Read Among Malay Pirates : a Tale of Adventure and Peril Page 7


  "Now, Mr. Balderson, take Harper and Winthorpe, and make your waythrough the jungle as noiselessly as possible. It is probable that thepath runs within fifty yards of this point, possibly it is only half adozen. When you have found it, send Winthorpe back to me with the news.Take that long coil of thin rope that is in the bow, and pay it out asyou go along. You might get lost even within two yards of the stream,and it would be dangerous to call or whistle. It will enable me to joinyou. Leave your muskets behind, lads; they would only be in the wayin the jungle, and you have your pistols and cutlasses. You take thelantern, Winthorpe, and Harper, do you take the rope. Fasten one end tothe thwart before you start, or, without knowing it, you might drag itafter you."

  Dick led the way, the others following close behind, but as soon asthey were among the trees, he was obliged to take the lantern, for thedarkness was so intense that he could not see an inch before him andwould have been torn to pieces by the thorny creepers had he tried topenetrate without a light.

  As it was, he received several nasty scratches, and could hear mutteredexclamations from the men behind him. Creeping under some of therattans, making detours to avoid others, and cutting some of the smallerones in two with his cutlass, he made his way forward, and was delightedindeed when, after proceeding some twenty yards, he came upon the edgeof what looked like a ditch, but which was, he knew, the native path.

  "Here we are, lads," he exclaimed in a low tone; "thank goodness we havenot had to go farther."

  "So say I, sir," one of the men grumbled; "if it had not been for yourlantern I should have been torn to pieces. As it is, I aint sure whethermy eyes aint gone, and my nose and cheeks are scratched as if I had beenfighting with a mad cat."

  "Here, Winthorpe, take the lantern and make your way back; darken it assoon as you get through to the edge of the creek. You cannot go wrongwith the cord to guide you."

  Two or three minutes later Dick saw the light approaching again, and thelieutenant, the coxswain, and two bluejackets joined him, Winthorpe andanother having been left as boat keepers.

  "Now, Harris, do you and one of the others go on ahead; we will followfifty yards behind you. If you hear anyone coming, give a low whistle;we will then turn off the light. You can walk on confidently, for thereis no chance of any of these prickly creepers running across the path.When you see the trees are getting thinner, or that there is an openingbefore you, stop and send back word to us, so that we can shut up thelantern before joining you."

  The lieutenant headed the party now, followed by Dick. He held thelantern close to the ground; the bottom was, like all jungle paths, wornperfectly smooth by the passage of the barefooted natives.

  "Nothing could be better," he said in a low voice to Dick. "We ought tobe able to haul the guns along here at a trot; and the opening is wideenough on each side for a gun carriage to be carried along without anydifficulty."

  In ten minutes one of the men ahead came back.

  "We have got to the end of the path, sir; it ends on the bank of thatpool we saw ahead."

  The lantern was now extinguished, and the party hurried forward. Onreaching the bank they found that the path ended, as they had expected,just opposite the village. The prahus lay somewhat to the right.

  "It could not be better," the lieutenant whispered. "Now let us seewhether we can find a suitable place for the guns."

  This was much easier than they had expected, for the trees were cleared,probably to furnish firewood, for a distance of some fifteen yards fromthe bank; between this cleared place and the water was a fringe of thickbushes.

  "This will do capitally, lads. Now we will be off at once; we have foundout all that we wanted, and nothing could be more satisfactory."

  They retraced their steps rapidly till they came to the coil of cordlooped on a low bough. The coxswain took it down, and they were soon allon board the boat again. "Now, lads, row as noiselessly as you can tothe mouth of the pool again, then turn, and lay on your oars, except bowand two, who are to paddle very slowly. Hand Mr. Balderson that twentyfoot bamboo; I want to sound the river as we come back."

  As soon as the boat was again turned, Dick took the pole, and,standing up, thrust it down into the water.

  "Only about seven feet, sir," he whispered.

  "That is bad. It is evident that the ship cannot get up here; still wemay as well go on sounding."

  "The water is gradually deepening," Dick said, thrusting the pole downagain; "there are nearly ten feet."

  It was not long before he announced fifteen, and at that continued untilthey reached the entrance to the creek, where it was only fourteen feet.

  "It would be a touch and go there," the lieutenant said, "but I dare sayshe could be pushed through. It is very unfortunate that there is thatshallow bar this side of the pool. And now, lads, you can lay out forten minutes, and then we can fasten up to a bough and see what is in thehamper. We have done our work earlier than I had expected, and can takeit easy."

  The steward had provided them with an ample store of food, and the menate their hunks of cold meat and bread, and passed round the pannikinsof grog, with great contentment, while the officers divided a coldchicken and a bottle of claret.

  "Now, men," the lieutenant said, when they had finished, "you can havea quarter of an hour's smoke. You must open the lantern in the bottom ofthe boat, and hold a jacket over it to prevent the light falling on anyof you."

  When the men had lit their pipes the lantern was passed aft, and whilethe coxswain put his jacket over it, the lieutenant lit a cigar.

  "You smoke, don't you, Balderson?"

  "Yes, sir, I began when we came up the river; the doctor said it is agood thing to keep off miasma."

  "Very well, then light up; I think that it is a good thing myself. Wehave done a very satisfactory night's work, and I think we see our waynow to getting rid of most of those piratical craft, which will notonly be a benefit to traders on the coast of the river, but will greatlyplease all the other chiefs, and will enable them to hold their ownagainst Sehi."

  Five minutes were added to the promised quarter, and then the pipes werelaid down, and the boat proceeded at a steady stroke until they reachedthe spot where they had fished.

  "Somewhere about here, lad?"

  "Yes, sir, I think that this is just the place. I noticed that tall treerising above the general line just opposite where we were anchored."

  "Then lower the grapnel; in oars."

  Another bottle was produced from the hamper; the lieutenant filled awine glass full and drank it off, and then passed the glass over toDick.

  "What is it, sir?"

  "It is some grog, with a large dose of quinine. The doctor begged me togive it an hour or two before daylight. Now, lads, you are each to takea glass of this; it will protect you against the effect of the mist onthe river. You can show the lantern now; it is just as well that theyshould see it if they are on the lookout."

  Every man took his glass of the mixture.

  "Now wrap yourselves in your blankets, lads, and lie down for a coupleof hours' sleep."

  After a minute or two's scuffling while each found a plank to suithim, all was quiet in the boat. Dick, who felt far too excited over theevents of the night to be sleepy, had volunteered to keep watch, and,lighting another pipe at the lantern, smoked till it was broad daylight.Then he roused the crew, and in less than two hours afterwards theyrowed alongside the Serpent. The captain was greatly pleased with Mr.Ferguson's report.

  "It is unlucky about that bar in the creek, otherwise we might havetaken the ship right into the pool, and fought it out with them there.Still, it may be that this will be the best in the end, for we couldhardly have counted upon sinking the whole of them, and once pastus they would have been off like the wind; and though we might havefollowed some of them, the others would have made off, some one wayand some another, whereas, by laying the vessel across the mouth of thecreek, we have a good chance of catching them all as they come down.Th
ere is no doubt a lot more fellows have arrived to help the rajah; wecan see that there are a great many more about on the shore than therehave been before. I think things will come to a crisis before many hourshave passed. We have made out that men keep coming and going behind thatrow of six huts facing the river, and I should not be surprised if theyare not hard at work establishing a battery there."

  Presently two Malays, whom they recognized as belonging to the rajah'scouncil, advanced to the edge of the shore, which was but some fiftyyards away. One of them held a pole to which a white cloth was attached.

  "I have a message from the rajah," he shouted out. The captain sent forthe interpreter, and went to the side of the quarterdeck.

  "The rajah says that he does not want to have any more to say to you.You want to take his country; he will not let you have it, and if you donot go away in an hour, he will sink your ship."

  "Tell him," the captain said, "that it will be the worse for him if hetries it. I came up here at his invitation, and shall stay just as longas I please."

  The two Malays retired, walking in a quiet and dignified way.

  The news soon ran through the ship of the defiance that had been given,and excited the liveliest satisfaction. The men were shaking hands,cutting capers, and indulging in much joking and laughter. Half an hourlater there was a sudden uproar in the town, drums were beaten, hornssounded, and the Malays by the river bank speedily retired behind thehuts.

  "You had better get the magazine opened, Mr. Ferguson, and everything inreadiness, but we won't beat to quarters till they begin."

  The tumult on shore increased, and soon a few shots were fired frombehind houses and walls, the balls whistling overhead.

  "There won't be much of that," the captain said, as he walked up anddown the quarterdeck with the first lieutenant; "we have seen very fewguns among them. I should doubt if there are a hundred in the town. Whatthere are were, no doubt, captured from trading vessels the scoundrelshave plundered and burned."

  A few minutes later the bamboos forming the wall of the six houses wherea bustle had been observed fell outward, the lashings having been cutby a swarm of Malays, who, as soon as the last fell, ran back, showingeight brass cannon.

  "Beat to quarters, Mr. Ferguson," the Captain said quietly, and at thefirst tap of the drum the sailors, who had been expecting the order,ran to their stations. As they gained them the little battery on shoreopened fire. Although the distance was but a hundred yards, only threeof the balls hit the hull, the others passing through the masts.

  "Load with grape," the captain ordered.

  "Captain Hugeson," he said to the Marine officer, "will you place yourmen on the poop, and tell them to open fire as soon as the guns send theMalays flying from their battery? I can see that there are large numbersgathered round it. Mr. Ferguson, will you see that the guns are all laidon that battery? When they are ready, fire a broadside that will clearthe place out at once."

  Two minutes later there was a crash as the whole of the guns on thestarboard side were discharged at the same moment. The effect wastremendous, and the storm of grape swept away the whole of the buildingsbeneath which the guns were standing. Three of these were dismounted,and not one of the men who had been crowded round them remained on hisfeet. Numbers were seen running away in all directions, and a volleyfrom the marines brought several of these down.

  "There is an end to the attack," the captain said quietly. "Order themen to load with shell, and to direct their aim in the first place atthe rajah's palace; there is no occasion for rapid firing."

  Gun after gun sent its messenger into the palace, and in three or fourminutes flames were seen rising from it. The order was then given tofire with grape at all the houses facing the water. In the meantime themen were called from their guns on the port side, and the boats lowered.The marines and all the sailors, save those serving the starboard guns,took their places in them, the first lieutenant taking the command, andon the word being given they dashed with a cheer towards the shore, and,leaping out, formed up, and led by their officers ran forward, not ashot being fired by the Malays as they did so.

  The fire of the ship's guns was now directed towards the portion of thetown facing the forest, as it was here that the Malays would probablybe gathered. Port fires had been distributed among the landing party. Asthese were lost to sight as they entered the town, those on board shipwatched eagerly for the sound of combat. Nothing, however, was heard fora minute or two; then came a single shot, and then a rattle of musketry.

  "They are making a stand now," the captain said.

  "Mr. Hopkins, will you please go round and tell the gunners to be verycareful in their aim? Let them watch the smoke rising among the houses,and aim a short distance beyond it. Impress upon them that it is betterto fire too far than to risk hurting our own men."

  The order was obeyed; soon flames were seen to rise beyond the spotwhere the fighting was going on, the resistance to the advance speedilyceased, and a dropping fire took the place of the sustained roll ofmusketry which, five minutes later, broke out again at the edge of thetown facing the wood, and the fire of the guns was now directed againstthe edge of the forest, to which the Malays had evidently fled. In a fewminutes smoke began to rise all round the place, showing that themen with port fires were at work, and in a quarter of an hour thebluejackets and marines were seen issuing from the houses and comingdown to the shore. The place was by this time a sheet of fire, thelightly built huts, dried in the heat of the sun, catching like tinder,and blazing up in a fierce flame, that in a few minutes left no vestigebehind it.

  The ship's fire had by this time ceased, and the sailors, as they lookedout of the portholes, cheered as the boats came up. Their appearance wasfar less orderly than it had been when they put off from the ship, everyman having carted off some sort of loot--sarongs, spears, krises, andother articles, some obtained from the huts, others thrown away bythe Malays in their flight. There were, too, some articles of Europeanmanufacture, which had been carried off from the palace before theflames had obtained entire possession. These were in themselves strongproofs that the rajah's prahus had been engaged in piratical attacksupon European craft, for they consisted of bales of silk, chronometers,watches, double barreled guns, mirrors, and other articles which hadevidently formed a portion of a ship's fittings.

  "Any casualties, Mr. Ferguson?" the captain asked, as the lieutenantstepped on board.

  "Half a dozen spear wounds, sir, but only one of a serious nature; ourfire was too hot for them to face."

  "What do you suppose their loss has been?"

  "As far as I can judge, sir, some eighty or ninety were killed by ourfire, and at least as many must have fallen in the battery; the placewas choked up with dead. I have brought the eight guns off; they areonly four pounders."

  "They may be useful for the boats. I see the men have brought off a gooddeal of rubbish. You had better give orders that whatever there is is tobe fairly divided among all hands. Any articles more valuable thanthe rest had better be put up to auction, and whatever they fetch alsodivided among the men. Were the Malays in force?"

  "The place swarmed with them, sir, but they were evidently demoralizedby the fire of the guns, and their attacks were really feeble. The onlytrouble we had was that some would shut themselves up in houses. Itlooked at first as if they really meant to fight, but directly theshells began to fall behind them, and fire broke out, they lost heartaltogether, and made a bolt for the forest."

  "Well, the work has been thoroughly done, Mr. Ferguson, and Sehi has hada lesson that he won't forget. Now we have to tackle his fleet."

  "Everything is ready, sir. We have got the sledges made for the twoguns, and a store of long bamboos for the carriages and anything else wemay want to take with us."

  "This will be a more serious business by a long way," the captain said."The men had better take a hundred rounds of ammunition with them, andit would be as well to take a few boxes of spare cartridges; and themen not occupied in dra
gging the cannon and carrying the carriages, musttake up as many rounds of shell as possible, and eight or ten roundsof grape for each gun. You have got the sacks ready for forming thebattery; that will be absolutely necessary for the protection of the menfiring. Each of the prahus has probably got at least half a dozen smallguns, and it would be hardly possible to work our pieces unless the menwere protected from their concentrated fire. Tell the chief engineerthat steam must be got up by six o'clock. In the meantime, let a slowfire be kept up towards the edge of the forest, just a shot every fiveminutes, which will be enough to show them we are still here, and havenot done with them yet. When the place cools down a bit, we will senda party on shore to keep up a dropping fire against the forest, and soinduce them to believe that we mean to attack them there."