curious about them but not in the way it would have reacted if one of the females had been his true mate.

  His gaze moved between the three. He frowned as he looked at the one with the light brown curly hair. Lord Kelan’s symbiot was very protective of her. He was more concerned with the way she was moving, as if in pain. He tried early to approach her to ask if she was alright but she brushed off his concern saying she must have been sitting in an awkward position too long. His lips curved as he watched her fingers lightly stroke the symbiot at her side. Whether she was aware of it or not, she was the true mate of their commander. It would be interesting to see how things worked out between them. She seemed to be a very unusual female.

  He looked at the other two females. It was obvious they were related. Both had the same white blonde hair and peach coloring. Their facial features were the same with the dark brown eyes, small nose, and full lips though one was definitely curvier than the other.

  Zoltin walked over to examine the one who had been gravely wounded. He pulled out his scanner and reached up to start at her forehead. He no sooner had his hand up in the air than he found himself face down on the bed with his arm locked behind his back in a painful position that immobilized him. He lay still, stunned at the strength behind the small body holding him.

  “Uh… Carmen?” Trisha whispered. “That’s the doc. I don’t think you have to worry about him being a bad guy. He is the one who has been taking care of you.”

  Carmen looked down at the guy she had pinned to the bed for a moment before she slowly let his arm go and stepped back. Ariel put her hand out to steady Carmen when she wobbled a little. Carmen gave her big sister a grateful nod to let her know she was okay.

  “Sorry about that doc. Carmen can be a little sensitive sometimes,” Ariel said helping Zoltin back onto his feet.

  Carmen tossed her head at the comment. “Cautious… not sensitive,” Carmen replied shortly.

  Ariel looked at Carmen for a moment sadly. “Not cautious enough or you wouldn’t have been two breaths away from death. You are taking way too many chances lately,” Ariel said quietly. “Look what happened to you in Prague.”

  “It wasn’t that bad,” Carmen muttered moving back toward the bed and sitting down again as her legs began to shake. “I made it out.”

  “Yeah… with a bullet wound and a concussion,” Ariel retorted.

  Ariel stopped when she felt Trisha touch her arm. “I think we need to focus on getting out of here. It looks like most of the men have cleared out. Now would be a good time to leave,” Trisha said under her breath.

  Ariel gave a brisk nod. “Doc, how is my sister? Is she healed enough to get out of here?” Ariel asked Zoltin who was rubbing his arm and looking warily at Carmen.

  Zoltin glanced at Ariel. “I would like to scan her vitals to see if the healing is complete. I am not familiar enough with your species to know if our healing accelerators work. Normally, her mate’s symbiot would heal her but since she is not claimed that is not an option,” Zoltin said calmly.

  “Go ahead, doc. I won’t kick your ass as long as you don’t try anything,” Carmen said calmly.

  Ariel watched in frustration as the doctor ran the scanner over Carmen from her head down to her toes. She could feel Carmen’s anger. It was almost like she was pissed off that she didn’t die. Ariel continued to watch as the doctor asked Carmen several questions which she answered in short responses.

  Ariel’s heart was heavy with worry for her little sister. Carmen hadn’t been the same since her husband was murdered three years ago. He was killed during the same incident that almost claimed Carmen. In a way, it was almost like she had died with him. It was just her body and her lust for revenge that was keeping her alive right now. Ariel bit back a curse. Carmen was all the family Ariel had left in the world. Well, except for Trisha and Cara who she adopted. Even as much as she loved both of her surrogate sisters, they weren’t the same as her sister.

  Ariel sank down on the chair, watching and listening as the doctor continued to ask Carmen different questions. She was so tired. It had been a long couple of days. First, there was the long flight across country from New York to California. Trisha and her were in the final process of testing out a new business jet for Boswell International where they worked. It was supposed to be a simple flight to take home an artist the Boswells’ had commissioned to do a piece for.

  She was planning on it being her last flight. She had been dreading telling Trisha that she had resigned her position to move back home to Wyoming. She was going to do what she had always dreamed of doing - running an animal shelter for abandoned and neglected animals. She had been saving for years for it and between the money she saved and the money she inherited when her parents were killed in a car crash when she was in college, she finally had enough. She had planned everything out. Everything that is, except the end of my engagement, Ariel thought. Eric… Ariel slammed the brakes on her thoughts. She refused to think about him. It was over and she was finally free.

  She didn’t plan for this unexpected trip either. The routine flight was okay, it was what happened next that seemed like a dream. Some guy kidnapped Abby, the artist, in the parking lot of the small airport they landed at in Shelby, California. Carmen and Cara saw what happened. Carmen ended up chasing them on a motorbike she had delivered before they landed while Cara hotwired Abby’s truck. After a chase that still had her bones rattling, they found Carmen stabbed and dying and three huge-ass dragons breathing fire. It turns out one of the dragons, or aliens, had the hots for Abby and was the guy she was returning home to. They had all joked about him having brothers but damn, how were they to know the guy was from another planet?

  Ariel felt a small smile curve her lips as she watched the doctor move away from Carmen who was scowling at him in annoyance. She would happily admit to being selfish. She was glad everything had turned out the way it did; otherwise her sister would have died. She wanted her sister to live, even if her sister didn’t want to any more. She knew deep down there was no way Carmen would have survived her injuries on Earth.

  Carmen lay back down against the pillows on the bed suddenly exhausted. “Damn, dying takes a lot out of you.”

  “Almost…” Ariel murmured as she got up out of the chair and moved closer to her sister. “… Almost dying. It takes a lot out of your family too,” Ariel whispered as she brushed Carmen’s short hair back away from her forehead tenderly.

  Carmen turned her head into Ariel’s hand. “I love you,” Carmen whispered looking up into Ariel’s eyes. “I’m sorry I’m such a pain in the ass.”

  Ariel chuckled under her breath. “Who else would watch my back if not you?” Ariel teased.

  Ariel saw Carmen’s eyes flicker to Trisha for a moment and knew what Carmen was thinking. “It isn’t the same, Carmen. She can never replace you,” Ariel said gently.

  Carmen’s eyes glittered for a moment before she closed them tightly. Ariel stood leaning against the bed. She stroked Carmen’s hair until she knew her little sister was asleep. She closed her eyes tightly against the pain in her chest. It hurt so much every time she came close to losing her. In a way, she lost Carmen three years ago when Scott was murdered. She really was lucky that things didn’t work out between her and Eric. At first, the pain was unbearable b
ut over the past year it was beginning to numb a little. Still, the pain of loving someone so much then losing them was unimaginable. Ariel opened her eyes and stared down at the relaxed face of her sister.

  Never, she promised herself silently. Never again would she allow herself to love a man and give him the power to hurt her.

  She never wanted to experience the pain of manipulation or rejection again. Looking at her sister, she knew the consequence of trying to live with the never ending pain of loss. It was slowly killing her sister. Neither option sounded good to her. It was better to focus on the animals she loved so much. She would give all her love to them.

  Chapter 2

  The doctor insisted Carmen spend another night in medical. He was concerned with her loss of blood and wanted to make sure she was completely recovered. Ariel glanced around the room. Trisha was sitting in a chair near the wall where she could stretch out a little. The huge gold creature curled up at her feet. The room was almost completely empty now. Only a couple of men remained in the medical unit. It was late. At least it felt that way according to her body’s internal clock. She and Carmen were talking quietly about what happened.

  “What about Cara?” Carmen asked softly not wanting to disturb Trisha who looked totally exhausted. “Was she able to get away?”

  “I don't know for sure. I haven't seen her so I'm hoping she did,” Ariel replied. “She was near Abby. Abby, Cara and the other guy were still on the road when we were beamed up here. It still blows my mind the technology they have. I sure as hell hope they are friendly and not planning on attacking the Earth. We would be at a hell of a disadvantage if they do,” Ariel whispered looking around.

  Carmen nodded. “Have they seemed threatening at all?”

  “No,” Ariel frowned, “just the opposite, in fact. They were determined to save Abby and when I begged them to help you, they did. We've been treated exceptionally well.”

  “How is it I understand everything they are saying? I hear what is coming out of their mouth and it isn't English but in my mind I understand everything,” Carmen said running her hand over her left ear.

  “They put some type of translator in our ears. Whatever it is, it translates whatever we are saying to them and from them to us,” Ariel replied looking with a dark frown at one of the men still in the medical unit. He had been staring at them for quite some time.

  Carmen’s eyes followed to where Ariel was looking. She saw the huge man staring at her with open desire. Carmen shook her head and smirked. Didn't seem to matter what species a man was, if he had a dick he was horny. Unfortunately for big boy there, he was lusting after the wrong woman. Carmen gave the guy a look that told him in no uncertain terms he was barking up the wrong tree. Even more unfortunate for him, he didn't seem to understand the message. Carmen nudged Ariel when she saw the look in the guy's eyes change to determination. It looked like it was ass-whipping time.

  “Ariel, wake Trisha,” Carmen whispered to Ariel while she sat up in the narrow bed and swung her legs over the side.

  Ariel looked at the guy who was walking toward them with a shake of her head. Some guys just had to learn the hard way. Any bozo with a brain should have been able to interpret from the look in Carmen’s eyes shit was about to hit the fan. Ariel turned and nudged Trisha’s leg gently. Trisha jerked up startled, looking around her in confusion for a moment before her eyes widened on the huge male stopping in front of Carmen.

  “Female,” the huge male said quietly but determinedly. “I am called Tammit. I am healed. I heard the healer say he was releasing you tomorrow. I wish to claim you and have sex with you. You will come with me,” Tammit said in a deep voice.

  Carmen’s eyes narrowed on the huge man standing in front of her. What the fuck did they feed these guys, growth hormones in their baby bottles? Her eyes swung briefly to Ariel who was moving closer to her. Carmen let her eyes turn back to the man and raised one delicately arched eyebrow.

  “I don’t give a damn what your name is and care even less what you wish for. If you don’t get the fuck away from me I’m going to rearrange your balls into your throat,” Carmen said with an amused twist to her lips. Did this big oaf really think he could just say ‘I wish to claim you and have sex’ and she was supposed to go all girly on his ass? Maybe she could have a little fun before she jumped this pile of nuts and bolts.

  Tammit frowned as he listened to the translation. “You will not speak to me in such a manner. I am a Valdier Warrior. Females do not talk to their warriors in such a manner. I will forgive you this time because you are new to our ways. I will have to teach you the proper way to address a Valdier warrior or you will be punished,” Tammit said slowly like he was talking to a species with a lower intelligence. “Do not worry, white-hair. I will make sure you enjoy the punishment.”

  Ariel grimaced as she listened to what Tammit was saying. “Uh, Tammit, is it?” Ariel started to say.

  Tammit looked briefly at Ariel, his eyes darkening. “I am attracted to you also. I was not sure which female I wanted to claim. I decided on this one since she needs more protection. You can be claimed by my brother when we return to Valdier. Do you worry, little human. You will be taken care of very well,” Tammit glanced at Trisha who was standing looking at him with a stunned expression on her face. “You have already been claimed by our commander. I will not approach you.”

  Trisha’s face flushed a dark red at his comment and her fists clenched. “Carmen, if you don’t kick his ass, I’m going to,” Trisha snapped out in disbelief.

  “Oh darling, you don’t have to worry,” Carmen said in a sugary soft voice. “He will never have a misunderstanding about a human female’s ability to ‘protect’ herself or her intelligence once I’m finished with him.”

  “Tammit,” Ariel said firmly trying to give the guy one last chance before he got his ass royally kicked. “If you know what is good for you, you will turn around, walk away, and forget you ever saw any of us.”

  Tammit looked back at Ariel with a small amused smile. “My brother will like you. Perhaps he will share you,” Tammit said curiously.

  Ariel stared at Tammit for an instant before she looked at her sister with a disbelieving shake of her head. “Carmen, kick his ass.”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” Carmen said just before she brought her foot up into Tammit’s crotch as hard as she could.

  Tammit’s eyes widened for a moment before he dropped to one knee as his breath exploded out of him. Carmen picked up the metal tray next to her bed and swung it as hard as she could. She practically wrapped the silver tray around the side of Tammit’s head with the strength behind her swing. She quickly jumped off the bed and landed on his back where he had fallen and pulled his arm up behind him. Carmen pressed her knee into the center of Tammit’s back trying to get a good hold on him. It was difficult as he was built like a Sherman tank.

  “If you fucking talk to me without my permission again I’ll hurt your ass. Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth now?” Carmen hissed into the huge warrior’s ear.

  Ariel heard Tammit’s deep growl right before he surged up knocking Carmen backwards. Ariel swung the metal table leg without thinking and hit Tammit in the stomach at the same time Carmen’s foot connected with his chin sending him flying backwards into another table which collapsed with a loud bang as Tammit hit the floor.

  “What is going on?” Zoltin asked loudly as he hurried out of his office.

  He stood to one side as Tammit rolled over onto his hands and knees looking at Ariel and Carmen with a deep scowl. Zoltin’s eyes widened as he saw Carmen, Ariel, and Trisha move into a defensive stance. Tammit snarled as he spit out blood from his busted lip.

  Wiping his hand across his mouth, he growled out at Carmen. “You should not have done that female. I have claimed you and you will obey me.”

  Carmen snorted. “I’ll see you and any other asshole who thinks that in hell first. Come on, baby boy, don’t you have anything better in you? If th
is is what a Valdier warrior fights like, I’m amazed you guys have the nerve to call yourselves warriors.”

  Ariel looked at her sister and shook her head. Only Carmen would grab a bull by its balls and call it a pussy. Ariel looked at Trisha who was shaking her head as well. It was going to be another bar fight scenario.

  “You ready for this?” Ariel asked Trisha who came up behind her.

  “Oh yeah,” Trisha said picking up another metal tray and twirled it in her hands. “Let’s kick some ass.”


  Tammit was so busy watching Carmen he did not notice Zoltin calling for security to come to the medical unit. He was furious! He had claimed the female before anyone else. He knew the other men had wanted her but were cautious of approaching her due to her size. They did not understand the looks she was giving were probably because she was afraid of them. Most females liked the attention of a Valdier warrior but these females were small. Females were few and far between and he wanted one of his own. He knew the minute he saw her lying unconscious on the bed that she needed to be protected. She looked so small and pale. He remembered seeing her when she was first brought on board the warship. Her small body covered in blood and her life force slipping away from her. He wanted to kill the male who would harm something so delicate and fragile. How could any male want to hurt something so beautiful? Now, all he could think about was whipping her ass for daring to talk to him like she did. The fact that she had caused him considerable pain was bad but he admired her determination to show him that she would be a fearless mate for a warrior like him. He needed to let her know she did not need to prove she was tough. He was more than capable of being strong enough for the both of them.

  Tammit stood up. “Stop female! You do not need to prove you will be a strong mate for me. I will protect you from ever being harmed again,” Tammit said determinedly. He rubbed his crotch which was still throbbing before glancing at Ariel. “You will be protected too. My brother will care for you. If you do not wish for us to share between us, we will not.”