Read Amethyst Flame Page 14

He could fly faster now and see ghosts when he never could before. But he wondered if there was something else he could do. Could he utilize her profound healing ability?

  He looked down at his wrecked knee and put both hands around it. Was it possible? Could he make use of Emma’s healing gift and restore his broken body in time to save himself as well as Emma and Beth?

  He turned every thought to Emma and her alter witch gifts.

  As he did, small jolts of electricity began flowing down his arms and into his hands and fingers. And just like that, healing began to work on his knee at lightning speed. The more he focused, the stronger the wave became. Only it didn’t just heal his knee, but began to flow through his body to his ribs and higher to repair the ache in his head.

  After a few more seconds, he could breathe easily and the throbbing in his ribs and his knee began to drift away.

  You look better. Becca clapped her hands together, though there was no accompanying sound.

  He met her gaze and smiled. I am, and you’ve helped me tremendously by delivering Emma’s message. But I want you to go be with her now. I’ve got this.

  Becca grinned and the three ghosts vanished.

  As Vaughn let the last of the healing process take him over, he thought of Dagen and the warlocks waiting for him. Vaughn knew he couldn’t defeat them with only his fully-restored physical strength.

  He needed another advantage.

  He needed Emma’s other gift, the one that had led them to reach the center of the labyrinth in the first place. She could see snapshots of the future which meant there was a strong possibility he’d be able to access similar images as well. In order to make it back to Emma in one piece, he’d have to know what his opponents would do in the immediate future, how each would attack him.

  He heard voices moving in his direction. They weren’t far away.

  His vampire hearing picked up the words. “He’s just sitting there.”

  “Then let’s cut him up. I’d like to see the vampire bastard bleed.”

  Vaughn focused on Emma and the future. The snapshots appeared quickly and began to flow in a steady stream.

  Fully healed, he leaped to his feet. The snapshots showed him what he needed to do moment-by-moment.

  He levitated to the ceiling and drew his knees up tight to his chest. A warlock flew hard across the space below Vaughn. He would have knocked Vaughn to the ground otherwise, or worse, since the warlock carried a sword.

  Instead, he landed square against the stone wall where Vaughn had been sitting.

  The sound of a bone snapping, confirmed the next set of images that showed the warlock face down on the ground, his neck broken.

  As Vaughn lowered himself to the dirt, he kept the future snapshots moving swiftly. The second attacker would arrive within seconds. Vaughn shifted to a horizontal position at the same time that a sword flew through the air sliding well above his body. The sword clattered against the wall, but if Vaughn hadn’t moved, it would have caught his upper torso.

  Vaughn glanced at the next few snapshots, dove for the sword, grabbed it by the handle, then levitated toward the far right pathway at the same time that the second warlock shouted and lunged toward him. But Vaughn was faster because of the vision. He sliced upward in a diagonal thrust, caught the warlock in the abdomen and stabbed him through to the spine.

  The man screamed and fell, then writhed in the dirt.

  Vaughn caught the next set of images and darted down the same pathway from which the warlock had emerged. Because of the vision, he knew where he was headed. He levitated swiftly.

  The snapshots showed the third warlock, sword in hand, at the next intersection. When Vaughn arrived, he pulled his knees up, then kicked out hard. He caught the warlock in the back, shoved with all his might and slammed the man against the stone wall. He slumped to the dirt, his head bashed in, blood everywhere.

  Vaughn held tight to the snapshots, keeping them flowing so that he could follow the path back to Emma. Three warlocks down, two to go, plus a psychopathic shifter.

  He was getting closer to the center of the labyrinth, but would he find Emma alive?


  Emma’s breathing was shallow as Beth continued to savage her neck. Though held in a thrall and unable to move, tears dripped down the sides of Emma’s face and into her hair. The nearness of her death was almost unbearable.

  Her thoughts were all for Vaughn and how much she loved him. She couldn’t believe this miracle had happened. She’d never thought to know love after Max died, but she didn’t want Vaughn to die, and she really didn’t want Beth to remain imprisoned in Loghry’s underground labyrinth.

  But what could she do? A demented vampire held her in thrall and was steadily draining her to death.

  What’s your name? The voice was female and it took Emma a moment to realize Beth had contacted her telepathically.

  My name is Emma. Is that you, Beth?

  Yes. You taste so good. I can’t stop. It’s the amethyst drug forcing me to keep going. I’m sorry.

  Yet you can communicate with me. Is your mind clearing?

  Yes, but I still can’t stop. When I drink from Loghry, he has his servants beat me until I release his neck.

  For the first time since Dagen had thrown her in Beth’s cell, Emma began to hope. If her blood was helping Beth, then maybe something else could be done for the vampire.

  She thought about her time with Vaughn, how much her witch powers had increased, especially her ability to heal. Maybe she could send a kind of healing to Beth that would break the addiction’s hold on her.

  She was sure as hell going to try.

  Once more, as she had the first time she’d seen the three ghosts in the Graveyard, she opened herself up to all that she was in the alter world. Only this time, she focused on the ways she was connected to Vaughn and how he enhanced the abilities she possessed.

  The emerging sensations felt like a wave of power she’d never known before. She centered that power on her healing gift then let it flood her veins.

  After a few seconds, Beth’s voice entered Emma’s mind again. What is that? Your blood tastes different and I’m feeling dizzy now.

  I’m sending you as much healing as I can.

  Thank you. It’s wonderful, but I still can’t release you. I’m so sorry.

  Emma remembered something else as well, that she and Vaughn were in a strange place of being able to share their powers with each other. She focused on Vaughn’s vampire nature and could actually feel it coming forward. Some vampires could enthrall other vampires, but not if they were weak like Beth.

  As Emma experienced Vaughn’s vampire power, she found Beth’s thrall breaking up. The moment she was able to lift her arm, she placed her hand on top of Beth’s head. Her healing then flowed straight into Beth’s mind.

  I don’t know what you’re doing, but keep doing it. My compulsion to continue drinking from you is fading.

  A moment later, Beth drew back from Emma’s throat. “Oh, my God, I’ve torn you to pieces.” She leaned close and used her tongue to help seal the wounds. Emma did the rest as she sent healing to her neck as well.

  After a moment, Beth sat back on her knees and stared at Emma’s throat. “It’s healed.” She then put her hands on her head. “I can’t believe this. I can think again.”

  Emma felt dizzy from the loss of so much blood, but she knew her body was quickly replenishing what she needed. She could also feel that Beth teetered on the edge of madness still.

  She forced herself to her knees and this time planted both hands on Beth’s head. The vampire moaned. “Thank you. Thank you so much. You’ve saved me.”

  “Beth, look at your skin. The flames are disappearing.”

  “My God.” Beth drew in a ragged breath and tears began to flow down her cheeks. “The drugs have started to leave my system.” She pressed her hands to her chest. “For the first time in years, I almost feel normal again.”

  “I have to stop n
ow, Beth. I’m dizzy from what you took from me. I need to focus more of that healing on myself.”

  “Yes, of course.” Beth swiped at more of her tears.

  Emma closed her eyes and centered her healing power within her body. The sensation was close to miraculous as she regained her strength with each passing second. When she felt better, her thoughts turned to Vaughn and her need to go to him. She rose to her feet and at the same time, she became aware of the ghosts in the cell.

  Becca’s voice entered her mind. Emma, you made it.

  I did. But how is Vaughn? Is he—? She couldn’t form the rest of the words.

  He’d started to heal himself when he sent us to you. He looked much better, but that’s all we know. Dagen and his men were waiting in the shadows to hurt him.

  Emma glanced at the teens still huddled in the cage across the way.

  Beth joined her. “Loghry has brought hundreds of girls to this place over the years. He would chase them through the labyrinth. I watched so many die and there was nothing I could do.”

  Emma turned to her. “We can do something now. Dagen left the door unlocked. What do you say we take these girls then get the hell out of here?”

  Beth nodded, but compressed her lips. Tears rolled down her cheeks once more. She glanced down at the dirt and levitated, though very slowly. “I haven’t been able to do this for years. Not for years. That drug was a nightmare.”

  Emma felt the urgency to leave, but she needed to give Beth a moment to get used to being sane again. She patted her shoulder. “Keep practicing. You’ll need to be ready to move swiftly.” She pushed the door wide. “I’m going to contact your brother.”


  Vaughn, can you hear me?

  Emma, you’re alive! Thank God. Listen to me, I’ve taken down the five warlocks. It’s now me and Dagen, and I’ve been accessing the snapshot visions, sharing your power. You’re in the images now. Will you do what I tell you?


  Good. I’m less than a minute out and Dagen is right behind me. I’ve had to weave my way through the maze to get to you, but I’m heading in your direction. You’ll need to get to your gun.

  I’m on it.

  Emma found her handgun a few yards away to the right of the cell. She picked it up and told Beth to come to her, to get behind her. Beth, still levitating, moved in place. Emma directed her thoughts once more to Vaughn. I’ve got my Sig.

  Sorry, Em, but the snapshots indicate you’ll need to shoot Dagen.

  I don’t have a problem with that. In her line of work, she’d taken down a lot of bad guys.

  We’re almost there. Shit, the images have been blocked.

  It’s Loghry. He probably figured out what you were doing. I’ll take over. Do you have enough information to get to the center of the maze?


  She added one last thought. Your Glock is on the ground to the left of the cell.

  Got it.

  She addressed Beth, reaching her telepathically. She didn’t want Loghry to actually hear anything they were planning. Beth, I’m going to access the future. Stay put and follow my lead, can you do that?


  Just stick close.

  She opened herself up to the snapshots that created a vision of the future.

  They came quickly, showing her she had only a few seconds to prepare. Beth, stay behind me.

  I will.

  She switched to contact Vaughn. I’ve got the future. You’re only ten seconds away. Take a left then a right.

  Don’t worry, Em. I can sense where you are now.

  We’re ready.

  Emma saw what she had to do, and she counted down for Beth. Three … two … one …

  The next moment, Vaughn shot through the space, flying past them.

  Suddenly, Dagen was there, just a few feet away, his AR-15 rising.

  Emma pulled the trigger and fired straight into Dagen’s torso. He flew backward onto the dirt, a hole in his chest, blood pouring. Still he lifted his rifle. She fired repeatedly but the arm kept rising. The bastard had power.

  Vaughn drew up next to her, his Glock in hand, and fired one bullet into Dagen’s skull. His arm finally fell back harmlessly, and the rifle dropped into the dirt.

  Silence followed, except for Vaughn’s rough breathing. It was clear he’d been battling hard. She turned to him. He put his arm around her, and she pivoted to grab him around the waist. He drew her tight against him and hugged her.

  A sob caught in her throat. “I thought we were both dead.”

  “We made it, Emma. But we’re not done yet.”

  “Nathan?” Emma heard Beth call her brother’s name. She released Vaughn.

  Releasing Emma, he turned in Beth’s direction. “You’re back and the amethyst flames on your skin are gone. What happened?”

  Beth smiled, her eyes tearing up. “Emma healed me. That’s how we got out of this. It was all Emma.”

  Vaughn held his arms wide and Beth flew into them. He met Emma’s gaze over his sister’s head. “Thank you.”

  Emma nodded but she lifted a finger and slid into telepathy. We’ve got to get out of here. I can feel Loghry’s presence and I have a strong sense he was able to watch everything that just happened. In fact, I’m sure of it. I’ll access the future again.

  Vaughn nodded. I think he can only disrupt the snapshots for one of us at a time, so let me know if he blocks you, and I’ll take over.

  She nodded. We’ll do this by flowing back and forth.

  He held her gaze for a moment, carefully shifting Beth to one side, then opening his free arm to her. When she drew close, he surrounded her with his arm then leaned down to kiss her. “I know. We’re a team.”

  Emma’s heart fluttered because of what she saw in his eyes. He was with her now, really with her, nothing held back. She drew a deep breath. “We’re a team. Now let’s get your sister and these other girls out of here.”

  “I love you, Em.”

  “I love you, too.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Vaughn focused tightly on Emma and held his mind open. Though he tried to access the snapshot images, again, he couldn’t see a damn thing, which meant Loghry was still blocking him. But he knew Emma was working to engage the future again as well.

  After a moment, Emma dipped her chin. I’ve seen what we do next. We need to get the girls and head back through the labyrinth the way we came. I’ve seen Brannick in place, waiting.

  She turned as she spoke, then gestured for Beth to follow. He moved in behind his sister as all three of them levitated swiftly to the opposite cage.

  I’ll contact Brannick. He thought about using his phone but he didn’t want Loghry to know what he was up to. He tapped on Brannick’s telepathy.

  When Brannick responded, Vaughn told him they were coming out with five girls who would need to be carried to safety.

  My team’s ready.

  Knew I could count on you. Vaughn smiled as he broke off the communication. He watched Emma pull the rod from the cell door’s locking mechanism, a simple arrangement located far enough on the outside that the girls would never be able to reach it. With the rod gone, Emma pulled the door wide.

  She waved to the girls. “Come with us. We’re getting you out of here.” The girls rose uneasily to their feet.

  Emma went into the cell and spoke quietly to them, then turned back to Vaughn, frowning. Her voice once more pierced his mind. The images are blocked again. Your turn.

  I’ll take it from here.

  Vaughn opened the shared witch power and the future images slid straight into his head. He knew the route he needed to take to get the girls out and let Emma know what was going on. He felt compelled to add, But Loghry’s here, in the labyrinth just as you said. I can feel him now.

  With her arm supporting one of the girls, Emma caught his gaze and nodded to him. Me, too. So, let’s go.

  He watched her turn to the teens. She held a finger to her lips, making sure each of them
understood they should be very quiet.

  A solemn hush came over the girls, and those that had been weeping, drew shuddering breaths and wiped their faces.

  Vaughn told Beth to track right behind him. He needed to know she was safe.

  He glanced at Emma. We need to move fast, Em. Tell the girls.

  “We’ll be running. Follow Vaughn. I’ll be behind you all. Now, go.”

  Maybe it was the girls’ basic survival instinct, but they lined up behind Vaughn, and the moment he levitated, they charged after him. They didn’t even balk at the sight of Dagen’s corpse near the exit point.

  He could hear Emma encouraging them from behind. One last glance over his shoulder told him Beth was up to the challenge as well. She was levitating with confidence.

  Vaughn moved quickly into the maze. At the first juncture, he gave Emma the directions telepathically, then contacted Brannick in the same way, alerting him they were on the way.

  Brannick confirmed that he would meet up with Vaughn and the teens at the back of the guest house. Brannick and his team were less than a minute out, and the night sky was clear of any other alter species in flight.

  Vaughn could almost breathe easily now.

  The route back to the entrance was circuitous, but the images remained sharp. He moved at a brisk clip, with one eye on those behind him to make sure Emma, Beth and the girls stuck close. The teens seemed to understand they were being ushered to safety, and their intense effort to keep up with Vaughn gave him the confidence to pick up the pace a little more.

  Every second counted.

  He could also feel the wizard hunting them, the dark nature of the beast spilling his evil intentions throughout the labyrinth. Suddenly, Vaughn grew dizzy and his steps started to slow.

  But the next moment, Emma was beside him. She put a hand on his forehead. Loghry has spread a spell through the labyrinth. This should help.

  Vaughn’s mind began to clear, enough to engage the images, then the future was blocked again. Emma, you’ll have to take the lead.

  He loved that Emma didn’t hesitate. He watched her shift focus, and he saw the moment she’d re-engaged the vision snapshots.

  Her voice sped through his mind. Get to the rear. I’ll lead the girls out. We’re almost there, even though the spell makes it feel like we’re miles from the exit door.