Read Amethyst Flame Page 12

  But only as she dwelled on Elegance did a few snapshots finally emerge. The moment she settled on Loghry’s mansion, sure enough, the images increased and formed a spinning carousel in her mind.

  Her heartrate ramped up. Tonight would be about the wizard.

  His mansion was only three miles away near one of the few hills in the Elegance portion of Phoenix. Within the connected snapshots, she saw herself flying beside Vaughn, which settled the matter of her going once and for all.

  They would do this together. Vaughn would simply have to adjust to her role in the night’s events.

  The images moved rapidly, so she engaged as she had last time, placing herself within the stream of snapshots. She flew over the top of the mansion all the way past the pool and landed behind a distant guest house. Trees cloaked the area, which made it an excellent location for entering Loghry’s several-acre complex.

  Once on the ground, she and Vaughn passed through a gate, then descended a set of stone steps leading below the guest house and well into the earth.

  She knew then that she’d located Loghry’s infamous labyrinth, the place he supposedly kept a female vampire locked up. Rumors had it she suffered from a second-hand addiction to amethyst flame because of the wizard’s lust for the powerful flame drug combined with his need to have a vampire drinking from him.

  Within the images, she followed Vaughn, levitating behind him through a series of pillars and narrow stone passageways. Electric light bulbs, encased in small wire cages, hung from posts at various intervals but were never bright enough to fully illuminate any given space. She could feel the sinister nature of the structure, how the maze-like web of paths would make it difficult for anyone to escape.

  She heard the sound of distant weeping and watched Vaughn turn to the right to follow the curve of the strange underground space. She felt herself directing him to make a series of turns, one after the other, as though she’d always known how to navigate the labyrinth.

  The last path led them to the heart of the maze with a huge open area of dirt surrounded by a dozen large cages. All of them were empty except two. The biggest cage, directly across from Emma, held five human female teens. Three of them were weeping. Each was badly bruised.

  A hissing sound drew Emma’s attention to the other occupied cage at her right.

  The space was like a jail cell because it had a toilet, a sink and a cot, but nothing else. The floor, like the rest of the central part of the labyrinth, was made of dirt.

  The woman inside, a vampire, wore a dirty, red tunic and crouched on all fours as though ready to spring. She had mottled violet flame marks on her arms, neck and face, indicating she satisfied her blood needs from a donor addicted to amethyst flame. The mottling was a sure sign of second-hand addiction.

  So here she was, the fabled woman Loghry had kept imprisoned in his labyrinth for years.

  The woman, her black hair hanging over her face, leaped at the bars, latching on with her hands and toes like a wild animal. “He’s coming for you. Don’t you see? He’s created this vision to draw you here, then he’ll kill you.”

  Emma was so startled by her vehemence and by the wild light in her gray eyes that the images scattered like leaves caught by a sudden wind.

  She blinked and opened her eyes.

  Vaughn still stood far away, near Stormy’s post. The owl blinked his large eyes at her.

  Emma sat up and met Vaughn’s gaze. “We were in Loghry’s labyrinth, together, you and I. We made it to the center, but there were five more girls caged there who need to be rescued. I saw a deranged female vampire as well, locked up in a cage. Vaughn, this isn’t about Loghry tonight. It’s about saving these girls.”

  She then shared all the details of the vision.

  ~ ~ ~

  Vaughn didn’t know what to think. He’d been prepared to tell Emma he couldn’t let her go into another dangerous situation. She served as a Trib officer and rarely saw the kind of action the Border Patrol officers encountered.

  But it appeared the nature of the mission had gotten changed up to a rescue operation.

  Emma rose from her couch and drew close to him. “Vaughn, what’s going on here? You had no problem with me going into Savage. How is this different?”

  He settled his hands on her arms. Jesus his throat was tight. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  She nodded. “I know. I get it. I don’t want you to get hurt either.”

  “What if it’s a trap?”

  She shrugged but planted her hands on his chest, her strange witchy electricity flowing over him. “I’m pretty confident that’s exactly what it is. But we were there, you and I, together. Neither of us held back. I won’t say I’m not scared, because I am. But we have to do this, both of us.”

  Vaughn released a heavy sigh. “I’ve been trying to avoid this moment ever since I took you to bed. I don’t want this time with you to end and I don’t want you to get hurt. I know you should go. My instincts confirm that you need to do this. But I hate it.”

  She slid her hands up to caress his shoulders. “If it helps, I don’t want to go either. I’d rather stay here with you secure in my home until the end of time. But we’re beyond all that, aren’t we? I mean, we live and work and battle impossible enemies because we’re both alter creatures and we live in this hellhole.”

  He pulled her tight against him. “Being with you felt so normal. That’s all. And I wanted more of it, greedy bastard that I am.”

  She drew back, smiling up at him. “I’d almost join a dark coven if it meant I’d get to spend one more night with you.”

  At that, he smiled. “No you wouldn’t.” He stroked a hand the length of her hair.

  “I said ‘almost’. But you’re right. I’d die before I took up the dark arts.”

  “And that’s exactly why I don’t want my time with you to end. I love who you are in this world. You’ve been the biggest surprise and you’ve given me something I shouldn’t be feeling. Something like hope.”

  “I know what you mean. After Max died, I shut down. I wasn’t willing to go through that kind of pain again. Then we pulled the triplets out of Loghry’s flower van and it changed things for me.”

  He nodded slowly. “It did, including what we both need to do next.”

  “And that we need to do it together.”

  “Yes. Together.” He was resigned now. He knew this was the right thing. “So, tell me everything you saw in this recent vision so we can start planning.”

  She reviewed the details once more up to the point the female vampire frightened her and the images scrambled.

  “And it was just you and me?”

  “Yes. I didn’t see anyone else around. No one.”

  “And no guards at the gate? Or on the property?” It sounded suspicious to him.

  “No guards. Nothing.”

  “And above the property, you didn’t see an active spell? Anything that might prevent us from flying to this central area?”

  She shook her head in response. “You also have to remember that Wizard Loghry is one of the most powerful warlocks in Elegance. I might not even be able to detect a spell he created. On the other hand, he may believe his reputation is strong enough to keep his enemies away. ”

  “And no obvious signs of a security system?” Vaughn had always heard that Loghry’s mansion had a high-tech set-up. He said as much to Emma.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know what to tell you. I encountered nothing like that. Which of course makes it all sound like a trap.”

  “Yes, it does.”

  “Do you think we should try a different approach?”

  “I think we need back-up. It’s clear from your vision that we’ll make it inside, but who knows what we’ll face coming out. I’m going to call Brannick and Fergus. I have no doubt they’ll want in on this.”

  Emma leaned up and kissed him. Familiar erotic jolts of electricity moved over his lips, reminding him of everything they’d done in bed together, all the
hours spent tangled up and lost in each other’s arms.

  He returned the kiss, feeling desperate. He drew back, but not to let her go. Instead, he pulled her into a tight embrace and held on.

  When at last he released her, Emma took a deep breath. “I think calling the troops is exactly what we should do. And if we stick together, we might be able to get these girls out.”

  He nodded. “I’ll make some calls.”

  ~ ~ ~

  When Vaughn left the spellroom, Emma headed back to her bedroom. The labyrinth was cold, so she made the decision to switch out her short-sleeved t-shirt for one with long sleeves, tucking it in so she would still have access to her gun. She threaded her belt through the pant loops.

  She brushed out her hair again, more to calm her nerves than anything else. Securing the top knot, she pushed the rest past her shoulders to lie in a wave down her back. She turned while looking at herself in the mirror. Her hair was almost to her waist.

  Her cheeks grew flushed as she recalled a time in bed early this morning, when Vaughn, while taking her from behind, kept kissing and petting her hair. It had been very tender, yet erotic.

  She didn’t want this time with Vaughn to end and for a few seconds hot tears brimmed in her eyes.

  Giving herself a shake, she returned to her bedroom and clipped her holster onto her belt and checked her Sig. She’d been unable to see what happened after they reached the center of the underground labyrinth, but Loghry was a wizard of great power. It might be a simple thing to get in, but a very different matter trying to leave.

  Once she was dressed, she met Vaughn outside. He wore his Glock and holster and was full of tension. The triplets hovered nearby, but were as grim-faced as before, another sure sign how important the mission was.

  Becca? Everything okay?

  She nodded. Going to Loghry’s will be very dangerous. We’re worried for you guys.

  You don’t have to come with.

  Becca glanced at each of her sisters in turn. We want to. This is the man who stole our lives and if we can help to bring him down, even in a small way, we want to do that.

  Okay, then.

  When she reverted her attention to Vaughn, she saw he was watching the girls. His gaze slipped back to her. “What did they say?”

  “They’re worried about the mission, but they’ll be with us and will do what they can.”

  His straight black brows were drawn tightly together. “All right. Sounds good.” He nodded several times as though regrouping his thoughts. “Brannick will be in the air above your house soon. He’s bringing my half-sword because we don’t know what we’re going to find once we’re inside. He’s in the process of coordinating back-up. He’s contacted a couple of trustworthy Elegance Border Patrol officers and Fergus in Savage wanted in on anything have to do with shutting Loghry down. We’ll have a mixed-force detail.”

  She nodded. “I think this is fantastic.” Until last night, she’d thought she was alone in her battle against the perverse, brutal elements of Five Bridges.

  He gripped her arms. “Are you ready for this, Em, for whatever we find?”

  “I am.”

  A smile touched his lips as he released her arms then glanced down at her feet. “Let me see you levitate.”

  He probably thought she’d lift up a couple of inches. Instead, she shot into the air then came down behind him and jumped on his back.

  He caught her legs so that she was essentially having a piggy-back ride. She surrounded his neck with both arms, then leaned into him and kissed his cheek. “I love you, Vaughn. Whatever happens, I love you.”

  He caught her arms with both hands and squeezed. “Back atcha.”

  When his cell made a soft ding, he pulled it from the pocket of his jeans while keeping her balanced on his back. He spoke quietly for a couple of minutes, then put it away. “Brannick’s not far, just east of your house. He said the skies are clear and he has my weapons. We’re ready to go.”

  “Then let’s go.”

  She eased off his back, but didn’t land on the ground. Instead, she flew straight up, moving through her security spell and into the sky. He joined her. The ghosts traveled near Emma, but were still somber and very quiet.

  Sure enough, Brannick and five other Crescent officers were hovering above a house on the next street over from Emma’s.

  Once she and Vaughn reached them, Brannick handed Vaughn his sword. Vaughn, wearing one of Max’s belts, clipped on the sword sheath and re-checked his Glock.

  She could feel Vaughn communicating with Brannick telepathically. The entire team was tense but remained silent, each officer repeatedly checking the skies from all directions.

  Emma did as well. But Brannick was right. There were no Elegance warlocks or witches out tonight, at least not right now, which matched the images in her vision.

  When Brannick and his men took off west to meet up with Fergus and his squad, Vaughn met Emma’s gaze. Shall we get this party started?

  With pleasure.

  As she flew in the direction of Loghry’s mansion, she reached for Vaughn’s hand. He grabbed it and gave her fingers a squeeze, then released it.

  She didn’t say the words out loud, but she didn’t need to. They both knew there was a good chance tonight neither of them would make it out of the labyrinth alive.

  ~ ~ ~

  Vaughn had never been this torn in his entire life. He wanted Emma with him. But at the same time he wished she was heading anywhere other than Loghry’s fortress-like residence, complete with a labyrinth dungeon.

  He forced himself to remember that she wasn’t just a woman he loved, but she was a trained Tribunal officer and knew how to use her weapon. She might not have had as much experience as he did in actual shoot-outs, but she had grit.

  Her voice entered his mind. We’re exactly where we’re supposed to be according to the vision.

  Good. What else could he say? He wanted to turn around, take her back to her house, and chain her up so she’d be safe. But that door was now shut tight.

  As he flew directly over the mansion, he saw no sign of Brannick which was a good thing. The support team would come in from the opposite end of the property and hide in the trees to wait for the rescue. If Emma had seen any of them in the underground maze, he would have asked them to join their below-ground mission in a heartbeat.

  He followed Emma’s lead and headed toward the guest house, well beyond the pool. Once there, he dropped down behind what was a small stone structure, an unusual choice for the desert. The gate was right where she’d said it would be. She reached for the latch, but he wasn’t willing to let her go first, no matter how much courage she had.

  He caught her arm and held her gaze, though he spoke telepathically. I don’t care what your vision showed you, I’m going in first.

  But her quirky smile appeared. Oh, don’t worry. You went before me. And believe me, I won’t argue with you on this one.

  He couldn’t help but smile. She knew the chances they were taking, but she could still joke with him. Yeah, the woman had grit.

  He drew his sword from its sheath, then his Glock. He wanted both weapons in hand.

  Were we running or levitating?

  Levitating, to keep the noise level down.

  Got it. He moved slowly, floating just above the stone steps. When he got to the bottom, the entrance led to the right. He grabbed the knob and turned, then pushed. The damn door wasn’t even locked, another sign they were being drawn into Loghry’s lair. Bastard.

  He saw the small caged lights, just as Emma had described them, as well as the stone walls and deep shadows. The smell was musty, but not surprising.

  At the outset, three paths presented themselves. Which way?

  Take the center path, then the one that bends slightly to the left.

  He moved swiftly and she continued to give him directions. Make a quick right, left, then right again. Yes, this is it. Now take the straight path, but it will veer to the left.

nbsp; He heard the girls weeping, just as Emma had said they would be. He could feel her flying behind him, sticking close.

  When he reached another branch of three, her voice hit his mind. We’re almost there. Turn right, but swing back left, then we should be in the center.

  He sped quickly, slowing only to make sure that when he took a turn, he didn’t collide with anything unexpected. But the path was unobstructed and opened almost immediately to the wrought iron cages Emma had described.

  Opposite, he saw the five girls clumped together, comforting each other. Were they huddled like this in the vision?


  And I see that the triplets are floating near them. What are they doing?

  I think they’re trying to comfort the girls. If anyone knows how they would be feeling right now, Becca and her sisters would.

  No doubt about that.

  A hiss behind Vaughn had him turning to face the female vampire, the only other prisoner present. So, the rumors were true that Loghry kept a woman locked up to feed from him.

  She looked like an animal. Her bare feet hugged a lower section of the cell-like bars while her hands grabbed at an upper part. Violet-colored flames, though mottled, streaked over the bared portion of her chest and throat and up the back of each hand and along her forearms. Whatever else Loghry did to the woman, his blood kept her addicted to one of the most toxic flame drugs in Five Bridges, amethyst flame.

  She shook her body back and forth and let out an ear-shattering shriek. Her long black hair hung down the front of her face showing only a portion of her eyes, nose and mouth. Her dark red dress was filthy.

  He’d heard a kind of insanity could afflict vampires who grew addicted in this second-hand way.

  Being one of her kind, he was horrified at what she’d become. Yet something about her drew him closer, maybe because she was a vampire, or maybe it was a kind of enthrallment the addiction caused. Flame drugs were highly unpredictable, and often showed different effects from one addict to another. He kept moving toward the woman.