Read An Enchanting Tale Page 32


  J’zargo shoved the wizard into Delyla’s chamber of bones. “Heh heh heh, J’zargo has brought one for feasting.”

  The khajiit’s fuzzy snout twitched in pride. Delyla stood in black, hooded robes, revealing her emaciated form. A pale, green glow emanated from her eyes. Stringy, white hair cascaded from inside her hood. Her voice sounded far away as though coming from a metal tube.

  “Yesss. I hunger for soulsss.”

  She locked eyes with S’maash and floated from her throne. Her bare feet touched the ground upon closing the distance. Without hesitation, he smashed the reaper gem across her face. She hissed and screamed wildly as her body contorted in rage and pain. The soul entered her undead form.

  “Heh heh heh. Khajiit is no one’s puppet,” J’zargo claimed.

  He summoned two, storm atronachs. The mammoth demons of stone and lightning immediately rained wall of storm all about the elder vampire’s chamber. The arcs of purple lightning did not fare well against the omnipotent Delyla, who in turn summoned her undead atronachs.

  Two, hulking beasts of writhing and rotted flesh appeared from the pits of Oblivion. The sight was enough to churn S’maash’s stomach. The golems were forged of misshaped flesh, bulging and decrepit. Both demons possessed gaping mouths with rotten teeth, four arms with large fists, and exposed genitalia of both sexes. They were grotesque, hairless creatures standing eight feet tall.

  “That is gruesome,” J’zargo said.

  S’maash had hopped back just as the abominations were conjured. He, too, summoned a flame atronach and casted ebony flesh. With sword in hand and wall of ice ready, he and J’zargo commenced their attack. The undead atronach wielded an absorb life spell, however, a red energy that sucked the health of its prey.

  Delyla, undaunted by magickal attacks, latched on to S’maash with claws like steel vices. She bit into his neck immediately. While she held onto him, J’zargo gripped her head in both claws, casting flames. His magickal attack also damaged S’maash, who stumbled around with the evil vampire still clinging tightly.

  “Waaah! Get her off!” he howled, twirling like a mad skeever.

  J’zargo managed to remove Delyla from S’maash’s throat. His muscles tensed beneath his fur as the she-devil whirled about and crashed her head into his. Horrific screams escaped her lips, growls resounded within the cat’s throat.

  From gnarled fingers, Delyla poured red lightning over the khajiit. It both drained his magicka and health. Holding his bleeding neck with a healing hands spell, S’maash lunged into Delyla’s back with his blade. Devoid of magicka, the impact beyond physical damage was unimpressive. The sword sank into what little flesh she had, but she remained resolved.

  While the atronachs clashed, the elf gave his all, slashing one way and the other. J’zargo finally collapsed from crippling pain, so Delyla spun around and clawed at S’maash’s face. A terrible pain accosted his eye. Her sharp nails tore flesh from his face, blood poured from his wound. Partially blinded, he spun to his right with a step back. He brought his sword with him and struck his enemy square in the jaw.

  She fell, and right then, the undead atronachs bested a storm atronach and the flame atronach. J’zargo managed to fast heal, thus replenishing his health. He then turned to overcharging chain lightning, affecting all three enemies. While Delyla was falling and writhing from the spell, S’maash gripped her hood and ran his sword into her collarbone. Gripping the blade for leverage, she pulled herself upright, continuing her wild, screaming assault.

  In an attempt to keep the vampire at bay, the dunmer slashed while healing his eye, yet Delyla’s supreme agility provided her the opportunity to mount him again. Quickly, she climbed onto his shoulders, draped over him, and sank teeth into his flesh.

  S’maash ran backwards, crashing against the wall, but she didn’t let off her fanged attack. He stabbed at her, but because of their position, he lacked the mechanical power to stab effectively, incurring self-inflicted damage as well.With no other course of action, he dropped to the ground and rolled about. No sooner did he gain the advantage that vertigo overtook him.

  While one undead atronach had fallen from J’zargo’s magickal onslaught, the other snatched S’maash. Gripping the dark elf in three hands, the golem beat him against the wall. He dropped his sword in the mix.

  Animal fear gripped him. He screamed and cried during the brain rattling castigation. Then, he prayed to his ancestors. Though his life slowly ebbed away, a renewed vigor possessed him.

  His ancestor’s wrath gave him the strength to wriggle free from the undead atronach- the stench of burning flesh ripe in the air. J’zargo’s fast healing spells also helped restore the elf to an extent, yet Delyla unleashed more lightning, which helped to restore her wounds as well.

  The khajiit took S’maash’s blade, stepped in, and swung from overhead. The blow cleanly hacked off one of the golem’s arms. It replied with a hammer fist over J’zargo’s skull. Upon falling onto his rear, he scrambled away to the door. As he watched the remaining golem and the vampire assault the elf, he held his breath and summoned two, bound dremora. The demons appeared from Oblivion, vicious, daedric, great swords in their hands.

  “Bow before me!” one demon grumbled with its guttural voice.

  “Kneel, wretched cur!” the other dremora demanded.

  The dremora, red and black skinned demons clad in wicked, daedric armor, charged the undead atronach. The summoned beasts fought without tire. The gurgling dremora spouted more insults as they hacked and slashed into undead flesh and finally destroyed the golem. It was banished back to Oblivion, giving J’zargo and S’maash a chance to overtake Delyla.

  She was bleeding profusely, and her leg was broken. The elf wrapped his arms around the vampire, and holding her firmly, he wrestled her to the ground, yet she sank fangs into his throat and started sucking the life out of him. J’zargo hissed and snatched her head again. As he pulled it back, she let go of S’maash, taking a small chunk of him with her. Exposing her throat and bloodied mouth, the bound dremora swung his sword down, removing her head from her body.

  The impact forced J’zargo to stumble back; his fur and robes were completely covered in blood. The dremora finally came to a standstill. S’maash crumbled on the ground, barely more than a corpse. Tossing the head aside, the khajiit healed him.