Read Among the Stars Page 7

  Chapter 6

  A soft knocking on the door wakes me up.

  “Yeah?” I call out sleepily.

  “Canis made breakfast if you want some,” a man’s voice comes through the door. Canis? I open my eyes and last night comes flooding back. The attack, Oliver saving me, Oliver actually being Orion, everything I learned last night quickly flashes through my mind.

  “Sure, I’ll be right down,” I reply. I sit up and stretch my arms out above my head. The sun is shining through the windows and I can hear birds singing outside. I hurriedly get ready and make the bed before heading downstairs. I’m eager to spend more time with Orion and Canis. I want to learn all about them and their people.

  I follow the sound of laughter to the kitchen where I find both of them. Orion is leaning against the counter and Canis is standing at the stove with an apron that says “Kiss the Cook”. Apparently I missed something funny because they both are still laughing. They look so normal. You would never know just by looking at them that they are ancient Star beings.

  “Good morning,” I say to both of them.

  “Good morning,” they reply in unison. “How did you sleep?” Orion adds.

  “Really well. I haven’t slept like that in a long time.” Since my parents died, I found it hard to fall asleep at night and even harder to stay asleep.

  “I’m glad,” he says, giving me a smile. I smile back and look at what Canis is cooking.

  “What are you making?” I ask him. Whatever it is, it smells really good.

  “Eggs Benedict,” he says with a smile.

  “Wow, you really know how to cook.” I’m surprised. My first impression of him was of a college frat boy. It’s true what Orion said about there being more to him. Last night he was kind and didn’t seem at all like a jerk. They are more similar than I thought. I can see why they are friends.

  “Canis traveled the world learning about different foods and cooking styles. I had to try every single dish he learned after each trip. I think he was trying to kill me.” Orion says with a laugh.

  “Hey, if I didn’t feed you, you would starve,” Canis says defensively. Canis leans over and whispers to me. “He only knows how to cook if it involves sticks, fire, and mud.” I try and suppress my smile but it’s no use. Orion chucks a towel at Canis but he’s smiling too.

  Once the food is done we all sit down to eat. Like the soup, it’s delicious and when they offer more I accept. Canis goes upstairs and leaves us to clean up. I just start clearing the dishes when my phone rings. It’s Stacy.

  “It’s my friend,” I say. “She’s probably wondering where I am. What do I tell her?” I look to Orion for help.

  “Tell her I invited you out to breakfast this morning.”

  I nod and answer the phone.

  “Hey Stace, what’s up?” Try and sound normal.

  “I just swung by your place but you weren’t there.” She sounds worried.

  “Yeah sorry. Or-Oliver asked me to go to breakfast with him so that’s where I am.” That was close, I almost said Orion. I have to be more careful.

  “Are you serious?” The worry is gone, replaced with excitement. “Okay, have fun, and tell me all about it later, love ya!”

  “Love ya too.” I hang up and look at Orion who nods good job at me. I didn’t technically lie but a part of me feels bad for keeping the truth from Stacy. This isn’t something I can tell someone, even my bestfriend, about though. I’m glad we will be going separate ways in a few days; it will be easier to keep it from her. Although after everything that happened I don’t know if my road trip plans are still an option.

  “Everything okay?” Orion asks.

  “Yeah, just thinking,” I reply. I start picking up the last of the dishes but Orion stops me.

  “Don’t worry, I’ve got it.” He takes the dish from me and picks up the rest. I follow him into the kitchen where he starts doing the dishes. He’s wearing a long sleeve shirt today and when he rolls up the sleeves I can see the black veins on his arm.

  “How’s your arm?” I ask, worried. It doesn’t look any different than it did last night but that doesn’t mean anything.

  “It’s fine.” His words seem strained though.

  “Does it hurt?”

  “No.” I wonder if he’s telling the truth.

  “Alright.” Although I’m worried, I don’t want to push him. Neither Canis nor Orion know what Alex did to him and I hope he isn’t hiding the effects for some reason. I stand there watching him load the dishwasher, carefully observing to see if he gives any sign of pain. If he is in pain I can’t tell. He finishes doing the dishes and turns towards me. He stares intently at me for a long time.

  “What is it?” Embarrassed, I look away. Do I have something on my face or did he know I was watching him? He walks over to me and stops right in front of me. He pushes the sleeve of his hurt arm up more and I gasp. The black veins have spread. Last night they went from his wrist and stopped about an inch from his elbow, now they cover his elbow.

  “Orion,” I say softly, gently touching his forearm. The black veins run under his skin but I can’t feel them. It’s like they are embedded deep in his arm. I look up into his face and for the first time since I met him, I see fear in his eyes.

  “Don’t tell Canis,” he pleads. He’s normally so reserved; I wonder how much he hides from the rest of the world. I put my arms around him and hug him.

  “I won’t,” I promise. At first he just stands there but slowly I feel his arms wrap around me as he returns the hug. He’s warm and strong. A sense of power radiates from him but he’s gentle as he hugs me. I get a sense that these arms would protect me from any force in the world if they had to.

  Suddenly he’s gone and I’m standing there alone. He’s on the other side of the kitchen pulling his sleeves down. His face is back to normal and his posture is relaxed like nothing ever happened. I look at him confused then I hear Canis come into the kitchen. Did he hear Canis approaching and that’s why the sudden change? I copy his nonchalant attitude and turn around just in time to catch a ball that Canis throws at me.

  “What is this?” I ask him, confused.

  “It’s a ball of course” he says teasingly. “Come on. It’s time you saw what I can do.” He walks out of the kitchen and I look at Orion for an explanation. He just follows Canis without even giving me a glance. Is he avoiding me because of earlier? I try not to feel hurt as I follow them. When I get outside, Orion is standing on the porch and Canis is in the driveway. I decide to join Canis instead of standing with Orion. I don’t know if he is acting cold or if he is upset about opening up to me but I can play the game too. Canis is radiating excitement as I walk towards him. It makes me a little nervous to see him so eager. I stop a few feet in front of him.

  “Okay, now what?” I ask, still holding the ball.

  “Just watch,” he says simply.

  I watch as Canis takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. When he opens them they are black and silver just like Orion’s last night. He smiles and jumps high into the air. He twists and it’s almost like he floats in the air for a second before he starts to fall. As he falls, his body changes and when he lands on the ground it’s no longer a man in front of me but a golden retriever. I stand there, shocked, as the dog prances happily towards me.

  “Canis?” I utter under my breath. The dog barks happily and runs around me before nudging the ball in my hand. I throw it and he chases after it.

  “Surprised?” Orion is suddenly standing beside me and I jump. He smiles as he looks at me, the coldness gone.

  “Honestly? I am but I really should have expected it considering his name.” Canis brings me back the ball and I throw it again.

  “He’s a show off. He doesn’t have to jump into the air. He was being dramatic.” He laughs. “He’s one of the reasons for the werewolf legend.”

  “You’re kidding me?” I say in surprise. Orion shakes his head and throws the ball for Ca
nis when he comes back. He throws it much farther than I did and Canis speeds after it. He’s faster than a normal dog.

  “Canis, Canis Minor, and Lupus all can shift into some kind of canine shape. Lupus can’t hold his form for as long though,” he explains.

  “That’s amazing,” I whisper in awe. I always wondered if there was some truth to those kinds of things. “Wait,” something pops into my mind. “What about the other animal constellations? Can they change too?”

  “They can. Shapeshifter legends are all because of them.”

  Canis runs towards us still in dog form. I expect him stop but he keeps running right towards me.

  “No, stop!” I yell putting my hands up and closing my eyes as I prepare for him to jump on me. He jumps and knocks me to the ground. When I open my eyes, Canis, in human form, is crouched over me laughing. “That wasn’t funny.” I push him off and wipe off the dirt that’s all over me now.

  “I’m sorry,” he says but he’s still laughing and Orion is behind him trying not to smile. “But what do you think?” he asks excitedly.

  “It’s amazing. When you change it’s not like the movies at all. It’s so seamless and graceful.”

  “All of our changes are like that. Both the animal and non-animal changes are almost instantaneous. We call it Morphing,” Canis elaborates.

  “When you use your powers do you have to Morph?”

  Orion answers, “No, powers work in both forms. Most of our powers are catered to us specifically. All of us have kind of generic powers with specialized powers. For instance we all can Morph and Travel. You saw Morphing, whatever someone’s Morph is, it’s specific to them. Traveling is what Alexander was doing. Disappearing and reappearing. It seems like teleporting but we are actually moving really fast, the speed of light to be specific. Then there are specialized powers. Mine are combat, tracking life energies, and I can sense emotions.”

  “I have combat as well but my style is more primal than refined like Orion’s. Also I can communicate with canines and all my senses are extremely heightened,” Canis says. “We happen to be similar in our powers but there are so many different powers and abilities that is mind boggling.”

  I had no idea their powers would be so broad. I figured they all had the same powers but it’s actually pretty complex.

  “Do you have to remember everyone’s powers?” I ask.

  “We don’t necessarily have to but it just kind of happens over time. You learn their powers when you spend time with them. Just like you learn about your family or friends, eventually you just know,” Canis answers.

  “That makes sense.” I look between the both of them thoughtfully. “Are one of you stronger than the other?”

  “We’re pretty much even.” Orion looks over at Canis who nods in agreement.

  “Our strengths and weaknesses balance out in the end,” Canis adds.

  It seems like they really respect each other. My friendship with Stacy sometimes felt like a leader-follower situation but it’s not like that with these two. I thought maybe with their powers, it might be the same but it’s not. It’s nice to know they see each other as equals.

  “You guys really are amazing.” I stare at them in wonder. Orion looks at me with an expression I can’t read.

  “That’s enough questions for now. We need to focus on what we are going to do next.” Orion says seriously.

  “Agreed,” Canis nods. They both stand tall with their arms crossed. I’m struck by how commanding and stoic they can be. They almost have a regal air to them. I wonder if among their people they have a hierarchy, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were actually leaders.

  “She needs to be protected and we need to figure out what is happening to your arm,” Canis addresses Orion.

  “Yes but we can’t guard her and search for answers at the same time,” Orion replies.

  “We don’t know if she’s actually in any danger though.”

  “I don’t think we should really take that chance.”

  “What if we get someone else to look after her?”

  “I don’t think that’d be a good idea considering we don’t know how Alexander got his Traveling back. He could be working with someone.”

  “Well what if…”

  They go back and forth like this for a while, discussing what to do with me like I’m not here. I wish I could tell them I don’t need to be protected but the truth is I wouldn’t stand a chance if Alex came after me again. I don’t think of myself as a weak person but whatever he is, and if he is anything like what they are, I know I wouldn’t be able to defend myself, at least with the knowledge I have now.

  They are still discussing what to do when an idea comes to me. If they want to protect me themselves and they also need to look for answers then it’s simple.

  “Why don’t I just come with you?” I ask.

  They both go silent and stare at me. Canis looks at me thoughtfully but Orion looks completely shocked. Looking at him, I doubt what I just said. I really don’t know anything about where they have to look for answers or if I can even come along in the first place. I would probably just get in the way.

  “I mean, only if it would be easier.” I avoid Orion’s stare and look down at my feet.

  “You would want to go?” Orion asks incredulously. I continue to look at the ground, moving little pieces of gravel with my shoe as I answer.

  “Well, it seems like you guys want to watch me personally but you also need to go do things so if I just come along then it’s like killing two birds with one stone, so to speak. And I would really like to learn more about all this.”

  My heart beats fast as I wait for them to answer. If I’m being honest with myself a part of me wants to go because of Orion. I don’t know if it’s because I’m worried about him because of his arm or if it’s something else but when I think about going separate ways my heart feels heavy.

  “Then that’s what we’ll do,” he declares. I look up and he’s looking at Canis who is nodding his head in agreement.

  “Really?” I ask in surprise.

  “Yeah, it will work perfectly. When were you planning on leaving for your trip?”

  “In about a week but I can leave earlier.” I was only staying to see Stacy off to college but with the black veins on Orion’s arm spreading it would be best to leave as soon as possible.

  “Can you be ready to leave by tomorrow?”

  “I should be able to do that.” All I had to do was pack, take care of a couple house things, and say goodbye.

  “Then we’ll leave tomorrow afternoon. Until then, Canis will stay with you and I’ll get things ready on our end.”

  “I think it might be suspicious if I’m all of sudden leaving and a random guy is with me.” Stacy would definitely know something was up.

  “You won’t have to worry about that,” Canis says and Orion cracks a smile. I look at them in confusion.

  “What do you mean?”

  “How do you feel about dogs?” Orion laughs and tosses me the ball.