Read America First Page 7



  The little girl came to a halt suddenly and nearly dropped herbook-satchel. Somebody had called her name--some startling, mysteriousvoice had called her!

  She looked hurriedly about, but there was nobody in sight--nobody buta saucy squirrel perched upon a park bench, and a redbird flittingalong the open between the enclosing hawthorns.

  Which one had called?


  The little girl started back, too frightened to scream--it was thehawthorn!

  But the next moment a boyish bullet-head appeared between parted boughs.

  "Come here!" exclaimed its owner in suppressed excitement. "We've gotsomething to tell you!"

  Down went the book-satchel, but not in fear this time. Billy Hastingshad called--called excitedly--and Billy was known to furnish nearlyall the third-grade thrills there were. So the next moment Louise wasstooping her way under the hawthorn boughs in answer to herplayfellow's summons.

  Billy was not alone in the green grotto in which Louise presentlyfound herself, for nearly half the third-grade members were there.There was wide-eyed Tinsie Willis, with her little frilly skirtsbristling with excitement, with Mamie Moore swallowing to keep backhysterical tears, and Sadie and Lallie Raiford, with their backs toeach other for safe-keeping. And there were boys, a whole mob of boys!

  The children were huddled together in suppressed excitement, and werewhispering all at the same time. It was plain that something terrible,something menacing, had happened.

  "You know that new boy that came to school this morning--?" began one.

  "That 'Rudolph Kreisler'?" put in another.

  "Sh-h-h!" interrupted a third wildly.

  But Billy Hastings thrust his red, round face close to Louise's andannounced in a blood-curdling whisper:

  "_Rudolph Kreisler is a German spy!_"

  Louise's legs crumpled under her, and she sat down in a heap.

  Again they were all talking at the same time, and this time at her.

  "He's got his trousers' pockets just _full_ of something!" exclaimedPete Laslie.

  "And he's watching, _watching_!" put in another. "Didn't you see himsitting off there by himself looking at us while we played ball?"

  "Spying!" hissed Luke Musgrove over Billy Hastings's shoulder.

  The children started and looked about apprehensively. Luke's wordsalways carried weight by reason of the fact that he had been two yearsin the third grade and ought to know what he was talking about if hedidn't.

  "Yes," chimed in Billy, coming close to Louise again and speaking inhis most dramatic tone. "Just you dare to draw a deep breath, andhe'll tell the Kaiser on you!"

  Louise gasped--a short, a curtailed little gasp. Never till the GreatWar should be over would she breathe from her diaphragm again!

  "Oh-o-o-o, _Louise_!" from round-eyed Tinsie Willis.


  "You've left your book-satchel out there in the path! Just suppose hewere to come by and see it!"

  There was a moment of consternation, of wild chattering, in whicheverybody poked his head out to see, but nobody would venture farenough to get the incriminating satchel.

  Then Tommie Warren had an inspiration. Snatching a crooked-handleumbrella from Ella Vaiden, he flung himself flat on the grass andreached for the tell-tale satchel with the crook.

  "It's a good thing Ella brought that umbrella!" exclaimed Tinsie. Andall looked at Ella, who stood up very straight in spite of thelow-dipping boughs. The next moment Louise had her belovedbook-satchel hugged close to her pounding heart.

  "Sh-h-h!" suddenly came from a self-constituted sentinel.


  "_He's coming!_"

  The crowd in the bushes stood tiptoe and breathless as the German spycame down the hawthorn path.

  He was a small lad--small for the third grade--with big blue eyes anda shock of tawny hair. The Kaiser had not equipped him very well, forthere was a suggestion of poverty about his mended clothes. But, afterall, maybe those carefully darned places at his knees were only a partof an adroit disguise. His pockets _were_ bulging, and withknotty-looking somethings very suggestive of poorly concealed bombs.He was not whistling, as a perfectly good American would have been,but walked slowly and with his head down. It was very suspicious!

  He passed.

  "Let's get him now!" suggested Luke.

  "Good!" exclaimed Billy. "Get some rocks!" And instantly all wasexcitement, the uncensored noise of which reached the little Germanand caused him to take to his heels.

  In the confusion of the next few moments Louise scarcely realized whatthey were about. But when they tore out of the bushes, snatching uprocks as they went, and rushed after their flying prey, her heartstood still. He was such a _little_ boy!

  With the back of her hand pressed tight against the sobs that wouldnot be stifled, and with tears raining down her cheeks, the littlegirl followed in the wake of the howling mob.

  Then somebody rounded a hawthorn bush and came bang up against her. Itwas Jimmie Fisher, a big, red-headed rock of strength, who could carrylightly the heaviest book-satchels there were.

  "What are you crying about?" he asked, after his first quick survey ofher.

  "They--they are killing Rudolph Kreisler!" sobbed Louise.

  "No," assured Jimmie, "he'll get home free. He lives just acrossthere. Are these your books?"

  * * * * *

  The next day matters only grew worse.

  The whole atmosphere of the third grade had become electric withsuspicion of a certain little boy who, looking neither to right nor toleft, kept his wistful blue eyes bent on the task before him. WhenRudolph stood up at the singing of the Star-Spangled Banner, Lukegrowled out that he was "just pretending." And when, from his seatnear the door, the German lad answered the knock of a visitor, EllaVaiden whispered audibly:

  "See _that_? He wants to see _who's there_!"

  In recitation Rudolph answered the questions put to him withdespicable German efficiency, but Luke missed with conspicuouspatriotism and went noisily foot.

  But through it all Louise was doing her own thinking. She was a loyallittle citizen and loved her country with all her heart; but thereflowed through her veins the blood of a long line of Americans whohad been just and fair. The little girl was afraid of Germanspies--afraid for her country--and Rudolph Kreisler's pockets didbulge ominously. If Rudolph Kreisler _was_ a German spy, why he wouldhave to be dealt with, of course.

  But if he wasn't----?

  Louise wished with all her heart that Miss Barclay, the teacher, wouldsuspect this terrible smothered tragedy that was being enacted withinher class. Of course one's teacher, like one's mother, could solveevery problem; and Miss Barclay in particular could command the stormsof childhood to be still. If only Miss Barclay knew!

  But in third-grade ethics it was "dishonorable" to "tattle," so Louisewas compelled to hold her peace and think fast. There were recessesahead in which covertly cruel things might happen, and an after-schoolwalk through a lonely park from which a real _little_ boy might notget home free. Something must be done.

  At first recess the boys and girls were, as usual, separated in theirplay, but Louise--observing from afar--saw that the little German satby himself on the steps, and watched the spirited ball-play of theothers with keen alertness. Yes, it was very suspicious.

  Big recess brought with it an unusual privilege that day. Thethird-grade boys and girls were to be allowed to mingle together andon the front lawn, in order to keep them from under the feet ofcertain workmen who were making excavations through theschool-grounds.

  This was all very thrilling, for it was from a tall staff on the frontlawn that their beautiful new flag was floating, and to-day they wouldbe able to see it close--to touch the pole with their very hands!Then, too, it would be so remarkable to play with _boys_.

  Louise pondered it all as the third-grade girls filed down to theirlunch-room. R
udolph Kreisler was not there, of course, but Rudolphwould be with them among the other boys at play-time. She would thenbe able to watch him narrowly--to keep an eye on those bulging pockets.

  All the other girls were chattering over their lunch, but Louise drankher milk and ate her sandwich in thoughtful silence.

  Presently a hand was laid upon her heavy curls and she looked up witha start. The principal was smiling down at her.

  "What are you thinking of, little tragedy queen?" he asked.

  Louise blushed and tried vainly to reply.

  The teacher serving the sandwiches answered the principal.

  "Of 'the impossibility of all things,'" she said with a curioussidewise smile.

  The principal put his hand under Louise's chin and, tilting her headback, looked deep into her eyes.

  "You must run and play a great deal," he said, and passed on.

  Then, when the last sandwich had gone the way of all good sandwiches,they repaired to the front lawn.

  It was all so wonderful--so green and cool and stately-looking. Andthere, sure enough, was the great new flag, curling and uncurling inthe fitful wind--'way up against the sky!

  The boys were already out on the green when the little girls weremarched down the steps and disbanded among them to enjoy the mostunusual privilege of joining in their games. Then, all suddenly agreat awkwardness came down upon the girls. How was one to play withboys at recess? Of course _after school_ it came natural enough tomingle with them, but this was not "after school"! It was mostembarrassing.

  Louise found herself timid in the chaperoned recess-presence of Jimmieand Billy and Luke, and began to back away toward the steps.

  "Look out!" shouted Billy suddenly.

  Louise jumped to "look out." Behind her, on the bottom step, sat theGerman spy. She had nearly backed into him!

  In the face of danger, embarrassment dropped away. The next momentLouise had fled back to her countrymen and was listening, excited, totheir eager whispers.

  "Rudolph Kreisler sits by himself--always by himself. Isn't that funny?"

  "Just look at him _now_!"

  "See him watching the flag?"

  "Get that gleam in his eye? Look, quick!"

  "Old rascal! He got home free yesterday--but just you wait!"

  And so they stood apart from him and whispered.

  The German spy dug his toes in the sand a little longer, then rose andmoved a few steps farther up.

  Then Ella Vaiden declared that they were wasting time, and proposedthat they begin a game.

  But nobody knew what to play.

  "I'll tell you!" exclaimed Louise. "Let's play 'Under the Flag.'"

  "What's that?" asked several.

  "Why--why--" began Louise, inventing the game as she proceeded, "it'sthis way: you go stand under the flag and look up at it till the windblows it out straight--and--and then you make a wish. If the flagfloats wide till you have finished, your wish will come true."

  All were interested at once, and the game began. The fitful,boisterous wind took an active part and the play became spirited.

  Tinsie Willis was the first to come "under the flag," but she was soexcited she forgot to wish till the broadly floating banner hadwrapped itself about its staff and her opportunity was gone.

  Then everybody began talking at once, and Mamie Moore piped up: "I'mgoing to wish for a pair of shiny-bug slippers!"

  Louise was shocked, and quickly explained that when one wished underthe flag it must be for something serious and from the very depths ofone's heart.

  "Sure," supported Jimmie of the red head. "You can wish for shiny-bugslippers under an umbrella!"

  But Mamie couldn't then think of anything more serious than the needof gilt slippers, and was promptly ruled out till her imaginationshould come to her assistance.

  Several boys took turns next, but they were so noisy and boisterousthat they came near spoiling everything.

  Then Flora Archer took her place. Flora was a thoughtful little girlwho carried around in her eyes a deep, deep something people neverunderstood. With her lips close to the flagpole, she whispered hermessage to it, and all the while the beautiful banner streamed out toits farthest length.

  Flora came back without speaking, and the children looked at her incurious silence. But when the others were noisily choosing timesagain, Flora slipped her hand into Louise's and whispered:

  "I wished for our soldiers to win in the war, but for them not to becruel when they do."

  "Yours, Louise!" exclaimed somebody.

  And before Louise had time to examine the depths of her heart to seewhat it was she most desired, a half-dozen pair of friendly handspushed her forward. It was no time to hold back--to spoil the game.Louise mounted the green knoll from which the great flagpole rose.

  But she did not at once look up. Her glance had accidentally lightedon the lonely figure on the steps, and was resting there for a momentin startled contemplation.

  He was such a _little_ boy, and he seemed so--apart! But one must makeno mistakes where one's country was involved. _Were_ his blue eyes"gleaming" with vengeful purpose? Or were they only full--of shiningtears?

  "Look up! Look up!" the children called.

  Louise threw back her head--threw it back so far that the familiarscene about her became lost to her view and she beheld nothing but thevision above. Amid the battling tree tops and against a threateningsky the flag of freedom streamed out in all its rippling glory--redfor the courage of American hearts, white for the purity of purposethey should harbor, and blue for truth, like that higher, fartherheaven above the gathering clouds. Now rippling, now curling,wreathing, snapping, and now--straight out, fronting the coming storm!

  "Quick! Quick!" the children shouted, as Old Glory floated free.

  Suddenly the child stretched up her hands. It was not a wish, but aprayer, that her young heart sent up to her country's flag.

  "Help me to--play fair!" she whispered.

  Louise saw her comrades only mistily when she came down the greenknoll again toward them.

  Then all became babel again.

  "It's my time next!" exclaimed Luke Musgrove, shouldering forward.

  "Who said so?" demanded another.

  "_I_ said so," answered the big boy rudely, and he strode to his placeagainst the flagpole. "I wish," he began in a loud, strident voice,and without waiting for the wind to come hurtling across the green, "Iwish _to wring the neck of that German spy_!"

  All eyes were quickly turned from the flag to where a little wide-eyedboy shrank back in terror against the steps.

  "Glory be!" shouted Billy Hastings. "Teacher's gone in--let's dragRudolph under the flag!"

  Instantly the flame of persecution swept them, and they started afterthe alien lad.

  But at the foot of the steps somebody blocked the way. Louise Careyhad flung herself between.

  "It's not fair, and you _shan't_!" she cried.

  The astonished mob wavered in indecision.

  "'Not _fair_?'" echoed Luke with a jeer.

  "No," stormed Louise. "We didn't _ask_ him to come under the flag, andyou shan't _make_ him do it!"

  "We'll see about that--" began Luke.

  "_That we will!_" put in Jimmie Fisher, but it was not to Louise thathe spoke. He was talking to Luke, and he planted himself protectinglyin front of Louise and the little German, and faced the third-gradebully. Never before in her life had Louise realized how beautiful wasa shock of bristling red hair.

  The third-grade bully was growling now, but in a decidedly lower key.

  "Now, then"--Jimmie was speaking to Louise this time--"you are bossingthis game. Say what you want done with that--that--" and he looked atthe frightened Rudolph.

  Louise glanced up at the flag. It was floating now--broad and freeenough to cover all who might come.

  "I am going to _invite_ Rudolph to come under our flag," she said.

  The children gasped as Louise held out her hand to the little alien.

Won't you come and be American with us?" she asked kindly.

  The boy drew back a moment while his blue eyes searched her face forwhatever hidden cruelty might lurk beneath its seeming sweetness. Thenhe smiled--a timid, but trusting smile--and rising, took her extendedhand.

  But Billy Hastings called jeeringly: "He's a sneak! He's just doing itto pretend!"

  "He knows I'd drag him if he didn't come!" exclaimed another.

  "Coward! _Coward!_" yelled Luke. "You're afraid to refuse!"

  And then, all suddenly, something in the German lad flamed up. Hesnatched his hand from Louise's. He stood to his full height withblazing eyes, and cried:

  "It's a lie!"

  The sound of the school-bell broke the startled quiet which followedthe alien's spirited revolt.

  "_Please_," pleaded Louise, "don't mind them! You've time yet to comeunder the flag."

  But Rudolph stood indignant, immovable.

  "Get to your lines, children," and the principal's call-bell was heardtapping above on the porch.

  A group of boys came suddenly together into a tight bunch.

  "We'll fix him after school," Louise heard them threaten. And she knewthat Rudolph heard it, too--knew by the sudden whiteness which sweptover his face.

  The next minute the boys and girls were drawn up in parallel linesready to march into the schoolhouse. Louise was at the end of herline and Rudolph Kreisler was the last on the boys' row. They wereopposite each other.

  "Eyes front--march!" came the command, and the lines moved forwardwith one impulse.

  "Eyes front!" But to save her life Louise could not help stealing asidelong glance at Rudolph.

  To her horror she saw the little alien slip quietly behind a rose-bushand drop out of sight into the bricked-up area which furnishedwindow-space for the basement.

  With a flash Louise remembered that those windows communicateddirectly with the engine-room, and that the engine-room was directlyunder the third grade.

  "Pay attention, Louise," came from the porch, and Louise's startled,dark eyes were turned to the front again.

  When the children were seated in their room it developed that MissBarclay had been temporarily called away, and that a scared-lookinggirl from the teacher training-class was in charge of the third grade.

  The new teacher did not miss Rudolph, but the children did, and therewas smothered excitement in consequence.

  Louise, who had not breathed a word of what she knew, sat grasping herdesk with both hands. Rudolph Kreisler had refused to come under theflag! Of course they had taunted him, but the stark fact remained thathe _had_ refused. And then no human being had ever seen inside thosebulging pockets. Rudolph Kreisler, bulging pockets and all, was in theengine-room, right under their feet!

  And then a new fear suddenly laid its grip upon her heart. Supposethat German boy should do something to the flag! She tried to shifther position so that she could see out of the window, but found itimpossible.

  "Oh-o-o, teacher!" Louise jumped at the sound of excitement in the voicefrom behind her, but quieted somewhat when she realized that it wasTinsie Willis who spoke. "Louise has left her hat on the front lawn!"

  "Louise, go and get your hat," said the substitute, looking all aboutthe room to see which one of the many little girls might be the onereported.

  Louise rose from her seat with fear and trembling and left the room.

  But the first glimpse of the out-of-doors dispelled her great newfear--her flag was still there!

  The stately lawn looked vast and awe-inspiring now that one had toface its darkly waving greens all alone, but Duty called. She had lefther hat by the flagpole, and she now went timidly up to get it. Shemounted the green knoll. She looked up.

  To play fair--to play fair! And yet, one must be loyal. One couldn'tlet German spies go around with their pockets--Rudolph Kreisler was inthe engine-room right now!

  Louise's grandfather and his father's father had died for theircountry--would they know, 'way up yonder in heaven, if she of theirown blood were to turn coward at the test?

  It was too poignant a risk. Louise took hep young life in her hands.Down the green knoll and around the rose-bush, and she dropped intothe brick area right by the window which opened from the engine-room.It was raised.

  The little girl peeped in, with her heart swelling till she thought shewould smother. There was black dust on the floor and black soot on thewalls. And there in the centre rose the huge black demon engine. But nocrouching enemy was to be seen anywhere--he was hiding, of course!

  She slipped through the window, past the great silent engine, and cameface to face with Rudolph Kreisler.

  The die was cast now.

  "Tell me," demanded Louise, choking with excitement and fear, "are youa--a _German spy_?"

  "No," said the astonished boy, "_no_!"

  "Well, what _are_ you, then?" There was no backing down now; she wasgoing to have it out with him.

  "I wanted to be--American," he said, his lips threatening to quiver."I--I thought I was." And he looked away.

  One must know the truth when one's country was at stake. Louise drew aquick breath.

  "Well, what are you doing with your pockets full of bombs, then?" sheforced herself to bring out.

  The little boy turned toward her again, and began slowly to draw outthe contents of those suspicious pockets. A mitt, a top, two balls, akite-string, a chicken-foot, a gopher, nails of various lengths, sometobacco tags, and a grimy stick of candy were laid one by one on thejanitor's tool-bench, and the German spy stood with his pockets turnedwrong side out.

  But one must have the _whole_ truth.

  "What are you doing with balls and mitts when you sit on the steps allthe time?" the little girl demanded, but with decidedly less asperitythis time.

  "I thought maybe they'd--let me play, sometime." Something rolled downhis cheek and splashed on the front of his jacket.

  "_Won't_ they let you play?" choked Louise, blinking hard to clear hersuddenly clouded vision.

  The boy shook his head.

  "Well, why doesn't your mamma come and scold the teacher about it?"she demanded in indignant sympathy.

  "I haven't any mamma."

  "Oh-o-o! Well, you have a papa, haven't you? Why doesn't _he_ dosomething?"

  "Father says those who are born here don't know how awful it is tohave to choose----" then he stopped.

  "Doesn't your father hate Germany?" the little girl asked.

  "Why, no," said the boy.

  "Does he love America?"

  "Yes," said the boy.

  "Well! Well!" exclaimed the little girl. Then--"Do you know, Rudolph,I'm sorry for your papa!"

  But Rudolph did not answer this time. He merely turned aside till hisface was hidden.

  Suddenly a remembered something gripped Louise.

  "Rudolph," she said, "if you _are_ American, why did you refuse tocome under the flag?"

  "I--I was going to--but they called me a 'coward,' and said I wasafraid to refuse," he answered huskily.

  Louise found herself batting very heavy lashes again.

  "I am so glad I came to you," she said, "because I never would haveknown that you are not a German spy if you hadn't told me!"


  The two started at the call--it was in Tinsie Willis's high-pitchedvoice. Evidently she had been sent to find the truant.

  "Sh-h-h!" exclaimed Louise to Rudolph. "They are after me for stayingout so long. I must go."

  "Those steps yonder lead to the front hall," said the boy. "Go up thatway."

  "But you must come, too!" Louise exclaimed.

  "I can't," replied the miserable child. "The boys are fixing to fightme. When school is over I'll slip out and go home."

  "But why wait? Why don't you go now?" asked the little girl, a strangeuneasiness coming over her.

  "The police will get me if I go out on the street during schoolhours," answered he.


  "I'm going," whispere
d Louise to Rudolph, "but _don't_ let the boyscatch you! Miss Barclay has gone--and--and--_don't_ let them catchyou, Rudolph!"

  The next moment she glided up the dark stairway and came out into thebig hall.

  Jimmie Fisher was emerging from the third-grade cloaking-room with hishat and books.

  "Father's leaving for France with a hospital unit," he explainedhurriedly, "and mother sent for me to tell him good-by." Then hedarted away.

  Miss Barclay gone! And Jimmie gone! Had God himself deserted the thirdgrade?

  * * * * *

  When Louise crept back into the schoolroom--ahead of Tinsie Willis,who was still searching for her--she found things very troublousindeed. The children were naughty and restless, and the substitutewas--a substitute! The whole class had been told to stay in, andLouise was promptly included in the sentence as soon as her tardylittle face appeared in the doorway.

  But she did not cry or fling herself about, for she knew she hadremained out of the room overtime. Of course it had been for a highpurpose, but that she could not explain, so she merely assentedcourteously and slipped into her seat. Her grandfather and hisfather's father had laid down their lives for the right--if she didnot succeed in living through that dreadful half-hour of punishment,she would be but another of her race to die for a high cause.

  Matters grew worse, and now the wind and the sky took a hand. Thegreat trees outside began to battle fiercely together, and the skyfrowned, darker and darker.

  Suddenly Louise--looking out of the window--saw Perkins, the janitor,hauling down the flag! Was the Houston Street School surrendering tothe Germans?

  For one unworthy moment Louise suspected Rudolph Kreisler again. Butshe instantly afterward reminded herself that he had told her with hisown lips he wished to be American.

  Then the heavens opened and the floods came. It was a terrible,terrible afternoon, but children and substitute managed somehow tolive through it, and after so long a time the gong sounded for thedismissal of school.

  The children of the other grades marched out. Tramp--tramp--it soundedterribly like a host in retreat!

  Then quiet!--with the third-graders sitting