Read An Accidental Pirate, The Adventures of Captain Pigtail McQueue Page 31

  Chapter 30

  The horny toads ran at a full gallop but unfortunately for horny toads, a full gallop wasn't all that fast. The pirates kept looking behind them waiting for the Flugs or any other creature to come after them. But they never saw anyone or anything following them. It took about an hour to get back to the hide out. By this time the sun had set and the horny toads, being reptiles, were getting very sluggish from the cooler temperatures. The horny toads crawled into the hide out entrance and then just collapsed. Lark and Pill climbed down as fast as they could and grabbed some food for the horny toads.

  Jethro started a fire close to the horny toads in order to warm them up. The last thing they wanted was for something to happen to the horny toads. After all, they pretty much saved their lives by showing up and helping them. The horny toads seemed grateful for the food and warmth. They settled down near the fire and went to sleep.

  The others were way too excited to sleep. But they were also very hungry so Tally and Wicket whipped up a quick supper for everyone. Once they had eaten and settled down in front of the fire Pigtail asked the girls to give him the power sources.

  Lark and Pill each grabbed their back packs and pulled the power sources out. The orbs glowed of their own accord and the places where the girls' hands were pressed up against them glowed even more. The Knarls, placated with food, were in a much better mood, and they crowded around the orbs, staring at them in amazement.

  BJ reached out to touch the orb with one of his branches but his mother slapped his branch down. The last thing she wanted was something to happen to him because he touched one of the orbs.

  "They're pretty things, ain't they?" BB said to Arbordale, who nodded in agreement.

  "They look like little suns. Kinda like a pocket size sun you can carry around with you wherever you go," Tally said a little sleepily.

  "You'd have to have a really big pocket to put it in, but you're right, it's just like the sun - round, warm and glowing a pretty yellow, only smaller, of course," Wicket told Tally.

  "So what do we do now? I mean we have the power sources but no knowledge to work them and we have a whole bunch of gold and no way to spend it. I mean we're out in the middle of nowhere." Pigtail said to his crew of pirates.

  "There's a fella over west of us who opened a general store and trading post. He planted a few oak trees and he makes his own acorn flour and sells it. We could get supplies from him, I suppose. Once he settled there some others set up households nearby so that they have a source of food through him. They help run the flour mill and do washing and other things. He calls the place 'Tree,' after all the trees he planted," Jethro offered.

  "Yeah, but I'm talking about in the long haul. I think in the morning we need to hide the gold. Bury it and make a map so that we can find it again. And that way the Wind Hag can't come in and take it from us," Pigtail offered.

  The other's agreed that this might be the best solution for the moment. They would keep a few of the coins to pay their way and would fill the ship with some of the smaller pieces but otherwise they would bury everything, including the wagons. They all agreed that the Bermuda Square would be the best place. This way no Flugs would stumble upon the gold and steal it back.

  "But what do we do with the power sources? How do they work?" Wicket asked.

  "I think we should ransom them back to the Wind Hag on the condition that she gets us back to the Gulf. But we shouldn't give them back to her right away, otherwise she might try and trick us and not return us to the Gulf. I figure she's a tricky little cuss. I say we only give them back if she gets us safely back to the Gulf, ship and all," Tally told them.

  "That's a thought, but I think these orbs may be a way to greater power and wealth for us. Not that I'm greedy, really, I just would so like to retire and never have to find a job again. I like the sea, I just don't like having to work so hard when I'm out on it," Pigtail sighed as he said this.

  Wicket concurred, "I know what you mean. When you were the ships cook everyone was bossing you around and then you became the captain and you finally were in charge. That must be a nice feeling. Me and Tally, we've always been the bottom of the totem pole and we're not likely to rise above that any time soon."

  "Yeah, but you're forgetting I was only made captain because the crew had figured they could easily overtake me. So I didn't make it on my skills but rather I was the only one who fit the bill at that particular moment," Pigtail reminded them.

  "I know, but they still thought enough of you to make you captain. I mean you saved the ship, if only for a brief moment in time, you still saved us through your actions. So you're a hero as far as Tally and I are concerned," Wicket explained.

  Pigtail blushed a little and then said, "Well, you two have proven your weight in gold," he paused and then laughed, "and we now know how much gold that would be," he indicated one of the gold filled wagons with a wave of his hand.

  Tally and Wicket smiled at the compliment and then Tally added, "Besides, look at all you have done now. You created a land ship, and we all became land pirates, then we all went after the power sources and are now richer than we had ever dreamed. So I bet all those crew members who abandoned ship would be feeling really stupid right about now. I bet those pirates will never succeed in getting this type of riches in their entire career."

  "I suppose, but, really, what have I done that has been all that good? I robbed from poor people. That's nothing to be proud of. I risked all of your lives because I wanted revenge on a little old Wind Hag. No, I'm not cut out to be a pirate. If we manage to get back to the Gulf, then I'm taking my share of the gold and I'm gonna relax and enjoy myself. I might fish a little or even start my own business. You know," he winked at Wicket, "one of those up and coming things Wicket here keeps talking about."

  "Hey, we could be partners. I would be more than happy to share my thoughts and ideas with you and Tally. We could become our own business empire."

  "So who would be the emperor? I'm not sure if I like the thought of a partner being higher up in the company than me." Tally said feeling a bit slighted because he knew he wouldn't be the emperor.

  "I think we could each have a division in the company that would make us all equals. Like, Wicket could be in charge of ideas. And you, Tally, could be in charge of making those ideas come true, so none of us would be over the other. But at the moment I think we need to focus on the power sources and just what to do with them. Any ideas?" Pigtail asked them.

  Pill, who was getting really sleepy now that she had eaten, raised her hand.

  "You're not in school, Pill, if you have an idea then let's hear it," Pigtail smiled at her as he said this.

  "Well, why don't we try and figure out how to work the orbs. I mean, if we could do that then we wouldn't need the Wind Hag and we would get what we wanted - out of here."

  Pigtail looked from her to Jethro who nodded in agreement. "Okay, so how do you think we should figure on making these things work for us?" Pigtail asked everyone.

  "Why don't you just hold one and then think of something, like moving one of these cups or something," Orida offered.

  So Pigtail grasped one of the orbs in both hands and concentrated on the cup in front of him. The cup wobbled a little and rose up about an inch off the ground but then it fell back down. Pigtail was gasping for breath. He had, unknowingly, held his breath as he tried.

  "Anyone else wish to try?" Pigtail asked as he held the orb out for someone else to take it. Jethro tried next with the same results, as did Wicket and Tally. Then Lark was given the chance. As she took the orb into her hands she felt it warm up considerably to her touch. Then she looked at the plate in front of her and concentrated on moving it over next to Pill's plate. It moved so quickly that Pill had to duck to get out of its way.

  "Hey, why are you throwing your plate at me? I didn't do anything," Pill exclaimed.

  "I'm so sorry; I was simply trying to move it next to your plate. I wasn't trying to throw it at you. Wow, this pup
py has quite a kick to it, doesn't it?" She said smiling.

  Lark handed the orb over to Pill for her turn at it. Pill had the same success as the others did, in other words, nothing really happened.

  "I guess Lark is the only one who knows how to work it," Pigtail told the others.

  "Wait a second, I've got an idea. Tally, hand me that other orb, please." Jethro said as Tally handed him the orb. Jethro in turn handed it over to Pill and said, "Okay, try to move something with this orb."

  Pill took the orb and tried to move the plate again. This time it went flying at Lark.

  "Okay," Lark said laughing, "we're even now."

  Pill just grinned at the others as she held the orb gingerly with both hands. She wasn't too sure she liked having something that had the power to make things move like that.

  Pigtail sat straight up and looked from Lark to Pill and finally asked Jethro, "What's up? Why did one orb work for Pill and the other one not?"

  "This was the one Pill had in her back pack and the one Lark has is the one she had in her back pack. I'm guessing the fact that they both had their back packs around them from the time they snatched the orbs until we got home means that the orbs absorbed something of the girls into them and so they will now recognize the girls and obey them, that or the orbs recognize them as their new owners. You know something along those lines. I'm not some scientist who can explain things well." Jethro blushed when he pointed out the last fact.

  "Oooo, I don't think I want them to have absorbed something about me. What if the absorbed a something I wasn't willing to let go of?" Pill said with a slight shiver.

  "I don't think it was that type of absorbing. I just think it, the orb, basically came under your control. It now recognizes you two as the owners or the controllers of the orbs power. So you two are the ones who will have to work on figuring them out. I think for the moment that we should all get some rest. I figure the Flugs and the Wind Hag are working on a way to find us and get the power sources back. Pill, Lark, if I were you I would sleep with the orbs. Number one," he went on when he saw Pill's expression when he had suggested this, "it will keep you warm. Number two, it might help you to get even closer to it to make it work easily." Pill and Lark didn't like the idea but since Jethro felt it would be best, they did as he suggested.
