Read American Nightmare Page 3

  The Second Date

  Bob was a lot calmer now. It had been two months now and nobody had noticed Candace. He religiously searched the missing person’s reports and volunteered at their groups. But Candace never came up anywhere-perhaps she was all alone. Bob gained a lot of confidence and was now getting ready to try dating. He was terrified of what he had done and did not want to repeat it again. But it was almost like his psyche had split into several pieces and each was acting on its own and so he really did not feel remorse. It was one jumbled mess in there.

  This time, he took steps to make sure that there would be no repeat of the prior session. He took to the Internet again and found Allison. Allison was a sweet, young girl and looked very youngish. Bob explained to her that he had been cheated before and so he needed her to be exactly like she was in her ad. Allison had a chat service going on and asked Bob to log in and he did. He could interact with her online and so he realized it was the real person. He again confirmed that he would not agree to a different person. The date was set and Bob was ready.

  Bob was not apprehensive at all this time. Bob made some food and walked over to Ethel. Ethel was sitting by the back, watching the creek flow. “Oh, you startled me” Ethel said. Bob smiled and gave her the food and he started eating his dinner too. Ethel launched into one of her stories again and Bob was not paying attention. His attention was elsewhere. “You know, you have changed somewhat-are you dating someone?” Ethel asked. “Who me? No, no “, Bob said and laughed and shook his head side to side. Ethel then launched into another one of her stories. Bob started to get angry and then he realized why. Ethel was deaf, but even otherwise; all she wanted was someone to listen and really didn’t care about his point of view. He was tired of that, tired of being the doormat and then smiled and said something and walked away. Again he descended into chaos. What was wrong with him? Why couldn’t he just talk and be friends, but the deep dark waves were surfacing and he fled and started to eat something and tried to divert it by watching TV. It worked sometimes.

  Allison was getting ready for her appointment. Allison was a sweet young girl barely just in her twenties. She had an angelic face and was a natural blonde. She was a foster child and at eighteen found herself on her own. She teamed up with two friends who were the same. Oliver was a year older than her, six feet six inches tall and weighed three hundred pounds. He had glasses on and was very aggressive. Jonathan was the same age as her and was black. He was very slim, good-looking and very energetic. Jonathan and Allison had fallen in love and Oliver and they formed a family unit of their own. Both Allison and Jonathan had websites and chat rooms of their own and slowly had started prostituting on the side. They viewed it as business and still loved each other. Oliver provided the muscle power and was very tech savvy. Both had planned to go to school, but with the economy the way it is, they wondered why bother with it? It is not like there would be a job waiting for them. Allison’s mom was locked up in a mental institution for killing her father. She did not have any relatives. Jonathan was molested by his step father and his mother ignored it. His relatives did not want to raise him as many were in utter disarray. Thus he ended up in foster homes. Oliver was orphaned by his adoptive parents. He was adopted by an older couple who died and he had been in foster care ever since. The three could understand each other and worked together and were happy, despite their line of work. None of them had been arrested so far. Drugs and alcohol helped ease any pain away.

  Jonathan was driving and had started early, as he wanted to walk on the Golden Gate Bridge. They stopped at the northern parking lot and the two lovebirds walked on the bridge. Oliver waited on the bridge, content to take in the view of the islands, the bay and the city. The two returned back and were getting ready to leave. Allison and Jonathan were planning to quit and maybe start a small restaurant somewhere. They were getting tired of the city life and its sterile lifestyle. All three longed for a place to belong and care about. Then they headed to Bob’s house. Allison marveled at the beautiful place. The beautiful cabin set in the woods. It was evening and the fog started to roll in and it was gorgeous. Allison smoked a joint and relaxed. Maybe in a year or two, they might have enough money saved up to buy a place of their own.

  Bob was watching from the window as the car rolled in. They parked a while away and Bob saw the two men and Allison. Allison kissed Jonathan and walked up to the cabin. Bob grew panicked. The black kid looked young, but the white guy was humongous and terrified him. Were they here to rob him? Bob panicked and got his shotgun ready, and kept it hidden in the closet by the door. Allison walked up and called Bob on the phone while knocking on the door. Bob opened the door. “Hi, am I as I advertised on the ad?” asked Allison as she smiled beautifully. She was very attractive. Bob mumbled yes and said, “Come in.” “So what you want to do?” asked Allison. “Huh, yes, huh those your friends in the car?” asked Bob. “Oh those two, don’t worry about them, they just gave me a ride as I don’t have a car-let’s get on with it” said Allison giggling and feeling up Bob. Bob was nervous and getting a relaxed at the same time, when he heard a car door slam real loud. It was Oliver. Bob got up to see what was going on. It was the big man getting out of the car and talking on the phone. The slim, young black man was already out of the car and staring at the cabin. Allison’s phone rang and she picked it up and said “Hi baby”. That was their password to make sure everything was going all right. Bob panicked. He felt trapped. He felt he was going to be robbed by the three of them and that they would definitely kill him. Waves of fear arose and yet outwardly he looked fine. Allison kept the phone down and smiled and said, “Come on over Daddy” and started to take her clothes off. Bob panicked even more. The car was parked away from the cabin, but he could see them through the foliage very clearly as it was thinned out. Bob’s paranoia increased tremendously. In his mind, Allison was trying to distract him, so that the other two could swoop in and kill him and take his belongings. He felt like a trapped cat.

  Bob said he had to go to the restroom and would be back in a minute. “Don’t keep me waiting too long, Big daddy”, said a very smiling and seductive Allison. Bob was now sure Allison and her friends meant to kill him. Bob picked up his butcher knife and a towel and came back. He had the huge knife behind the towel in his hand and pretended like he was wiping his hand. Every muscle in him was tense and his concentration was intense on Allison, like an eagle on a hare. A small voice said to him, “Maybe she was just talking to her friend?” “Shut up” came the furious reply and Bob became as cold as a lion watching its prey. He smiled at her and she smiled back and started to say something, when he shoved the towel into her mouth and with the other hand started slicing her up. He kneed her and was stabbing her very precisely. Humans were not that different from animals-all had hearts, lungs, brains and arteries and veins. The only thing that was different in a human was location and Bob was pretty experienced with animals. Allison came out of her shock and lunged sideways and tried to put up a fight. But despite the adrenalin rush, she was too injured and sustained deep internal injuries. She screamed in pain, but the only thing coming out was muffled voices. She tripped and fell and grabbed a light that fell too. Bob stabbed her even harder and slowly the life ebbed out of her. She could not feel anything anymore. Bob continued to stab her continuously, but she did not move. Bob then heard Allison’s phone ring. He started butchering her in the neck area and managed to cut almost half off. The phone went to message. Bob now got up and edged to the window. It was the fat man on the phone and both were looking at the cabin. Perhaps they were coming in to rob him now. Oliver and Jonathan had just heard the commotion and were worried. “We should check them out, something feels wrong, she always answers the phone,” said Jonathan. They tried a few more times, no answer. Oliver did not want to disturb the client, but it was not like Allison to not pick up a call from them. The noise also frightened them. Jonathan could feel it intuitively-something was definitely wrong. They decided to just knock on the
door and say Hi.

  Bob saw them coming towards the cabin. His worst paranoid fears were confirmed. They were coming to kill him. Bob closed the curtains fully. He loaded the shotgun and ran towards the back exit. He exited and doubled back through a path in the garden and the woods. He came upon the parked car and slowly inched forward, first making sure no one else was in the car. The two men were at the door and were still trying to call Allison once more. She did not pick up the phone. Jonathan knocked on the door.

  Bob aimed for big, huge guy. But then he looked at the young, slim black kid and realized if he shot the big man, the kid might run away. The woods are very easy to disappear into. The big guy might have some trouble running away. He aimed for Jonathan’s back; right in the heart area and Jonathan fell. Oliver was stunned and looked downward and froze –he could not comprehend what was going on. Bob had fired his second shot and Oliver fell right into the wheelbarrow. Bob ran in and fired another shot into Oliver’s head. Blood and brain matter splattered everywhere. Bob caught some movement and it was Jonathan. He was still alive and vomiting blood profusely. As Bob came up to him, he looked up in terror and fear and asked,” Why? Please, no, let Allison go”. Jonathan did not realize that Allison was already dead. Bob shot him in the face. He then proceeded to shoot both of them numerous times to make sure they were dead. He went in and shot Allison’s corpse a few times too. He was raging and fierce and in a frenzy and was ready to shoot anyone that came nearby. An hour passed as he paced up and down. His rage was intense and so were the feelings and the primal energies of life and death. He fell on the floor screaming,” What have I done?” Great sorrow burst forth from his heart and he cried and screamed. But there was nobody to hear his screams- at least anybody alive. Except old Ethel who was deaf.

  Bob snapped out of his anguish and sat around looking at the carnage. He was in a very peaceful state. He knew he had to clean the scene up. This time he got to work right away. He started the car and parked it right behind Candace’s car. He started chopping up the trio and used the wheelbarrow to move them to the freezer. He worked late at night. He hosed down as much as could and it started raining at night. It washed away most of the remains. But he still sprayed odor neutralizers and bleached the entire front portion of the cabin the next morning. He was sleeping soundly when he heard a noise- a big giant thud. He peered outside and it was Jose mid way between the cabin and Ethel’s house. Jose had passed out drunk and lay there. It started to rain again and Jose woke up and stumbled back towards the horse ranch. Bob wondered how he managed to work and hold down so much liquor. But he was just fine.

  Bob was really worried. He had two strange cars and three dead chopped up bodies. He started to grind them up. His friend Lex was back and so couldn’t feed the rotties. Then he remembered the raccoons. He thawed and then ground and boiled a small portion and left a bit overnight for the raccoons. He checked them the next day, the meat was gone. He decided this would be a safe way to dispose of the remains. It would take a long time for three bodies, so he bought another grinder. He was grinding, when he wondered how it would taste. Would each taste different according to their diet-just like the difference between corn-fed beef and grass-fed beef? Would the big man taste different because of his fat? He snapped back and was a bit worried that he was thinking of such odd things. But once it went through the grinder, it looked just like any other meat. He couldn’t resist and tasted a little and it tasted good! He was immediately horrified and then went about grinding more meat and used both the grinders. He then left a much bigger chunk of meat outdoors. Night brought some loud noises. The raccoons always made noises, but this was bigger. Bob slowly peered out – it was a mountain lion. Bob was stunned. At first he thought it was a bobcat, but it was too big for a bobcat. Perhaps it was a juvenile lion that mama had pushed out. The lion became wary and took off. Bob checked the next day and all the meat was gone. He spent all afternoon grinding the meat and placed it outside. Next morning it was all gone. Bob was going to do the same again, when he started to think of cooking some for him. He loved fat and so cooked the fat guy’s meat and made a couple of meat pies out of it. He placed an even bigger quantity of meat outside and next morning took some meat pies over to Ethel. “These are delicious” Ethel said, while launching on to stories about her horses. Jose came by and Bob offered him some meat pies. Jose had some meat pies and he loved it. Both wondered if it was a new recipe or if he had gotten the meat from a newer organic farm. Bob smiled and chomped on the meat pie himself. The meat pies were soon over and Ethel kept talking and Jose helped himself to the liquor that Ethel always had in her house. Bob returned home and fell asleep-he felt well after a long time.