Read Amethyst Flame Page 4

  He reached for her arms again, only this time he didn’t recoil. Instead, he smoothed his hands over her shoulders and down her chest. He ran his hands over her breasts, thumbing each nipple. Her breathing hitched. And she was pretty sure she could see the tips of his fangs.

  She moaned. “I love how you’re touching me.”

  He met her gaze, then drew her against him and wrapped her up in his arms. His cock was pressed against her abdomen. He was a big man in every respect and she wanted all that bigness inside her.

  He planted his lips on hers and she parted for him so that his tongue slipped inside. He began to drive steadily, making the most exquisite promise of what he planned to do to her.

  She arched her hips and slowly moved side to side to feel him better. She suckled his tongue and felt his fangs at the same time.

  She’d been with him only once, and he hadn’t pierced her throat then. If he did now, she’d fall into an enthralled state from which she couldn’t emerge until he wanted her to. This was the main advantage vampires had over witches. She couldn’t even use her killing fingers in that condition.

  He’d have complete power over her.

  Yet somehow, that’s exactly what she wanted. “Use your fangs, Vaughn.”

  He drew back and thumbed her lips. “You sure?”

  She nodded. All she knew or even cared about, was that she wanted him drinking from her and she wanted him now. She also knew it didn’t have to be at her throat. The thought he’d bite her somewhere else, especially down low, had her sex clenching hard.

  “Bury your fangs any place you like.”

  He moaned heavily. But his face became all twisted up, and he hissed through his teeth.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Give me a sec. Those words almost made me come.”

  She chuckled softly and ran her fingers over the short hair above his ears. “Then I’m not alone in how much I need you right now?”

  “Do I look like I’m not desperate here?” He held his hands wide.

  She glanced down at his rigid cock. She drew a little closer and planted her hands on his waist. “I’d love to be on my knees right now, but that wouldn’t help much either, would it?”

  “No, it wouldn’t.”

  He pushed a long strand of her hair behind her ear. “I’ve fantasized about being with you again. I’ve wanted you, every night since I had you on my couch. But I don’t see a future here, Em, and it doesn’t help that we live in different territories.”

  She caressed his face. “On opposite sides of a long stretch of barbed wire.”


  “Then there’s the elephant in the room.” Would he know what she meant?

  “You mean Iris and Connor.”

  He got it. Connor had been one of his fellow officers in Crescent Territory who fell in love with a witch. Emma knew Iris since she served on the TPS force as well. A month ago, Connor had resigned from the Crescent force and joined the Trib.

  Emma wanted Vaughn to know how she felt despite their differences. “Ever since Connor and Iris announced their engagement, it’s made it harder than ever to get you out of my mind.”

  Vaughn nodded. “Same here. But being different alter species isn’t the only reason. I don’t have a lot to give.”

  She reached up and kissed him. “I know. And I promise you, I don’t have high expectations here. In fact, I don’t think I have any expectations at all.” She then smiled, her lips twisting. “I mean, we’re not even sure we’ll make it through the night. So how about we focus on what we can do.”

  She slid her hand from his waist, down his hip and slowly stroked the length of his cock.

  His nostrils flared and he groaned once more. “That feels amazing.” Yet he caught her hand and made her stop. “Again, way too good.” He kissed her on the cheek then her lips.

  He drew her close once more and as she parted for him, his tongue moved inside. She gripped his arms and fondled his muscles, one of her fantasies come to life. She slipped into telepathy. I’ve wanted to touch you again, Vaughn. I love the feel of you under my hands. She dug her nails in a little and again he groaned, arching his hips at the same time.

  Her turn to moan.

  She drew back. “I loved our time on your couch. I know it was really fast, but it was so good. I never felt free enough during any of our phone calls to tell you that, but it was one of the best experiences of my life.”

  He nodded. “For me, too. But I don’t want what happens right now to be fast. And there’s something I want to do for you, something I’ve been thinking about for weeks.”

  Her sex grew needy with the various ideas that flew through her mind. She knew what kind of lover he would be. The sex two months ago may have been quick, but he made sure she was satisfied. She could still hear his words. Are you with me baby? You ready? I want you to come.

  Even thinking about it made her hot all over. “So what is it you want to do?”

  He released her, then took her hand and led her to the bench. “Ever since I saw your sex behind that sheer purple fabric, I’ve been hungry.”

  Her breaths grew shallow. “How hungry?”

  His smile was wicked. “I want you on your back, but put your hips right here at the edge of the bench.”

  Emma sat down, then stretched out. Vaughn slowly pushed her legs apart and knelt between them, sliding his arms under her thighs.

  As he kissed her abdomen, her pelvis rolled. She could hardly breathe when he moved his lips lower and lower, kissing her each time then letting her feel his tongue on her skin.

  When he reached her mound, he kissed her sex over and over, yet more like worshiping than getting down to business. She loved it. Loved that though he was as anxious as she was to really engage, this lovely piece of oral pleasure rocked her world.

  When he tilted slightly and she felt him drag the side of his fang over her folds, she gasped. What was he going to do?

  Desire pulled inside her, a long grip on what she wished was there. “Are you going to bite me?”

  “Just a shallow nip right here.” His tongue hit one of her most tender spots. “Then I’ll be sucking.”

  She didn’t hesitate. “Do it.”

  He blew between her folds, which had her gasping all over again. The sting of his fangs came next, in two different spots so that she cried out.

  He only licked at the wounds first, catching what she could feel had started to flow from her skin. Something in his vampire saliva kept the wounds from closing up, though later he could release a different chemical to seal the cuts. But not until he was ready.

  Each lick was a firm glide over her sex. Her hips rocked heavily now. She was already close to orgasm and they’d barely gotten started.

  His voice entered her mind. Can you talk like this?

  Yes. Even her telepathic voice sounded breathless.

  Good, because I don’t want to stop what I’m doing. But I want you to know that your blood tastes like a flower, like something exotic. My God, Emma.

  I love what you’re doing to me, Vaughn. I love that you’ve bitten me and that I’m feeding you. I’m also feeling very strange, almost dizzy, because of the thrall. Yet it feels fantastic.

  It’s supposed to keep you in a state of complete submission.

  She loved the sensation. It’s amazing, like feeling heat all the way to my bones. I couldn’t move away from you if I wanted to. No wonder some witches I know seek out vampires just for this kind of pleasure.

  If you like this, you’re going to love what I do next.

  What did he mean? She held her breath, waiting.

  That’s when he took her in his mouth and began to suck in earnest. He drank from the wounds, and at the same time, continued to drive her toward ecstasy. A cry left her throat. He sucked harder, tugging at all her sensitive folds and at the same time feeding from what kept flowing.

  The dizzying thrall seemed to intensify and suddenly the orgasm arrived, rolling over her in he
avy, erotic waves. She gripped his shoulders, pushing her sex against his mouth and savoring each tug on her flesh.

  He stayed with her until the last bit of pleasure faded then drifted away. She lay lax on the bench, her arms hanging down on either side.

  He swiped the wounds with his tongue to seal them, then lifted up to look at her. “I could spend hours right here, making you come repeatedly.”

  She nodded. “I’d love it, too.” She became aware that the sealing of the wounds had ended the thrall. She was no longer dizzy, yet she already missed the sensation of being caught by him.

  She looked into his intense, gray eyes dilated with need. Affection for him warmed her chest. Sex had always meant more to her than just the physical and because of all the phone calls, she knew Vaughn now, knew him well.

  A feeling very much like love expanded in her chest. But at almost the same moment, she repressed the feeling. This was Five Bridges, a hellish place that had already cost her so much. Did she really want to go down that road again?

  He rose up slightly and kissed her abdomen several times. “You’re looking very serious, Em.”

  “This is so strange but wonderful to be with you right now. I’m loving this stolen time of ours.” She ran her fingers down his cheek. “And being enthralled was amazing, especially knowing you could have killed me if you’d wanted to. Very dangerous and erotic.”

  For some reason this made him smile.

  “Are you laughing at me?”

  “Not exactly. I was picturing how long it would take to deplete your blood supply from where I was feeding.” His lips curved.

  She couldn’t help but laugh. “How very wicked, but what a way to go.”

  He chuckled again and once more she caressed his face. “I love that we’re doing this, but I never thought it would happen.”

  “Me, neither.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Vaughn stared into Emma’s passion-drenched eyes. The taste of her blood and her sex combined was still in his mouth and kept him hard as a rock. But what surprised him was how much her blood had powered him up. His muscles felt pumped, and for a moment, he could feel what it was for Emma to be a witch.

  He didn’t know how much time they actually had together, but he intended to make the most of it.

  He stood up and looked Emma over head-to-foot. Her breasts were full, her nipples peaked from the orgasm. As he leaned over her, he planted one hand near her shoulder to support his weight. He ran his free hand from one pelvic bone to the next then over the soft indentation of her lower abdomen. He moved his hand upward, traveling over her navel then farther to caress each breast.

  “You’re beautiful, Em. Every bit of you.”

  Her hands moved over his shoulders and arms at the same time, a sensual fondling of his muscles. He could tell she liked his body by the way she plucked at each bulge. He flexed when she dug her nails in.

  He leaned close and took his time suckling each of her breasts. When her moans grew urgent, he knew it was time to move things along. “Put your hands on my shoulders.”

  She obeyed readily.

  “Now hold on. I’m going to shift your position.” He gripped her waist and smiled because his fingers fit all the way around her. With a smooth motion, he lifted her to lie more fully on the bench.

  She held her arms out to him and he eased down between her legs. The bench had a nice width but he was a big man so there still wasn’t a lot of room. She made it work by surrounding his hips with her legs.

  “I’ve been wanting to be this close to you again, more than you can know.”

  “Me, too.” She ran her fingers through the close crop of hair on the sides of his head. “This is so sexy, Vaughn. I love these tattoos. And I’ve imagined doing this, touching you here, wondering whether your hair was wiry or silky.” She smiled. “It’s kind of both.”

  He kissed her then, rimming her lips with his tongue. I love your body, your mouth, your sex. And that you’ve thought about me.

  As he continued to kiss her, she slid a hand low and slowly stroked his cock. I’ve had dozens of fantasies about doing this with you, touching you, savoring the feel of your muscular body. But this is so much better.

  I love how you’re stroking me, Em. But I need to be inside you. Are you ready for me?

  She moaned softly. “God, yes.”

  He shifted just enough to take his cock in hand and drew back to look down at her. He wanted to watch as he entered her body. When he pressed his cock against her opening, her whole body undulated and she moaned at the same time. She was streaming for him as well, which made his entrance an easy glide.

  He took his time, savoring every sensation, the way her hips rolled with each thrust. She caressed his shoulders, then his arms, making her way down his back, to his waist, until she pressed her nails into his ass.

  He thrust steadily. “I’m feeling your witchness, Em, that soft electric feeling you give off, only this time it’s inside you and it feels great.”

  She closed her eyes and he felt her gather more of her power. “I can feel it, too.” She opened her eyes and met his gaze. A cry left her throat. “And I’m about ready to explode.”

  The time had come. He increased his speed, pumping steadily, working her up. He watched as pleasure flowed over her features, a lift of her brows, an arch of her neck, the way she almost grimaced when she took a breath.

  Once more, he felt her open herself to her power and small jolts of electricity had him on the brink.

  “Faster,” she whispered. “I’m going to come.”

  “I won’t be far behind.”

  He drove into her hard now, a quick, strong rhythm. She writhed beneath him. Then her neck arched and she was crying out.

  The sight of her ecstasy tightened his balls, and he began to release. At the same time, her power kept the soft electrical shocks going that intensified his orgasm. His voice opened wide and he shouted, joining her cries.

  Pleasure rolled, peaked and rolled some more.

  And just when he was dialing down, he felt an odd sensation in his groin. “Holy shit, I don’t believe this.”

  He began to drive into her once more, his cock as hard as before.

  She met his gaze. “That feels so good. Again, Vaughn?” Her brows rose. She gripped his biceps and moaned.

  “Your witchness and your blood has done something to me. So, yeah. Hell, yeah, we’re going again.”

  He held her gaze, moving faster than before, thrusting and loving every second of it. “Come for me, baby.”

  Her lips parted. “Yes. Now. Oh, God.”

  The orgasm barreled down on him, and he roared once more, a sound that caught her passionate cries and carried them in waves around the dressing room.

  When at last the moment of ecstasy dimmed, he began to come back to himself.

  He looked down at Emma and saw that tears spilled from her eyes. He froze in place. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No. Oh, God, no, it was just so unbelievable. Truly, Vaughn, it was more than perfect.”

  Relief flooded him. “For a minute there—”

  “You didn’t hurt me. I’m just overcome. I swear you took me to the center of the universe and back. Though now I’m convinced you just spoiled me the rest of my life for any other man.”

  He looked down at her, seeing her as if for the first time. She was his kind of woman. He would have been drawn to her outside of Five Bridges before his alter.

  But he couldn’t pretend their world didn’t exist. He’d become a creature he despised, not-human-anymore, and she was a witch.

  He pulled out of her, a sense of loss piercing him so hard, he couldn’t look at Emma any longer. Visions of his sister’s abduction filled his head, only this time, he saw Emma being taken from him.

  He couldn’t do this, not with her, not with anyone.

  “Vaughn, wait.” She grabbed at his arm as he moved away, but he didn’t want her to see him like this.

  He wasn’t even sure what h
e was feeling, but it felt like death all over again.

  ~ ~ ~

  Emma cupped herself between her thighs. Sex was always messy without a condom.

  She saw the discarded towels. Half rolling off the bench, she grabbed one and jammed it against her sex.

  She lowered herself to sit on the carpet of the dressing room for a couple of minutes, trying to collect herself. She knew why Vaughn had left her so abruptly. She was feeling it as well, how close the sex had brought them. It almost felt as though they’d bonded in some mysterious way.

  But she knew his suffering, that he hated being an alter vampire almost as much as she despised being a witch. She also suspected that thoughts of Beth had overtaken him. Vaughn considered her abduction the greatest failure of his life. He was a proud man. Not being able to protect his sister had crushed him.

  And there wasn’t anything she could do. Beth had been taken to Elegance Territory and had probably been used up in one of the sex clubs, her body buried afterward in the desert somewhere.

  When Vaughn had said he had nothing to give, he’d meant it.

  The truth was, as much as she felt for Vaughn, how tender her heart had become toward him, she didn’t want a commitment either. Max’s death had ruined something inside her as well, and she doubted she’d ever feel differently.

  When she heard the shower running, she rose to her feet, left the dressing room and headed across her bedroom to the bathroom. Reaching the threshold, she was going to tell him not to worry, that she had no expectations. But that’s when she saw him, palms flat on the tile wall of the shower stall, his head bent beneath the stream of water, shoulders slumped.

  Tears started to her eyes.

  She didn’t ask permission to join him. She simply padded her way across the bathroom floor, tossed her towel on the floor near the laundry hamper, then entered the shower.

  She moved in behind him and slid her arms around his waist. She held him as tight as she could.

  “Don’t.” But his voice broke.

  “Fuck that, Vaughn. We’re here right now and it’s enough.”

  “It’s not enough. Emma, how could I have found you now, in this hellhole we’ve come to, when we’ve got a goddam madman after us?”