Read An Okinawan Affair Page 15

  "Just 3 dolla, GI.

  Brad had trouble understanding her not only because of her almost nonexistent English, but her lack of teeth. "Okay, $2.50. Oba-san."

  Holding up three crooked arthritic fingers she responded, "Iie, three dolla." She shook her head vigorously.

  Brad dickered with her for several more minutes and got her to settle on $2.75 each or $5.50 for the two. He went through her stock of about 12 shirts and picked out two which were not quite as scary as the others. "Alright, Mama-san, I want these two shirts and here is your $5.50." He then handed her a five dollar bill and three singles as he turned and walked away with his prizes.

  "Arigato goziemashita." He heard quietly spoken as he turned the corner into another area of the alley. As he progressed working his way back towards Kokusai Dori, he realized that here almost any kind of food you would want from fresh vegetables, and pork, to canned sardines, canned hams and military C-Rations could be bought. There was even Spam there.

  He hesitated for a bit to orientate himself to where on Kokusai Dori he was when he stepped onto the wide sidewalk lined with real stores. Turning left he walked a few yards and seeing a lull in the heavy traffic, cut across the street like a true Okinawan ignoring the crosswalk less than a half block away.

  He hurriedly covered the two and a half blocks to the Kokusai Coffee House. I'm sure that Tomako will be working. I haven't seen her for almost three weeks. It will be good to talk to her for couple of minutes. Hopefully the coffee house won't be too busy. And I am hungry. Coffee and a couple of pancakes didn't last long on top of all that beer that Akabu and I drank last night.

  Brad had hurried until he started down the narrow stairway descending to the coffee house. A bit of self doubt started to overtake him making him have second thoughts about seeing Tomako. He wondered what kind of welcome she would give him. Oh, well, I have nothing to lose. Either she's my friend or not. He let his thoughts drift off. She's really a fine lady and good person.

  Taking off his sunglasses before slowly pulling open the door and stepping into the dim coffee house Brad was unable to see very much, he heard Tomako's soft voice speaking in Japanese to a departing customer. When the young Okinawan couple passed him he realized that his vision was getting used to the dim light. He looked towards the small greeter's desk and knew that she had not noticed him enter so he stood quietly taking in her smooth, very pretty face and her petite build with a snug floral skirt defining her tiny waist, shapely butt and thighs. I never noticed before, but she has small breasts, but cute. He could see that she did not have a bra on and under the light green floral silk blouse she wore each breast was defined elegantly.

  Tomako seemed to sense his presence and raised her head and turned towards Brad standing quietly in the doorway. Her face lit up and without a word took the three steps to reach him. She took both his hands in hers and drew him into the hallway leading to the kitchen. "Brad, I am glad to see you. I hoped, and knew that you would come here today." Still holding his hands she stepped closer raising her hands up to Brad's chest and against her breasts. She didn't seem to notice or care and continued to look into his eyes.

  Jesus! I want so much to kiss you. Do you know what you are doing to me?

  "Hi, how's my favorite nesan? You look really good to me."

  "I'm fine. Johnny-san was in here a couple of times. He said that you were working really hard in two places. So I know you have been alright.

  Come on, you must be hungry." Tomako let go of his left hand but hung on to his right hand and led him towards his favorite table in the back."

  "What did you buy?" She asked looking at his shopping bag. "Black Market Alley, neh?"

  "How do you know?"

  "The bag. It is used and came from the Army commissary."

  "What a smart ass you are. Now what did I buy?"

  Before he could stop her, she snatched the bag from him and took out the shirts. "Not bad. Colors are dim. No? Well, not happy, neh?"

  "You mean boring. I know, what you mean. Not bright and as pretty as your skirt and your kimonos." He admitted sitting down at his favorite table.

  "How much did you give mama-san for them?"

  "Eight dollars." Brad said quietly

  "I didn't hear you, Brad. How much?"

  "She wanted $2.75 each. I gave her $8 for both. Well, she's just a tiny, bent over oba-san with no teeth." Brad attempted to defend himself against being taken by a little old lady.

  Tomi bent over and kissed his forehead. "Your math is very bad, but you're a big softy. You care for people and I like that about you. I'll go get you some coffee and lunch.

  Brad was sipping on his coffee when Tomi brought him a huge plate of chicken fried rice placing it and two sets of hashi in front of him. As she was pulling a chair around on the side of the small table closest to him she said, "It is not too busy. Michako can take care of the customers. And I'm also hungry, so I will share your yakamesa with you." She smiled up at him and handed him his hashi.

  Brad smiled back when he took the hashi and started to eat. He felt her knees pressed against his and he savored their intimate touch.

  About 1400 hours Brad stretched and looked around to see where Tomi was. The coffee house had gotten busy and for the last hour he had seen little of her. Seeing her come out of the kitchen he walked towards the front door and intercepted her before she could disappear again. "I'm going. See you later" He tried to hand her a ten dollar bill but she stopped him.

  "It is all taken care of. Remember, I ate half of it?"

  "More like a small half a cup full. Arigato, Tomako-san."

  "You are very welcome, Brad-san. Will you meet me here at seven when I get off? Oji-san is not going to pick me up tonight if you will take me home it would be nice."

  "Sure. Of course."

  "Arigato" She stretched up and kissed his cheek. "At seven, neh?"


  Brad caught a sukoshi cab on Kokusai Dori going to Noumanoui and the apartment that McCorkle shared with his newest girl friend. Knowing only vaguely where it was he got out of the taxi near the seawall before starting to hunt for the apartment. He had only walked about a block and while going across an intersecting road looked towards the seawall. I should have know. It's a warm sunny Saturday afternoon and Akabu isn't working.

  "Hey! You got a beer for me?" Brad hollered when he turned towards the collection of Seabees. "If ever I saw a motley crew you guys are it."

  "Shut up and take this beer before I drink it." Answered Mike Branch from his seat on the seawall.

  "Orion. It's only one day since pay day. What gives?"

  "Mac is in charge of beer procurement, but we can't get him to go any further than mama-san's store on the corner." Ron Jessup complained.

  "He won't even walk the two blocks to a bar to get us decent Japanese beer." Mike added.

  "What are you doing, Brad? I went looking for you and the house boy said that you had left the barracks and the bus driver said that you had caught a taxi."

  "What have you got, Ron? A spy network? I went to Kokusai Dori and Black Market Alley to buy a couple of shirts."

  "You sure are spending lot of time on Kokusai Street lately."

  "I don't think so, Mac. I've been working a lot and haven't been bar hopping and chasing the girls so much lately. That's all."

  "We need some more beer. Let's walk over to the Clover and see if O'Brien is there. If not I'm going to put the make on Sashiko." Akabu said and started to walk away from the group.

  "How come he's so horny? Didn't he get laid last night?" Brad asked no one in particular.

  "I think he did. I saw him with a new nesan from the Kokusai Club heading for the hotel about 0230 this morning." Mike Branch answered.

  "And what in Heaven's name were you doing walking the streets of Noumanoui at 0230 in the morning. Being the Commanding Officer's new driver and a
ll, don't you think that you should be on your best behavior?" Brad asked.

  "Actually, I wasn't walking the streets. I was driving the Old Man's oo-fficial vehicle."

  "You're going to make me force you to tell the story aren't you Mike?"

  "It is strictly on the 'need-to-know' basis, Brad."

  "Oh, shit! It just bit me in the ass didn't it?"

  Mike Branch didn't answer. He just smiled and followed Akabu down the street.

  "You coming Brad?" McCorkle asked as he also headed for the Clover.

  "Yeah. I'll have one beer with you guys then I've got to leave."

  "Hot date?"

  "You might say that, Mac. Just between you and me."

  "No sweat. Has it got something to do with the apartment next to Tomari Port?"

  "Could be. You seem to be the only one who picked up on that."

  "I would guess you'd like to leave it that way, Brad."

  "I would appreciate that at least for a while longer, Mac."

  At 1850 hours Brad got out of the taxi in front of the Kokusai Coffee House and hurried down the stairs. There was standing room only. Every table was full and the quiet murmur of Japanese moved across the room like smoke. The only positive sound came from the speakers with their constant output of mood music though soft and low it could be heard above the murmur of the voices.

  Brad stopped by the small reception area and caught the eye of Michako, the nesan that Tomako had been teaching the ropes for the last few weeks. She smiled back, nodded and stepped closer enough to softly tell him that Tomako would be ready to leave in just a minute.

  "Domo." He turned back to look over the room out of curiosity to see how many sets of round eyes he could see. A few. I'll bet most of them are officers slumming with their wives and school teacher girl friends.

  He felt her hand take his hand and turned to her. "Hi. Ready to go?"

  "Hai. Have you been waiting long?" Tomi asked him.

  He looked at his watch, smiling he caught her eye and held it while unconsciously his hand tightened on hers. Tomako responded by also tightening her grip and drawing him towards her. Their shoulders briefly touched and Brad felt the sensation of the touch shoot between them. Still holding each other's eyes they went out the door and started up the stairs.

  "Ten minutes. I had to wait for ten whole minutes."

  Laughing, she made a sad face before answering. "Poor Baby. Were you missing me?"

  "Actually? No. Of course not. After all you are the older woman in my life." Brad looked into her eyes, smiled broadly as he slipped his arm around her waist and drew her closer to him in an unbrotherly hug before kissing her lightly on the lips.

  "And why did you do that?" Tomi asked with a pleased smile.

  "Cause I felt like it and needed it."

  "Really? Needed it?" Tomi asked and let her face get her inquisitive look

  Reaching the top of the stairs and stepping out onto the sidewalk Tomi separated their touching bodies just enough of a space between them to maintain Japanese decorum.

  "Let's stop and get sushi to take to your place? Unless you have some elaborate plan to cook dinner."

  "That's a good idea. Sometime, if I haven't eaten at the coffee house, I pick up sushi on my way home. The best sushi house is at Tomari Port next door to my home."

  They sat at the table in front of the slider, watching the last of the sunset over Tomari Bay. They were sitting on the same side of the table, close enough so their shoulders would brush each other as they ate. Tomi had made ocha, but every few minutes she would sip on Brad's icy cold liter bottle of Asahi beer. Neither had said anything for several minutes and they were comfortable with their silence.

  "I went to Kadena Circle Tuesday. I saw Yoko."

  "Did you have a long talk?"

  "If you call three minutes long."

  Tomi reached for his hands and with her elbows on the table , held them up to her face. "What happened?"

  Brad told her how he went to Yoko's house and what he saw. "Then she admitted sleeping with the nesan. Not her friend Yoshiko. But this big huge nesan who could break me in half if she got mad."

  "Honto? She sleeps with a woman?"

  "She just wanted me around to buy her drinks and take her out. When she needs more money she sleeps with a GI."

  "I'm sorry Brad. I know that you did care for her. Are you alright?"

  "Yeah. I've had a couple of days to think about it. And I thought about you and I before I went to see her. I knew before I went that it is you who matters the most to me."

  Tomi continued to hold both his hands in hers and squeezed them before lightly touching his knuckles on her lips.

  "Do you want to hear some music. I bought a new tape deck and some tapes. They are not all Japanese, I also have some American tapes."

  "Sure, that would be nice. Play them like coffee house music."

  She looked at him with a question in her eyes.

  "Soft and quiet, neh?"

  "Hai." She answered.

  Brad moved the table back into the room while Tomako picked up the sushi boxes and Brad's empty bottle. He heard her open the futon cabinet and turned to see what she was doing.

  I want to put a futon on the floor so we can lay on it. It will be more comfortable. Neh?"

  "Sure let me help you"

  Settling on the futon next to each other sharing a silk pillow, the sun they had been watching was becoming a fresh memory as its last rays of color disappeared below the horizon. "Brad?" Tomako spoke and turned towards him, sliding across the few inches of futon that separated them to touch him with her legs as she reached for his closest hand.

  Brad turned towards her letting her hold his hand and slip her knee between his.

  "I'm not sure what to do, Brad."

  "About what?"

  "My feelings. I think about you a lot. And about myself. I'm 8 years older than you and I'm not sure whether that is a good thing or not. I'm not saying that I'm in love with you, but I like you a lot. Maybe not enough to make love with you, but I want to see you and spend time with you. We have never talked about it because I have not asked us to. It has just been a sukoshi we spent together. Time that is."

  She was talking so softly that Brad had to listen closely and he wanted to hear every word she was saying. He reached for her, placing his hand on her hip and she responded by moving closer to him. He could feel her warm breath on his cheek and smell the faint odor of the beer she had been stealing from his bottle.

  "I don't want to hurt you, or have you want more than I can give to you right now. But I am also selfish enough to want you to be with me. Do things together."

  Brad started to speak, but she laid her fingers across his lips.

  "I must talk. Wakarimasu ka?"

  Brad nodded gently and kissed her finger tips. "Hai, wakaru"

  "You are becoming part Okinawan. Am I doing that to you?"

  "Maybe. I love Okinawa and her people."

  "I am scared that I'm wanting more than you can give to me. As I am scared that I cannot give you what you need or want as a man. Now you can talk. Neh?"

  "I'm not quite sure what you want that I can't give you. You will have to tell me more. But I do know that age doesn't matter so let's forget that and not think about it at all. Agree?"

  "Yes. Hai. But "

  He touched her cheek and lips with the back of his hand. "My turn remember?"

  Tomi smiled, looked into his eyes and nodded minutely.

  "Most of what you ask and are thinking can not be answered all at once. I think that it will take time. The more that we are together and get to know and understand each other the more sure we will be that we are or not doing the right thing. If we tell each other about what we want or need we'll know if it is possible or not. Like an aka-chan, one small step at a time, with lots of love and talking in between steps.

  Am I talking too much
or too much English, Tomi?"

  "No, you are being very good. I understand most of what you are saying. I am afraid that it might be too hard to say to each other what we want or need. I am afraid I will hurt you or be hurt because we won't or cannot say what we would like."

  "My heart tells me, that we will do our best and that we already care for each other so much that we will lose more if we don't keep seeing each other and spend time together."

  "Hold me, dozo. Like a lover. Not a brother." Speaking almost too softly for Brad to hear she added, I do love you."

  Brad took her back into his arms and pulled her against him. He slid a hand onto her butt and with no pressure she pushed tight against him and wrapped her legs into his. He rested his chin on the top of her head and felt the warmth of each breath that she let out on his chest.

  It was fully dark and they were still holding on to each other. He felt her move in his arms before she spoke sleepily. "I'm cold, Brad. Can you reach a futon to cover us with?"

  He turned away from her and in the dim light coming in the window could see the pile of futons that Tomako had left on the tatami mats near his head. Stretching his arm out he managed to grab one and felt her wrap her arms around his midsection burying her face against him. Trying not to disturb her, he pulled the futon until it opened over them and gently laid it down across her. He wrapped his arms around her again while she adjusted herself to find a comfortable position.

  He came partially awake in the early morning stillness. Tomako had turned over and her backside was tucked up against his stomach, but they were both covered and cozy under the futon. Still sharing the silk covered pillow. A little apprehensive about touching her as she lay in such a vulnerable position, it was as if his hands and arms moved on their own volition. Placing one hand gently on her tiny waist he felt her snuggle tighter to him and sigh contentedly. When her breathing took up the rhythms of deep sleep he let himself slip back into a deep sleep.

  "Ohayo gozaimasu, sleepy one." She spoke softly but Brad was faking sleep and had taken a quick look at his watch. It was 7 in the morning. The sun was up and spreading its warmth, chasing away the night time chill.

  "Did you sleep as good as I did? I have not slept this long or deep for a long time."