Read American Savages Page 14

  I lightly bit her nipple.

  “Mr. Callahan!”

  “You put it in my face, so I have to show it love.”

  Yes. This was just the beginning. We would deal with all the other fucking things tomorrow.


  “I have struck a city - a real city - and they call it Chicago. . . It is inhabited by savages.”

  —Rudyard Kipling


  As I poured the brandy into his glass, he looked me over carefully, and I was certain that he was confused as to why we were sitting at a private table that overlooked the restaurant.

  “Will that be all, Mr. Callahan?” the waiter asked me.

  “Yes, it’s perfect. Thank you,” I told him before he turned and walked away.

  Declan reached for the glass and stared at the liquor. “I vaguely remember being witness to a meal similar to this with an old business associate before he lost his life.”

  “Yes, so do I. We dubbed it his last supper,” I replied, as I cut into the nearly red meat before me; I’ve always preferred my meat just a little bloody. “He never saw it coming. One moment we were laughing over brandy, and the next he was gasping for air. It was quite tragic.”

  He frowned and placed the glass down before he met my gaze. “Do you believe I’ve betrayed you, Liam?”

  “Have you?” I asked before chewing.

  “I’m insulted by the question. We’re so close that I think of you as a brother, not my cousin.” He picked up the glass once more and drank its contents. “But then again, I know you, and if you truly believe that, you would’ve had me tied to a chair. We wouldn’t be settling anything over filet mignon at the Plaza.”

  “If you know me as well as you think you do, then why are you sweating?” I grinned, as the beads of sweat rolled down the side of his cheek.

  He gasped as he reached for his neck, and felt his own pulse. He had to have known by now…

  “Liam, have you lost your damned mind?” he hissed as he took a deep breath and undid his tie. “I would never—”

  “I know. It’s not poison. You’re going to be fine, Declan.”

  “What the fuck did you give me then?” he snapped, as he pressed his thumbs to his temple.


  “Isn’t that—?”

  “Mother’s menopause pills? Yes, it is,” I snickered, taking another bite as he glared at me. “You see, I know you wouldn’t betray me. My wife on the other hand wasn’t one hundred percent certain. I can’t have doubts about you Declan. Not even a little bit. So, take it as a compliment.”

  “I’ll get right on that when I can feel my tongue again, asshole.” He licked his lips before he reached for my glass. “Am I still being tested? Or can I wash this down.”

  “You should probably ask for a new bottle,” I said, as I nonchalantly took another bite.

  He sighed, and released his glass to signal the waiter for another bottle. As he did, I smiled and took a drink from my snifter. Again his eyes narrowed as he sat back.

  “Do I get an explanation? Or are you going keep fucking with me?”

  “I’m just enjoying myself,” I replied.

  “Yeah, I can see that.”

  Wiping the corners of my mouth, I addressed the issue that had been plaguing me. “We have a mole.”

  “You can cross me off the list.”

  “I know. But I think it’s Neal,” I replied and he froze.

  The waiter came over with a new bottle, and reached for a glass, but Declan took the bottle, waved him off and began drinking directly from it.

  “Classy, brother,” I said, as I dismissed the waiter who stared at him in disbelief.

  “Fuck you, my ears are still ringing. But I thought you said Neal.”

  “I did.”

  “Liam.” He shook his head as if I were crazy. “I know you and Neal have had your issues, but this is insane. Neal loves this family and even though you don’t believe it, he loves you too. He’s our brother in blood and in arms. He’s a fucking Callahan!”

  “You think I don’t know that? You think I want my older brother to be the person betraying me? But there is something—”

  “What did Mel say? Because obviously she thinks it’s me and not Neal.” He seemed a little bitter about that.

  “She thinks it’s Olivia.”

  “Of course.” He sighed, as he drank from the bottle again. “I know you both have been to hell and back, but who’s next? Mom? Dad? Coraline?”

  “As we speak Mel is having a meeting with your wife,” I said and once again he froze, before he took another swig.

  “If you or Mel hurt my wife in any way, I will make it my life’s mission to destroy you both.”

  “Are you threatening me, brother?”

  He leaned forward. “I love you, Liam, but I love Coraline more. So yes, it’s a fucking treat. Though I’m confused as to how you would think she managed to battle cancer and stab you in the back at the same time.”

  “Relax, I know that and so does Mel, we’re just covering all the bases,” I replied. We had to be sure.

  “Fine, let’s say it is Neal or Olivia. What are you going to do?” he asked me, and I drank along with him.

  “What would you do?”

  He sighed. “Fuck man. Is this why you want to go to D.C.?”

  “There are many reasons. But will you and Coraline be okay here?”

  “Yes. I’m more worried about what’s going to happen at the capital. You all don’t know how to get around Avian. Nor do you know where he lives. Plus he has the FBI on his payroll.”

  “Thank you, Declan. We know we have to be smarter, but he’s also aware of that. He’s tried to destroy us, but he failed, and now he knows he needs a new game plan.”

  “What’s yours?”

  I grinned. “Political chaos. He’s fucked with my work, now we’re going to fuck with his. The FBI will soon be receiving a lot of bad press. He’s going to have to focus on that for now.”

  “Is that why you’re accepting the key to the city tomorrow?”

  Yes, and Mel was pissed.

  “We were supposed to go to D.C. yesterday. Every day we waste here, she’s more on edge.”

  “This could look bad on the President.”

  “Do I look like I give a fuck? As long as the President isn’t involved, then he still has three years.”

  “Let’s hope this ends quickly,” he muttered just as my favorite lawyer came over.

  “DiMarco. Long time no see,” I laughed, toasting him.

  “Not that long. I’m glad you’re enjoying your freedom.”

  He nodded to Declan who looked fucked up beyond speech as he held on tightly to his bottle. Who would have thought that a few little pills would be the catalyst to this?

  “How’s the case?” I asked him in reference to my former cellmate, Avery Barrow.

  “He’s out on bail. I’ve reminded him of the terms of accepting your help. Also, the Warden wanted me to pass this along to you.” He handed me a letter and I smirked as I read her note on the top.

  “Your handwritten apology.”

  “Thank you, DiMarco,” I replied as I placed it in my coat.

  “Good evening, Mr. Callahan, Mr. Callahan,” he said to the both of us before walking off.

  “Should I be seeing spots in my vision?” Declan asked me.

  With a laugh, I waved for the check.


  Her fists came straight for my face. However I blocked them and headbutted her whilst I landed a kick into her chest.

  “Ah, fuck,” Coraline gasped from her spot on the ground, as she held her chest.

  “And here I thought you were better than this,” I said as I looked down at her.

  Frustrated, she charged forward as fast as her legs could. Her fists came at me like bullets. She was tiring herself out, but she was also wearing me down in the process, since I was forced to block her fists. The moment I saw an opening, I took it. I pulled
her wrist to me before I managed to flip her over onto her back.

  “Okay, fine! You win…ugh!” she called out, as she pulled her arm away from me and rolled onto her side.

  “Of course I win. I just wanted more of a fight,” I said to her as I unwrapped my hands.


  “Coraline, if you say anything referring to cancer, I will kick your ass….again.” I said, as I leaned against the ropes of the ring.

  “Okay, bitch, I was going say that I haven’t had practice in months!” she snapped, without bothering to get up from the ring floor. It was kind of funny.

  She looked like a snow angel, or maybe a dead starfish, just lying on the floor, lazily spread out.

  “Bitch? You do know—”

  “Yes, you are the boss blah, blah, blah. But I’m also your friend and your sister.”

  “I’m sorry, my friend?”

  She pounded the floor beside her, signaling me to lie next to her, but I didn’t move.

  “Oh come on, you did not summon me for a fight, you wanted to talk. We’re family, so let’s talk.”

  Aren’t we observant?

  “I didn’t want to talk, I wanted to see if all the training you received went to your head.”

  “Excuse me?” She sat up.

  “There is a mole in our house, and now I know it cannot possibly be you.”

  “And how do you know that?” she snapped as she rose from her seated position and wiped the sweat that rolled down the side of her dark-skinned face.

  With a grin, I straighten my stance. “First of all, the fact that you’re annoyed that I don’t think you are a mole is proof enough. Secondly, you gave up and accepted that I’m better. The person who is plotting to take us down believes that they are just as capable as I am. Therefore it’s not you. Good talk.”

  “Mel, you need someone.”

  “What?” I asked, as I turned back to face her. “I have Liam.”

  “I mean you need a friend. Adriana—”

  “Don’t.” I never wanted to hear her name again. “She wasn’t a friend. She was an employee because I don’t do friends, Coraline. I have a husband. I have a son. They are the only people I need. I like you, but we are family, not friends.”

  “Whatever you say, boss. But I’m going to wiggle my way into your heart,” she smirked, as she stepped out of the ring. On her way out, she passed Fedel who came in holding the papers I requested.

  “Ma’am,” he said, as he handed me the folder. “This is all the information we can find on an Avian Doers or De Rosa.”

  “This is a very thin folder,” I muttered, as I quickly flipped through it.

  “He must have buried most of his past after gaining citizenship. As Deputy Attorney General, he was the second-highest ranking official in the United States Department of Justice. He was the U.S. Attorney for D.C. prior to becoming Deputy Attorney General, and he helped prosecute the Mancini crime family, which put him on the map. He has been selling out small organization bosses and families for decades.”

  “So he’s a rat with a fancy title.” A very smart rat, but a rat nonetheless.

  “Make sure Jinx has the jet fueled. After Liam gets the key tomorrow, we’re leaving. I want you to stay behind with Coraline and Declan. Kain and Monte are coming with us.”

  His eyes flashed and his jaw clenched.

  “Is there a problem?”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “Why is Kain here? What purpose does he serve? He has no skills other than punching his fist through a wall,” he confessed.

  “He will come in handy.” I wasn’t a hundred percent sure how, but I somehow knew he would. Stepping out of the ring, I walked towards the elevator bank.

  As the elevator opened, one of the last people I wanted to talk to stepped out.



  “Do you need something in the basement?” I asked, as I brushed past her to enter the elevator.

  “I wanted to apologize.” She stepped back into the metal box with me.

  This was unexpected. “What did Liam say to you?”

  She crossed her arms as the doors shut. “Why do you believe Liam spoke to me?”

  This family was working my last damn nerve.

  “Why must you all question why, or how, I know something? It’s a waste of time. You aren’t fooling me. So either you let me know the truth or walk away…now.” I stepped out as the doors opened, she followed.

  “You’re right, Liam has spoken to me, but that’s beside the point. Goddamn it, Mel, I really want to slap the hell out of you sometimes. If someone purposely broke Ethan’s heart and then left him in jail for months, how would you feel as his mother? No matter who I was before, he’s still my son and he was in pain.”

  If it were Ethan, I would have—I saw her point.

  “Liam and I are heading to D.C. tomorrow. You and Sedric should be ready to accompany us. I want you to be with Ethan whenever we can’t be. We’ve already bought a house.” I wanted to turn and leave. However, I didn’t. “And Evelyn, I understand. And as long as we don’t have this issue again, I’m sure we will be fine. You are my son’s only grandmother, he needs you.”

  These people were making me soft.


  When I got back to our room, I heard her horrid singing and I couldn’t help but smile. She really had no idea that she was doing it or how bad she really was. She always started off with a hum, and then next thing you know, she was wailing like a suffering banshee. Stripping down, I entered the bathroom and watched as the water trailed down her body.

  “Are you going to stand there all day, Jinx, or are you coming in?” she asked and I could hear the laughter in her voice.

  Stepping in behind her, I grabbed her waist and pulled her against me. I bit her ear, and cupped her pussy with one hand while I grabbed her breast with the other.

  “Joke like that again and I will make you regret it.” I squeezed her nipple tightly.

  “That’s what you get, pervert.” I could feel her struggling to restrain the moan that was building in her chest. She was pushing me and I knew it, but I couldn’t control myself whenever she was in my arms, especially when she was naked and wet.

  Turning her around, I pressed her back against the tile wall.

  “If you wanted me to fuck you hard, wife, all you had to do was ask. You didn’t have to piss me off.” Though I knew how much she enjoyed doing that.

  “I’m sorry, Liam. Will you please fuck me…hard?” she asked sweetly as the water poured over us.

  Grabbing her thighs, I lifted her upwards before taking her lips with my own, I thrust into her until she covered me to the hilt. My tongue brushed against hers, and I felt her rock against me, as her hardened nipples pressed into my chest.

  “Oh…” she moaned into my mouth as her hands snaked around my neck and gripped onto my hair.

  “How hard are we talking, wife?” I asked, as I slammed deeper and deeper into her.

  Her mouth dropped open, and her body shivered in pleasure. As she closed her eyes, as I and thrust inside of her. Pulling me closer to her, she bit my ear.

  “Harder,” she whispered, as she moved to lick the water that fell from my jaw. I thrust myself into her, and, like always, she anchored herself with my hair. A smile spread over her lips as I kissed her chest and pinched her nipple tightly.


  Dear God.

  “You’re so fucking tight, baby.” I bit my lip. It was taking all my strength to not come right then and there. The way she clung on to me, the sounds that slipped out of her mouth…it was all driving me insane.

  “Harder!” she gasped out again.

  She loved it rough, it was something that I loved about her. Reaching into her hair, I pull her head back and exposed her neck as I nipped and kissed the length of it. Her legs snaked around my waist, allowing her to maximize each thrust until we both came.

p; She laughed as the water continued to cascade around us.

  “What?” I asked.


  “No. What?” Why was she looking at me like that?

  “Nothing.” She paused before she started laughing again, knowing full well that I wouldn’t drop it until she answered. “I’m happy. Okay, dammit? And I will be happier once we’re through with Avian,” she muttered and I kissed her cheek and pulled out of her.

  After we washed ourselves off, we walked into the bedroom where I handed her the letter from the Warden.

  “What’s this?” she asked as she unfolded it.

  “Read it,” I said while drying my hair.

  “Dear Mr. Callahan, as per your request I have handwritten this letter. I wish to express my great sadness at your wrongful imprisonment….basically bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Why am I reading this?”

  “Because tomorrow after we get the key to the city, I will ruin both her and that fucked up correctional system she has going.”

  She didn’t look amused. “Really? You’re going to tell the city she was mean? Seems a little low on the revenge scale.”

  “Turn on the news,” I told her, as I walked towards my dresser and pulled out a pair of boxers. I checked the live feed on the desk, and watched as Ethan slept in his crib, while he quietly sucked on his thumb.

  I heard the television power on and turned just in time to see a woman addressing exactly what I wanted Mel to see. Out of all the wardens I had seen in the last five months Dr. Rachel Alden was by far the one who had angered me the most. Her consistent need to try and tame me like I was her pet monkey had been infuriating to say the least.

  “Sources are confirming that the Chicago Police did in fact know of Liam Callahan’s innocence. Although details are still pending, it is being speculated that this was a politically charged move against the Callahan Family who have spoken out about their disappointment with the police department. Among the suspected internal players that are being named are; Officer Scooter, who is currently on the run, Captain Joseph Kent, Superintendent Kash, and Dr. Rachel Alden, who is the Warden of the prison where Liam Callahan was held. Dr. Alden has been accused of abuse of power by people other than the Callahan camp. Correction officers who have worked, and are still working at the institution have even admitted that she was particularly interested in Mr. Callahan and often taunted him in his cell. Can you believe it Chris?”