Read An Eldapa Seasonal Tale: Of the Summer Conclave and Quest for Pi Aspect Page 1

  An Eldapa Seasonal Tale:

  Of the Summer Conclave and

  Quest for Pi Aspect

  by David Ian Brant

  Copyright 2014 David Ian Brant

  Welcome home - welcome to the journey, in fellowship and spirit, that is itself the ultimate home - the special place in the sphere of happenings - carved by the collective El in all of us - the warriors of elevated spirited.

  Shaped by the most important conversation - that which forms the realm from which all occurs.

  Tis a special kind of tale – of progress for greater good - of the elevated aspects of that conversation - that of a correspondence of notes and letters - creating and weaving together the elstate through deep and knowing touches - the counter-balancing force to that of the narrow, limited extremes.

  As the seasons turn, the most effective and accomplished of the Els - the Elsprights - and the masters - they dance and ride the rhythms of the turning to advance their eternal quest for the ultimate aspect of pi – unending merging! – optimum: Separation & Joining, Maddening & Delighting, Terrifying & Beautiful………

  The Pi Aspect - the ultimate vantage point, the ultimate relationship where it all comes together.

  They call together the myriad of glows of emergence of elevated spirit in grand conclave, sparking and stoking the Great Emergence of elevated force from which the truly awesome happens for greater good……

  …… Home in all of its’ aspects.

  “Welcome - A quilt, a canvas, a tapestry – by all references the wild mix of virtual notes and letters of the elsphere is at once bewildering and energizing – and a mighty force that weaves together spirits for greater good!”

  As Summer reaches and Fall & Winter speak up, such messages of connection swirl and build, and among through their force of will, a conclave of noble warriors is called.

  “Come, join in my loves – tis home, here – all are truly welcome, but the paths to our special place are not easy to navigate.”

  “Wary, maybe, many are at our invitation – uncertainly breeds hostility in some – they are indeed welcome, but just not ready.”

  “This conclave is called at the very end of Summer, and the seasonal sprights are all a flutter amid their delightful and wicked misdirection – a bit crazy they are, but their hearts are large and their benevolence is genuine…..”

  “…..and their energy – oh their awesome life force - my goodness, it is boundless and infectious, and we must make the most of all such gifts!”

  Thus the masters and Elsprights converse in their ethereal and virtual correspondence, and are riding the tide of the times to call the noble ones together, to find each other in greater numbers, and just find their own special aspect of Home.”

  A delightful jumble and swirl are their messages of all sorts as they combine here to find themselves in each other.

  Lil rallies are their norm and such are the building blocks of better things and happenings – and now they are building upon themselves – grand & glorious for all!


  Like home it is when they arrive together in their special “places” – in all of its’ many meanings & dimensions & aspects – now, as summer pivots towards the next seasons, they, the warriors of elevated spirit seek to ride the waves and currents of the times and build a larger force to counter the relentless surge of narrow extremes….

  It’s a new age and the most effective and accomplished of all the heartfolk in the sphere of happenings – and of them, only those who are the most in touch with all “aspects” of the realm are called now into summer conclave, to further their collective quest for the ultimate aspects where it all comes together for greater good.

  Forever, smaller such gatherings and joinings form the fabric of the elsphere that surrounds us all – that “place” from which comprehensive solutions can at least be attempted – their shared mission is to find the elevated aspects of themselves by creating such sacred “space” together.

  As summer stretches and reaches, an ultimate high of its’ own, the nature sprights who enable this glorious season of warmth and light reach out themselves to join with these marvelous folk, these elsprights and the masters.

  “A bit bewildered they seem as they receive our touches and join in our conversation – yay & glory be!”

  “Our elsphere is a delightful jumble & a crazy mix – no nice neat line here!”

  “Here Here & Cheers & Slainte Mhath – jump in and partake!”

  “From such shared vigilance and creative energy do the awesome works for greater good flow!!

  Crazy & wild – yes & so be it – just another aspect of this special zone where we separate a bit from the base for awhile. The Elsprights and the masters carve and weave this elevated state for the benefit of all who partake!

  Like a Summer blizzard and Fall & Winter tropical heat wave merged as yet another pi aspect, their probes and touches find each other, meld with the mood sprights of the season and fill the ether with their energy.

  Els one and all – warriors of elevated spirit – they converse in rhythm with the times and with each other in a natural, eternal counter-balance to explosions that abound.

  As with everything El, theirs is not the realm of the straight line, the finite, the hard and sharp point – comforting, yes, yet intrinsically confining.

  Rather - their story and that of the advancement of their quest in this conclave is one of a myriad of “steps” forward together – of reaching for and finding elevated “places” where the wildly differing aspects of “reality” merge in awesome glows of magic and greater good.

  Their connecting fabric of care & thoughts & feelings, as healthy counter-point to the fragmenting sharp attacks from the base, all mix together in a flood of ethereal messages, a virtual correspondence of notes and letters:

  “From the beaches to the mountains, from down in the trenches to confronting the crazies, our beloved Els are everywhere and touching all aspects of the realm as the summer heat reaches its’ limit.”

  “And look also in various nooks, coffee houses and other corners of the “sphere”, and to larger joinings, the best of them find each other and the elstate together”

  “Thank goodness – so much to pay attention to – all extremes and all in between - their vigilance takes its’ toll.”

  “For this clan here, a sudden death, like a bolt of lightning – for that one there, beset by a nest of vipers, those of the poison pen and tongue, using the tactics of harm, whew – and far worse for so many caught in the cross-fires of those bent on destruction…..

  …… and on and on, yes – our Els seek to know and absorb deep understanding of all and still are in quest to rise – not above anything or anyone, so much, but rather to put all in its’ place and find all others in similar quest.”

  The masters mix in with the conversation, and also connect directly themselves, ever seeking to guide towards healthy paths and the ultimate aspects where the most powerfully benevolent combinations may be forged. “Let’s focus on the Elsprights – the most effective and accomplished of the Els, and closest to us.”

  Just as energetic as all of the warriors of elevated spirit, and more so, the Elsprights are the most effective and accomplished ones. They are full speed ahead in most things, making the most of glorious summer to the very last moment. Such energizer bunnies they are – their seemingly unlimited strength offers a sincere and deep benefit to all who allow them in.

  With us in the sphere of happenings at all times, easily missed a
nd dismissed by those locked in the basesphere alone, their capacity for closeness and openness at same time – such wild melds are their gift and strength - brings them together to find themselves in one another.

  Of clans and other close, special joinings, they are part of the essential fabric of life, absorbing and giving back – cycling thru everything, their collective strength is vast.

  Most marvelous and benevolent are the masters – their conversation crosses all boundaries and connects Els and sprights of all sorts.

  “Let’s be real – wicked and mischievous we are also – we stretch in all ways and seek to welcome all who are paying the obvious and bruising price for such openness.”

  “We counter by reaching ever higher and to master new vantage points – let’s lead the way and remind them al of the ultimate value of our benevolent fellowship!”

  “All of our conversations mix together as the conclave builds – seemingly disjointed, but also freeing and energizing as the limiting barriers are cast aside. A special “place” in the conversation that connects the sphere of happenings, this is – inhabited and reached only by the most sharing folk, by the magic mix of openness & closeness and the collective quest for knowing.”

  Busy are the masters and the Elsprights – those of the heartfolk most in tune with themselves. Possessed they are of the merged gifts of both the timeless temperament and grand perspective of the high elves, as well as the boundless youthful energy and hope of all sprights.

  They know that euphoria, that altered state of mind and soul of being totally in tune with the magic of summer – and also know, just as intimately, the absolutely stunning horror of the host of shocks which are constantly in play – and all else of all dimensions and other more ethereal aspects.

  “Pause, please pause from the frenzy – they do – and look, really look, listen and sense – they are with us always and always at it - and somehow managing to take it all. To deal and move forward – always in the infinite, eternal quest for better.”

  The medium of the Elsprights and the masters is their connections and deeper forms of conversation. Their predecessors and fellows of previous Great Emergences benefited from technology breakthroughs in writing and sharing, and their own mastery of the skills required.

  Thus, their richer contribution to the conversation that binds the sphere of happenings, the aspects known as the elsphere, allowed a powerful surge in revolutions of ideas and thoughts - to parallel and underpin the revolutions of political and military force of the vital basesphere.

  “Whew & omg both – we must always remember to break up our glorious deliberations with the other vital aspects of relief and renew – finding the necessary rhythm of balancing and blending these wild extremes is part of this eternal Quest.”

  Their true correspondence, taking on a virtual aspect throughout the ages, has been greatly aided in this next age. Not the nano bits of hyperness that are most obvious, but again look deeper. As the seasons turn, their knowing touches sense all of the collective critical danger points and trigger their probes to combine – time to bring the emergences together.

  “We see them gathering in answer to our calls – they do so naturally in small gatherings, and now, sensing collective mission and purpose, and relying on their advanced sense of trust and faith, carve out precious time and space for each other in greater numbers.” The masters monitor the activity of the elsphere, of which these close joinings are fundamental:

  “We all seem to be sensing the same thing – the general overflow, to the point of bursting, of the sheer poison of the narrow extremes – it’s not just one of our lil nodes and clans, but a collective “knowing” – isn’t that true?”

  “Yes, we all feel it, and we aren’t prone to hyper reaction.”

  Thus do Orchid and Blossom, among many of the nurturing clans, grow their lil corners of the realm, braving to add one emergence to another:

  “So totally spent – we all felt it as we journeyed here to our own lil “places” with each other – but now, feel also the shift, the pivot.”

  “So vital are such triggers of our close connections – we don’t forget them, exactly, but we do get a bit lost in all of the frenzy. It always works, to find our elevated selves in each other once again – thanks to our loves!”

  “It always happens – so marvelous. A magical mix the essential ingredients we provide for one another!”

  “Still feeling extremely spent – even more so, truth be told – but feel it, we all surely do – the inner strength we have together – our beloved lil clan that grows and enables for greater good.”

  Some of the coffee house sprights – Coffee Housers – they also answer the call – busy dealing with life and more, helping each other to reach a better place from which to do so, they sense something worth trusting in the notes they are receiving to carry that same spirit forward and join with others of like mind….

  Bets & Ben & Abs and many others of the ihearts – to name one of many other clans receiving messages of kind invitation to summer conclave - they venture in via expert use of the pi notes – the latest and truly beautiful reality-altering tool made just for them.

  This wonderful set of clans with great historical perspective, they are coalition builders – their work requires heavy lifting – careful balancing of “states”: both forceful and oh so delicate at the same time – a joining of varying points – relationships and views are key – a pi aspect.

  “Look at them all – responding to us in faith and trust – our need to come through for them is great to the point of overwhelming.”

  “Yes, we feel as they do, and it is well that we all do – deep feelings and knowings are the ultimate triggers, and the responsibility is ours to make the most of that force as well for greater purpose.”

  Core teams they all are – a fundamental element, relentlessly helping those who are locked in territories and inaction and fear – helping them to see the common missions – save lives…... help those in need...... work together for comprehensive solutions…...

  “Ah - pause, sip our coffees & teas, recharge with our runs & walks & other killer sweats – or just “be” in appreciation of each other and the sprights who are always there for us – our work is bruising but also noble – another pi aspect.”

  “Love it, and thank you – we lose track of who is chiming in, but clearly we all “getting” it together and that is beautiful.”

  The iheart groupings, composed of a vast matrix of clans of all sizes, connects well with their fellows of all ages, particularly those from previous great emergences of elevated spirit dedicated to “rights” in its’ broadest, deepest & most revolutionary meanings – the never ending struggle.

  In their own joinings they help each other reach to reach together and find the great strength and creative energy that comes from just enough separation to see all very clearly – to find that ultimate shared vantage point – a pi aspect – always in found in deep fellowship and always a fleeting - a quest to be continually renewed.

  Thus the ihearts jump into the crazy swirl of the conclave, bumping and dancing along with all of the Elsprights – arrayed in clans & nodes of all forms:

  “Welcome, welcome” are the messages that they all exchange – these are those marvelous souls who just “get it” in the most comprehensive of meanings – and they do mean it.

  Left behind are the hard and exact – this is the “here” of intangible and infinite – the “home” of share and discover – “How delightful to be here again!”

  “For us, for our ways, pure comfort, but such distinctions of subtle aspects present barriers for the reactionaries and fearful.”

  Like entering the crowded dance floor – the rhythms ranging to all extremes – the mood just takes over – “For many, yes, they are just not ready for this – but we surely are, thank goodness!

  “Our mission is universal and timeless – let’s just do our thing and add our glows
to the whole – there is always hope.”

  Thus is the purpose of this stop in the Quest – to advance the cause of causes – to lure a few more “home” – “Always, always – always there is hope......”

  “……..where “two or more are gathered” - joined in elevated purpose – triggering the elstate and bravely entering……”

  Key the ihearts are, and the Housers and Blossom all the other delightful nodes and clans to the success of this conclave, which is building now on its’ own force. From their special connection with the sprights of past Great Emergences of Rights, in the deepest of understanding, will the mission for this one be forged.

  As more and more connect, as this emergence of elevated spirit builds, they and sprights of all forms arrive and add to the conversation:

  >>> “So serious & ever vigilant we are – love it! But this gloriously warm season isn’t quite over yet – never in our minds & souls – got to let loose, too!”

  “LOL – ty luvs – we will – frolic & fight, both - that’s us! Love our “conversations!!”